Plug-configure-Play Service-oriented Gateway
For Fast and Easy Sensor Network Application Development
Lin Wu
, YongJun Xu
, ChaoNong Xu
and Fei Wang
Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
Department of Computer Science and Technology, China University of Petroleum-Beijing, Beijing 102249, China
Keywords: Sensor Networks, Plug-configure-Play, Resource-oriented, Gateway.
Abstract: Sensor Networks are typically designed for specific applications. We propose to transfer application-
specific tasks from internal sensor networks to external applications, and making sensor networks universal
infrastructure connected with gateways. This paper illustrates how we make the development of external
sensor network applications fast and easy through our elaborately-designed gateway. Our “smart” gateway
is resource-oriented other than just interconnects different networks transparently. It encapsulates the data,
capabilities and information of heterogeneous sensor networks to homogenous resources. Besides, the
gateway is plug-configure-play in the sense that it’s a common gateway for any type of sensor networks. A
universal program and information related with specific sensor networks are separated in the gateway, and
you can update the information (i.e., configuration) easily. In this paper, we realize and verify our ideas in
Sensor network applications are typically tightly
coupled with certain sensor networks, such as:
Monitoring Heritage Buildings (Ceriotti et al.,
2009), Smart Logistics (Bijwaard et al., 2011),
Sensor Browser (Wan et al., 2012), etc.
Juntunen et al., (2006) divided sensor network
applications into two groups: external and internal
applications. We use these two terms in this paper to
refer to the applications on remote devices (PCs,
Mobile Phones, etc.) and sensor nodes respectively.
This paper focuses on the development of external
applications and we propose to transfer application
specific tasks from internal applications to external
applications. Internal applications are universal, only
responsible for simple tasks like sensing and
transmiting data to sink nodes.
As sensor networks are heterogeneous, it seems
that application developers must be experts about
them. To ease the workload of application
developers, we designed and implemented a
resource-oriented gateway. But another problem
arises: service-oriented gateways of sensor networks
are typically tightly coupled with certain types of
sensor networks like those in the previous literatures
(Mueller et al., 2007); (Bimschas et al., 2010). We
solve this problem by the plug-configure-play
gateway presented in this paper, which is a universal
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2
describes two main features of our gateway: service-
oriented and plug-configure-play. Section 3 is about
the architure of our system. In section 4, we’ll
introduce the services our gateway provides. Section
5 describes the configuration of it to show that it’s
universal other than dedicated for limited types of
sensor networks. Section 6 describes the
development of an application with it. After that, we
compare our work with previous in section 7. At last,
we conclude our work in section 8.
2.1 Service-oriented
Our gateway is service-oriented other than just
transparently interconnects networks, making the
development of sensor network applications fast and
It encapsulates the data, capabilities and
information of heterogeneous sensor networks to
homogenous resources with universal resource
Wu L., Xu Y., Xu C. and Wang F..
Plug-configure-Play Service-oriented Gateway - For Fast and Easy Sensor Network Application Development.
DOI: 10.5220/0004271700530058
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sensor Networks (SENSORNETS-2013), pages 53-58
ISBN: 978-989-8565-45-7
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
identifiers (URIs). And access of those resources is
service it provides to external applications through
friendly and uniform interfaces. These interfaces
include data pulling, subscription and control.
With data pulling interfaces, you can pull
resources identified with URIs in a HTTP-like way.
With subscription interfaces, you can subscribe
events (alarms, important data, status changes, etc.)
from specific nodes. When an event occurred at your
interested nodes, a notification message will be sent
to you indicating it. Compared with pulling data,
subscription is timely and resource saving. With
control interfaces, you can request actuators in
sensor networks to control the physical world. This
kind of interfaces is needed for a smarter
environment but rarely seen in litereatures.
With the resources encapsulated by our gateway,
external applicaion developers can spend most of
their time on innovation other than details of sensor
2.2 Plug-configure-Play
The plug-configure-play mechanism makes our
gateway universal.
“Plug-Configure-Play” is a variation of the term
“Plug and Play”. Like a plug and play device, you
can plug our gateway between sensor networks and
external applications, configure it and then it can
work for you. Our gateway consists of a program
and a database. The program interpretes messages
with the help of sensor network specific information
stored in database. The word “configure” means to
annotate sensor networks with such information, like
nodes’ names, locations, functions, sensor types, etc.
We make our gateway universal by separating
program and sensor network specific information.
It’s possible to implement a Plug and Play
gateway: sensor nodes can publish their information
to the gateway using SensorML (Mike and
Alexandre, 2007) or MoteML (Ali et al., 2011). But
we think this has some significant disadvantages in
terms of bandwidth consumption, flexibility, etc.
