Speed Up Learning based Descriptor for Face Verification
Hai Wang, Bongnam Kang, Jongmin Yoon and Daijin Kim
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology,
Pohang, Kyungbuk, 790-784, Republic of Korea
Face Recognition, Feature Extraction, LE Descriptor, LBP.
Many state of the art face recognition algorithms use local feature descriptors known as Local Binary Pattern
(LBP). Many extensions of LBP exist, but the performance is still limited. Recently Learning Based De-
scriptor was introduced for face verification, it showed high discrimination power, but compared with LBP,
it’s expensive to compute. In this paper, we propose a novel coding approach for Learning Based Descriptor
(LE) descriptor which can keep the most discriminative LBP like feature as well as significantly shorten the
feature extraction time. Since the proposed method speed up the LE descriptor’s feature extraction time, we
call it Speeded Up Learning Descriptor or SULE for short. Tests on LFW standard benchmark show the su-
periority of SULE with respect of several state of the art feature descriptors regularly used in face verification
Face Recognition is a very traditional research topic
in computer vision community. In the past twenty
years, a large number of approaches that tackled the
face recognition were proposed, such as the sub-
space analysis of PCA(Turk and Pentland, 1991),
ICA(Bartlett, 2002) and their extensions. While
these face recognition approaches commonly assume
that face images are well aligned and have a simi-
lar pose, in many practical applications it is impos-
sible to meet these conditions. To this end, face
recognition algorithms based on textures of small
pathes of face images, known as local appearance
descriptors, have shown excellent performance on
standard face recognition datasets. Such as Gabor
feature(Zheng, 2007), HOG(Alps and Montbonnot,
2005), SIFT(Lowe, 2004), SURF(Bay, 2008) and his-
togram of Local Binary Pattern(LBP)(Ahonen and
Pietikinen, 2006). A comparison of various local
descriptor based face recognition algorithms may be
found in (Mikolajczyk and Schmid, 2005) and (Cao
and Yin, 2010).
Among all the current popular local descriptors in
the literature, histogram of ULBP has become pop-
ular for face recognition task due to their simplicity,
computational efficiency, and robustness to change in
illumination. The success of LBP has inspired several
variations. These include local ternary pattern(Tan
and Triggs, 2010), high order derived LBP(Ahonen
and Pietikainen, 2007), multi scale LBP(Liao and Lei,
2007), patch based LBP(Wolf and Taigman, 2008),
LBP on Gabor magnitude images(Zhang and Zhang,
2005) and Decision Tree based LBP(Solar and Cor-
rea, 2009), to cite a few. However, these methods have
some drawbacks, either too complicated to compute
such as LBP on Gabor magnitude images, or show
better performance on certain database but has poor
performance on some other databases. Among all of
these LBP variations, decision tree based LBP corpo-
rate the LBP with the supervised learning, however,
it has several disadvantages such as the feature size
is too large for practical usage and the performance
greatly depends on the supervised learning procedure.
Inspired by Decision Tree based LBP, (Huang and
Miller, 2007) proposed a learning based descriptor
with unsupervised learning. Compared with other lo-
cal features, it has showed a better performance on
several challenging databases. But until now, no lit-
erature focus on the computation complexity of LE
In this paper, our main contribution is to propose
a coding method that explicitly learns discriminative
descriptor from the training data the same as that in
original Learning based descriptor (LE). Our learn-
ing method is based on K-d tree approach. As a test-
ing scenario, we find that our approach is much faster
and efficient than the original LE descriptor while can
maintain almost the same recognition performance in
the same experiment setting.
Wang H., Kang B., Yoon J. and Kim D..
Speed Up Learning based Descriptor for Face Verification.
DOI: 10.5220/0004278007620767
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2013), pages 762-767
ISBN: 978-989-8565-47-1
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 introduces some basic related work in the field
of local descriptor, Section 3 presents the LE descrip-
tor. Section 4 discusses the disadvantage of the LE de-
scriptor and presents the main details of our approach.
In Section 5, extensive experiments are conducted and
the experimental results are given. Finally, Section 6
concludes our work and figures out some possible fu-
ture work.
