metaheuristics based on Variable Neighbourhood
Search (VNS). Other competitive approaches were
carried out by Ke et al. (2008), with two Ant Colony
Optimization (ACO) variations; Vansteenwegen et
al. (2009), with a VNS-based heuristic; and more
recently, Souffriau et al. (2010) designed two
variants of Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search
Procedure with Path Relinking.
The work presented in this paper is part of
experiments that are integrated in the R&D project
named Genetic Algorithm for Team Orienteering
Problem (GATOP), which was approved by the
Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology
(Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia – FCT). It
involves five combined tasks to accomplish the
desired goal which is the development of a more
complete and efficient solution for several real-life
multi-level Vehicle Routing Problems (VRP), with
emphasis on the waste collection management. This
should be achieved by the implementation and
testing of heuristic and optimization strategies, in
close collaboration with demand forecasting,
transportation problems, simulation, and multi-
criteria decision models.
Within the GATOP project, the main task is to
solve the TOP and the development of heuristic
solutions based on a genetic algorithm (GA) is
suggested. The simplicity of a GA in modelling
more complex problems and its easy integration with
other optimization methods were the factors
considered for its choice. Therefore, we believe it
can be applied to solve the TOP, since it was also
used for the Orienteering Problem by Tasgetiren
In this work we propose to solve medium-to-
large-scale TOP instances considering a time
constraint. We intend to verify whether it is possible
to develop a method, based on a GA, that optimizes
the TOP by achieving equal or better results as
presented in previous studies.
The aim of the present study is to solve the TOP,
which means to develop a method that determines P
paths which start in the same location and have the
same destination, in order to maximize the total
profit made in each path, while respecting a time
constraint. Then, the generated paths are assigned to
a limited vehicle fleet, usually one path to each
available vehicle.
In this work we followed the mathematical
formulation presented in the work done by Ke et al.,
(2008). The objective function for the TOP is given
in equation 1, where n is the total number of
vertices, m is the number of vehicles available, the
value y shows if vertex i is visited or not by a
vehicle k, and finally, r is the reward associated to a
certain vertex i. The objective function consists of
finding m feasible routes that maximizes the total
reward or profit.
3.1 The Genetic Algorithm
The Genetic Algorithm (GA) is a search heuristic
that imitates the natural process of evolution as it is
believed to happen to all the species of living beings.
This method uses nature-inspired techniques such as
mutation, crossover, inheritance and selection, to
generate solutions for optimization problems. The
success of a GA depends on the type and complexity
of the problem to which it is applied.
In a GA, the chromosomes or individuals are
represented as strings which encode candidate
solutions for an optimization problem, that later
evolve towards better solutions.
The GA evolutionary process starts off by
initializing a population of solutions (usually
randomly), which will evolve and improve during
three main steps:
Selection: a portion of each successive
generation is selected, based on their fitness, in order
to breed the new, and probably better fit,
Reproduction: the selected solutions produce
the next generation through mutation and/or
crossover, propagating the most crucial changes to
the future generations by inheritance.
Termination: once a stopping criteria is met, the
generational process ends.
3.2 Algorithm Details
The GA we developed to solve the TOP takes into
account the main elements of the problem: the
customers and the vehicles.
There is a set of n customers that must be visited
by at most once and only by one vehicle. The
customers correspond to the vertices in a network