Level of Detail based AI Adaptation for Agents in Video Games
Ghulam Mahdi, Yannick Francillette, Abdelkader Gouaich, Fabien Michel and Nadia Hocine
LIRMM, Universit
e Montpellier II, UMR 5506 - CC 477, 161 Rue Ada, 34095 Montpellier Cedex 5, France
Agents, Game AI, Level of Detail, Adaptation, MAS, Organization, Video games, Frame Rate.
This paper suggests multi-agent systems (MASs) for implementing game artificial intelligence (AI) for video
games. One of main hindrances against using MASs technology in video games has been the real-time con-
straints for frame rendering. In order to deal with the real-time constraints, we introduce an adaptation-oriented
approach for maintaining frame rate in acceptable ranges. The adaptation approach is inspired from the level
of detail (LoD) technique in 3D graphics. We introduce agent organizations for defining different roles of
agents in game AI. The computational requirements of agent roles have been prioritized according to their
functional roles in a game. In this way, adapting computational requirements of game AI works as a means
for maintaining frame rate in acceptable ranges. The proposed approach has been evaluated through a pilot
experiment by using a proof of concept game. The pilot experiment shows that LoD based adaptation allows
maintaining frame rate in acceptable ranges and therefore enhancing the quality of service.
Video games are considered nowadays as a main-
stream entertainment and cultural industry. Once a
small and focused discipline, it has turned into a large
industry with applications in education and training.
As a simplification, a video game can be consid-
ered as a computational simulation of a set of game
characters that interacts with one or several players.
Each individual game character achieves particular
task in a game and the overall game environment is
governed by rules of the game.
Until recently graphical rendering has been con-
sidered as the Holy Grail for this sector. The main
purpose has been to increase quality and natural-
ness of graphics. Research on game artificial intel-
ligence ( or behavior of game characters) was not
on the agenda since simple models based on finite
state machines were considered sufficient to meet re-
quirements of gameplay and player experience. The
development of successful titles such as Neverwin-
ter Nights (BioWare, 2002), Black and White (Stu-
dios, 2001), Max Payne (Remendy, 2001) and Left
4 Dead 2 (Valve, 2008) have challenged this suppo-
sition. These titles, among others, have introduced
more complex, organized and adaptive behaviors by
using more sophisticated artificial intelligence tech-
niques. In other words, they have clearly demon-
strated the benefits of moving beyond simple behav-
It is worth noting, that despite using the term “arti-
ficial intelligence” in game sector and academia, this
term refers to different concepts. In fact, the term AI
in games often refers to any model and algorithm that
steer behaviors of game entities. On the other hand,
Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a scientific discipline
studies and designs intelligent agents, where an agent
is defined as a system that perceives its environment
and takes actions that maximize its chances of success
(Russell and Norvig, 2010). Despite having different
constraints and objectives, collaboration between the
game sector and AI community has been illustrated
in several works such as (Rabin, 2002; Charles, 2007;
Millington and Funge, 2009). Despite these improve-
ments, AI in the games still remained largely sim-
ple and basic one. As a result, usually finite state
machines (FSMs) and other simpler algorithms have
been used for modeling behaviors of game characters
(Niederberger, 2005).
According to Neiderberger et al. (Niederberger
and Gross, 2005) current game characters exhibit be-
haviors that are too rudimentary to seem realistic
ones. This may decrease the player sense of alief
(Clark, 2008) that is an important feature to enable
players’ immersion in the game world. Orkin (Orkin,
2006) also states that current game characters lack
flexibility and there is need of more flexible planning
for complex behaviors in game characters. In addition
to that, depending on the nature and type of a game,
there can be hundreds of secondary game characters
Mahdi G., Francillette Y., Abdelkader G., Michel F. and Hocine N..
Level of Detail based AI Adaptation for Agents in Video Games.
DOI: 10.5220/0004261501820194
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2013), pages 182-194
ISBN: 978-989-8565-39-6
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
that may face competition over getting computational
resources for executing their actions.
Multi-agent systems (MAS) have been growing
prevalence and increased usage in different research
and applied domains. One can notice that there is a
natural mapping between core concepts of MAS and
games. In fact, agents are micro units in MAS that ex-
ecute own behavior to reach their goals. The overall
function of the system is observed at the macro level
as the interaction among all entities of the micro level.
Thus, conceptually each game character can be con-
sidered as an agent and the overall game as a multi-
agent system interacting with one or several players.
Dignum et al. (Dignum et al., 2009b) argue for
using the potential of MASs by incorporating agents
into games for improving game AI. In order to get
an idea of how closely MAS and games are related,
one can observe that apart from conference papers,
since 2009 there has been an annual workshop in ma-
jor academic conferences such as AAMAS (Dignum
et al., 2009a; Dignum, 2011; Dechesne et al., 2012)
and ECAI 2012.
On the other hand, (Dignum et al., 2009b) note
that modeling of game characters around agents may
require relatively more resources so it may not meet
real-time constraints of game engines where funda-
mental concern is rendering of frames with an accept-
able frequency. This is one of the major challenges
that prevents using agents in games.