Several local appearance descriptors have been used
in face recognition task. Among all of them, LBP
and its extensions are the most widely used. Here,
we constrain our discussion within the LBP based ex-
tension descriptors. (Tan and Triggs, 2010) proposed
local ternary pattern(LTP), instead of directly compar-
ing the neighbour pixel’s value with the center value,
LTP compares the neighbour pixel’s value with the
center value with a certain threshold. By doing so, it
can remove some noise in the image, but the improve-
ment is very limited. (Ahonen and Pietikainen, 2007)
proposed High order derived LBP, which calculates
the LBP value based on the previous LBP coded im-
age, in literature, it showed that the third derivative
LBP has the best performance, but its performance is
not stable, i.e., in some databases, it has good perfor-
mance, in some databases, the performance improve-
ment is not so significant. (Liao and Lei, 2007) pro-
posed Multi Scale LBP(MS-LBP), in this approach,
they compare the neighbour blocks’ mean gray value
instead of compare the pixel level’s gray value, it has
been demonstrated better performance when used for
classification problem, as for face recognition, the
performance is worse than original LBP. (Wolf and
Taigman, 2008) proposed patch based LBP, specif-
ically, three patch LBP and four patch LBP, com-
pared with LBP, it’s efficient to compute but the per-
formance improvement is not so significant, in some
cases, even a little worse. (Marr and Hildreth, 2005)
proposed soft LBP, instead of assign each value a cer-
tain binary value, they assign each pixel with a range
of values, and each value with some probability, due
to the comparison is not direct between pixels, so this
method is not robust to illumination, and also, due to
for each pixel, it has different probability assigned to
it with certain values, it’s computation complicated.
(Zhang and Zhang, 2005) and (Xie and Gao, 2008)
proposed LBP on Gabor magnitude images, it showed
better performance and has been widely used, but to
calculate Gabor image, we need to convolve the im-
age with Gabor filters, which is expensive, so this
method is not suitable for the face recognition which
requires high speed. (Solar and Correa, 2009) pro-
posed Decision Tree based LBP, by combining the
LBP with the supervised learning, it has showed good
performance, but the performance is not stable, also,
the feature size is extremely large to put it into practi-
cal usage.
Learning based descriptor is a novel feature extrac-
tion method for face recognition. Compared with Lo-
cal Binary Pattern, it corporates the feature extraction
with the unsupervised learning method, and it’s more
robust to pose and facial expression variation. The
specific steps of LE descriptor can be briefly summa-
rized as follows:
DoG Filter
To remove the noise and illumination difference
in the image, each face image is feed to the DoG
filter(Hartigan and Wong, 1979) first. The con-
tinued face image processing are based on the fil-
tered image.
Sampling and Normalization
At each pixel, sample its neighboring pixels in the
ring based pattern to form a low level feature vec-
tor. We sample r×8 pixels at even intervals on
the ring of radius r. In each sampling pattern, it
has three different parameters, i.e., ring number,
ring radius, sampling number of each ring. After
sampling, we normalize the sampled feature vec-
tor into unit length with L1 norm.
Learning based Encoding
An encoding method is applied to encode the nor-
malized feature vector into discrete codes. Unlike
many handcrafted encoders, in LE approach, the
encoder is specifically trained for the face in an
unsupervised manner from a set of training face
images. In the paper, they recommend three unsu-
pervised learning methods: K-means(McNames,
2001), PCA tree(Dasgupta and Freund, 2007),
and random projection tree(Bentley, 1975). Af-
ter the encoding, the input image is turned into a
coded image.
Histogram Representation
After the image has been encoded into coded im-
age, following the method described in Ahone et
als work, the encoded image can be divided into
a grid of patches. A histogram of the LE codes is
computed in each patch and the patch histogram is
Figure 1: Pipeline of LE descriptor.
concatenated to form the descriptor of the whole
face image.
The overall procedure of the LE descriptor
pipeline is shown as following Figure 1:
In the paper, although the performance difference
of different coding methods is very small as they
stated within 1% difference, random projection tree
encoding method shows the best performance among
the three coding methods, in the following section, we
use the random projection tree as the LE descriptor’s
default encoding method.
4.1 Discussion on Learning based
From previous description of the LE descriptor, we
can find that the key lies in the learning based coder,
one of the most important characteristics of the learn-
ing approach is that they should partition the normal-
ized feature vector space into the same size, so that
in the discrete feature space, each discrete bin can be
hit by the same frequency. But in all the three coding
methods, it’s expensive to calculate the correspond-
ing bin number. For example, for one pixel, if we
use 2 rings, and assume the vector size for each pixel
is 25, and suppose the bin size is 64, then if we use
K means to encode the pattern, to assign a pixel dis-
crete value, we need to find the nearest cluster center,
this operation needs 64×25 multiplications and a cer-
tain number of additions to calculate the Euclidean
distance. If we use random projection tree or PCA
tree, then we need 6×25 multiplications and certain
number of additions. Compared with LBP, it’s too ex-
pensive. In addition, the multiplication is performed
between two fractions, if we consider its implementa-
tion on the embedding system, due to most of the em-
bedding system doesn’t have the Floating Point Unit
(FPU), these floating point multiplications will take
certain time and constrain the practical usage of LE
From this point, it’s necessary for us to find some
alternatives which can code the normalized unit fea-
Figure 2: Partition the space.