In this section, we’ll first give the overall
architecture of sensor network application
development and then show how our gateway works.
3.1 Overall Architecture
The proposed overall architecture of sensor network
application development is shown in Figure 2. The
“adapters” in this figure include sink nodes as they
also connect sensor networks to gateways. The size
of each layer represents that layer’s intelligence
Take our smart home project for example, the
overall architure is like that in Figure 2. It is in fact
an instantiation of Figure 1.
Figure 1: Proposed overall structure.
Figure 2: An implementation of overall architecture.
3.2 Gateway Architecture
The architecture of our gateway is illustrated in
Figure 3. From this figure, you can see how our
gateway works. Tasks of major components are
External Applications
Sensor Networks
explained below:
Database – Information about sensor networks
such as nodes IDs, sensors types and protocols are
stored in database. Users can configure the gateway
by updating related tables in the database.
Packets Analyzer – Analyze the type of
received packet (data, query or control), and deliver
it to responsible components.
Protocol Translator – Translate different
application layer protocols.
Resource Manager – Encapsulate data,
capabilities and information of heterogeneous sensor
networks to homogenous resources, and provide
them to external applications.
Publish/Subscribe Manager – Publish events to
external applications who subscribed them.
External Applications Status Manager –
Manage status (active or not) of external
Communication Scheduler – Schedule the
communication with sensor networks to smooth the
Connectivity Manager – Record IPs and UDP
ports of sink nodes/adapters and IDs of active sensor
nodes connected with each of these sink
In this section, we’ll introduce the services our
gateway provides to highlight its service-oriented
4.1 Connectivity
Our gateway supposes that sink nodes connecting
with it are all IP-enabled, and it can connect with
sensor networks with any kind of network protocols
Figure 3: Gateway Architecture.
(Ethernet, ZigBee, GPRS, etc.) with the help of
adapters. This greatly simplifies the design of its
connectivity function and makes it universal.
For the gateway, adapter is just a sink node
running the protocol shown in Table 1. For example,
one of the sink nodes we use works as a TCP server
and can’t send messages to the gateway
automatically. To connect it to our gateway, we
write a program, connecting to the sink node to read
data and send to the gateway. The gateway will then
look on this program as a sink.
Most of the gateways which have the function of
transport layer and application layer protocol
conversion we surveyed (Bimschas et al., 2010);
(Mueller et al., 2007) do the conversion themselves.
As a result, they usually can only work for sensor
networks running several specific kinds of protocols.
In contrast, we achieve the goal of a universal
gateway by transferring the task from gateway to
The application layer protocol between gateway
and sink nodes/adapters is like that in Table 1. Table
2 is about the meaning of each item. Application
layer protocols of sensor networks don’t have to
comply with this, you can use a sink node or adapter
to translate messages from your sensor networks to
those compatible with this.
Table 1: Protocol with sensor networks.
Header Dest Src SN Len Type Payload Checksum
4.2 Data Pulling
The data and information of sensor networks are
encapsulated and identified by Universal Resource
Identifiers (URIs). Thus external applications can
request the resource of sensor networks in a clear
and easy way, independent of what the sensor
network is like. The data pulling interface is like the
request line of HTTP, as is shown below:
This stytle of interface is easy to understand and
can facilitate the development of Web of Things
upon our gateway.
For example “Get node1/RealTime/query?
SensorName=Temperature+Humidity” means to get
the latest temperature and humidity value from
4.3 Subscription
The service of subscription is necessary for two
reasons: Firstly, external applications may expect to
be notified immediately when some events occur
(e.g., the window of a room is broken suddenly);
Secondly, information should be shared when
several external applications control the same sensor
network. The subscription interface is as below:
Event Watch NodeID
This tells the gateway that an external
application is interested in the events from the node
with ID/physical address NodeID. If an external
application wants to monitor the status of a window,
then it can watch the node monitoring this window.
When the window is broken, a notification will be
sent to the external application immediately.
4.4 Controlling the Physical World
External applications should make our environment
smarter by enabling it to interact with us. This brings
the need to control the physical world. Our gateway
provides such services:
Mac NodeID SN CmdType CmdName Params
For example:
Mac 5149012977665754 0 CmdNrm
LED_SetLightIntensity 20
This command requests the node with
ID/physical address 5149012977665754 to set the
light intensity of LED to 20. The sequence number
of this packet is 0.
In our gateway, the program and sensor network
specific information are separated. The former is
universal, and the latter is stored in database. You
can deploy the program in your computer or other
smart devices, update the database (i.e. configuration)
if needed, and then the gateway can work. We list
some important kinds of configuration in this section
to show how we achieve the goal of universal
through our elaborate design.
