Simulation of University Education Process
Jiří Jelínek
Institute of Applied Informatics, University of South Bohemia, Branišovská 31, České Budějovice, Czech Republic
Keywords: Agents, Simulations, University Education, Education Process Quality.
Abstract: The article deals with one possible usage of agent based simulation. This method is advantageous for tasks
that can be modeled through a set of basic building elements - agents and their interaction. This contribution
shows an application of this approach for the simulation of university education. Conceptual model of
university education based on AB modeling of the students was developed for this purpose. The aim was to
develop a tool which could help to improve the quality of higher education processes through better
knowledge about them obtained from their simulations.
Solving problems using simulation techniques has
become a very popular method particularly in recent
years. Three main approaches to simulation are
available to us. The first one which is based on
system dynamics (SD) has been used since the
1960s, and it was first introduced by Jay Forrester
(Forrester, 1961). This is the macro view of problem
to be solved.
The second one is based on the occurrence of
specific events (DE - Discrete Event). The modeled
system is described using activities that affect states
of the system.
Building the model consisting of similar,
relatively simple objects is the third option. Their
behavior and mutual interactions create global
characteristics of the system, which we call agent
based (AB) approach.
This paper will show an application of AB
simulation in the area of higher education with a
conceptual model and its implementation presented.
The aim of the work was to create a model of a
university study process based on the credit system,
which would be usable for simulations related to the
preparation of teaching methodology and subsequent
improvement of its quality.
Section 2 of this article presents related work,
and the solution to this problem is described in
section 3. Section 4 is the core of the paper and here
the conceptual model of university education is
presented. Chapter 5 is focused on the
implementation of the model and conclusions are
presented in section 6.
Creating AB simulations is a hot topic, mainly
because of availability of tools applicable to this
area, with some of them being e.g. NetLogo
(Wilensky, 1999), REPAST (Argonne National
Laboratory, 2012) and Swarm (Swarm Development
Group, 2012). These systems are freely available on
the Internet. Commercially available, AnyLogic
(AnyLogic Company, 1992-2012) allows to
combine several above mentioned approaches to
create heterogeneous models. The Izumi’s paper
(Izumi, et al., 2007) is suitable introduction to the
AB approach. Information about AB approach can
also be found in Siebers (Siebers & Aickelin, 2008).
The use of AB approach for university study
modeling has not been specifically published in
scientific literature and therefore we can conclude
that it is a little explored area.
Problems of coordination and behavior of agents
in the socio-technical systems are discussed by
Eccles (Eccles & Groth, 2006). The Tang’s
article (Tang, et al., 2006) also touches on this
theme, but its content is primarily focused on
modeling human capital hidden in education.
Additional materials are focused on exploring
interactions in social networks, such as (Komis, et
al., 2002). Modeling of certain student properties
(namely loyalty) is described in an article (Helgesen
& Nesset, 2009). Exploration of collective behavior
Jelínek J..
Simulation of University Education Process.
DOI: 10.5220/0004258904030406
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2013), pages 403-406
ISBN: 978-989-8565-38-9
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
is explored, for instance, in (Xiang-Min & Ming-
Yong, 2010). An interesting approach is presented in
(Ayala, 2009), where the student model is based on
the definition of appropriate ontology. Modeling a
particularly mental capacity of a student is discussed
in (Dimitrova, 2003). Ammar (Ammar, et al., 2010)
comments the incorporating emotional stimuli and
on inputs into the educational system.
For simulation the study process was modeled in 4
The admission process, being an important
information source for setting up the model is first.
The second step is the student’s enrollment in
courses each semester. The key is the process of
selecting a course and fulfilling the necessary
prerequisites as stated by the requirements of the
particular major.
The course study process is not important for the
modeling purposes. Only the third step is essential -
study results and how they are determined.
After the study period, certain administrative
tasks have to be completed and these have a direct
bearing on the student’s progress. Afterwards the
student can enroll in other courses in the next study
period or terminate (successfully or unsuccessfully)
his/her study. This is the fourth step.
The proposed study process is based on the credit
system and assumes the existence of three groups of
courses: required, compulsory elective and optional.
The student must obtain a specified number of
credits from each of these groups. Minimum number
of credits that the student must acquire in the study
period is also a certain motivation for him/her.
The task described in chapter 3 is an ideal problem
for the AB approach because many very autonomous
and (in principle) similar objects participate in it.
An obvious candidate for modeling with the AB
approach is the student himself. But the question is
whether such an autonomous unit is also the course
(including its teacher) itself. The introduced model
does not assume that, with the courses being treated
as passive objects with given properties and
4.1 Model Environment
Environment that will define the basic simulation
parameters is given by rules and regulations of the
school. Its data structures must therefore store a
rating scale, setting of the assessment grades, as well
as recommended schedules (plans) of study. The
basic time unit is one semester (one study period).
A list of subject matters T used as coordinates in
descriptive vectors for the students and courses is
essential for the model. Number of subject matters is
not fixed and depends on the desired degree of detail
and the ability to identify coordinate values. For
simplicity and testing, the whole course can be
replaced by one subject matter.
A very important parameter for assessing the
quality of the learning process is the ideal graduate
profile vector Q.
The main method associated with the model
environment is, without doubt, model time control
and the related management of actions in the process
of simulation. The DE approach is used.