ture without using too many multiplications while can
keep the high discrimination power of the LE descrip-
tor. By analysis the procedure of LE descriptor, we
can find the key is to partition the normalized unit
feature space into the different same size partitions,
not the partition method itself is critical to the perfor-
mance. In addition, we notice that the performance
difference caused by different partition methods is not
significant. From this point, we can use some other
much simpler method such as K-d tree to partition the
feature space, and the details can be found in the fol-
lowing section.
4.2 Kd Tree based Learning Descriptor
K-d tree is a d dimension binary tree, it can be used to
fast find the nearest neighbor in the d dimension vec-
tor space, or to partition the vector space, it’s a kind
of extension of the 1 dimension binary tree. Given
some data points, we can build a corresponding K-d
tree as the manner of building a one dimension binary
tree, the only difference is that in K-d tree, each time
when we pick one dimension data as the pivot, and
then compare all data points with the pivot using the
corresponding picked one dimension value. By such
a manner, we can divide the space into smaller spaces
recursively. When used for nearest neighbor search,
we first need to build K-d tree using the gallery data
points, then given some query points, according to
the tree we build, we can find the nearest neighbor
in O(NlogN). When used for partition the space, we
can first decide the tree level n, then the space can be
partitioned to 2
sub spaces, and each space has the
same number of data points. An illustration diagram
of K-d tree is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2 gives the space partition result. Notice
in this case, the K-d tree is balanced, in our K-d tree
based learning based descriptor, we use the balanced
K-d tree.
If we use K-d tree to partition the spaces, we can
partition the current space to two sub spaces each
time, by recursively partition the spaces, finally we
can partition the space into several sub spaces. Ran-
dom projection tree and PCA tree also can partition
the space into several subspaces, but the partition ap-
proach is different, in random projection or PCA tree,
for one time partition, we need to multiply the feature
vector with the coefficients, if we recursively partition
the space, we need multiply it with the coefficients
consecutively. In K-d tree, for each time partition,
we just need compare the corresponding coordinate
with the pivot, if we recursively partition the space,
we just need compare it with the corresponding coor-
dinate consecutively.
To demonstrate our proposed approach, in this sec-
tion, we compare the performance of our proposed
SULE with the original LE descriptor in terms of face
verification task.
To evaluate our approach with the original LE
descriptor fairly, all the experiment settings for LE
descriptor and our SULE descriptor are exactly the
same, the only difference is the coding method. In our
experiment, we use the face image from LFW(Huang
and Miller, 2007) for unsupervised learning. LFW
database is a very challenging data set with 13,233
face images of 5,749 persons collected from the web.
It has two views for its own data. View 1 partitions
the 5,749 persons into training and testing set for de-
velopment purposes such as model selection and pa-
rameter tuning. View 2 divides them into ten disjoint
folds and specifies 300 positive pairs and 300 nega-
tive pairs within each fold: positive pairs are instances
of the same person while negative pairs are those of
different persons. We follow the LFW configuration
that allows us to use the face data on View 1 to train
the SULE and LE data. Also, we normalize the LFW
database by two eye positions which can be detected
by our eye detector. As suggested from the LE pa-
per, more images used for training cannot guarantee a
better performance, here we choose 100 images with
size 250×250 to train, we believe our training sample
is enough. After training, we then use the View 2 face
data to evaluate our SULE and LE descriptor.
To demonstrate our approach, we don’t use any
other advanced face verification or face recognition
techniques, i.e., we just crop the face image to
150×80, then extract features for the cropped face
image and then directly use Chi-Square matching to
calculate the distance of two feature vectors.
Figure 3: Performance comparison vs. Learning method.
Table 1: Performance Evaluation.
Approach SULE(%) LE(%) ULBP(%)
Performance 74.23 74.81 70.36
5.1 Experimental Results
First, we give the performance comparison result with
different bin numbers in each histogram.
From Figure 3, we can see that with different bin
numbers (partition the spaces into different number
subspaces), the performance difference between our
SULE descriptor and the LE descriptor is very small,
which coincide our early assumption that that the cod-
ing method is not critical for the final performance.
