An Information Theoretic Approach to Text Sentiment Analysis
David Pereira Coutinho
and M´ario A. T. Figueiredo
Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal
Instituto Superior T´ecnico, Lisboa, Portugal
Instituto de Telecomunicac¸ ˜oes, Lisboa, Portugal
Sentiment Analysis, Binary Categorization, Ziv-Merhav Method, Cross Parsing, Lempel-Ziv Algorithm.
Most approaches to text sentiment analysis rely on human generated lexicon-based feature selection meth-
ods, supervised vector-based learning methods, and other solutions that seek to capture sentiment information.
Most of these methods, in order to yield acceptable accuracy, require a complex preprocessing stage and
careful feature engineering. This paper introduces a coding-theoretic-based sentiment analysis method that
dispenses with any text preprocessing or explicit feature engineering, but still achieves state-of-the-art ac-
curacy. By applying the Ziv-Merhav method to estimate the relative entropy (Kullback-Leibler divergence)
and the cross parsing length from pairs of sequences of text symbols, we get information theoretic measures
that make very few assumptions about the models which are assumed to have generated the sequences. Us-
ing these measures, we follow a dissimilarity space approach, on which we apply a standard support vector
machine classifier. Experimental evaluation of the proposed approach on a text sentiment analysis problem
(more specifically, movie reviews sentiment polarity classification) reveals that it outperforms the previous
state-of-the-art, despite being much simpler than the competing methods.
The task of automatically classifying a text, not in
terms of topic, but according to the overall sentiment
it expresses, is the objective of text sentiment analysis
(SA). A particular instance of this task is that of de-
termining whether a user review (e.g., of a movie, or a
book) is positive or negative, that is, determining the
so-called sentiment polarity. To solve this binary cat-
egorization problem, different approaches have been
proposed in the literature. Most of those approaches
rely on human-generated lexicon-based feature selec-
tion methods, based on which it is possible to build
supervised vector-based learning methods. The key
drawback of those methods is that they demand a
complex preprocessing stage and can only achieve ac-
ceptable accuracy with careful lexicon and feature de-
In this paper, we propose a new information-
theoretic approach to text sentiment analysis, and il-
lustrate it in the particular case of binary sentiment
polarity categorization. The proposed method does
not use any of the classical text preprocessing steps,
such as stop-word removal or stemming. The pro-
posed method follows earlier work (Pereira Coutinho
and Figueiredo, 2005) in that it is based on the Ziv-
Merhav method (ZMM) for the estimation of relative
entropies (or Kullback-Leibler divergences) between
pairs of sequences of text symbols, with these esti-
mates serving as features, based on which a classifier
(e.g., a support vector machine – SVM) can be built.
The seminal work on the text sentiment analy-
sis problem was published in 2002 by Pang and Lee
(Pang et al., 2002), who focused on movie review sen-
timent polarity categorization. The method proposed
by those authors is based on a human-generated lex-
icon, based on which bag-of-words (BoW) descrip-
tions of the texts were obtained and used as feature
vectors by an SVM classifier. Due to the success of
Joachims (Joachims, 1998) in dealing with text classi-
fication problems by combining SVM classifiers with
BoW-based vector space models, many researchers
have followed similar approaches.
In this work, we aim at dispensing with the
human-generated lexicon for building BoW features,
or the need for any other feature design or engineer-
ing. For that purpose, we partially follow previous
work (Pereira Coutinho and Figueiredo, 2005) in that
we use the ZMM as a model-free feature extractor that
doesn’t require any human intervention. We adopt
Pereira Coutinho D. and A. T. Figueiredo M. (2013).
An Information Theoretic Approach to Text Sentiment Analysis.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, pages 577-580
DOI: 10.5220/0004269005770580
the dissimilarity space approach (see (Pekalska et al.,
2001), (Pekalska and Duin, 2002), and references
therein); in particular, we characterize each text by
the vector of its ZMM-based dissimilarity values with
respect to (all or a subset of the) other texts in the
training set. Finally, a standard SVM is used as a
classifier. We stress again that the crucial aspect of
the proposed approach is that it dispenses with any
preprocessing (such as stop-word removal and word
stemming) or any human-based feature design. Still,
as shown in the experiments reported below, our ap-
proach establishes a new state-of-the-art accuracy in
a benchmark movie review sentiment polarity catego-
rization dataset.