Here in this paper, we address the question of how
to build game character with agents without deteri-
orating player experience metrics and constraints of
game quality of service (QoS). We propose modeling
of game characters around agents and their dynamical
adaptation to the computational resources for main-
taining acceptable frame rate. The rationale behind
our approach is to use the organization of MAS as a
means to express different priorities to agents depend-
ing on their role. Whenever the quality of game is
not met, agents with less important roles are asked to
adopt simpler behaviors. Consequently, agents with
central roles can continue executing their behavior
and the overall player experience is not affected.
We experimentally show that our approach main-
tains an acceptable player experience when compared
with a simple MAS approach without behavior adap-
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 discusses the motivations for the work. Section
3 is about introducing Level of Detail (LoD) tech-
nique, its foundations in computer graphics and its
recent usage in game AI. In section 4, we discuss
our proposed approach, where we present LoD as an
adaptation technique for game AI. Section 4 describes
the experimental framework and the game which is
used to evaluate performance of our approach; then in
section 5, we discuss the results of our experiments
and prototype results of user evaluation. Section 6
discusses some relevant works in the domain and fi-
nally, we conclude the paper in Section 7.
2.1 Behavior Modeling around Agents
Schreiner (Schreiner, 2003) points out the lack of pro-
activeness in case of first person shooter games. Cur-
rently the enemies do not react until they find player
entering into their areas. This reactive approach of
enemies often results in repetitiveness of same actions
by the player as well as enemies as they know that all
they can to react to one another’s moves. The repet-
itiveness may result in lack of dynamism and unnat-
uralness for a player after few trials. The proactive
nature of non-player characters (NPCs) may enable
enemies to hunt the player dynamically so that there
would be different hunting strategies and they keep
changing as situation or difficulty levels change.
In case of the games like Sims, a player creates
a city for Sims to live in or a theme park to visit.
Once the city’s initial stage of build up is completed,
each Sim do different things to make itself happy.
Sims have means to evaluate their state of happiness
along with set of behaviors for doing what they want
to achieve the happiness(Delgado-Mata and Ib
ınez, 2008). When the Sims are not directly con-
trolled by the player, the autonomous notion of agents
can be suggested to make them act in more human-
like manner; for example the Sims preferring swim-
ming over going to library would be able to choose
swimming more frequently than going to library. This
human-like decision making feature of doing things
autonomously can make games more realistic and
Teamwork has been considered as one of impor-
tant features in many games including Counter-Strike
(CS) (Schreiner, 2003). For example, in CS play-
ers can join teams of terrorists, counter-terrorists or
become spectators. In each team, the players play
in quite well-organized manner with the mission ob-
jective of trying to eliminate the opposing team in
given time limit. Although the idea of playing in
teams can be observed in non-team members as well
but that is most often on irregular and self-serving
basis. Microsoft’s Halo 3 game can be considered
as another example of the games featuring notion of
teamwork (Mott, 2009). In Halo 3 enemies travel
and act in groups and in case the player hides for a
minute, most of the group members stay behind to
guard their current location, just couple of them get
assigned to search the player. Apart from searching,
Halo 3 uses teamwork in other situations as well, par-
ticularly when enemies use suppressing fire on the
player meanwhile facilitating other allies to find a bet-
ter vantage point or to take cover.
The notions teamwork, autonomy, reactivity and
pro-activeness can be considered as some of most im-
portant features which can be exploited to increase re-
alism and fun-orientatedness in video games. There
has been quite a few video games which incorporate
some of these features. Making all these features ac-
cessible to NPCs requires the kind of abstraction as
provided by Multi-agent systems.
2.2 Multi-Agent Systems
Multi-agent systems can be defined as an agglom-
erations or artificial societies of “agents”; however
it is quite difficult to precisely define agents due to
wide differences in agent researchers on the defini-
tion. Wooldridge et al. (Wooldridge and Jennings,
1995) characterizes agents through some well recog-
nized common features of autonomy, reactivity, pro-
activeness and, sociability, which we discuss as un-
1. Autonomy. Autonomy is mean that agents are ca-
pable of acting independently on their own, with-
out any external influence. This is one of most
important and distinguishing features of agents by
which they exhibit their control over their internal
2. Reactivity. Reactivity implies that agents respond
to the changes occurring in the environment in due
time. In other words for some stimulus there will
be corresponding response. This feature of agents
make them aware as well as responsible to the
environment that which behavior they can adopt
to fulfill their design objectives in some particular
3. Pro-activeness. Pro-activeness makes agents to
behave actively instead of passively. To fulfill
their design objectives agents identify the oppor-
tunities and do subsequent actions for achieving
their respective purposes. Pro-activeness enables
agents for making initiatives to achieve goals in-
stead of just reactively responding events in the
4. Sociability. It is the ability of an agent by which
it interacts with other agents or humans in the
system. Communication is the means to coordi-
nate agent actions, there can be different means of
communication among agents.
2.3 Answering the Challenge of Player
Player’s interaction with a game can be considered
as one of critical performance metrics for determin-
ing quality game experience. The level of interaction
can be evaluated through the number of frames dis-
played in a second. It is estimated that for interactive
computer graphics, a new picture is to be rendered be-
tween 25 to 30 times in a second. Hence the process
of refreshing a frame need to be done in 30 millisec-
onds or so. The time available to a frame is divided
between rendering and the AI parts of the game. In
the time, the simulation of whole game world requires
a real-time behavior generation of game entities and
their rendering.
