alternative 1 and alternative 3, alternative 2 will
follow it respectively.
In this paper, we present a hybrid model using both
AHP and intitionistic fuzzy TOPSIS (IFT) models
for supplier selection under fuzzy environment to
account for vagueness and uncertainty. In the
evaluation process, the ratings of each alternative,
given with intitionistic fuzzy information, were
represented as IFNs. In this hybrid model, AHP is
used to assign weights to the criteria, while IFT is
employed to calculate the full-ranking of the
alternatives. The AHP-IFT hybrid model was used
to aggregate the rating of DMs. Multiple DMs are
often preferred rather than a single DM to avoid the
minimize the partiality in the decision process.
Therefore, group decision making process for
alternative selection is very useful. The presented
approach not only validates the methods, but also
considers a more extensive list of criteria, suitable
for supplier selection. The AHP-IFT hybrid model
has capability to deal with similar types of the same
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