Table 2: Average f (1) score for the cross validation test. T stands for training and V stands for validation tests. The parameters
used are shown in the table.
Distance k k
T (µ, σ) V (µ, σ)
Euclidean 200 75 0.55 2.2 (0.61, 0.09) (0.43, 0.34)
DTW 200 75 0.55 1.9 (0.68, 0.08) (0.59, 0.32)
the approach by computing the f (1) score. Table 2
summarizes the results of the cross-validation test
As it can be seen from Table 2, using the Eu-
clidean distance for comparing sequences gives poor
results in the validation datasets. As expected, using
the Dynamic Time Warping distance yields better re-
sults since DTW is more appropriate for comparing
sequences given that it allows a non-uniform align-
ment between the two sequences being compared.
This paper presents a method for detecting gesture
templates in a semi-supervised manner. The experi-
ments demonstrated that using Dynamic Time Warp-
ing as the distance measure for the k-medoids algo-
rithm gave the best results when spotting gestures.
Our results for the cross-validation test are compa-
rable to the ones obtained by Sagha et al. (Sagha
et al., 2011). Both contributions use a window of
16 samples overlapped 50% and the average as fea-
ture. The main difference between both contributions
is that Sagha et al. use the information in a single
window for inferring the gestures, whereas we use the
information in a sequence of feature values from mul-
tiple adjacent windows. Amongst the tested classi-
fiers, they found that 1-NN has the best performance
with an average f (1) score of 0.53 on subject 1. It
is important to note that they use all the upper body
sensors while we only use one sensor located on the
right forearm (RLA). We obtained a validation per-
formance of 0.59 over subject 1, which is very close
to the best results found by Sagha et al. Moreover,
our approach has the advantage of using less sensors
and of not requiring the whole dataset in memory to
classify new gestures.
Finally, by requiring ground truth only for the
template selection stage (but not to find the candi-
dates), our approach for template discovery could be
used in a system that can create its group of templates
incrementally. For example, a system which asks for
user annotation when a previously unseen template
is discovered. The method is therefore more flexible
than a fully supervised method where all the possible
gestures would have to be defined beforehand.
The authors would like to thank Daniel Roggen and
the team of the wearable computing laboratory at
ETHZ for their valuable input. This work is part of
the project SmartDays founded by the Hasler Foun-
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