A significant increase in the computational re-
quirements of a frame would cause delay or lag in
the game and make interaction difficult for the player.
The lag in the interaction may degrade frame rate and
would eventually disrupt the players’ ability to syn-
chronize their actions with the game. Ideally for a
player the interactivity would mean that there is no lag
time in game response. Cumulative game lag can be
said as a sum total of following three factors of lags
namely player input, rendering and AI. Cumulative
game lag can be represented as linear combination of
all three factors in following manner:
Cumulative game lag = Player input
delay + Graphical rendering delay +
Artificial intelligence delay
Although any one of above factors can be suffi-
cient to deteriorate game flow and interactivity. In
this paper we are focused on the AI factor. The pri-
mary motivations for the selecting AI is due to the fact
that among three factors the AI factor can be said as
one of most ignored areas in current research. Even
in the case of time distribution normally game AI gets
significantly short time than rendering. According to
Niederberger et al., normally between 5 and 10 per-
cent of the overall CPU time is reserved for AI in a
real-time game (Niederberger and Gross, 2002).
Here our focus on minimizing lag value in game
AI would ensure availability of sufficient computa-
tional resources required for simulating game enti-
ties and above all averting undesirable side-effects on
game AI’s part. To minimize lag in AI part of video
games one of very first steps is to identify the factors
which can influence frame rate.
2.3.1 Game Frame Rate
Usually a frame gets around 30 milliseconds as
“frame time” for both rendering and updating game
AI from the game engine. The frame time for updat-
ing game AI is used for computing and simulating the
AI behaviors of the NPCs in a frame.
The elements influencing ”frame time” within the
scope of game AI mainly include computational re-
quirements of NPCs and their quantity in a frame.
The frame simulating large number of NPCs or more
complex behaviors would require more than expected
computational resources for game AI. These elements
of video game performance can be considered as the
deciding factors in generation of frames from game
AI’s perspective. In such situation a game may result
in a lower frame rate as game entities would take more
time for simulating agents which require significant
computational resources. On the other hand, if the
same agents run on another platform (with increased
resources), it is likely to maintain required frame rate.
In other words, any changes in the computational re-
quirements of NPCs and their quantity would neces-
sarily bring corresponding adjustments in the frame
rate. Ignoring changing requirement of agents would
lead to undesired consequences of either irrelevant AI
or lag into it. In case of more than required compu-
tational resources, game AI can be programmed to
improve its realism and naturalness by introducing
additional features into it. Using additional features
of game AI can prevent unnecessary wastage of re-
Ideally game engines need to provide some scal-
able and viable means which could provide QoS sup-
port in case there is a change in the performance re-
quirement of agents. Absence of such QoS support
methods may lead to lag in updating game AI and
subsequently reduced frame rate which would even-
tually result in lack of interest and frustration for a
game player.
2.3.2 Bidirectional Adaptation of Agents’
Behavioral ”Complexity” as a Means
of QoS Support
In order to avoid degraded frame rate or resource
wastage we need a flexible mechanism which can
handle performance requirements of NPCs at runtime.
A bidirectional adaptation mechanism can serve the
purpose. The adaptation need to lessen its perfor-
mance requirements when it notices a decrease in the
frame rate and allows requirements in case of other-
wise. This decrease and increase in the performance
requirements can be made possible through the con-
ditional permission to execute certain features in one
case while their prohibition in the other. Here QoS
support would be about suggesting a mechanism for
graceful degradation and progressive enhancement of
agent behaviors.
Graceful degradation is meant to provide an alter-
native version of the game AI in case the system gets
overloaded. In our context, it would take up frame
rate as higher as possible. Progressive enhancement
can be considered as the other side of the QoS coin
in video games. Progressive enhancement works the
other way around of graceful degradation. It starts
with a baseline version of game AI and then fea-
ture enhancement goes till the most sophisticated ver-
sion by maintaining frame rate throughout the pro-
cess. Progressive enhancement can work in the situa-
tions where despite sufficient number of frames there
is no change in the game AI, here it can progressively
increase game AI features.
In our context of game AI in video games, both
graceful degradation and progressive enhancement
can be applied to maintain QoS in most of the situ-
ations. The approach would reserve advanced game
features of game AI and/or gameplay subject to avail-
ability of sufficient computational resources. One of
main differences between graceful degradation and
progressive enhancement lies in determining the point
where each one begins and here the LoD technique
can provide relatively automatic and easy solution for
its determination. The LoD technique also provides
ways by which game agents can have different repre-
Level of detail (LoD) technique suggests to modulate
the complexity of a 3D object representation accord-
ing to the distance from it is viewed or any other cri-
teria (Luebke et al., 2002). The technique, as intro-
duced by James Clark (Clark, 1976), is meant to man-
age processing load on graphics pipeline while deliv-
ering an acceptable quality of images. He suggested
that structuring the rendering details can optimize the
processing quality if a 3D object’s visible quality and
details are made to have a correspondence with the
distance from it is viewed.
In figure 1, we can observe the rational of Clark,
here with changing the number of vertices we see the
change in quality and visualization of a sphere. In
other words, LoD technique trades spatial fidelity for
temporal fidelity in a way that a less complex model
would be instantly rendered by compromising over its
coarser representation.
