GAIL: Geometry-aware Automatic Image Localization
Luca Benedetti, Massimiliano Corsini, Matteo Dellepiane, Paolo Cignoni and Roberto Scopigno
Visual Computing Lab, ISTI-CNR, Pisa, Italy
Image-based Localization, 2D/3D Registration.
The access and integration of the massive amount of information, that can be provided by the web, can be of
great help in a number of fields, including tourism and advertising of artistic sites. A “virtual visit” of a place
can be a valuable experience before, during and after the experience on-site. For this reason, the contribution
from the public could be merged to provide a realistic and immersive visit of known places. We propose an
automatic image localization system, which is able to recognize the site that has been framed, and calibrate
it on a pre-existing 3D representation. The system is characterized by very high accuracy and it is able to
validate, in a completely unsupervised manner, the result of the localization. Given an unlocalized image, the
system selects a relevant set of pre-localized images, performs a Structure from Motion partial reconstruction
of this set and then obtain an accurate camera calibration of the image with respect to the model by minimizing
distances between projections on the model surface of corresponding image features. The accuracy reached is
enough to seamlessly view the input image correctly super-imposed in the 3D scene.
Automatic image localization is an active research
field in Computer Vision and Computer Graphics,
with many important applications. This has become
especially important given the potentials of all the im-
ages coming from the web community. Traditional lo-
calization solutions, e.g. Global Positioning System
(GPS), may present issues in certain urban areas or
indoor environments, or may not be accurate enough.
Moreover, both the position and the orientation of the
camera could be a valuable source of data. Alterna-
tives, like inertial drift-free systems, are too expen-
sive to be applied on a large scale. In this case, the
only class of solutions realistically feasible today is
the use of image-based localization systems. Many
aspects of the automatic image localization problem
have been independently tackled, and tremendous ad-
vances have been obtained in recent years.
Here, we are interested in the automatic user local-
ization through the use of digital consumer cameras
or smartphones to support information services for
tourists. In particular, we cope with a particular im-
age localization scenario, that, to our knowledge, has
never been faced in literature: exploiting pre-existing
high quality 3D models of the photographs’ environ-
ment for performing an offline, fully automatic, pre-
cise, unsupervised image localization. We aim to ob-
tain such an accuracy to allow a seamless view im-
mersion into the 3D scene by projecting the photos on
the 3D models. High accuracy allows to re-visualize
the picture of the tourist in PhotoCloud (Brivio et al.,
2012) that is a CG application which shares some sim-
ilarities with Photo Tourism (Snavely et al., 2006).
This is one of the main goal of an ongoing project
related to tourism and valorization of artistic sites.
The proposed system effectively merges solutions
from image retrieval, Structure from Motion and
2D/3D registration. In this context, our contribution
is twofold: an image-based localization algorithm ca-
pable to obtain very high accuracy by exploiting pre-
existing high quality 3D models of the locations of in-
terest, and an unsupervised validation algorithm that
guarantees to present only correct results to the user.
The developed system works by exploiting a dataset
of pre-aligned digital photographs on 3D models of
the locations of interest.
Image localization is a vast field. Here, we present a
brief overview of some of the most relevant publica-
Morris and Smelyanskiy (Morris and Smelyan-
skiy, 2001) faced the problem of single image calibra-
tion over a 3D surface and the simultaneous surface
Benedetti L., Corsini M., Dellepiane M., Cignoni P. and Scopigno R..
GAIL: Geometry-aware Automatic Image Localization.
DOI: 10.5220/0004281800310040
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2013), pages 31-40
ISBN: 978-989-8565-48-8
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
refinement based on additional information given by
the image. The algorithm is based on the extraction
of image salient points (using Harris detector (Har-
ris and Stephens, 1988)) and employs minimization
of an objective function via gradient calculation. The
approach works relatively well only when there is a
good initial estimate of the surface, moreover it is not
Shao et al. (Shao et al., 2003) treated the prob-
lem of database-based image recognition, by compar-
ing them to a reference image through the use of lo-
cal salient features that are described independently
of possible affine transformations between them.
