Platform-integrated Sensors and Personalized Sensing
in Smart Buildings
Milan Milenkovic
, Thanh Dang
, Ulf Hanebutte
and Yonghong Huang
Intel Labs, Intel Corporation, Oregon, U.S.A.
School of Engineering, Washington State University Vancouver, Washington, U.S.A.
Sensing Architecture, Platform-integrated Sensor, User-centric Sensing, Smart Buildings.
We propose, implement, and evaluate a pervasive sensing system that is capable of collecting data from sensors
that may surround a user in a given setting. Such systems will enable creation of new types of applications
that span across devices, users, and domains based on spatial, temporal, and social aggregations of sensor
data. Key innovation in our work is a sensing fabric that collects data from a variety of sensors and leverages
platform-integrated sensors, which are built into hosting devices, such as laptops and tablets. These sensors
can significantly improve sensing in enterprise settings and they are comparatively inexpensive to manufacture,
deploy, and maintain. Our system embodies three key architectural principles: (1) support for a variety of
sensor types including platform-integrated sensors for pervasive sensing, (2) use of Internet protocols for
sensor connectivity, web technologies and programming model for application development, and (3) use a
hybrid sensor database design with a document-oriented component to improve flexibility and performance.
We evaluate our implementation in real-world pilots for several months and 73 users. Our results demonstrate
that platform-integrated sensors can provide accurate sensing data, have negligible impact on operations of
a hosting platform, and that our architecture can provide sensing services across users and devices over a
sustained period of time.
We envision a pervasive sensing system that is capa-
ble of collecting data from all available sensors that
may surround a user in any setting. The data sources
can come from a variety of devices including personal
mobile devices as well as sensors embedded in the en-
vironment. The data sources can also be in different
settings such as static sensors provided by building-
management systems (BMS), mobile sensors in mov-
ing vehicles with in-vehicle information system, or
public infrastructure in smart cities.
Our definition of sensors is very broad; it includes
not only all types of hardware sensors, but also soft-
ware sensors, sensing services, and people. Software
sensors are software programs (agents) that can cap-
ture and report some conditions of interest, such as
user presence detected via key clicks or mouse move-
ments. Sensing services refer to data provided by an
external source with programmatic interfaces. People
as sensors refers to users providing direct input, such
as comfort levels or preferences via dedicated end-
user interfaces, or social network platforms.
An additional sensing opportunity, surprisingly
not covered in published literature, is provided by
(IT) platform-integrated sensors, which are built into
personal computing devices such as laptops, phones,
and tablets. They offer many advantages over exist-
ing sensors in terms of cost, deployment, and person-
alization. Computing devices already have compu-
tation, storage and communication capabilities, and
can provide energy to attached sensors. Adding new
sensors to IT devices is comparatively inexpensive
as it requires adding only physical sensing probes or
capabilities. Hence, the manufacturing and deploy-
ment costs for adding sensors to computing devices
are small compared to standalone wireless embedded
sensors or dedicated sensors.
The challenge we are addressing is to integrate
data from all sensors including platform-integrated
sensors across devices, users, and domains. The in-
tegration will enable new types of applications that
cross-correlate data related to individuals. It will also
enable comprehensive understanding of contexts and
environments surrounding users. While much atten-
tion in the research community has been on design-
ing sensing systems for dedicated infrastructure (Turc
et al., 2010) or for network of standalone sensors (e.g.
Milenkovic M., Dang T., Hanebutte U. and Huang Y..
Platform-integrated Sensors and Personalized Sensing in Smart Buildings.
DOI: 10.5220/0004271300470052
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sensor Networks (SENSORNETS-2013), pages 47-52
ISBN: 978-989-8565-45-7
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
participatory sensing (Campbell et al., 2008)), design-
ing sensing systems that span across dedicated infras-
tructures, mobile phones, and laptops, tablets has not
been seriously addressed to date.
In this paper, we propose, implement, and deploy
a sensing system that leverages platform-integrated
sensors as applied in smart buildings. The system in-
tegrates both hardware sensors and software sensors.