Figure 1: Basic concept of LoD: An object is simplified by
different representations through varying number of poly-
3.1 How LoD Technique Works?
Since geometric datasets are usually too large in data
size and complex in terms of time and computational
resource demands so their rendering can become a
tedious and time consuming process. The LoD ap-
proach suggests different representations of a 3D ob-
ject model by varying in the details and geometrical
complexity. The geometrical complexity and time de-
mands of a graphical object comes can be determined
in terms of the number of polygons used for its ren-
dering. Usually an object model having more number
of polygons consumes more time and resources than
the one having less number of polygons in its render-
ing. Although there can be other factors involved in
the complexity and resource demand of a graphical
model of an object but the relations between polyg-
onal quantity and resource consumption are gener-
ally considered as established ones (Deering, 1993).
For example, one can clearly determine the difference
in rendering quality by observing following figure 1
and can draw general conclusion that how number of
polygons affect the rendering quality of an image’s
graphical representational model.
Once these different representations of a model
are on hand (as shown in the above figure for our ex-
ample), the LoD technique will suggest their selection
at a particular time point based on particular positive
selection bias. The latter can be their size, camera dis-
tance or any other criteria. The net benefit of the ap-
proach would be that only necessary objects that will
get maximum amount of processor time and resources
at one time point while others are either shown with
less details or just ignored at that time point. These
objects can get less shared resources when the situ-
ation changes and their importance is substituted by
other objects. Basically, the approach is inspired by
rendering of the polygonal geometry of object models
by using coarser LoDs for distant or invisible objects
(David Luebke, 2003).
3.2 LoD in Game AI
The LoD technique can be used in game AI for se-
lecting most interesting agents and correspondingly
priorirtizing them for computational resources distri-
bution. The priority in computational resource dis-
tribution would ensure that the selected agents would
have access to the game AI which requires more com-
putational resources. The agents having lower priority
value would get the share in computational resources
required for a basic version of the game AI. In other
words, the technique focuses on finding relatively in-
teresting or irrelevant characters in a scene and pro-
gressively upgrade or turn down their behavioral de-
tails. Evidently, the notion of LoD in game AI may
not be regarded as an exact transfer of the technique
from rendering part as the nature and issues partic-
ular to the game AI part would be different, despite
the fact that basic concept remains the same. Here we
need to address some specific issues which are partic-
ularly related to the AI part of the games.
Objects varying in priorities and then in simulat-
ing most relevant ones is common to both render-
ing and AI based LoD, the primary difficulty lies in
the notion of importance and its different representa-
tions. The notion of distance or visibility may not be
in the same form or as clear as it is in the rendering
part. Neiderberger et al. (Niederberger and Gross,
2005) argue that invisible objects do not stop living
even when they are out of visible area. Moreover, in
some situations, even the objects which are only par-
tially visible in a scenario may need more detailed AI
compared with the ones which are currently visible.
Hence the distance from the camera matters as much
as the behavioral functionality in a scenario. Here the
notion of importance may not be resolved solely by
the camera distance. In addition to that we need to
address the problem of how to provide different rep-
resentations of an agent.
Hence, to deal with this problem, we suggest us-
ing agent organizations as a means to provide differ-
ent representations of agents and decide their impor-
tance with respect to other agents in the game AI.
In 2002, Brockington (Brockington, 2002) presented
a paper on extending the usage of existing computer
graphics based LoD to game AI. Brockington uses
LoD for the Neverwinter Nights(NWN) game. He di-
vides NWN game creatures under five classifications
for determining their update frequencies. The classifi-
cation determines a creature’s LoD and subsequently
percentage of CPU time for each LoD. The approach
argues the interest of dedicating most of CPU time
(60%, to be precise) for computing best algorithms
to Player characters (PCs) as they always remain on
the screen. The CPU time percentage and priority get
decreased with increased LoD value according to the
classification of game creatures.
Wißner et al. (Wißner et al., 2010) have tried to
generalize the approach by extending LoD technique
to the navigation, movement updates, collision avoid-
ance and behavior execution of game entities based
on 8 LoD levels. The approach’s significant fea-
tures include the diversity and heterogeneity of be-
haviors which can be reduced with it. Moreover,
the behavior simplification is applied at the behav-
ior execution stage rather than during the behavior
selection process. Another significant feature of the
approach is the addition of visibility factor besides
traditional camera distance based LoD implementa-
tions. Explaining visibility criterion besides camera
distance, the authors argue that some situations may
make agents relevant and important enough for show-
ing their full behavioral details regardless of their
camera position.
Kistler et al. (Kistler et al., 2010) extend the work
by (Wißner et al., 2010) using the same parameters.
The only difference between these works is the Kistler
et al. s detailed explanation of their implementa-
tion of the approach on Virtual Beer Garden while
Wißner et al. (Wißner et al., 2010) are more inter-
ested in Augsburg3D along with addition of two value
of LoDs making it a total of 10 LoDs which were 8 in
the earlier case.
Osborne et al. (Osborne and Dickinson, 2010) in-
troduce a hierarchical approach for presenting agent
behavior details according to the camera distance.
The main problem addressed by this work is the sim-
ulation of large number of agents acting in groups.
