Figure 4: Three frames for the real-world dataset. The top row shows the PMV estimated path up to the current frame for
frames 47, 87, and 126 with a rectangle placed at the current estimated location. The bottom row shows the TBD estimated
path up to the current frame for frames 47, 87, and 126. A rectangle is placed over the current estimate if TBD has passed the
detection threshold for the frame (frames 47 and 126 do not have rectangles because TBD has fewer than 70% of particles
tracking the target. Picture intensity in these images is adjusted to highlight the target.
use of a color filter over different pixels of an opti-
cal sensor, or a prism in the case of 3 CCD cameras
results in different PSFs for each pixel of the image.
While this complicates the likelihood function, it may
also provide another indicator of target location. Ad-
ditionally, since the width of the PSF is dependent on
the wavelength of light, different color filters will pro-
vide more or less information in neighboring pixels.
By matching the likelihood function to the sensor in
use, it may be possible to increase accuracy of PMV.
This paper has demonstrated a method for track-
ing the path of subpixel objects in image sequences
captured by a critically sampled optical sensor. A
likelihood method is developed using a pixel matched
optimal filter. The problem is formulated using the
MAP solution for HMMs, and the motion model is
mapped to a distance transform problem that reduces
the overall complexity from O(tn
) to O(tn). We
compared the performance of PMV to a current state
of the art method and show that our method outper-
forms TBD in all data sets used. Finally, we provide
real-world validation of the results observed for the
synthetic data set. To the best of our knowledge, PMV
is the first subpixel target tracking method proposed in
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