Classification of Text and Image Areas in Digitized Documents for
Mobile Devices
Anne-Sophie Ettl
, Axel Zeilner
, Ralf K
and Arjan Kuijper
Technische Universit
at Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany
FINARX GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany
Fraunhofer IGD, Darmstadt, Germany
Digitizing, Mobile Devices, Classification.
Post processing and automatic interpretation of images plays an increasingly important role in the mobile area.
Both for the efficient compression and for the automatic evaluation of text, it is useful to store text content as
textual information rather than as graphics information. For this purpose pictures from magazines are recorded
with the camera of a smartphone and classified according to text and image areas. In this work established
desktop procedures are presented and analyzed in terms of their applications on mobile devices. Based on
these methods, an approach for image segmentation and classification on mobile devices is developed, taking
into account the limited resources of these mobile devices.
Smartphones are becoming increasingly important
and have become indispensable in professional and
private life. The introduction of the iPhone in 2007
and the Android smartphone operating system in 2008
revolutionized the mobile market and, for example,
now 43% of all mobile phones sold in Germany are
smartphones. This trend of ubiquitous availability
of computing power and network access continues.
Particularly simple smartphones are now equipped
with computational resources that have been part of
a workgroup server less than 10 years ago. Smart-
phones have another feature compared to the com-
puter. On most desktop PCs (flexible) cameras are
still not widely available. Meanwhile, the mobile
cameras have a zoom range with regard to the reso-
lution and the quality of a flatbed scanner. Therefore,
the processing of images plays an increasingly impor-
tant role in the Mobile area (Wientapper et al., 2011;
Engelke et al., 2012).
An important use case represents the digital stor-
age of documents, magazines and documents. This
can be done locally on the device or via an online
storage, the cloud. In both cases, an efficient com-
pression of the image material is advantageous. For
the automatic evaluation of text it thus makes sense
to store the text portion of an image not as a graphic,
but as textual information. Therefore it is necessary to
Figure 1: Typical example of a scan made using a smart
phone (left) and a slightly Gaussian blurred image used in
the processing pipeline (right).
classify the recorded image material in text and image
regions and to process them in different ways. For text
fields, for example, the further processing can be done
with an OCR engine.
For desktop computers and laptops a standard set
of applications for the problem has been established
(Liang et al., 2005). Because of the lower computing
and storage applications, they are not directly trans-
ferable to mobile devices. Especially speed is a crit-
ical issue, since a smartphone user does not want to
wait more than a few seconds for the result of an op-
Ettl A., Zeilner A., Köster R. and Kuijper A..
Classification of Text and Image Areas in Digitized Documents for Mobile Devices.
DOI: 10.5220/0004273600880091
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2013), pages 88-91
ISBN: 978-989-8565-48-8
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
In this work, a method for image segmentation
and classification is presented, which is suitable for
use in mobile applications. Shots of magazines that
were taken by a smartphone camera are considered as
images. The method has to locate text or image re-
gions in the image, extract them and provide them for
further processing, for example for use with an OCR
application. The procedure must satisfy the following
claims for applicability of mobile devices:
i) High speed
ii) Low demands on resources
iii) Easy portability / Cross-platform
iv) Low complexity of the implementation to ensure
the practical application.
The resulting prototype should be ported with lit-
tle effort on various mobile Platforms (e.g. iOS, An-
droid). The prototype is therefore implemented in
Python using the OpenCV library. In the remainder,
first existing methods are presented for image seg-
mentation. Their performance and portability to mo-
bile devices are discussed. Then, a suitable procedure
for use on mobile devices, together with the theoreti-
cal basis is explained. The results of the prototypical
implementation of the process are presented, analyzed
and discussed and an outlook for future work is given.
In the literature, there are a variety of approaches for
the segmentation of documents. They can be divided
into three categories: bottom-up, top-down and hy-
brid methods (Lin et al., 2006). See (Ettl, 2012) for
more details.
Yuan & Tan (Yuan and Tan., 2000) segment the source
image into text and non-text areas and let the OCR
engine carry out a refined analysis. For this purpose
they require certain properties of text fields: It can be
assumed that words in text fields have similar height,
alignment, and spacing. Unfortunately, they do not
provide runtime data. Single statement: The algo-
rithm is ”relatively fast”.