Neiderberger et al. (Niederberger and Gross,
2005) s work can be considered as one of the most
comprehensive works in the domain. This work not
only applies LoD on both individual and collective
behavior levels, but also provides a number of 21
LoDs, which is the highest number we encountered in
the literature. They suggest navigation, path planning
and collision avoidance as AI behaviors of game enti-
ties. LoD is also applied for scheduling of agents, col-
lision avoidance, path planning and group decisions
of agents. The LoD approach is implemented on the
combined distance and visibility factors for effective
selection of entities. A special scheduling algorithm
distributes simulation time to the agents depending on
their visibility and camera distance.
The framework proposed uses the LoD technique to
provide different levels of behaviors for an agent.
Each level varies in computational overhead and be-
havioral complexity. To address the challenge of
frame rate, the best possible level is allowed to carry
out its tasks while the more complex behaviors are
subject to availability of additional computational re-
sources. When the frame rate degrades, a behavior
requiring less computational resources is permitted.
Besides, to assign priorities amongs agent behaviors,
we use an organizational model so that priorities are
related to roles.
5.1 Organizational Model of Agents
Our LoD framework uses agent organization to ad-
dress two issues:
Organizing and representing the different behav-
iors of an agent so that, whenever there is a change
in the frame rate, a particular representation of an
agent is always available.
Evaluating the relative importance of an agent in
a particular situation in order to select the most
appropriate agents’ representations. That is, when
the system is overloaded, the organization settings
are used to decide which agents can be abandoned
altogether since they are less important than oth-
ers in the situation.
So we follow the AGR model (Ferber et al., 2003) for
the organizational structure of agents. Here we briefly
define the AGR model. The AGR (Agent, Group,
Role) model advocates organization as a primary con-
cept for building large scale and heterogeneous sys-
tems. The model does not focus on the internal archi-
tecture nor the behavior of individual agents but sug-
gests organization as a structural relationship between
collection of agents. The AGR model defines three
main concepts as its basis for an organizational struc-
ture: agent, as an active and communicating entity;
groups are comprised of agents in the set by tagging
them under a collection; finally an agent’s functional
representation in a group is given by defining its role.
The AGR model helps us to define how different
behaviors can be glued together to construct an agent
role in an agent society. Different combinations of be-
haviors would create distinct roles which would serve
as representations of an agent. The behavioral bond-
ing provided by AGR allows us to have different rep-
resentations of an agent through multiple roles. The
model provides an organizational methodology which
can be used to program agents which can have differ-
ent representations to act within a justifiable time ac-
cording to the available computational resources.
The way AGR associates different roles in a group
makes it convenient to define importance of a role in
a particular situation. Here agent roles can be as-
sociated together according to their functional roles
or/and availability of computational resources in a
game environment. Taking an example, when a group
of agents moves to a particular point, the path find-
ing result of each agent would be almost the same.
This repeatability of the path finding algorithm can
be avoided, if we can glue all agents in the collec-
tion in some organizational structure. Here our or-
ganizational approach can guide us to group differ-
ent game entities according to their roles. In this ex-
ample of path finding, some specific agents having
group leader role would be allowed to access particu-
lar behavior while others agents would just follow the
group leader.
Organization is also used for quantifying and fil-
tering agent roles in a frame instead of normally used
distance or size measures. A programmer specifies
configuration file lists defining the allocated compu-
tational resources for the agent roles according to our
model of organization. The game engine uses the con-
figuration file based for distributing the given com-
putational resources to agents. The game engine es-
timates an elementary value for the frame rate as a
starting point and then uses it as a metric of shifting
the QoS support modes for the agents AI.
5.2 QoS Support Modes
An agent requires a certain number of computational
resource units for carrying out particular set of actions
in a particular role. These resource requirements of an
agent are variable and depend on the computations in-
volved in a role. If a handful agent play roles which
require realtively more computational resources than
affordable by the game engine it would necessarily re-
sult in degraded frame rate. On the other hand, if the
game engine can afford to provide sufficient compu-
tational resources it would be better to use them for
providing higher levels of game AI rather than simply
wasting them.
A QoS support mode associates the frame rate
with the computational resources distribution of game
AI agents. The approach provides several levels of
QoS support by encompassing multiple modes of
game AI. The game engine defines a threshold level
of frame time for each mode and any noticable change
in the frame time would switch the mode and subse-
quently computational requirements of game AI. In
other words, a QoS support mode governs the policy
by which computational resources are distributed to
the game AI agents in a frame. The game engine uses
multiple QoS support modes for determining which
agents would be allowed to play a specific role at
a particular time. The approach provides QoS sup-
port by adding flexibility and differentiation levels for
game engine according to the available computational
resources for a frame.
The available resource units for an agent are de-
termined by the mode in which it is operating. Once
an agent gets resource units awarded, it can access a
particular role in the organisational based agent soci-
ety. An increase or decrease in frame time switches
the particular mode on or off. So that depending on
the mode there is a difference in the QoS support and
role access for the agents. This way, the modes ap-
proach will not fumble optimal utilization of com-
putational resources with increasing demand of re-
sources as there would be QoS support for all possible
situations in form of relevant modes. By switching
QoS modes, our approach provides programmers the
flexibility and versatility to meet various time perfor-
mance needs for the agents.
