ble of generalising over the training data. To that end
we regress from the proportion of the training data
to the test data and evaluate how the prediction error
changes by altering this proportion. The prediction is
performed using simple least-square regression over
the kernel induced feature space. In Figure 6, the
results are shown using different sizes of the train-
ing data. As shown, the path kernel performs signif-
icantly better compared to the global alignment ker-
nel and the results improve with the size of the train-
ing dataset. Interestingly, the global alignment ker-
nel produces very different results dependent on the
size of the training dataset indicating that it is severely
over-fitting the data.
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
training examples
RMS Error
Figure 6: The above figure depicts the RMS error when
predicting the phase shift from a noisy sine waveform by
a regression over the feature space induced by the kernels.
The red bars correspond to the global alignment kernel and
the green bars to the path kernel. The y-axis shows the error
in percentage of phase, while the x-axis indicates the size of
the training dataset.
In this paper, we have presented a novel kernel for en-
coding sequences. Our kernel reflects and encodes all
possible alignments between two sequences by asso-
ciating a cost to each. This cost encodes a preference
towards specific paths. The kernel is applicable to
any kind of symbolic or numerical data as it requires
only the existence of a kernel between symbols. We
have presented both qualitative and quantitative ex-
periments exemplifying the benefits of the path kernel
compared to competing methods. We show that the
proposed method significantly improves results both
with respect to discrimination and generalisation es-
pecially in noisy scenarios. The computational cost
associated with the kernel is considerably lower than
competing methods, making it applicable to data-sets
that could previously not be investigated using ker-
Our experimental results indicate that the kernel
we propose is positive semi-definite. In future we
intend to investigate proving this property. Further-
more, in this paper, we have chosen a very simplis-
tic dataset in order to evaluate our kernel. Given
our encouraging results, we are currently working on
applying our kernel to more challenging real-world
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