We have deployed the system in two real-world pilots
for an energy efficiency application in buildings. We
evaluate the system and show that platform-integrated
sensors can enable a large number of practical appli-
In this section, we present our sensing architec-
ture that integrates cross-domain sensors including
platform-integrated sensors for smart buildings.
2.1 Platform-integrated Sensors
In our prototypes and pilot deployments, we make
considerable use of platform-integrated sensors as
practical enhancement to pervasive ambient sensing.
These are physical sensors (e.g. light, temperature
and humidity) that are integrated into common com-
puting devices including laptops, tablets, and phones.
Platform-integrated sensors have several advantages:
(1) low cost, (2) ease of installation, operation, and
management especially in corporate environments,
and (3) personalization.
Platform-integrated sensors can use the process-
ing power, connectivity, and energy supply of their
hosts. Therefore, adding new sensors to devices re-
quires adding only physical sensing capabilities (e.g.,
temperature sensors). Being essentially part of the
hosting computing device, they can be installed and
managed in an enterprise using existing IT processes
and infrastructure. In comparison, standalone wire-
less sensors often require a separate communication
infrastructure and may require frequent battery re-
placement. This makes them difficult to install and
manage in commercial settings as there is no enter-
prise deployment processes or infrastructure to rely
on, in either IT or facilities management. Wired am-
bient sensors in enterprises are typically provided as
part of the BMS at the time of building commission-
ing. They tend to work only with the proprietary BMS
systems and are costly to add or reprogram.
One aspect of personalization with platform-
integrated sensors comes from the close proximity
between users and their personal devices. Users can
get real-time feedback about their own ambient con-
ditions, such as temperature and humidity where I am
right now as opposed to sensor data from remote or
standalone sensors. Other aspects of personalization
in our system include meta-data tagging for user as-
sociation and correlation across devices and domains.
These aspects are part of our implementation but are
not described in detail in this paper.
Having realized these advantages, the computer
industry is adding a variety of sensors to laptops, start-
ing with Ultrabooks in consumers and enterprise (In-
tel, 2011). Smart phones started with an earlier use
of sensors, but mostly to enhance user experience as-
pects. Platform-integrated sensors, where available,
have been used to support limited vertical applications
that do not make use of other sensors that may be sur-
rounding users.
We view platform-integrated sensors as a practi-
cal and cost-effective addition to, and not a substi-
tute for, existing sensing infrastructures. However,
existing sensing systems do not integrate platform-
integrated sensors well because they have several dis-
tinct characteristics and requirements including: ac-
curacy, intermittency, mobility and localization, user
experience, self-discovery, and security and privacy.
2.2 Sensing Architecture Overview
Our primary design objective is to acquire sensor data
from any source and across different sensing infras-
tructures, including wired and wireless standalone
sensors. The architecture is not limited to specific
types of communications links. Figure 1 shows an
overview of our sensing framework in smart buildings
with existing BMS.
We assume that sensor sources are IP-enabled and
can support the HTTP protocol in particular, directly
or via proxies. Gateways may be deployed to bridge
specialized sub-domains, such as ZigBee or 6LoW-
PAN sensor networks. One or more software pro-
grams called sensor agents monitor each IT device
or group of devices. A sensor agent can represent and
abstract a hardware sensor or a software sensor. The
agents report readings to a sensor database. In our
system, sensor data integration occurs at the database
The key characteristic of our system that provides
cross-platform and cross-domain sensing capability;
It allows integration of sensor data across sensors,
devices, individual users. Sensor readings stored in
our database are tagged with metadata and identifiers.
Virtual (p2p) or
dedicated gateway
IT Sensor
personal, aggregated
Agent Agent Agent
BMS database
Agent Agent Agent
Figure 1: Sensing architecture for platform-integrated sen-
This allows our system to associate the sensor read-
ings with specific time and place of capture, as well as
information about originating devices, and attribution
to individual users. In this way, we can aggregate data
of interest, that is collected by a multitude of devices,
to a specific user. This is done by virtue of ownership
or temporal association. For example, close proxim-
ity can be determined while users are nearby sensors
embedded in the surrounding environment (domain),
such as office, home, or car.
