of the approach in (Jegou et al., 2008) using small
and large vocabulary with our saliency matching us-
ing the same small vocabulary. As can be seen, our
saliency matching using small vocabulary, not only
outperforms HE + WGC using the same small vocab-
ulary both in precision and recall, by 30% and 26% re-
spectively on average, but also surpasses HE + WGC
using large vocabulary by 240% and 13% respectively
on average.
Our proposed approach performs significantly
well in detecting some severe transformations, e.g.
picture in picture and text insertion, in which new vi-
sual content appears continuously in a local time win-
dow In such cases, salient visual words can capture
these discriminative visual information. However, it
is not so promising in gamma transformation. Our
conjecture is that saliency matching may not have ob-
vious advantage in videos with insufficient salient vi-
sual words.
In this paper, we propose a salient visual words selec-
tion algorithm and saliency matching to measure the
similarity between two videos. Due to the high con-
sistency in salient coordinate of BoW descriptors, the
number of mismatches will be reduced and the perfor-
mance of BoW - based approaches with small vocab-
ulary in copy detection can be improved by saliency
Our experiments have shown that our proposed
method performs well in copy detection, especially
in transformations that visual content has significant
changes along time. Despite the good performance in
some sever transformations, e.g. picture in picture,
post production and some combination of transfor-
mations, our methods do not perform well in gamma
transformation, even when enlarging the number of
matching frames. This is partly due to the insuffi-
cience of visual words, partly due to a loss of infor-
mation during quantization in BoW features, which
could be our future research directions.
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