stored and combined with a greedy search algorithm
to create ensembles based on accuracy, phenotype and
genotype diversity.
Overall results indicates that using information in
the search space of each objective (local optima po-
sitions and values), rather than in the objective space,
permits creating pools of classifiers that are more ac-
curate and with lower computational cost. For in-
cremental learning scenarios with real-world video
streams, ADNPSO provides accuracy comparable to
that of using mono-objective optimization, yet re-
quires a fraction of its computational cost. Since
the proposed AMCS is designed with samples col-
lected from changing classification environments, fu-
ture work will focus on measures to detect various
types of changes in the feature space (see Figure 1).
This information could then be used to trigger an up-
date of the pool and archive only when new data in-
corporated relevant information.
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