classification error rate when using the possibilistic
approach with Sim
function is 8.5% while the error
rate obtained by the Bayesian approach is 18.3%.
5.2 Medical Application
The proposed approach of classification is applied
on a mammographic image composed of two
classes: tumor and normal tissue (figure 4). This
image is extracted from the MIAS image database
(Mammographic Image Analysis Society).
Figure 4: (left) A mammographic image composed of two
classes, (right) Classified image using the proposed
A visual analysis of the obtained results shows
that the proposed approach allows obtaining an
interesting homogeneity of the regions determined
from samples based on measures limited to windows
of size 3 \times 3.
In this study, a classification approach was
developed based on the possibility theory that
enables the integration of contextual information and
a priori knowledge. Indeed, one of the key points of
the proposed approach is to characterize the pixel to
be classified taking into account its neighbourhood
through the creation of local possibility distribution.
Another key point of our approach is to propose a
classification method based on the similarity
between class possibility distribution and local
possibility distribution, and not on a membership
degree, of parameters extracted from the local
window, to possibility distributions of classes. The
first results on both the synthetic image and the real
medical image (compared to the results obtained
using a Bayesian approach) seem promising.
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