5.3 Agent Life Cycle Model:
Normally, an agent model defines a set of activites
and the data and control flow among them as a gen-
eral methodology for carrying out any task. The set
of activities and their interactions would define the
life cycle of an agent. A brief description of agent
activities is given as under:
1. Perception. It is about observing and getting a
sensing stimulus from the game environment. On
receiving a stimulus, the perception mechanism
decides further meaning of the stimulus. More-
over, the perception mechanism examines and de-
termines whether to take into account the sensing
stimulus as an input or ignore it if found irrele-
vant. Assigning computational resources in terms
of tokens would allow developers to specify the
time taken by agents for perceiving their environ-
2. Deliberation. This activity can be considered as
the central process in the agent life cycle. The
main purpose of the activity is to determine the
next action of an agent. An agent deliberates ac-
cording to its perception of the environment and
its deliberation model. Depending upon the con-
text and requirements, an agent’s deliberation can
be very simple like stimulus-response activity for
reactive agents to very complex ones using spatial
reasoning or any other algorithms. Because our
game agent model is independent of any particu-
lar deliberation approach, game programmers will
be able to implement any deliberation methodol-
3. Action. The action step provides means for an
agent to select and carry out an action in its envi-
ronment. Considering possible outcomes of the
deliberation step, an agent selects one or more
actions to perform in its environment. Once an
agent selects an action, it is executed by updat-
ing its state or the environment. Depending on the
available computational resources, an action is as-
signed a specific number of tokens. The tokens
can be considered as the computational resources
required for changing the agent’s state or making
the effects of the action appear in the environment.
Figure 2: Agent life cycle.
Agent life cycle is a dynamic, iterative process of
input handling, incorporating deliberation mechanism
and carrying out actions in the agent environment.
The agents would need computational resources to
carry out a particular activity. The agents need to
consider the computational requirements involved for
performing any task. The life cycle of an agent can be
summarized in figure 2. The figure describes the life
cycle of an agent as it evolves and shows the process
that the agent description supports for input, infer-
ence, and output modules in the agent environment.
5.4 Valued Sensing and Action Model
for Game Agents
Game agents use different sensing and actions to carry
out their tasks corresponding to their roles in the or-
ganization. Each sensing and action task requires
some computational resources for its execution. In
other words, behavioral tasks come with certain cost
in terms of resources. The execution cost of a task
varies according to the computations involved in it.
For example, a random move task could has a low
cost compared to a path finding task requiring more
CPU cycles. So, agent behaviors come with an abso-
lute cost in terms of CPU cycles.
Distributing computational resources with an ab-
solute measurement of agent behaviors would make
it practically impossible to program game agents as
differences in resources for different game platforms
would require customized programming for every sin-
gle hardware configuration. Moreover, the absolute
cost measurement of behaviors would not help in
differentiating among different versions of behaviors
and later selecting a cost effective one as it would
require comparisons of memory and CPU usage be-
tween different behaviors. Therefore we propose “re-
source tokens” as an abstract notion of computational
5.4.1 Tokens
Here in our proposition, we use the logical notion of
computational resources in our framework. For exam-
ple, the logical time associates the wall clock time and
the QoS modes. The wall clock time measures the ex-
ecution time of a task on physical clock, for example a
move action may require 40 milliseconds on a specific
processor, while a path finding action takes 120 mil-
liseconds on the same processor. A correspondence
between the logical and physical notion of computa-
tional resources would make it their distribution an
easier job for the programmers.
A “token” can be described as an abstract mea-
surement unit for the notion of computational re-
sources for weighing agent behaviors. The idea relies
on providing an independent behavior measurement
abstraction which is only related to the complexity of
the behaviors, and not to the hardware configuration.
Each sensing and action task is assigned a value in
terms of tokens through a configuration file. So, the
programmer relatively analyses and evaluates each
task with respect to other tasks and bounds their ex-
ecution according to a determined number of tokens.
The game engine evaluates which agents can be re-
quested in a particular game loop iteration and assigns
them tokens by reading the configuration file. The
token assignment is based on the computational re-
sources based relative evaluation of agent tasks. This
relative value is assigned as per the absolute compu-
tational cost of different tasks in the game. For exam-
ple, a move action might take 2 tokens of logical time
and path finding action takes 6 tokens and after exe-
cuting these two actions 160 milliseconds of physical
time might have passed.
5.5 Agent Delegation Model
Delegation can be explained as a request of one en-
tity to another for performing some actions on behalf
of the former. Our approach generates and processes
actions by delegating them to the game engine as ser-
vices. The action delegation model is based on the
notion of providing standard and consistent mecha-
nisms to generate and process actions independently
from any specific hardware configurations. Basically,
our delegation model for agents provides a resource
request mechanism for access to the sensing and ac-
tion services from the game engine. The life cycle of
an agent using delegation can be summarized in fol-
lowing figure 3.
Figure 3: Agent life cycle using delegation.
In fact, the interest of the delegation model relies
on the idea that in order to limit the incompatibility of
computational resources among different game plat-
forms, we need another entity for carrying out tasks
delegated by agents. In our case, the game engine
plays that role and, ensures availability of specific ser-
vices and their token-based distribution to the game
agents. So, an agent can request for delegating the
sensing and action tasks to the game engine according
to its available number of tokens. But thanks to del-
egation, when computing resources are lacking, the
game engine can now answer with a simplified ver-
sion of the same service requiring less computations
(i.e. tokens) by using our LoD approach. This request
and grant model of services delegation in the context
of LoD mainly requires two things:
1. Tokens. Tokens are relative measurement abstrac-
tion units which are used to differentiate between
different costs of behaviors.