The outline of the paper is has follows. Section 2
discusses some previous work and results in text sen-
timent analysis. Section 3 introduces the fundamen-
tal tools used in our approach and provides details
about our categorization method. Our experiments
and analysis of the results are presented in section 4,
and finally conclusions are presented in Section 5.
Starting with the seminal work of Joachims
(Joachims, 1998), SVM classifiers have been
one of the weapons of choice when dealing with
topic-based text classification. These SVM classifiers
typically work on vector spaces where each text is
characterized by a bag of words (BoW) or bag of
pairs of words (word bi-grams). It was thus not
surprising that the initial attempts at addressing text
sentiment analysis (which of course is just a special
type of text categorization) were also based on SVM
tools and BoW-type features (Pang et al., 2002).
The early work of Pang and Lee, using this type of
approach, provided a strong baseline accuracy of
82.9% in a task of movie reviews sentiment polarity
(binary) classification.
Since then, the movie review dataset (also known
as the sentiment polarity dataset) used in (Pang et al.,
2002), (Pang and Lee, 2004) has become a benchmark
for many sentiment classification studies. We now re-
call some of the best result to date on this dataset.
Whitelaw and collaborators (Whitelaw et al.,
2005), reported an accuracy of 90.2%. Their method
is based on so-called appraisal groups, which are de-
fined as coherent groups of words around adjectives
that together express a particular opinion, such as
“very funny” or “not terribly surprising”. After build-
ing an apraisal lexicon (manually verified) it uses a
combination of different types of appraisal group fea-
tures and BoW features for training an SVM classifier.
The state-of-the-art accuracy was established by Mat-
sumoto and collaborators (Matsumoto et al., 2005).
They proposed a method where information about
word order and syntactic relations between words in
a sentence is used for training a classifier. Thus us-
ing the extracted word sub-sequencesand dependency
sub-trees as features for SVMs training they attained
an accuracy of 93.7%.
More recently Yessenalina and colleagues (Yesse-
nalina et al., 2010) proposed a supervised multi-level
structured model based on SVMs, which learns to
jointly predict the document label and the labels of a
sentence subset that best explain the document senti-
ment. The authors treated the sentence-level labels as
hidden variables so the proposed model does not re-
quired sentence-level annotation for training, avoid-
ing this way the lowerlevel labellings cost. They
formulate the training objective to directly optimize
the document-level accuracy. This multi-level struc-
tured model achieved 93.22% document-level sen-
timent classification accuracy on the movie review
These results and references are summarized in
Table 1. Further examples can be found in the sur-
vey paper (Vinodhini and Chandrasekaran, 2012),
but none with better accuracy results for this dataset
than those mentioned above, and all usually involv-
ing complex preprocessing stages and careful feature
Table 1: Baseline and best reported classification accuracies
in the literature over the same collection of movie reviews.
Method Accuracy [%]
(Pang et al., 2002) 82.9
(Pang and Lee, 2004) 87.2
(Whitelaw et al., 2005) 90.2
(Matsumoto et al., 2005) 93.7
(Yessenalina et al., 2010) 93.2
Proposed approach (linear SVM) 96.9
Proposed approach (7-NN) 95.6
3.1 The Ziv-Merhav Method
The Ziv-Merhav Method (ZMM) was introduced in
1993 (Ziv and Merhav, 1993) for measuring relative
entropy between pairs of sequences of symbols. It is
based on the incremental Lempel-Ziv (LZ) parsing al-
gorithm (Ziv and Lempel, 1978) and on a variation
thereof, known as cross parsing. Combining these
two algorithms, the authors defined an estimate of
the relative entropy that can be used as a dissimilarity
The LZ algorithm is a well-known tool for text
compression (Salomon and Motta, 2010), which in
recent years has also been used for text/sequence clas-
sification purposes; for example, in (Pereira Coutinho
and Figueiredo, 2005), LZ-based dissimilarity mea-
sures were used to achieve state-of-the-art perfor-
mance in a specific text classification task (authorship
An implementation of the cross parsing algorithm
was proposed in (Pereira Coutinho and Figueiredo,
2005), based on a modified LZ77 (Ziv and Lempel,
1977) algorithm, where the dictionary is static and
only the lookahead buffer slides over the input se-
quence, as shown in Figure 1 (for more details, see
(Pereira Coutinho and Figueiredo, 2005)). This very
same implementation, using a 2 Mbyte dictionary and
a 256 byte look ahead buffer, was used in the experi-
ments reported below.
Figure 1: The original LZ77 sliding window and the modi-
fied implementation for cross parsing.
