medical care application including both hardware
platforms and software platforms. Wireless pulse
oximeter sensor and wireless two-lead ECG sensor
is used based on the TinyOS operating system, so
that it is supported to monitor a variety of
physiological parameters include heart rate (HR),
oxygen saturation (SpO2), and ECG data. The user
can get their health status without going to the
hospital. The software platforms support PDAs, PCs
and other devices which make the user and caregiver
to manage these medical data easily. CodeBlue
system also supports indoor and outdoor location
tracking, so that it can be used to identify user’s
location especially helpful for the people with
cognitive disabilities.
With the development of biomedical sensor,
there are a lot of physiological variables can be
monitored. For example, in (Yang et al., 2010)
(Morris et al., 2009), by using biochemical sensing
techniques, a textile-based wearable biosensor can
monitor pH and sodium (Na+) when the user wear it.
2.2 Daily Activities Monitoring
Activities monitoring applications at first are mainly
targeted for gerontology. The Geriatrics shows that
with the increase of age, elderly body systems, such
as nervous system and immune system will
gradually decline (Wikipedia, 2012). The simple and
inexpensive environment sensors are used to
monitor the daily life of elderly. Such applications
require the long-term monitoring, collecting and
analyzing data to find out when a person begins to
lose physical or mental ability, or discover the trends
of chronic disease, so that it have the potential to
prevent the elderly physical and mental illness.
There is a study in the Quality of Life
Technology Center (QoLTC) of Carnegie Mellon
University that using embedded sensors to
monitoring observations of daily living (ODLs) to
detect onset of Alzheimer's disease (Mellon, 2010).
They proposed a new concept Observations of Daily
Living, or ODLs which includes "patient-recorded
feelings, thoughts, behaviours and environmental
factors (Mellon, 2010)". They proposed a new
concept Observations of daily living, or ODLs
which include "patient-recorded feelings, thoughts,
behaviours and environmental factors (Mellon,
2010)". And they put environment wireless sensors
in about 50 old adults’ house to monitor their daily
activities in order to detect subtle changes in
Most of the healthcare system is designed for the
elderly and the people who suffer from chronic
disease. But when some researchers design the
healthcare system, there is a problem that they did
not give the motivations or reasons the physiological
parameters or physical activities to be monitored.
For example, the daily activity such as teeth-
brushing or shaving (Ince et al., 2008) may not
provide the useful information for the doctor. If the
collected data have no effect to detect or cure the
chronic disease, or if the collected data have less
value to find out the activity patterns, there is no
need to monitor these parameters. Therefore, this
section provides requirement analysis which starts
from the causes of chronic diseases and focus on
what activities and physiological parameters which
have more medical value for several chronic
“Table 1” shows the summary of all the user
requirements analysis about the activities and
physiological parameters to be monitored for
chronically ill mentioned here. Researchers can use
this table as a reference when they design health care
system both for the medical status monitoring
applications and the daily activities monitoring
3.1 Diabetes
For the people who have diabetes, they always have
high blood glucose level and produce the classical
symptoms of polyuria (frequent urination),
polydipsia (increased thirst) and polyphagia
(increased hunger). Beside of these three symptoms,
there are other sign of diabetes: constant hunger,
unexplained weight loss, flu-like symptoms,
including weakness and fatigue, blurred vision and
slow healing of cuts or bruises. From WHO diabetes
criteria, if the one whose fasting glucose is over 125
mg/dl and 2 hour glucose is at or above 200 mg/dl,
he or she can be diagnosed with diabetes.
3.2 Cardiovascular Disease
Cardiovascular disease is related with heart or blood
vascular disease. The two main causes are high
blood pressure and high blood cholesterol. Other
important risk factors are diabetes, tobacco use, poor
nutrition, and overweight and obesity. There are