Figure 6: Outlier detection. A first pass fits the ODE pa-
rameters using a robustified loss function (top). The outliers
are then discarded and a second pass computes the final fit
(bottom). The original data is represented in red, the ODE
solution is overlaid in black.
We propose a method capable of estimating the 3D
path of a particle from a set of unsynchronized multi-
view image measurements. Our method is able to reli-
ably reconstruct the 3D trajectory of a particle—given
a parametrized model L
(t) describing its motion—
even in the presence of occlusions, misdetections and
misclassifications. Unlike other attempts that rely
upon motion models to improve 3D estimation accu-
racy, the proposed method makes no linearity assump-
tions about the motion model.
We applied the proposed method to the problem
of estimating the 3D trajectories of blood droplets
as they move through the air under the influence of
drag and gravity. Physical experiments that were car-
ried out to record these blood droplets are described
elsewhere (Zarrabeitia et al., 2012). We also gen-
erated synthetic dataset that faithfully mimics those
captured from the physical experimental setup men-
tioned above. The synthetic dataset allowed us to
evaluate the proposed approach under controlled set-
tings. We compared the four motion models described
in the previous section and we found that the polyno-
mial motion models fair poorly at the task of extrapo-
lation, i.e., estimating the full 3D trajectory of a par-
ticle given a small set of initial measurements. ODE
based motion models, on the other hand, correctly ex-
trapolated the 3D trajectory of a particle even in the
presence of noisy measurements. We achieved simi-
lar results for the real dataset.
Our results summarized in Table 5 are both ex-
citing and encouraging. We conclude that 3D recon-
struction via triangulation (using synchronized mea-
surements) often exaggerates measurement errors, af-
fecting 3D trajectory estimation. The proposed tech-
nique side-steps this issue by solving for both the 3D
trajectory of a particle and its motion model concomi-
tantly. We show that the proposed method outper-
forms the traditional triangulation based 3D trajectory
reconstruction approach.
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