Handling Exceptions in Multi Agent Systems using Learning Agents
Mounira Bouzahzah
and Ramdane Maamri
LIRE Laboratory, Science and Technologie Institute, University Center of Mila, Mila, Algeria
LIRE Laboratory, Computer Science departement, Mentouri University, Constantine, Algeria
Keywords: Exception Handling, Learning Agents, Q Learning Algorithm, Reinforcement Learning, Hierarchical Plans.
Abstract: In this paper we address the problem of exception handling in multi agent systems and we propose an
approach based learning agents to provide fault tolerance in multi agent systems. In reality, agents systems
are used as a perfect solution to design recent applications that are characterized by being decentralized and
dispersed. These systems are subject of errors that occur during execution and that may cause system’s
failure; Exceptions are the main cause of the system’s errors. Researchers in fault tolerance field use
handling exceptions technique to provide error-prone systems. Through this work, we propose an approach
for handling exception using learning agents; this approach assures the most efficient handler for each
exception mainly in case of the existence of many handlers and allows the adaptation of decision according
to the environment changes. The learning agent is given the capacity to learn about new exceptions from the
A critical challenge for fault tolerance researcher is
to provide robust multi agent systems in terms of
effectiveness and errors-prone.
Several approaches are proposed to deal with
exceptions in multi agent systems, some solutions
are based on the use of additional agents such as
(Hagg, 1996), (Anand and Robert, 2000) and
(Bouzahzah and Maamri, 2012).
(Platon, 2007) proposes the idea to give the
system’s agents the ability to handle the exception
by themselves. Other solutions use frameworks to
handle exceptions in multi agent systems such as
(Souchon and Christophe, 2002) and (Klein and
Dellarocas, 1999).
Our Approach assures exceptions handling in
multi agent systems using a learning agent that
applies a reinforcement learning algorithm (Rejeb,
2005) called the Q learning algorithm (Hoet and
Sabouret, 2009). this algorithm joins each
undesirable state of the agent (error detected) with
its efficient handler that is decided using agent
previous experiences.
This paper is organized as follows: the second
section reviews the limitation of some existing
approaches proposed to deal with the problem of
exceptions in multi agent systems. The next section
gives a detailed idea concerning agent’s
representation, error detection and the
communication protocol. The forth section defines
the learning’s concepts and describes how learning
agent is used to handle exceptions. The last section
concludes this paper and gives indications
concerning our future works.
Several approaches are proposed to solve the
problem of errors in multi agent systems. Some
approaches are based on decentralized solutions,
which use of controlling agents to monitor the
system’s agents and to handle exceptions such as:
(Hagg, 1996) That describes an approach based
sentinels. Sentinels are guardian agents introduced in
the multi agent system application in order to
provide a fault tolerance layer for the system. These
guardian agents protect the system from failing in
undesirable states. They have the authority to react
to faults. (Anand and Robert, 2000) Introduce the
concept of the supervisor which has the role of a
handler for a group of system’s agents. He defines
two types of exceptions: the internal exceptions that
Bouzahzah M. and Maamri R..
Handling Exceptions in Multi Agent Systems using Learning Agents.
DOI: 10.5220/0004263304230426
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2013), pages 423-426
ISBN: 978-989-8565-38-9
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
are treated by the agent itself and the external ones
handled by the supervisor which has a global access
to the agents that it supervises.
These approaches are costly in terms of
computation and communication and they cause
point of failure since controlling agents, also, are
subjects of fault. There are other approaches that
treat the exception using a centralized solution. In
this case, a framework is created to handle the
different exceptions that occur in the system:
The SaGE system described in (Souchon and
Christophe, 2002) and (Kchir, 2010) gives more
important to agents’ communications in terms in
request/ response. An exception is treated by
handlers that try to solve the problem locally, but if
it is not the case the request will be returned toward
the agent asking for it. Complex services that
invocate other agents to solve a request use a
concertation function. The approach proposed in
(Klein and Dellarocas, 1999) uses a separate system
called the exception handling service; this service is
viewed as a coordination doctor that knows about
the different cases to handle exception; exceptions,
In this case, are considered as illness.
These two approaches are effective in term of
decreasing the charges; but they are not able to
recognize if an exception has being handle in
previous times or not which cause a great waste of
time, and they cannot deal with new exceptions that
are not existing in their knowledge bases.
The next sections describe our new approach that
tries to use learning agents to have the opportunity to
handle exception according to thier experiences.
This section allows the definition of the agent’s
model used by the approach proposed.
3.1 Agent’s Model and Plans
Representation. We use hierarchical plans
(Bradley and Edmund, 1999) to model the agent’s
activities. The hierarchical plans representation
allows specifying different combinations of
alternatives to accomplish a given goal with a
particular context. A hierarchical plan identifies
promising classes of long-term activities, and
incrementally refines these classes to eventually
converge in specific actions.
The aim of our work is to develop a simple and a
formal model that represents the agent’s activities
and allows error detection in order to solve the
problem of failure in multi-agent systems.
A hierarchical plan P is defined in our model by a
tuple (Pre (P), In (P), Post (p), type (P), sub plans
(P), Order (P)):
Pre (p): set of conditions and data needed for the
In (p): set of conditions that must be verified
during the execution.
Post (P): denote the set of conditions verified and
the data provided at the end of the execution.
The type of plan P type (P) can be: a simple plan
(action), OR plan which is a hierarchical plan that is
accomplished by carrying out one of its sub plans,
AND plan is also a hierarchical plan that is
accomplished by carrying out its entire sub plans.