5.1 Nodes Information Update
There are two tables in the database storing
information related with sensor nodes:
“NodeAddressMap” and “NodeSensorMap”.
“NodeAddressMap” stores information about
nodes in sensor networks such as names, physical
addresses and IPs (of nodes themselves or adapters).
“NodeSensorMap” stores the information about
sensors on nodes. It tells the program on gateway
how to interprete the ADC values in the messages
from sensor nerworks.
5.2 Sensors Information Update
It’s impossible to put all types of sensors into
consideration when writing the program on gateway
as the number is too huge. To make our gateway
universal, users “tell” the gateway information about
sensors through configuration. Tables “TypeMap”
and “NodeSensorMap” store related information.
5.3 Control Types Update
You can “tell” the gateway what controls sensor
networks support through configuration. There are
three tables in the database storing information
related with this: “AvailableCmdQuery”,
“ParamInfo” and “CmdEncode”.
Table “AvailableCmdQuery” lists all the controls
available. Table “ParamInfo” lists parameters of all
coontrols one by one. Table “CmdEncode” lists the
codes of packet types and data types.
Our gateway converts the commands from
external applications to the messages understandable
by adapters/sink nodes with the help of these tables.
If your sensor network provides new types of
controls and you want to provide them to external
applications, then just insert values into these three
We’ve developed various applications with our
gateway. In this section, we take an Android
application as an example, see Figure 4.
Figure 4: Curtain Opening/Closing.
This application is used for opening/closing
curtains in the house. Commands are sent to our
gateway when swiping a finger. The code of this
application related with controlling curtains is listed
udpSocket.write(“Event Watch
udpSocket.write(“Mac nodeID SN
CmdNrm Switch_On”);
First of all, the program queries the gateway about
the ID of the node that controls the curtain. As nodes
have been anotated through configuration (see
section 5.1), database will tell the gateway which
node is controlling the curtain. Then the program
requests the gateway to make this node to turn on
the switch which will control the curtain.
The gateway can translate messages like “
nodeID SN CmdNrm Switch_On
” to those
compatiable with the application layer protocol in
Table 1. The table “CmdEncode” in database will tell
the gateway how to encode items in the message like
“CmdNrm” and “Switch_On”, and the table
“Protocols” in database will tell the gateway
positions of each item.
It should be noticed that, there may be more than
one person controlling the curtain at the same time.
So the program subscribes the events about this node.
When another one is controlling the curtain, the
change of curtain’s states (closed/opened) will be
sent to the program. Then it can tell the user through
In the literatures we surveyed, there are rarely
gateways offering interfaces for controlling the
physical world through sensor networks.
Some of the gateways are only for
interconnection (Emara et al., 2009); (Qian et al.,
2010). Those gateways connect networks with
different network protocols such as ZigBee, GPRS
and Ethernet transparently.
Some other gateways also have the service of
protocols translation, but they are usually designed
for specific kinds of sensor networks, such as the
gateway proposed by Mueller et al. (2007) and
Bimschas et al. (2010).
Juntunen et al. (2006) focused on the expandability
of internal sensor network applications. Information
about sensor nodes and services available are stored
in nodes and transmitted to gateway when service
discovery request is flooded to all nodes. The service
discovery messages add extra transmission cost.
Besides, it brings extra workload for sensor nodes to
support the reply of service discovery messages.
The work of Jong-Wan et al., (2009) is the most
similar one. Their system composes of a main server
and several sensing servers connecting with different
sensor networks, which resemble our gateway and
adapters respectively. But in their system, most tasks
are completed by network-dependent sensing servers
other than main server. This means that most of the
tasks are left to users.
This paper has presented a plug-configure-play
service-oriented gateway, aiming to make it fast and
easy to develop various external sensor network
applications. The gateway encapsulates data,
capabilities and information of heterogeneous sensor
networks to homogenous resources. Access of those
resources is service it provides to external
applications through friendly and uniform interfaces
independent of types of sensor networks. The
gateway is not for specific kinds of sensor networks
or applications. Its feature of plug-configure-play is
achieved by separating the universal program and
sensor network specific information. It’s promising
in stimulating the emergence and prosperity of
external application markets.
This paper is supported in part by Important
National Science & Technology Specific Projects
under grant No.(2010ZX03006-002
2010ZX03006-007), the National Basic Research
Program of China (973 Program) (No.
2011CB302803), and National Natural Science
Foundation of China (NSFC) under grant
No.(61173132,61003307). The authors alone are
responsible for the content of the paper.
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