Mollah et al. (Mollah et al., 2010) describe a method
of text segmentation on Business cards, which is spe-
cially designed for use on mobile devices. First, the
background is removed. Then, detection of text com-
ponents is performed using Connected Components
in isolated information areas. This procedure takes
between 0.06 seconds (0.3 megapixels) and 0.6 sec-
onds (3 megapixels) on a dual-core 1.73 GHz proces-
sor with 1 GB RAM.
Lin, Tapamo, and Ndovie (Lin et al., 2006) present a
method that segments a document using a gray scale
matrix for the detection of textures. Regions are clas-
sified in text, image and empty areas. The running
time of this process on a Pentium 4 is about 3 seconds
for an image with a resolution of 1449x2021 pixels.
In this work, some algorithms that are frequently used
in the image segmentation are combined and tested.
The aim is to develop a two-stage process:
In the first step, a pre-processing method is car-
ried out and all the foreground objects are separated
from the background (object extraction). Foreground
objects can be text, images, or drawings. The algo-
rithms are applied to the entire original image.
In the second step, the detected objects are clas-
sified into text and non-text objects (object classifica-
tion). The algorithms are applied only to certain areas
of the source image’s regions of interest (ROI). This
has the advantage that individual objects may be ex-
amined according to need with various methods. In
addition, the running time is reduced when small ar-
eas of the image are edited instead of the whole im-
From the available approaches a selection of ap-
propriate algorithms (Burger and Burge, 2009) for
rapid segmentation was selected. An important crite-
rion based on which algorithms were selected, was the
performance. The histogram analysis was deferred in
favor of heuristic lines of text recognition, because the
running time is worse and it has other weaknesses in
the distinction between text and drawings. The Canny
edge detector was rejected because it didn’t add value
to the Connected Components Analysis. The edge
detector produces a binary edge image, whereas the
CCA supplies object contours that are stored in a list
or a tree structure that can easily be further processed.
The original image is first smoothed by a Gaus-
sian filter. This is to reduce the noise on the one hand,
by filtering out small noise pixels. On the other hand
object contours are highlighted. Depending on the
degree of blurring, individual words blur into lines
of text, lines of text into blocks, and smaller objects
are grouped into larger areas. This allows text lines,
blocks of text, photos, and graphics to delimit easily
from the background of the picture. This effect is en-
hanced by the application of the Gaussian pyramid,
which also increased the processing speed by reduc-
ing the image resolution. In the next step, the image
is binarized by an adaptive thresholding method and
thus a binary mask is created. Background pixels are
set to 0 and foreground or object pixels to 255.
On the mask Connected Components Analysis
(CCA) analysis is performed to identify foreground
objects and to draw bounding boxes around them. In
the Connected Components Analysis, the contour ex-
traction of (Suzuki and Abe, 1985) is used, as the
OpenCV library (the language used in the implemen-
tation) provides a very fast implementation of the al-
gorithm. On the mask an erosion is applied to again
remove small noise pixels and to ensure that in the
subsequent dilatation no objects are merged that do
not belong together. By means of the dilation of small
holes within objects are closed and objects lying very
closely together, such as lines of text or objects within
a graphic, are merged into a larger object (Figure 2).
A closing operation does not bring the desired effect,
since the use of different structural elements gives bet-
ter results. On the mask, a second Connected Com-
ponents Analysis is performed. The identified objects
are then used to extract the ROIs from the original
Figure 2: Segmentation Pipeline: Binarization of the
slightly blurred image, CC-Analysis, erosion and dilation
(left to right).
The next step is to decide whether the extracted
ROIs are text or non-text areas. The following heuris-
tics are adopted (Mollah et al., 2010):
i) Lines of text have a certain ratio of height to width;
ii) Lines of text have a certain distance from each
iii) Text fields have a certain ratio of background pix-
els to foreground pixels.
To extract text lines the image region is filtered
with a Gaussian and then binarized. Next, using CCA
bounding boxes are drawn around the objects. Using
heuristics, it is decided whether objects are text lines
or not. When the objects within a ROI are exclusively
or predominantly clearly marked as lines of text, then
the ROI is classified as a text area. This is not the
case, then the ROI initially is classified as a non-text
and with refined heuristics or with other methods, for
example a texture analysis, it can be tested if it con-
tains any text components.