Wang et al. (Wang et al., 2004) proposed a so-
lution for the Simultaneous Localization And Track-
ing (SLAM) robotic problem (Smith and Cheeseman,
1986). A database of salient points, extracted from
the robot camera, is used for the localization. SLAM
approaches suffer from the “Kidnap problem”, i.e. the
inability to continue the localization and mapping be-
tween non-contiguous locations.
Cipolla et al. (Cipolla et al., 2004) tried to
solve this by applying wide baseline matching al-
gorithm techniques between a digital photo and a
geo-referenced database. The main limitation of this
approach comes from the manual construction of
the database correspondences between the map and
the photos. Robertson and Cipolla (Robertson and
Cipolla, 2004) proposed an improvement of it by ex-
ploiting the perspective lines relative to the vertical
edges of buildings.
Zhang and Kosecka (Zhang and Kosecka, 2006)
built a prototype for urban localization of images that
relies on a photographic database augmented with
GPS information. The system extracts one or more
reference images and from these localized the input
Paletta et al. (Paletta et al., 2006) defined a specific
system devoted to the improvement in the descrip-
tion of the images’ salient points, called “informative-
Gordon and Lowe (Gordon and Lowe, 2006) pro-
posed the first work which exploited Structure-from-
Motion (SFM) for precise localization of the input im-
age. This approach provided interesting ideas in later
works (Irschara et al., 2009; Li et al., 2010; Sattler
et al., 2011).
Schindler et al. (Schindler et al., 2007) faced
the problem of localization in very large datasets of
streets’ photographs using a tree data structure that
indexes the salient features for scalability.
Zhu et al. (Zhu et al., 2008) built another system
for large-scale global localization, with very high ac-
curacy thanks to the use of 4 cameras, arranged as two
stereo pairs.
Xiao et al. (Xiao et al., 2008) proposed a method
for the recognition and localization of generic ob-
jects from uncalibrated images. The system includes
an interesting algorithm for simultaneous localiza-
tion of objects and camera positions, which combines
segmentation techniques, example models and voting
techniques. The main purpose of the system is ob-
ject recognition using structural representation in 3D
Irschara et al. (Irschara et al., 2009) proposed a
localization system that effectively exploited image-
based 3D reconstruction. After the reconstruction,
each 3D point is associated to a compressed descrip-
tion of the features of the images incidents therein.
Such descriptions are indexed using a tree-based vo-
cabularies for efficient searching.
Li et al. (Li et al., 2010) proposed another feature-
based approach based on a prioritization scheme. The
priority of a point is related to the number of cameras
from the reconstruction it is visible in. The use of a
reduced set of points of highest priority has several
advantages w.r.t. to using all 3D points. This method,
in terms of the number of images that can be regis-
tered, outperforms the algorithm by Irschara et al.
Recently, Sattler et al. (Sattler et al., 2011) pro-
posed a direct 2D-to-3D matching framework. By
associating 3D points to visual words, they quickly
identify possible correspondences for 2D features
which are then verified in a linear search. The final
2D-to-3D correspondences are then used to localize
the image using N-point pose estimation.
Our work shares some similarities with the meth-
ods of Irschara (Irschara et al., 2009) and Sattler (Sat-
tler et al., 2011). The novelty stands in the use of
a more advanced image retrieval algorithm, the ex-
ploitation of 3D geometric information that is not de-
pendant on the photographic dataset, and the valida-
tion through an unsupervised validation algorithm.
Our system deals with two specific requirements: the
localization hast to be automatic and accurate enough
to allow correct superimposition of the input image on
the 3D model for presentation purposes to the tourists.
There are no strict time constraints.
Our solution combines a state-of-the-art image re-
trieval system, an SFM algorithm and solutions com-
ing from 2D/3D registration to recast the problem in
Figure 1: Overview of the algorithm and data flow.
a large-scale 2D/3D calibration problem.
