tration level: it is intuitive that lines which took longer
to finish did so because the subject was maintaining a
lower concentration level. A third possibility is to use
lines of different difficulty (with harder lines having
more pairs of numbers to be indicated), and assume
that harder lines will induce more stress. Acquisition
of data with this type of external information, and its
subsequent analysis using the methodology proposed
here, will be the subject of future work.
We presented a methodology for exploratory data
analysis of EEG data acquired while subjects per-
formed a task which demands high concentration lev-
els. We preprocessed the data using bandpass filter-
ing, independent component analysis (ICA) and em-
pirical mode decomposition (EMD); we then used
two different measures: band power features (BPF)
and phase-locking factor (PLF), which measure en-
ergy in typical EEG bands and phase synchrony
across pairs of channels, respectively. Finally, we
used the clustering ensembles framework to extract
relevant information from those features.
The main conclusion is the finding of few clus-
ters per subject and per test line (usually 2 or 3; 4 or
more clusters are rare), and the fact that these clus-
ters are almost always composed of a single time in-
terval. These findings suggest that this methodology
may be detecting a transition in the brain activity of
the subject, which could be caused by a change in the
emotional state due to tiredness or stress.
This work was supported by the Portuguese Founda-
tion for Science and Technology grants PTDC/EIA-
CCO/103230/2008 and SFRH/BD/65248/2009.
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