2. Services Library. A services library is main-
tained by the game engine for assembling all ser-
vices and their corresponding cost in terms of to-
kens. In this way, once an agent submits a request,
the game engine can easily search and grant or
refuse the service according to the cost of the ser-
vice and available tokens to the agent.
In our service delegation model, the services must
associate with a source role for receiving a noti-
fication. This service and role bonding associa-
tion provides an important benefit: request notifi-
cations are sent to only those services that want to
receive them for example, decoration clouds can
not send pathfinding service request. The main
benefit of this design is that the perception and
action AI that processes these services is cleanly
separated from the deliberation logic which gen-
erates these requests. This separation of percep-
tion/action and deliberation logic serves our pur-
poses of delegating a game agent’s processing
through a separate piece of code namely a service.
Agent actions are decomposed into small inde-
pendent services. The approach ensures to carry
out the separation of concerns in different hard-
ware configurations. The game engine maintains
a collection of services and correspondingly re-
quired tokens for the sensing and action services.
As the services library would be used for selecting
appropriate services according to the LoD level so
services having different simplified and advanced
versions are provided in the library; however their
degree of resource requirements is associated with
the number of tokens for them. The services re-
quiring more computational requirements would
have relative higher cost so they would require
comparatively large number of tokens and the
simplified ones (requiring lesser CPU time) would
require relatively less number of tokens. In this
way, when a game engine receives a requests for a
particular sensing or action service from an agent,
it looks up the services library. On the availabil-
ity of the service, If the agent qualifies for the ser-
vice in its functional role and has required number
of available tokens, the service would be granted
otherwise it will be refused.
The objective of this experiment is to evaluate the
impact of using the LoD based AI adaptation on a
player’s interactivity and game experience.
6.1 The Game: My Duck Hunt
My Duck Hunt is a single player shooting game
developed with AGDE framework http://gforge-
lirmm.lirmm.fr/gf/project/agde/frs. The player con-
trols a reticle on the screen in order to acheive follow-
ing goals :
Kill ducks before they leave the scene.
Avoid to kill flamingo.
Prevents gombas from eating flamingos.
Figure 4: A screenshot of My Duck hunt.
Figure 5: Pictures of the experiment.
Clouds evolve in the sky as decoration elements. The
figure 4 shows a screen shot of the game.
6.2 LoD Configuration
In this experiment, we use three modes: advanced,
best effort and basic for distributing resource tokens
among agents. One of following three modes get
switched depending on the available time for a frame.
1. Advanced Mode. This mode of QoS supports
full features of agents and it is triggered when the
time for a frame exceeds the estimated range of
time (i.e FrameTime >t1). The advanced mode
of game AI operates, hence agents have access to
most of the behaviors with sufficient resource to-
kens that are required for their execution. In this
mode, entities have the access to the full set of
actions that have been defined.
2. Best Effort Mode. The normalized mode gets
triggered when time for a frame lies in the esti-
mated range ( i.e. t0 <FrameTime <t1). In this
case, only most important behaviors of agents that
get resource tokens. In this mode clouds can not
3. Basic Mode. This degraded mode provides ba-
sic functionality of game agents despite frame rate
falls behind the required range ( i.e. FrameTime
<t0). The basic design of game AI remains ac-
cessible to agents instead of total collapse or lag
in the game AI. In this mode, gombas can not per-
form the Jump action.
In order to simulate a decrease of available resources,
an entity can be added to the game. This entity send
an action that requires important amount of resources
in Optimal and Medium modes.
6.3 Participants
The prototype test was conducted on 8 subjects hav-
ing ages between 23 and 28 years old. Most of
the participants reported themselves as regulars video
game players playing atleast once a week except two
candidates that do not play video games.
6.4 Protocol
The experiment follows a repeated-measures design.
Subjects have to play the Duck Hant game on the
same computer. Two versions of the game are avail-
able, one that includes LoD based AI adaptation and
the other without AI adaptation. The experiment pro-
ceeds as follows:
1. The candidate gets a quick introduction about the
game. This tutorial aims to provide an introduc-
tion to game’s objectives and how controlling the
2. The candidate plays the two versions of the game
with and without LoD ( the order is random).
Each game version consists of eight stages (called
waves). The subjects are not informed about the
difference between the two sessions. Throughout
the session, the subjects were asked to report their
feelings of ”lag” by pressing the space button on
the keyboard and we note the time of the button
press and the total time of the wave. The time ra-
tio of ”space button” to the total time of a vague
clearly signifies the participants’ preference of our
approach over the one not using it.
3. At the end of each wave the subject has to evaluate
the quality of the interaction during each waves.
4. A questionnaire is proposed and the subjects were
interviewed about the quality of the interaction
during both versions of the game and about his
opinion concerning the game experience.
The figure 5 shows two pictures of the experiment.
The first on the left shows a subject who evaluates
the interaction after a game wave. The second on
the right shows a subject plying the game.