In the following the camera model is defined by
7 parameters: position, orientation, and the focal
length. For the intrinsic parameters we assume that
the skew factor is zero, the principal point is the cen-
ter of the images and the scale factors are assumed to
be known from the resolution and the CCD dimen-
3.1 Overview
The basic idea of the algorithm is to use an efficient
image retrieval system in order to select relevant and
local information from the support data (implicitly
obtaining a rough approximation of the location), then
use such support data to calibrate the camera. Subse-
quently, the obtained calibration is validated in an un-
supervised way to guarantee high accuracy. The data
flow is shown in Figure 1.
The input is represented by an image P
that needs
to be localized and calibrated. The Data Selection
stage takes advantage of a global support dataset G.
This dataset contains a set of high-resolution 3D mod-
els (one for each location of interest), a set of images
registered on the respective 3D model called support
images and the corresponding camera parameters.
A retrieval image system is used to obtain a lo-
cal subset of G composed by the k images P
are most similar to the input image P
. The corre-
sponding support calibration parameters S
and the
3D model M of the location of interest are also ex-
The Structure From Motion stage uses P
and the
support images P
to perform a Structure from Motion
(SFM) algorithm to obtain 2D-2D image correspon-
dences A and auxiliary camera calibrations B
(in a
coordinate reference system γ which is generally dif-
ferent from the reference system of the support 3D
model, σ).
Calibration uses the 2D-2D image correspon-
dences (computed at the previous stage), the 3D
model M and the support calibrations S
to calculate
a candidate calibration C
of the input image.
Finally, the Validation stage uses the auxiliary
camera calibrations B
, the 3D model M and the sup-
port calibrations S
to validate C
3.1.1 Creation of the Global Support Dataset
Concerning the creation of G, for each location of
interest a set of images that covers as much as pos-
sible the model surface is acquired through a photo-
graphic campaign. Then, Bundler SFM tool (Snavely
et al., 2006) is used to produce an initial camera cal-
ibration of the images for each location, including a
corresponding point cloud.
Since the results lie on a 3D frame coordinate sys-
tem that is generally different from the coordinates
frame σ of the 3D model, we align the 3D points using
Meshlab (Cignoni et al., 2008). We obtain a similarity
matrix Θ that brings the set of calibrated images (and
the calibrated data) in the σ reference system. The
user can remove bad calibrated images or attempt to
adjust slightly wrong calibrated images by launching
the fine alignment registration algorithm implemented
in Meshlab. If some area of interest is not covered
more images can be added to the set; in this case the
Bundler SFM tool has to be re-launched on the ex-
panded dataset.
3.2 Data Selection Stage
In this stage, Amato and Falchi (Amato and Falchi,
2010) image classifier is used to obtain the subset {P
of the global support images. The subset is composed
by the k images which are classified as the most sim-
ilar to P
. This ensures the scalability of the system
since this image retrieval algorithm is able to work
very efficiently for ten of thousands of images. The
algorithm performs a kNN classification using local
2D features (SIFT (Lowe, 2004)). We remind the
reader to the original publication for the details of the
Figure 2: Scheme of the Calibration stage.
Figure 3: Correspondence projection scheme.
We retrieve a list of 15 similar images (P
) that
form the local support images. This list is further
pruned from possible outliers by thresholding over
the similarity metric returned in order to have sup-
port images that shares at least a partial set of features
w.r.t. P
. Then, a voting scheme is used to retrieve
the 3D model of the location from the set of the avail-
able ones. At this point the list is pruned by removing
those images that refer to a different 3D model from
the one chosen by the voting scheme. If the final list
is smaller than a minimal set (3 images) the alignment
fails and the image is rejected. The local support im-
ages just represent a rough approximation of the loca-
tion of P
, since they are associated to a portion of a
specific 3D model M.