The sensor database provides an efficient way to
query and aggregate data, and interact with other sys-
tems. We can perform analytics on individual data
and aggregated data. The database can respond to a
variety of programmed and ad-hoc queries to support
applications and visualizations in various levels of de-
tail. In addition, the sensor database also provides an
interface for other systems, such as BMS database as
shown in Figure 1, to exchange sensor and control in-
formation. Thus, it enables holistic building manage-
ment through coordinated behavior of all control sys-
tems. Currently various control systems in buildings,
such as IT and BMS, operate in isolation, resulting in
sub-optimal building management.
Figure 1 is conceptual in that it depicts sensors
in and around IT devices, such as laptops. In prac-
tice, we use a variety of sensors including software
and hardware sensors in laptops and other mobile de-
vices, as well as stand-alone sensors, such as power
meters, embedded in the environment. Our system
architecture and communication protocols are inten-
tionally designed to accommodate these and other
wired and wireless sensors, and aggregate data of in-
terest across all relevant sensors to users. Three im-
portant features of the architecture are (1) cross device
sensing using Representational State Transfer REST-
ful sensor agents, (2) decoupling sensor sources and
sensor database using publish-subscribe communica-
tion, and (3) providing flexibility for changes by us-
ing a document-oriented (also referred to as noSQL)
database for sensor data storage. The following sec-
tions describe these features in detail.
2.2.1 RESTful Sensor Agents for Cross-device
All our sensor agents implement a simple measure-
ment and actuation protocol called sMAP (Dawson-
Haggerty et al., 2010), that provides a RESTful web
service. The key features of a RESTful web ser-
vice that is applied in our architecture are: stateless,
cacheable, and uniform interface. The sensor agents
rely on HTTP-compatible communication with sen-
sors and actuators. This allows our sensors to report
data over Internet connections
Platform-integrated sensor agents convert hard-
ware and software sensor data into sMAP format and
send the data over the Internet to our sensor database.
Other types of hardware sensors may be interfaced
directly if properly formatted or through proxies and
protocol converters. People as sensor inputs, such as
direct observations, expressions of comfort and pref-
erences may be collected via dedicated end-user inter-
faces or with appropriate gateways from commonly
accessible texting and social networks.
In addition, researchers from the LoCal group at
the University of California Berkeley are using a com-
pletely different set of wireless ACme sensors (Jiang
et al., 2009) with microcontrollers that produce sMAP
formatted data directly and report them, via a net-
working gateway, to a similarly structured database.
This provides an independent confirmation to our
claim of architectural capability to support different
types of sensors across different communication net-
2.2.2 Publish-subscribe Communication
In order to decouple consumers and producers of data,
we use a publish-subscribe sensor reporting model. In
particular, we treat sensor sources as publishers and
consumers as subscribers. In this way, a variety of
building applications can be dynamically constructed
by having them subscribe to different data sources of
An interesting possibility availed by this approach
is that a sensor database can be implemented with-
out any knowledge or explicit assistance from sen-
sor agents. Namely, we create an universal receiver
process that subscribes to all sensors and deposits re-
ported data to the sensor database. This process com-
pletely decouples sensors from the sensor database,
thus allowing different database implementations to
be substituted at the server back-end side, without re-
configuring the sensor source at the front-end side.
This kind of system flexibility stands in stark con-
trast to traditional proprietary supervisory control and
data acquisition (SCADA) and BMS systems where
adding or even modifying a few sensory inputs to a
running system requires custom programming by spe-
cialized people resulting in very high end-user costs.
These systems generally assume a static configuration
of wired sensors, which makes them brittle and un-
able to support mobile users with platform-integrated
2.2.3 Document-oriented Sensor Database
On the server side, we use a variant of StreamFS (Or-
tiz, 2012) as a universal subscriber to all sensors to
handle sensor data streams and store sensor records
in the sensor database. In our view, key requirements
for the sensor database are high throughput, scalabil-
ity, and some flexibility in data structure. In the cur-
rent implementation, we use MongoDB, a document-
oriented noSQL database (MongoDB, 2011) for sen-
sor data storage.