Also, we can find that with large bin number, we can
get a better performance. In the continuous experi-
ment, we use 64 bins. Here, we give the specific per-
formance using 64 bins in Table I.
Second, in the LE paper, they suggest after feature
extraction, we can use PCA to lower the dimension
of the feature, combined with the cosine similarity, it
can improve the performance. Here, we also follow
the rules, the performance is shown in Figure 4. Due
to large code number cause large feature size, and this
make PCA intractable, here, we just show the perfor-
mance of using 64 code number using Random Pro-
jection tree and Kd tree.
From Figure 4, we can find that in this experiment
settings, our SULE descriptor can achieve almost the
same performance compared with LE descriptor.
In addition, we give the ROC curve using different
descriptors in Figure 5.
We also give the computation complexity for cal-
culating the SULE and LE descriptor in Table II. The
result is under the 64 code number settings, notice that
this doesn’t include the preprocessing time in case of
LE descriptor and SULE descriptor due to the prepro-
cessing time just takes up a small part of total pro-
cessing time in these two descriptors.
In table II, C means comparison operation, M
Figure 4: Principal Component Dimension.
Figure 5: ROC curve of descriptors with different coding
Table 2: Computation Time.
Approach SULE(C) LE(M) ULBP(C)
Operation 6 25*64 8
means the multiplication operation. From Table II,
we can find that our SULE is much simpler than LE
and more efficient to compute, especially when we
implement the algorithm on embedding system. If we
don’t consider the preprocessing time, compared with
ULBP, our approach is still has a slightly advantage in
terms of feature extraction time, consider the prepro-
cessing step, the overall computation time of SULE is
a little larger than ULBP. But to the best of our knowl-
edge, this is a good trade off between the computation
time and recognition performance among several LBP
based extensions.
5.2 Results Discussion
From the experimental results from face verification,
we can see that our proposed Speed Up Learning De-
scriptor can keep the high discrimination feature of
face images as that for Learning Descriptor, mean-
while, our SULE is much simple and efficient to com-
pute. In the task of face verification, our SULE can
achieve comparable performance with LE descriptor
in all the different experiment settings, all these re-
sults demonstrate that our SULE is a good alterna-
tive of LE descriptor. In addition, we firmly believe
that the simplification of our SULE can inspire some
other extensions of LE descriptor. The first one is
that our method is efficient to calculate, if we don’t
care the feature size, we can extract features using
large bin number without significantly increasing the
computation time, as we know, large bin number al-
ways guarantees a better performance. The second
point is that our method doesn’t need multiplication,
this makes our method is especially suitable for face
recognition application on embedding system, and the
performance of our SULE is also quite competitive
compared with other face recognition method on em-
bedding system. In addition, high speed face recog-
nition on embedding system still remains a difficult
problem, we think that our approach can be good so-
lution to this problem. The next point is that, instead
of training our encoder with the holistic face images,
we can train our encoder with different face patches,
each patch has a encoder which can capture the struc-
ture details of each face patch better, and we believe
that patch based SULE can further improve the ver-
ification accuracy. The final point is that we think
our SULE can extend to some other task such as hu-
man/car classification, eye detection and object detec-
In this paper, we proposed a novel method that uses
training pattern to create discriminative LE descriptor
by using K-d tree. The algorithm obtains encourag-
ing results on standard database while significantly re-
duce the computation complexity. In particular, with
respect to a face recognizer based on the widely used
LBP, our approach also presents a considerable in-
creasing in recognition accuracy, demonstrating the
advantages of using K-d tree to train the feature pat-
As future work, our current implementation does
not use different face patches to train different en-
coders, also we don’t consider weights to different
face patches. Incorporating weights has been shown
to be an effective strategy in various similar works,
such as (Solar and Correa, 2009). Finally, although
our SULE and LE use DoG filter to make our ap-
proach robust to illumination, but compared with
ULBP, the DoG filter’s effect is still not enough, to
make SULE and LE descriptor more robust to illu-
mination, we need explore some other simple prepro-
cessing technique to solve the illumination problem.
This research was supported by the Implementation
of Technologies for Identification, Behavior, and Lo-
cation of Human based on Sensor Network Fusion
Program through the Ministry of Knowledge Econ-
omy (Grant Number: 10041629) and also this re-
search was supported by the Basic Science Research
Program through the National Research Foundation
of Korea(NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education,
Science and Technology(2012-0008835).
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