3.3 Structure from Motion Stage
The local support images together with P
are given
in input to Bundler (Snavely et al., 2006) to obtain a
set of camera calibrations B
, in a coordinate system
γ, a set of 2D-2D correspondences A between salient
features of the images, and a set of reconstructed 3D
points in γ. A is employed in the Calibration stage,
are used in the Validation stage.
3.4 Calibration Stage
The Calibration stage follows the scheme in Figure 2.
The goal is to obtain a candidate calibration C
on the 3D model M. In order to compute it, we
need a set of 2D-3D correspondences B that matches
points on P
with a set of surface points of the 3D
model. These correspondences are not known in ad-
vance. Nevertheless, we can take advantage of the
2D-2D correspondences A between the local support
images P
and P
, and the corresponding calibrations
, that allow us to project features of P
on the sur-
face of M.
The procedure to build β B is shown in Figure 3:
we project the feature point in P
on the surface of
M using the camera calibration S
and assign the 3D
point with the corresponding 2D feature point in P
The projection is the intersection between the 3D sur-
face and the ray connecting the feature point in the
image plane with the point of view of the camera. If
no intersection is found, no 2D-3D correspondence is
During the construction of B, there are many pos-
sible sources of error, such as false positives in A ,
holes or incongruences between the model and the
photographs (i.e. due to movable elements), small er-
rors in camera parameters, etc. Even if multiple 2D-
2D correspondences of the same visual feature in P
are present, we keep all the possible 2D-3D corre-
spondences. This is because our policy is to keep ev-
erything that is potentially correct and to deal with
outliers in the following processing step. After ob-
taining the set of 2D-3D correspondences, we proceed
with the effective calibration.
The calibration step follows a RANSAC (Fischler
and Bolles, 1981) approach, that in each iteration se-
lect a subset of B, making sure to not take dupli-
cates of the same 2D feature on P
. Then, it com-
Figure 4: Least Square Mapping scheme.
putes a tentative calibration C
using the well-known
Tsai (Tsai, 1987) algorithm, and computes a projec-
tion error metric to select the “best” calibration. This
approach guarantees robustness with respect to out-
liers in B . It also has a controlled processing time
and avoids “local minima” problems. The RANSAC
cycle is limited in time, because the processing time
of each iteration is variable and depends on the num-
ber of correspondences. The time limit is set to one
minute, but we make sure to do between 250 to 1000
In each iteration, we randomly sample a constant
amount of 20 2D-3D correspondences β B that are
used for the calibration with the Tsai algorithm. Tsai
calibration works with a minimal amount of 9 corre-
spondences but from our experience we found that 20
correspondences are preferable to obtain good results
in presence of noisy data.
After computing the candidate calibration C
, we
measure its quality. For each β B, we project its 2D
point on the model surface using C
, obtaining the 3D
point ρ. If the projection misses the model surface or
if the distance of ρ from the 3D point in β exceeds a
robust threshold we declare a miss, otherwise a suc-
cess. C
is chosen as the calibration candidate C
there is any success, the misses are less than 10% of
the total, and the average of the distances in successes
is the best one.
The idea beyond our validation algorithm is to check
the consistency between the estimated calibration C
and the calibration parameters provided by the image-
based reconstruction done with Bundler (see Section
3.3). Measuring the difference between two camera
parameters set is not trivial. We decide to compare
what the two cameras are “seeing” in the scene. To
calculate such consistency measure, we do the follow-
ing two steps:
1. We take the calibration B
given by the image-
based reconstruction for image P
and we map it
in our coordinate frame σ, obtaining B
2. We measure how differently B
and C
view the
same scene comparing two depth maps generated
from these data.
To obtain B
, we exploit relationships between the
support calibrations S
and the calibrations B
puted through Bundler (see Figure 4). The set of
cameras have similar geometrical relationships in the
camera positions, but differences in estimation are
generated, e.g. due to the focal length/view direction
The estimation of the similarity matrix to obtain
is performed following a RANSAC approach in
order to account for outliers. A subset of the cali-
brations obtained is selected. The difference in scale
is adjusted using the bounding box of the two set of
cameras. Then, the Horn’s method (Horn, 1987) is
applied to estimate a similarity matrix Θ
to trans-
form the coordinate frame from γ to σ.