In document-oriented database, each data record
is stored as a document. In general, document-
oriented databases do not provide transactional ca-
pability with ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation,
and durability) properties. This results in lower write
and little or no locking overhead, thus resulting in
higher read/write throughput than traditional transac-
tional and relational databases. The tradeoff is lack
of transactional and recovery capability, meaning that
some data records may be lost in case of system
crashes. This is generally not a problem for stream-
ing sensor data due to a large number and relatively
minor significance of individual readings and post-
processing ability to approximate the missing read-
ings in a sequence. In addition, document-oriented
noSQL databases do not require fixed formats and
pre-specified schema. Therefore, new attributes can
be added dynamically without affecting the whole
system. This flexibility allows us to add new sen-
sors and change sensor data format with minimal ef-
fort. Nevertheless, we also use a relational database
to store associations, metadata, and to create analytic
reports for users and system operators. The access-
ing frequency for this database is much lower than
the sensor database.
2.3 Case Study: Eco-Sense Buildings
The initial use case of our platform-integrated sensing
architecture is eco-sense buildings (ESB). The proto-
type and end-user testing target is energy efficiency in
office buildings. Our project goal is to expand the role
of IT to participate in increasing energy efficiency of
office buildings, while improving comfort and safety
of their occupants. We are working with eco-system
partners worldwide towards meeting the most aggres-
sive energy target, net-positive energy buildings (GIE,
We choose buildings for both their opportunities
and challenges. Buildings are a major energy con-
sumer of energy. Today, buildings consume 42%
of total energy and 72% of electricity (OSC, 2011).
Given the increasing demand on energy and its im-
pacts on the environment, it is critical to achieve en-
ergy efficiency in buildings. Design-time energy op-
timization, while important, is static. To maintain ac-
tual desired operational efficiency throughout a build-
ing lifetime, a process of constant commissioning that
continuously monitors and adjusts the building’s op-
eration and control settings is necessary.
2.3.1 ESB Implementation
In our initial prototype, we focus on leveraging IT
infrastructure to measure personal energy consump-
tion and personal ambient conditions (i.e., tempera-
ture, light, and humidity wherever the user with the
instrumented laptop happens to be). The system in-
cludes sensor DB server, PC clients and other devices.
In the forthcoming end-user deployments, we plan to
use office laptops with built-in ambient sensors. For
initial prototyping, we use an external sensor kit at-
tached to each laptop via an USB port (Figure 2). In
addition to platform-integrated sensors, we also ap-
ply soft sensors and commercial meters to monitor en-
ergy consumption of devices. All sensors and sensor
agents communicate with the database over existing
Ethernet and Wi-Fi infrastructure, thus, simplifying
provisioning and deployment.
For personal power and energy measurement, we
use a combination of custom-made software sensors
and commercial meters. We developed a software
sensor that is installed on a monitored platform. The
software agent accurately estimates the platform en-
ergy consumption (currently PCs and laptops) by
tracking occupancy of computer power states defined
by EnergyStar (EnergyStar, 2011) and ECMA-383
(ECMA-383, 2011), such as short idle, long idle and
sleep. Taking into consideration battery status and
modeling the appropriate power draw, which can in-
crease by a factor of 2 3 when the battery charge
is low, provides the added accuracy. This allows us
to eliminate the need for dedicated hardware power
meters to measure PC power draw and energy con-
sumption in real time.
We also measure energy of other devices such as
external monitors and printers at device and user lev-
els by using externally attached commercial energy
meters. These meters are network-enabled. They post
data using existing corporate intranet.
Figure 2: Platform-attached prototype sensor hub used in
our experiments.
We have implemented and deployed the architecture
in two buildings with real office users in France and
Japan for approximately three months. The building
in France has 5 floors with the total area of 27,146
square feet. The pilot site in Japan occupies a single
floor of 42,305 square feet in a multi-story commer-
cial building. There were 73 participants in total with
73 PCs and 21 printers instrumented with energy me-
ters. Each of the participant’s IT-supported client sys-
tem was supplemented with a prototyped platform-
integrated sensor. The sensor collected ambient data
including temperature, humidity, and light. Further-
more, a software energy sensor was installed in each
PC to monitor the PC energy consumption. A com-
mercial power meter was installed for each printer to
monitor its energy consumption. Raw sensing data
were collected every 30 seconds and stored in a sen-
sor database.