6.5 Hypothesis
The experiment aims to demonstrate that the pro-
posed LoD based adaptation influences the game ex-
perience. Our main objective is to provide a game
experience in which (i) game AI can be adapted to
the requirements of the platform; (ii) the adaptation is
meant to provide an increased level of user experience
which is not the case otherwise. To achieve above
mentioned objectives, we state following hypothesis:
H.A.0: There is no difference of interactivity and
game experience between the game version with
LoD adaptation and the other without LoD adap-
H.B.0: There is no difference concerning the
global perceived quality of interaction between
the game with LoD and game without LoD.
H.C.0: There is no difference of the ratio of time
of holding the key space and the session duration
between the game with LoD and game without
6.6 Results
Statistical analysis was performed using
R(http://www.r-project.org/) version 2.15.0. We
have used t-paired tests to reject the three hypotheses.
The results of the t-tests on the eight waves are
summarized in table 1. The t-tests have rejected
the first hypothesis H.A.0 in the first six waves.
The difference between the perceived quality of
interaction using the game with LoD and without
LoD was statically significant with a df=7. As for
wave 6, 7 and 8 the hypothesis has not been rejected
with the t-test.
Table 1: Results.
Wave M t(7) p-value
Wave 1 -1.75 -7 0.0002116
Wave 2 -2.25 -13.7477 2.541e-06
Wave 3 -2.25 -13.7477 2.541e-06
Wave 4 -2 -7.4833 0.0001392
Wave 5 -1.625 -5.017 0.001536
Wave 6 -0.25 -0.5092 0.6263
Wave 7 -0.125 -0.2047 0.8436
Wave 8 0.375 2.0494 0.0796
The second hypothesis H.B.0 has been rejected by
t-paired test, thus the difference between the global
perceived quality of interaction of game with LoD and
without LoD was statically significant with a mean of
the differences M=-0.75 , t(7) = -2.3932 and a p-value
= 0.04794.
The ratio of session duration and time of hitting
the key space during the game with LoD and without
LoD was different as the hypothesis H.C.0 was re-
jected using t-test. The difference was statically sig-
nificant with a mean M= 0.2763045, t(7) = 9.5683 and
p-value = 2.86e-05.
6.7 Discussion
The results reported by our experiments clearly show
the effect of LoD adaptation on the participants’ game
experience. The first hypothesis H.A.0 has been re-
jected by the t-test in six waves. This mean that the
players have perceived a significant impact of LoD
adaptation on the interactivity and game experience.
The experimental results signify the the link between
the participants’ game experience and the frame rate
based QoS support for game AI. The game experience
and QoS link can justiy the participants bidirectional
adaptation of game AI or a non-flexible AI. The ar-
gument has supported by the questionaire when the
participants were asked the question: “whether they
would perfer having a flexible AI to maintain inter-
activity or not?”, 6 among 8 participants replied affir-
matively, one of them supported it on the type of the
game while one participant perfered to quit the game
if quality game expereince is visibly compromised for
interactivity or the reverse.
However, the hypothesis has not been rejected for
the last three waves as no significant difference has
been reported in the experiments. This can be ex-
plained by the fact that starting from the sixth wave
the average FPS between the game without LoD and
with LoD is almost the same. For example the fig-
ures 6 and 7 show the average FPS on the ten later
seconds for a candidate and for each playing session.
The last three waves start at 3:45 on the game without
LoD and 3:31 one the game with LoD these moments
are shown on the two figures by the red lines). We
can see that the average FPS is up to 60 FPS for the
game without Lod (figure 6) where the average FPS
is around 59 FPS on the game with LoD (figure 7).
The second hypothesis has been rejected as the
participants report a significant degree of difference
between the perception of the quality of interaction
between the game with LoD and without it. The re-
sults support our approach for improving the overall
quality of interactivity of the game experience. The
statical results show that adapting the game AI as per
the computational requirements of game agents sig-
nificantly increased the overall interaction rating from
Figure 6: Average FPS per second without LoD adaptation
of participant 2.
Figure 7: Average FPS per second with LoD adaptation of
participant 2.
the participants.
Finally, the t-test results have also rejected the hy-
pothesis H.C.0. Here The experiment showed that the
participants playing the without LoD version of the
game reported significant difference as compared to
the with LoD version.
In this paper, we have proposed a LoD based adap-
tation technique to prevent resource costly behaviors
of game agents from degrading the quality of interac-
tion. The main idea of our proposition is to consider
the game as an agent organization where each agent
has a role to play meanwhile roles are prioritized by
the game designer. We introduce the logical notion
of resource by which a programmer can associate the
priority of roles to the distribution of resources to the
agent roles. The logical notion of resources make
game agents to delegate their tasks to the game en-
gine and in this way agents’ direct manipulation of
resources is avoided. The delegation model eventu-
ally results in the better frame rate as agents can only
consume the assigned resources.
We tested the effects of LoD in game AI with sev-
eral players in our prototype. We statistically prove
that there is significant difference in player’s interac-
tion and game experience when approach is used. As
a future work, we plan to extend our agents to coordi-
nate model to include more found that the technique
significantly improved performance, and that players
did not rate improvements in lag as more difficult or
frustrating to use. Our study improves understanding
of LoD in game AI and of how to link it for improving
interaction in video games.
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