Security by Privileges, Inspection and Guaranty for Ambient Agents Group
Nardjes Bouchemal
and Ramdane Maamri
LIRE Laboratory, Computer Science Department, Mentouri University of Constantine, Constantine, Algeria
University Centre of Mila, Mila, Algeria
Keywords: Ambient Intelligence, Ambient Agents Group, Security, Inspection, Guaranty.
Abstract: In a future vision of Ambient Intelligence – or AmI – our surrounding environment will integrate a
pervasive and interconnected network of devices equipped with sensors, actuators and ambient agents.
However, it is a big security issue when building this kind of complex systems, and it is not enough that
ambient agent platform provides a set of standard security mechanisms such as sandboxing, encryption and
digital signatures. Furthermore, we must take into account ambient agent limitations and we mustn’t endow
it with complex cryptography concepts or historic data. This is why our approach, proposed in this paper, is
based on cooperation between group members and behavior inspection of new integrated agents, in addition
of some cryptography concepts. The proposed protocol is based on cooperation, collective decision,
guarantee and attribution of privileges according to the trust degree of agents.
The first vision about pervasive computing was
proposed by Mark Weiser in his famous article “The
Computer for the 21st Century” 1991 (Weiser,
1991). His vision of computers fully integrated in
the human environment and gracefully providing
information and services to users is still an open
issue in computer science and computer engineering.
The ambient intelligence paradigm builds upon
pervasive computing, ubiquitous computing,
profiling practices, context awareness, and human-
centric computer interaction (Augusto, 2009),
(Weber, 2005).
Consequently, the development of AmI
environment needs robust technologies, such as
Agents (Ferber, 1995), that respond to AmI
They have already been successfully applied to
several AmI scenarios such as education, culture,
entertainment, medical domain, robotics and home
(Tapia, 2010). In these systems, agents are called
ambient agents.
However, developing agents in complex AmI
environments leverages the common issues of
distributed applications. It also poses new security
challenges to handle the dynamicity of such
environments. Indeed, ambient agents will operate
on portable electronic devices with little autonomy
energy, limited computing and storage capabilities
that vary from one device to another (Ko and
Ramos, 2009).
Thus, ambient agents groups are at risk if there is
no control of different participants, or agents who
require communicating. The crucial question is how
to ensure any confidentiality, integrity and privacy
of exchanged messages and data if, at the outset, we
are not sure that we communicate with the correct
entity? (Stajano, 2010)
This article presents an approach to protect
ambient agents groups by
taking in to consideration
the new challenges required by ambient intelligence
In section two we sketch out security
approaches for classic multi agent systems and we
discuss their insufficiency to AmI field. In section
three we define the protocol, based on guaranty,
inspection of new integrated agents, on cryptography
concepts and attribution of privileges according
the trust degree of integrated agent. Section four
presents implementation issues using JADE platform
and summarizes preliminary comparative results.
Finally, a conclusion recaps the paper and future
Bouchemal N. and Maamri R..
SPIG - Security by Privileges, Inspection and Guaranty for Ambient Agents Group.
DOI: 10.5220/0004261703180323
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2013), pages 318-323
ISBN: 978-989-8565-39-6
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
2.1 Multi Agents System Protection
The goal of this section is to present several viable
technologies that can be used in multi-agent systems
in order to provide a secure infrastructure.
Then we discuss the robustness of these
approaches to respond to different requirements of
ambient intelligence.
The Protected Computing approach is based on
the partitioning of the software elements into two or
more parts. Some of these parts (called private parts)
are executed in a secure processor, while others
(public parts) are executed in any processor even if it
is not trusted.
In general, the Protected Computing model requires
the use of secure coprocessors that have asymmetric
cryptography capabilities; secure storage to contain
a key pair generated inside the coprocessor and
ensure that the private key never leaves it (
Trusted Computing Platforms (TCG, 2005) take
the advantage of the use of a hardware element in
order to provide a secure environment. These
hardware elements are called TPM (Trusted
Platform Modules). A TPM is a microprocessor with
some special security features. The key idea behind
the Trusted Computing Platform is to build a trusted
environment starting from the TPM and extending
the trust to the rest of the system elements. At the
beginning of the execution the only trusted element
in the system is the TPM.
The technique called proof-carrying code (PCC)
(Necula, 1997) is a general mechanism for verifying
that a software element can be executed in a secure
way. For this purpose, every code fragment includes
a detailed proof called code certificate.
et al. in (Maña 2006), proposed an approach to
protect a society of collaborating agents, by making
every agent collaborate with one or more remote
agents running in different hosts. These agents act as
secure coprocessors for the first one. Likewise, these
agents are in turn protected by other agents.
The Static Mutual Protection strategy can be
successfully applied to many different scenarios.
However, there will be scenarios where (i) it is not
possible to foresee the possible interactions between
the agents at development time, (ii) where the agents
are generated by different parts.
et al. in (Maña 2004) and (Maña 2007)
proposed a new strategy called Dynamic Mutual
Protection where each agent is able to execute
arbitrary code sections on behalf of other agents in
the society. Each agent includes a public part, an
encrypted private part and a specific virtual
2.2 Discussion
Ambient agents have limited capabilities due to their
closely attachment with the device capabilities. They
are cognitive, but hold little knowledge, don’t
require much resources and form very simple plans
especially when they are embedded in very small
devices like sensors.