We analyze sensing data collected from sensors
that were attached to a platform (e.g., laptop) and a
reference standalone sensor that was placed nearby.
The reference sensors were calibrated by the National
Institute of Standards and Technology(NIST). The re-
sults and analysis are in Section 3.1.
To investigate whether the architecture is capable
to collect data over a large scale and for a long period
of time, we collected three months of data from 73 PC
users and 21 printers from two pilot sites. We remove
the outliers and perform the statistical analysis at in-
dividual and population levels. For ambient data, we
calculate the statistics, mean and standard deviation
(std), for each individual user.
3.1 Accuracy of Platform-integrated
Figure 3 shows temperature profiles during off hours
in a real office deployment. A sensor was attached
to a laptop at the upper right hand corner of the dis-
play lid. The laptop was placed on an office desk.
The reference sensor was placed nearby. Both sen-
sors show the gradual temperature drop at night and
fast temperature rise in the morning. The statistical
analysis of this profile yield for the reference sensor
24.28C + / 1.35C and 24.04C + / 1.56C for the
platform attached sensor, which is a relative differ-
ence in the mean of less than 1%. We can see that
the platform-integrated sensors follow the reference
sensor trending very closely. We ran similar tests
to evaluate our platform-integrated sensors with the
reference sensor on humidity and light, and obtained
similarly accurate results.
Figure 3: The accuracy of our platform-integrated sensor
prototype compared to a NIST calibrated reference sensor
on temperature during off hours in an office deployment.
3.2 Pilot Data Analysis
We deployed our platform-integrated sensors to real-
world pilots to evaluate its feasibility in long-term
data collection for smart buildings. The sensors mon-
itor the ambient condition, including temperature, hu-
midity, and light. Figure 4 shows the temperature
data collected from the platform-integrated sensors
in one pilot. Figure 4(a) shows the temperature raw
data collected by the platform-integrated sensors for
one randomly selected user from March to May 2012.
There are small variations of temperature for each
day and across different days for this particular user.
The temperature for this user is at the range of 20C
to 27C, which is within the comfortable range. Fig-
ure 4(b) shows the statistics of the temperature data
for 45 users. The individual mean and the popula-
tion mean are shown. The grant mean temperature is
26C. We use similar approaches to validate the hu-
midity data and light data. These results demonstrate
Figure 4: The temperature data collected from the platform-
integrated sensors in one pilot. (a) The temperature data for
a randomly selected user. (b) The mean of the temperature
data for 45 users. The blue dot is the temperature mean for
an individual user and the red line is the grand mean across
all users.
that platform-integrated sensors are capable to collect
continuous ambient data including humidity, temper-
ature, and light over a long period of time for a large-
scale deployment. The data provide meaningful in-
formation for a building management system to adapt
building operations to improve energy efficiency and
user comfort in buildings.
We have presented the case for platform-integrated
sensors as a component of pervasive sensing in of-
fice buildings. We describe our sensing fabric that
supports cross-user and cross-device sensing. Three
key architectural principles in our implementation
are: (1) leveraging platform-integrated sensors for
personal sensing and crowd-sourcing (2) using of In-
ternet protocols for sensor connectivity, web tech-
nologies and programming model for application de-
velopment, and (3) using a hybrid sensor database
design with a document-oriented component to im-
prove maintenance flexibility. Our experiments in
real-world pilots confirm the accuracy, feasibility, and
applicability of the architecture in practice. Our work
is a step closer to realizing a vision of a pervasive
sensing system capable of collecting data from all
available sensors that may surround a user in any
setting. Our current work continues with person-
alizing user sensing experience and crowd-sourcing
(described elsewhere) and in addressing new require-
ments of platform-integrated sensors due to their dis-
tinct characteristics, including host-attachment con-
straints, mobility, and reporting intermittency.
Many people contributed to this work, including Scott
Shull, Mark Chang, Yves Aillerie, Sylvain Sauty,
Tomm Aldridge, and individual and corporate mem-
bers of the Positive-Energy consortium (GIE, 2011)
(Bouygues, Intel, Lexmark, Philips, Schneider Elec-
tric, Sodexo, Steelcase, Tenesol) and Oregon Sustain-
ability Center (OSC) (OSC, 2011).
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