Whereas in (Pereira Coutinho and Figueiredo,
2005), the ZMM was applied to compute text dis-
similarities, which were then used by a K-nearest-
neighbors (K-NN) classifier, here we propose to use
the ZMM to build a dissimilarity space representa-
tion of the texts, following the framework proposed
in (Pekalska et al., 2001), (Pekalska and Duin, 2002),
and reviewed in the next subsection.
3.2 Dissimilarity-based Classification
Let us consider a given training set of objects (movie
reviews, in the example considered in this paper) X =
, ..., x
}, where each object belongs to some set X
(e.g., the set of finite length strings of some finite al-
phabet) and some dissimilarity measure between pairs
of objects, D : X × X R. In the dissimilarity-based
approach, each object (either in the training set or
a new object to be classified after training) is repre-
sented by the vector of its dissimilarities with respect
to the elements of X (or a subset thereof). That is,
the training set in the so-called dissimilarity space be-
D = {d
, ..., d
, x
, x
An important aspect of dissimilarity-based ap-
proaches is that very few conditions are put of the
dissimilarity measure; namely, it doesn’t have to
be a metric, it doesn’t even need to be symmetric
(Pekalska et al., 2001), (Pekalska and Duin, 2002).
Dissimilarity representations can also be based on a
subset of the training set, in which case the dissim-
ilarity space has dimension equal to the cardinal of
that subset; some work has been devoted to methods
for selecting this subset (Duin and Paclk, 2006).
In this paper, we propose to build the
dissimilarity-based representation by using the
relative entropy estimate between pairs of sequences
of symbols, as measured by the Ziv-Merhav method
described in the previous subsection.
Once in possession of a dissimilarity-based repre-
sentation of a training set, any standard classification
method that works on vector spaces can be used. In
this paper, we report preliminary results by using (lin-
ear) SVM and K-NN classifiers. As shown in the ex-
periment results below, this simple approach already
achieves results that outperform the previous state-
of-the-art, although it is conceptually much simpler
and requires much less human intervention. In future
work, even better results may be obtained by explor-
ing other possibilities, such as other kernels, tuning of
the SVM C parameter, and better strategies to select a
subset of objects with respect to which the dissimilar-
ity representations are obtained.
In the experimental evaluation of the proposed ap-
proach, we use the polarity dataset
v2.0, introduced
by (Pang and Lee, 2004); this (human classified)
dataset includes 1,000 positive and 1,000 negative
movie reviews. The dataset is split into a training set
with 900 examples per class and then into 10 cross-
validation (CV) folds. We report CV accuracy esti-
mates, following the same protocol of (Pang and Lee,
2004), where in each run, 1800 examples are used to
train and 200 examples to test. We stress, that we
don’t use any text preprocessing.
We use K-NN and SVM classifiers (with linear
kernel), implemented by the PRTools Matlab toolbox
for pattern recognition
(version 4). The value of the
C parameter in the SVM was set to one.
We compare the accuracy of the proposed approach
with respect to the methods described in Section 2
in the movie review sentiment polarity classification
problem using the dataset described in the previous
section. The results shown in Table 1 reveal that
the proposed approach with the SVM outperforms the
previous state-of-the-art, by achieving an average ac-
curacy of 96.9%. Regarding the K-NN classifier, the
best accuracy (95.55%) was obtained with K = 7, al-
though the result for K = 1 (95.45%) is almost identi-
cal and also outperforms the previous state-of-the-art.
Finally, we also explored the random prototype se-
lection method proposed by Duin et al. (Duin and
Paclk, 2006); the results are shown in Figure 2. No-
tice that using only 10% of the prototypes for training
(180) we still get an accuracy of 95.0%, better than
the previous state-of-the-art.
Figure 2: Average accuracy in the dissimilarity space as a
function of the number of randomly prototypes.
In this paper, we have presented a new approach
for text sentiment analysis, based on an information-
theoretic dissimilarity measure, which is used to build
dissimilarity representations on which SVM and K-
NN classifiers are applied. The aim of our proposal
was mainly to show that this type of approach allows
achieving state-of-the-art results in hard text classifi-
cation problems, while involving virtually no human
intervention and no text preprocessing. We have il-
lustrated the approach on a benchmark dataset, where
the task is to perform movie review sentiment polar-
ity categorization. Our methods outperform previous
state-of-the-art results, although it is drastically sim-
pler and requires much less human intervention.
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