Furthermore, in the context of ambient intelligence,
entities are intelligent and can pretend being
confident just to be integrated to the ambient agents
group. Then, they can make dangerous actions and
may even lead to the destruction of the group.
Consequently, the question to ask is: can
presented approaches respond to ambient agents
Previous presented works don’t inspect agents after
integration; they just verify the origin and the
authenticity. But even the origin is trustworthy;
agent can be altered during its displacements.
Furthermore, presented approaches use complex
cryptographic concepts, which make them robust,
but more difficult to realize in case of limited
ambient agents’ resources. Moreover, these
approaches are limited by the number of agents
included in the group, where the management
becomes more and more difficult.
In conclusion, during the design of ambient
agent’s security, we must take in mind ambient
agents’ limitations and we mustn’t endow them with
complex cryptographic concepts or historic data.
This is why our approach is based on cooperation,
collective decision and division of security tasks
between agents of the group.
We proposed in previous works (Bouchemal, 2012)
an approach based on guaranty, where an agent is
integrated into a group only if an agent from the
group knows it. The problem is posed when no agent
knows the new one. In this section, we bring
ameliorations and consider the case where an agent
is completely unknown.
3.1 Inspiration
In the design of the protocol, inspiration was taken
from the human behaviour and thinking. In order to
more understand the idea, we present in this section
a real life scenario. Let’s consider a home where
lives a couple and their children: Charlie and Betty,
having consecutively fifteen and thirteen years old.
The father works in a computer company with other
persons chaired by a director. On the other hand,
Charlie and his sister attend a school, near their
house, managed by a principal. They have several
friends and teachers within the school.
One day, the door rings, the father opens. He
finds a teenager claiming to be Charlie’s friend. The
father calls his son and asks him.
Charlie confirms that he knows the visitor. The
father brings Charlie’s friend, but he is suspicious,
so he restricts visitor displacements in the house and
recommends to Betty and her mother to keep an eye.
Another day, the father invites some colleagues
to have lunch in the home. After that, he takes them
to visit the garden and to drink coffee there. They
are supervised just by the father (eventually by the
mother) because these gents are supposed
3.2 Departure Points
We consider a group of ambient agents embedded in
mobile devices and represent an object and/or a user.
We define some departure points in what follows:
Each member of the group has a set of
Id_Agent: A unique identification within
the group.
Priv: Privileges within the group (set of
permitted actions).
LiD: The list of identifications agents of the
TrustDeg: A degree of trust within the
group: doubtful, malicious or trust.
ResidTime: The estimated residence time
within the group.
DevRep: Representation of the device
resources: energy, memory and processor
Each group has a specific and trust agent called
having maximum privileges,
powerful device and with longer time of
Representative of the group has the instantly list
of all group agents with their priviliges, trust
degrees and behavior reports.
Members of the same group know each other
and cooperate to complete various tasks. They
share a Common Public Key (CPK) known only
by group members and frequently changed by
the representative.
Members have communication keys (Cki for an
agent i) to establish secure channels with the
representative. Cki is frequently changed.
The group have two vice representatives having
most privileges, residence time and powerful
device. The goal is to ensure the suitable
conduct of the group in case of attacks against
the representative.
An agent can belong to two groups at once, or
more (Figure.1). In this case it knows agents and
have keys of both groups.
Figure 1: Agents belonging to more than one group.
3.3 The Protocol
The key idea is based on behaviour inspection of
new integrated agents, cryptography concepts,
guarantee and attribution of privileges.
When an external agent requests communication
or data from the group, it contacts either a member
or the representative. If it contacts a member, this
one redirects the request to the representative. If the
external agent contacts directly the representative, it
cooperates with the group’s agents to verification,
integration or rejection of the request, and inspection
after integration.
3.3.1 Verification
When the representative group receives an
integration demand from an external agent, it sends
its identity to group members. We study two cases
before responding: First, external agent is known by
at least one agent from the group (so called The
guarantor), when both agent belong to another
group (Group 2 in Figure.1).
External Agent
The guarantor sends a confirmation to
representative who will add the external agent to the
group. The integration is done differently depending
on the privileges of the guarantor.
In the second case, external agent is unidentified
by any agent of the group. Representative delegates
a committee to examine it. The committee is a
subset of agents with most privileges, resources,
residence time and trust degree.
Committee members use sandbox technique
(Gong, 1997) by sending different trivial code and
data to the external agent. After execution, it resends
results, code and data. Agents of the committee
check the code, data and results and send their
reports including attributed trust degree and
privileges to representative who makes the last
decision. If the trust degree is malicious, the request
is rejected. Else, if the degree is doubtful, the request
is accepted but with minimum priviliges and the
agent is inspected. If the degree is trust, the request
is accepted and the agent is integrated, but must also
be inspected.
