1. K ∗ φ is a theory type
2. φ ∈ K ∗ φ success
3. K ∗ φ ⊆ K + φ upper bound
4. if ¬φ ∈ K, then K + φ ⊆ K ∗ φ lower bound
5. K ∗ φ = K⊥ iff φ is inconsistent triviality
6. if φ is equivalent to ψ then K ∗ φ = K ∗ ψ exten-
7. K ∗ (φ ∧ ψ) ⊆ (K ∗ φ) + ψ iteration upper bound
8. if¬ψ ∈ K ∗ φ, then (K ∗ φ) + ψ ⊆ K ∗ (φ ∧ ψ) iter-
ation lower bound
In this section we will check whether or not the
AGM postulates are fulfilled after an update in our
logic system. As a preliminary step, we need to define
belief sets, and decide the type of the revision formu-
las. In the reminder, let (M, s) be a belief state, where
M is defined in Definition 6; let Σ = {φ | M, s |= Bφ}
be a belief set, and ψ be a revision formula; and we re-
strict the revision formulas on propositional formulas.
Then formally, we have:
Defininition 11.
K = {χ | Val(Bχ,M, s) 6= absolutely- f alse};
K ∗ φ = {χ | Val([∗φ]Bχ, M,s) 6= absolutely- f alse};
K + φ = K ∪ {φ}.
Now we are going to check whether or not the 8
postulates can be verified. Formally, we have the fol-
lowing theorem:
Theorem 4. In our fuzzy belief logic system, AGM
• K
, K
, K
are verified;
• K
are undecided; and
• K
is weakly satisfied, i.e., if we revise our previ-
ous belief with a proposition of φ and Val(φ) =
{τ | τ ∈ LTT S
} in the revision method pro-
posed in Definition 9, then we will believe propo-
sition φ to an extent of τ
such that τ
∈ LT T S
and τ
= Val(φ,M, v), where κ(v) ≤ κ(v
) and
Val(φ,M, v),Val(φ, M,v
) ∈ LT T S
Generally speaking, so far few people have study the
fuzzy form of dynamic belief logic although fuzzy
modal logic is the foundation of the fuzzy belief logic
and fuzzy dynamic logic because they are actually the
extension of modal logic.
Researchers started to study fuzzy modal logic
in about 1970 (Schotch, 1975; Zadeh, 1965; Zadeh,
1975). Moreover, some scholars have developed
a complete system of fuzzy modal logic (Mironov,
2005). In most of the literature on fuzzy modal logic,
they deal the fuzzy environment with the many-value
logic, while in this paper a new method is proposed
to depict the fuzziness, i.e. the linguistic variable
terms (LTT S). On one hand, LTT S can give the
propositions’ truth value in a continuous degree, like
Lukasiewicz many-value logic. On the other hand,
LTT S is more closer to our daily language and it may
play an more important part in application.
In the study of fuzzy belief logic (Zhang and Liu,
2012), researchers formalize reasoning about fuzzy
belief and fuzzy common belief, reduce the belief
degrees to truth degrees, and finally prove the com-
pleteness of the fuzzy belief and fuzzy common be-
lief logic. However, they have just studied the fuzzy
version of belief and knowledge in the state situation.
While in daily life, actually if our belief or knowl-
edge have changed, there must be a new actions or an
event happened. Like Public Announcement Logic
(van Benthem, 2002), we may know φ after someone
has declared proposition φ or some other proposition
ψ related to φ. We can say that the actions or events
actually cause to the belief or knowledge changing.
So, it is really important to consider the dynamics
when we reason about the beliefs. However, the ex-
isting work did this little.
In addition, the dynamic fuzzy logic can handle
the fuzzy environments (Hughes,Esterline and Kimi-
aghalam, 2012). However, belief revision has not be
handled like what we did in this paper. On the other
hand, although dynamic epistemic logic (van Ben-
them, 2002; Ditmarsch,Hoek and Kooi, 2007) and
dynamic belief logic (van Ditmarsch, 2005; van Ben-
them, 2007) are studied vastly, there are few literature
to expand the dynamic epistemic logic and dynamic
belief logic into the fuzzy realm. However in this pa-
per, we give a new approach to reason about dynamic
belief revision in fuzzy environments.
This paper is a fuzzy extension of dynamic belief re-
vision with quantitative method depicting belief revi-
sion. We give the syntax and semantics of the fuzzy
dynamic logic and use the Linguistic Truth Term Set
as the truth values for the fuzzy propositions. Then
we expose some properties for the logic. Our fuzzy
method to deal with dynamic belief logic is not only
of great importance for theory study like epistemic
logic and belief logic, but also of great application in
Artificial Intelligence and Multi-agent Systems.
In the future, we will give the complete axiomatic
system and prove the soundness and completeness of