4.2 Simulation of the Student
Each student is modeled by his/her attributes and
behavior. The basic idea is to represent the student
in the model with four vectors with dimensions
defined by T which describe a student person each
from a different view (Eq.1). Coordinates of these
descriptive vectors are normalized in the range < 0,
1 > (1 means highest or best).
The vector of knowledge K, which stores the
actual level of student knowledge of the subject
matter, is first. The second vector deals with
personal preconditions A (study skills). It is assumed
that the student has different dispositions to study
various subjects which do not change in time. The
third vector is the motivation vector M. Again,
different values of motivation for different subjects
are assumed. The last is the goals vector G. This
reflects the student's preference for knowledge
he/she wants to acquire in school, in other words
his/her professional focus.
Basic characteristics of the student can also be
written in a matrix (Eq.1).
The initial values of the vectors K and A should
be taken from the results of the admission tests. The
coordinates of the vector K will increase
monotonously. On the other hand values of vector M
may change in both directions. The values of vector
G may vary during the study according to the
changing preferences of the student affected by both
internal and external factors.
In addition to these basic data structures, each
student is assigned a list of courses S, which he/she
is attending during the current semester and an
archive of finished courses.
In addition to the above attributes, it is necessary to
equip the student with procedural knowledge and
skills, i.e. definition of his/her behavior (methods).
One of the basic methods is undoubtedly the
selection of student courses for the entire semester.
The selection depends on the values of vectors G, A,
K and M, on course credits and completed courses,
which may constitute the prerequisites or must be
repeated. Other aspects that influence the selection
are: the requirement factor of the course, number of
credits obtained from groups of courses and
available space in the course.
The second group of methods is focused on the
evaluation of the course and on the changes of the
knowledge vector K and motivation vector M. These
methods are usually utilized after the completion of
the entire semester. Because of the interaction with
the course description, more detail is given below.
4.3 The Course Model
The course is modeled by vectors with the same
dimensions as the vectors describing the student.
Input vector I, which expresses the level of required
skill for entering and completing the course, is the
first vector. The second vector O, the output vector,
defines the maximum level of knowledge the student
can achieve by studying the course. The course
description could be written as an Eq. 2.
The course model also contains additional data
structures (e.g. the list of preconditions, the
definition of duty or number of credits). An
important limiting factor is the capacity of the
course and its related actual occupancy.
The amount of knowledge gained by the student
is probably the most important method associated
with the course.
As shown in Eq. 3, the change of coordinates of
vector K is calculated as the maximum from
expansion of knowledge across all courses studied
during the entire semester S using the difference
between the maximum possible output value of the
course o
and the original value k
and the
coordinates g
, m
and a
of corresponding vectors
and it reflects the influence of study goals,
motivation and study skills relevant to the subject
matter. This procedure takes into account the mutual
influence of courses studied in the same period.
A related method to the above mentioned one is
evaluation of the student. The evaluation c
of the
student in the course s is the measure of success of
the student in the course according to Eq. 4 and the
specific grade is derived from the study regulations
(e.g. c
= 0.6 to c
= 0.75 means grade C).
The i
, o
and k
are the coordinates of the
corresponding vectors.
For the proper functionality of the model it is
necessary to define the change of motivation vector
M after the semester ends. The model assumes that
the student is positively motivated by extreme study
results, both positive and negative. In contrast,
average results have a negative motivational effect.
Motivation Δm
increases if the resultant evaluation
from the course s in selected subject matter t is far
enough from the average results of the student,
otherwise it declines. The final change Δm
of the
motivation vector coordinate is the maximum of all
the changes Δm
across all courses s studied in the
entire semester S.
The above study model was implemented in
AnyLogic and was verified by testing data regarding
the study of approximately 200 students in 60
courses during 9 semesters. Courses included 11
subject matters. The model provides both online
summary information, as well as storage of
individual student data for offline use.
The model computes the quality q and also q
all subject matters (Eq. 5) for every student. Vector
Q is the graduate profile vector, and K is the
knowledge vector. The quality values are important
for the evaluation of effectiveness and success of the
study process and the quality of the graduates.
q ,
Experiments which were performed were designed
to validate the model using real process of students’
studies. Due to the structure of the admission
procedure it was not possible to use data from it for
setting the student parameters, and initial values of
vectors K, A, G, and M were thus generated from
estimated intervals with Gaussian probability
distributions. The values of course vectors I and O
were obtained from discussions with students. Initial
results confirm the hypothesis, that especially
preconditions together with capacity limits affect the
structure of the student’s study plans.
The main goal of future work is to specify
parameters of the model from data in the faculty
information system and from data contained in the
admissions results.
Our first goal is to determine the parameters for the
probability distributions used for setting of the
student simulation vectors K, A, M a G. The model
can then be used for exploring global study
In the second step we would like to suggest
mechanisms enabling the use of the proposed system
for modeling real learning process of the students by
utilizing regularly updated data. This would allow
prediction of their study results and limit potentially
problematic situations.
This paper describes the agent-based model for the
simulation of the process of university studies. Its
aim is to contribute to the effectiveness and setting
of study plans and processes. The first experiments
were conducted with the model to verify its
applicability for solving practical problems. Further
development will focus mainly on validating and
fine-tuning the model for accurate simulation of real
world situations and verifying its predictive
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