The times were measured on a MacBook Pro 2.4 GHz
Intel Core 2 Duo processor. Shown here are the pure
running times of the algorithm, without loading the
image, or displaying it on the screen. To normalize
the runtime, the algorithm was run 50 times and the
mean value was obtained.
The segmentation using the Hough algorithm was
discarded after a few test runs, as it has the following
disadvantages compared to a Connected Components
1) The algorithm is much more computationally in-
tensive. The pure running time for an image with
612x816 pixels is 0.21 seconds (threshold of the ac-
cumulator array = 150) and 0.49 seconds (threshold =
100). Compared to the complete CCA including his-
togram analysis (0.21 seconds), the algorithm is 1-2
times as computationally intensive.
2) In order to obtain approximately equivalent results
a significantly more complex implementation is re-
quired. The output image must first be prepared with
the Canny edge detector with appropriate parameters,
and thereafter an appropriate parameterization of the
Hough algorithm must be determined.
The histogram analysis yields qualitatively similar
results as heuristic analysis, but was deferred in this
work however:
1) It is computationally more intensive than the use
of heuristics to recognize the text: For an image with
612x816 pixels, the method with histogram analysis
requires 0.21 seconds, with heuristics 0.042 seconds.
2) It is difficult to distinguish between text fields and
The method has been tested on various sample im-
ages with different resolutions, taken with an iPhone
3 and an iPhone 4. Representative results on 5 images
are shown in Figures 3 and 4.
Figure 3: Original images.
Figure 4: Results of object classification.
To evaluate the classification of the image objects
following cases were evaluated (Mollah et al., 2010):
1) True positive (TP): Text areas are classified as text
2) True negative (TN): Non-text is classified as non-
Table 1: Evaluation of the shown test images.
Image Size Recall Prec. Acc.
1 734x979 0.75 0.88 0.70
2 623x921 0.73 1.00 0.77
3 734x979 0.90 0.82 0.76
4 612x816 0.56 1.00 0.64
5 612x816 0.89 0.73 0.69
3) False negatives (FN): Text areas are classified as
4) False Positive (FP): Non-text is classified as text
From the number of occurrences of the different
cases one can calculate Recall, Precision and Accu-
racy. Recall indicates how many text components are
correctly identified from any existing text components
of an image. Precision indicates how many of the
identified text components also are actually text com-
ponents. Accuracy is the proportion of all the objects
that have been classified correctly. The values of the
three dimensions are between 0 and 1 In an ideal clas-
sification they take the value 1.
Recall = TP / (TP + FN)
Precision = TP / (TP + FP)
Accuracy = (TP + TN) / (TP + FP + TN + FN)
The average recall is thus 76.6% and average pre-
cision 88.6%, and average accuracy at 71.2%.
Figure 5: Figure 3, 1714x2285 pixels: result of the classifi-
cation at too high resolution.
As part of the implementation it turns out that the
algorithm for an A4 page of a magazine photographed
only with a resolution from 0.3 to 1 megapixel (MP)
returns most useful results. When the resolution is
lower, then in the Connected Components Analy-
sis and the dilatation too many objects fuse to a re-
gion, which then can not be clearly classified. When
the resolution is higher, possibly related objects are
not merged and only individual words are recognized
(Figure 5). In both cases, the algorithm does not lead
to meaningful results. In the implementation, there-
fore, the original image is scaled in the pre-processing
Table 2: Running times in milliseconds for image 3 for dif-
ferent sizes (megapixels), including preprocessing, extrac-
tion and classification.
Size MP tot. pre. extr. class.
2448x3264 8.0 747 29 75 643
1714x2285 4.0 378 15 40 323
1224x1632 2.0 161 6.6 18 136
857x1142 1.0 75 4.2 9 62
612x816 0.5 42 2.3 4.7 35
in the above-mentioned range, the algorithm is ap-
plied to the scaled image, and then extrapolated to
the original image, where the classified objects are
marked or extracted.
From the measurements it can be seen that the
running time of the process is nearly linear. Be-
cause the algorithm provides good classification re-
sults for scaled images in the range between 0.3 and
1 megapixel, this area is also of particular interest for
running time analysis. Here the duration of the pro-
cess is 20 to 70 ms.
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