3.3.2 Integration
The new agent integration within the group is done
only if trust degree is not malicious. First,
representative establishes a secure channel with the
new agent by sending a communication key Ck’.
Then it sends the common public key: Ck’(CPK),
and the identities list of group members (LiD). It
also sends new agent identity, trust degree and
privileges to members. After that, the representative
informs all members that the integrated agent must
be inspected.
3.3.3 Inspection after Integration
Members cooperate to keep track of new integrated
agents in order to confirm their intentions. They
oversee the behavior of integrated agent and they
make a report to the representative, if they discover
malicious or doubtful behavior. The representative
can make changes in status, and privileges
Figure 2: Possible changes of integrated Agent’s status.
It can revoke agents having malicious behavior by
changing CPK and adding it in its black liste. After
any changes, the representative informs all group
To validate the proposed protocol, we conduct, in
section 4.1, an implementation using JADE platform
(Java Agent DEvelopment framework) (Bellifemine,
2004), (Caire, 2007). Jade is Java-based and FIPA
(Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents)
compliant development framework. In section 4.2,
we establish a comparison between our protocol and
the Protection Computing Approach.
4.1 Implementation of Groups and
Agents have been designed so that they are simple,
flexible, and so that an agent with the same structure
can run both on a simple processor assigned to a
sensor and on a powerful computer. The agents are
cognitive, but hold little knowledge and form very
simple plans.
Figure 3:Agents and Groups.
We would like to simulate the scenario presented in
section 3.1. Thus, we create three containers each
one represents a group: main container for group1,
modelling the father’s work group and comprises
AgentDirector (the representative of the group),
AgentFather, Agent1G1, Agent2G1 and Agent3G1
(Figures.3 and Figure4). Container1 represents
Charlie’s home group and includes AgentFather (the
representative of the group), AgentMother,
AgentChild1 (for Charlie) and AgentChild2 for his
sister. Finally, container3 represents Charlie’s school
group, icluding: AgentScholPrincipal (the
representative), AgentChild1, AgentStudent1,
AgentStudent2 and AgentStudent3.
Agents are embedded in various devices (laptops
for the representatives, PDA and smart phones for
the rest of agents).
Figure 4: Agents and containers using JADE.
To implement agent’s behaviours in JADE, we
use behaviour composition by building simple
behaviours. The basis for this feature is provided by
the CompositeBehaviour class included in the
jade.core.behaviours package.
Messages exchanged by agents are instances of the
jade.lang.acl from ACLMessage class, which
represents ACL messages. It contains a set of
attributes as defined by the FIPA specifications.
4.2 Experimental Scenes
To verify the efficiency of the proposed protocol, we
advise experimental scenes using SPIG protocol and
the Protected Computing approach.
As mentioned in section 2.1, the Protected
Computing Approach uses a trusted processor to
enforce the correct execution of the private parts of
the program.
Therefore, using the protected computing model,
the code of each agent is divided into public and
private parts. For reasons of simplicity, we will
consider that the code of each agent is divided in
two parts: a public one and a protected one.
4.2.1 Scene One: The External Agent is
AgentStudent1 from Container2 requests integration
into Container1; it contacts AgentFather (the
representative). AgentChild1 knows AgentStudent1,
so it can be integrated with same AgentChild1’s
privileges, and must be inspected by all members:
AgentFather, AgentMother and AgentChild2.
4.2.2 Scene Two: Malicious Action from
After integration, AgentStudent1 becomes untrusted.
We simulate this behavior by injecting a malicious
code into AgentMother, which discovers this action
and contacts AgentFather to revoke it.
4.3 Experimental Results
In scene one, we have calculated integration time of
external agent, when it is known, relation to the
number of agents in the group. We have established
comparison graph, as shown in Figure.5.
We can observe that the latency taken by the
cryptographic operations, division of agent’s code
and the communication with the coprocessor, is an
important factor that affects the performance of the
protected computing approach.
In SPIG protocol, integration time is not so
considerable, because when the agent is known, it is
integrated faster even the number of agents is big.
Figure 5: Comparison of agent’s integration time.
Concerning scene two, we calculate necessary
time to detect AgentStudent1 attack using SPIG
protocol then the protected computing approach
relation to increasing number of integrated agents.
For protected computing approach, when the
number of agents increases, the management
becomes more difficult, principally because of
devices resources’ limitation, rising of divided parts
of agents and the overflow of trusted processor
(Figure.6). These circumstances make the
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verification of malicious actions slower.
Figure 6: Comparison of attack detection time.
We presented in this paper an approach to protect
ambient agents group, where each agent is
embedded to a device and represents a user.
If a new agent wants to communicate and share
data with agents of this group, it must be verified,
integrated if it is not malicious, and inspected after
integration. These functions are done cooperatively
by the members.
We have detailed the protocol and introduced a
set of encryption keys: CPK (Common Public Key)
shared and known by all members of a group, Cki
(Communication Key for Agent i) sent by the
representative to an agent i. We presented a simple
case study in health domain, and finally we
presented some implementation issues using Jade
platform. Our on-going work is to apply the
proposed approach in a real case and real devices, by
using a professional AmI platform. We would like to
test the reliability in large scale.
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