verification of malicious actions slower.
Figure 6: Comparison of attack detection time.
We presented in this paper an approach to protect
ambient agents group, where each agent is
embedded to a device and represents a user.
If a new agent wants to communicate and share
data with agents of this group, it must be verified,
integrated if it is not malicious, and inspected after
integration. These functions are done cooperatively
by the members.
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set of encryption keys: CPK (Common Public Key)
shared and known by all members of a group, Cki
(Communication Key for Agent i) sent by the
representative to an agent i. We presented a simple
case study in health domain, and finally we
presented some implementation issues using Jade
platform. Our on-going work is to apply the
proposed approach in a real case and real devices, by
using a professional AmI platform. We would like to
test the reliability in large scale.
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