Sub plans: is a set of plans. In case of simple
plans the set of sub plans is empty.
Order (P) represents the order of execution of
plan P.
3.2 The Error Detection
To determine that an error occurs at one point of
time, we have to define to a new concept that is the
An execution of a plan P is an instance of
decomposition and ordering of its sub plans'
executions. The set E (P) represents the possible
executions of a plan P.
An execution e of P is recursively defined as a
tuple <D (e), ts, tf, V (Pre (e), In (e), Post (e))>:
ts, tf are positive, non zero real numbers
representing the start and finish times of execution e,
and t
< t
D (e) is the set of sub plans executions
representing the decomposition of plan P under this
execution e.
V (Pre (e), In (e), Post (e)): a Boolean function
that verify the previous conditions. It returns true if
the execution succeeds and returns false if an error
The agent has to compare the expected conditions
that appear in his hierarchical plan with the real
conditions that occur at the moment of execution; if
all the conditions are verified then the action is
executed with success otherwise an exception is
3.3 The Communication Protocol
The agent has to communicate the learning agent
and the other system’s agents using messages. The
general model of messages in our approach has the
following structure:
M=<Send, Recept, C>
M represents the message or the communication
Send represents the code that identifies the agent
who sends the message and who is searching for a
handler for the detected exception.
Recept identifies the learning agent.
C represents the content of the message that may
design an exception.
The content of the message, in our work, represents
the current state of the agent that may be the
expected value of conditions and the resulting
C=< (Pre (P), In (P), Post (p)), (Pre (e), In (e), Post
In reality, two types of learning can be used in multi-
agent systems:
Individual learning occurs independently of other
agents. It is taken into consideration only when all
the elements of the learning process are executed by
the same agent and requires no interaction with other
Multi-agent learning requires the presence of
other agents and their interaction (Watkins,1989).
We consider the first type of learning in our model
since we choose to have a centralized solution in
order to decrease the charges. So, the learning agent
is the one concerned by solving the exception
4.1 The Learning Models
The learning models are classified into two main
Unconscious learning or reinforcement learning
that occurs when the agent does not know what he is
learning. It is a mechanism that operates
automatically and continuously.
The conscious learning takes place when the
agents are able to reflect on their actions and their
consequences (Brenner, 2005).
We are interesting to have a learning agent that can
learn automatically and continuously, thus, we
choose reinforcement learning model and we apply
the Q learning algorithm known by being simple and
gives clear results.
4.2 Q Learning Algorithm
and Exception
Handling. Q-learning is a reinforcement learning
technique that works by learning an action-value
function that gives the expected utility of taking a
given action in a given state and following a fixed
policy thereafter. One of the strengths of Q-learning
is that it is able to compare the expected utility of
the available actions without requiring a model of
the environment (Qlearning, Wikipedia).
Concerning our approach the learning agent uses
the Q learning algorithm in order to join the couple
(exception, handler) and a value Q (exception,
handler) that represents the reward or the
effectiveness of the handler to solve this exception.
So, this algorithm is based on the use of a function
whose value is:
Q: S x A R
S is the set of the agent s states in other words it
represents the set of errors or exception detected.
When the learning agent receives the message
concerning the exception it chooses the handlers that
can be associated within this exception.
A represents the set of actions or handlers
proposed to solve errors.
Q(s, a) this value represents the reward when
using the handler a to solve the exception s.
The agent can move from exception state to a
normal one. Each state provides the agent a reward
(a real or natural number). The goal of the agent is to
maximize the reward. It does this by learning which
action is optimal for each state. So, the best handler
for an exception is the one whose reward is the
Before learning has started, the learning agent
is initialized by some handlers and the function Q
returns a fixed value, chosen by the designer. Then,
each time the agent is given a reward (the error is
solved) new values are calculated for each
combination of a state s from S, and action a from A.
The core of the algorithm is a simple value
iteration update. It assumes the old value and makes
a correction based on the new information. The
update of t h e reward value is done according to the
following formula:
s, a
1∝ ts, a
s, a
s, a
r γmaxQ
The goal of the Q learning algorithm is to build the
reward function Q for each couple (s,a) according to
the result given after the use of the handler a. αt has
a value in [0,1] it refers to the learning rate.
is the actuel lisation factor, it allows the learning
agent to determinr the best reward. If the agent
needs immediate rewards so the actual lisation factor
must be near 0.
4.3 The Learning Agent’s Memory
The learning agent has to remember the historical
value of rewards for each handler in order to choose
the best handler in case where an exception appears
for the second time.
As we show in the previous paragraphs the Q
learning algorithm builds its decisions depending on
its perception of the system. But in our approach we
need a decision that depends also on the agent’s
historical experiences. As a solution we propose to
use the learning agent memory that includes the past
decisions about handlers. According to this idea the
agent will be able to recognize an action that has
appears in the past and choose its best handler.
In case where the exception has reward =0 using all
the available handlers. We give the learning agent
the authority to ask for new solutions from the
extern designer. The knowledge base will be
extended and the new added solution will be treated
as the initial ones.
Throughout this paper, we have proposed an
effective approach for fault tolerance in multi-agent
systems based on learning agent. We use a formal
model for agent activities representation called
hierarchical plans. It allows the detection of errors in
a simple and automatic way. We choose Q learning
algorithm to handle exceptions. Learning agent has
the opportunity to handle exceptions according to his
experiences; to choose the most effective handler in
case where may handlers exist, and we give the
agent the ability to learn from the extern in case of
new exceptions.
Finally, we are interested in validating this work
through a simulation that can provide real results on
the effectiveness of this approach and compare it
with other approaches.
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