We evaluate the quality of the similarity matrix by
applying it to all calibrations B
and measuring the
Euclidean distances between the viewpoints with re-
spect to S
. The most accurate Θ
is applied to B
In the second stage, we check the consistency of
and C
, by doing an image-based comparison on
two virtual range maps. We opt for this novel ap-
proach since small changes in camera parameters can
lead to major differences in the framed area, e.g. due
to obstacles.
We proceed by obtaining two low-resolution syn-
thetic range maps R
and R
of the 3D model as seen
by the two cameras obtained. Then, we measure two
errors: the XOR consistency (E
) of model occlu-
sion versus the background, and the Sum of Squared
Differences (SSD) of depth values (E
) between R
and R
. The values of R
and R
are normalized to-
gether in the [0 . . . 1] range. Background values are
, R
, x, y)
, R
, x, y) · (R
(x, y) R
(x, y))
, R
, x, y)
Almost Correct
= 0.0115
= 0.0002
Bad XOR consistency
= 0.2416,
= 0.0349
Bad SSD error
= 0.0339
= 0.1720
Figure 5: (Left) Input image. (Center) Range map obtained from C
. (Right) Range map obtained from B
set to .
The XOR consistency (Eq. 1) is the percent of pix-
els that in R
are background and in R
are not and
vice-versa, where w and h are the size of the range
maps and RX(R
, R
, x, y) assumes the value 1.0 when
the condition (R
(x, y) = ) (R
(x, y) = ) is true
and 0.0 otherwise. It essentially accounts for different
positions and directions of view.
The SSD error (Eq. 2) measures the dissimilarity
in non-background areas, where BH(R
, R
, x, y) as-
sumes the value 1.0 when both the pixels of R
(x, y)
and R
(x, y) are foreground pixels and 0.0 otherwise.
This measure accounts for errors in position and fo-
cal length, that could lead to the different framing of
objects which are near to the camera.
Examples of the consistency measures are shown
in Figure 5. The second and the third rows show two
calibrations which are incorrect due to different rea-
sons: in the first case, the XOR consistency results to
be very high; in the second case, the problem is indi-
cated by the value of the SSD error.
In this section, we will describe and discuss the re-
sults of the experimental evaluation of both the full
image localization algorithm and the validation step.
The global support dataset is composed by images
and 3D models for 2 locations: “Piazza Cavalieri” in
Pisa (Italy) and “Piazza della Signoria” in Florence
(Italy). The “Signoria” location is covered by 304
calibrated images while the “Cavalieri” location by
202 calibrated images. The corresponding 3D models
(485k and 4083k faces respectively) have been ob-
tained through ToF laser scanning, and prepared as
explained in Section 3.1.1.
5.1 Comparison with Previous Work
In order to assess the performance of our system, we
compared it with two recent state-of-the-art works
in image localization (Li et al., 2010; Sattler et al.,
2011). Both these systems were tested using the same
“Dubrovnik” dataset
, which is composed by 6844
images. The authors test their systems by extracting
800 images from the dataset, and try to localize them.
Each test is repeated 10 times.
It was not possible to use the Dubrovnik dataset
in our case, because no 3D model of the city is pro-
vided, However we applied the same testing approach
on our image datasets by attempting to re-align all the
pre-calibrated images 10 times. Results are shown in
Table 1.
Available at
Table 1: Comparison of localization performances between our method and (Li et al., 2010; Sattler et al., 2011).
Tested method average localization # of registered
error (m) images
Li et al (Li et al., 2010) 18.3 94%
Sattler et al (Sattler et al., 2011) 15.7 96%
GAIL (before validation) 3.9 59%
GAIL (after validation) 2.1 26%
Regarding the localization error, our method out-
performs the others. The percentage of acceptance is
lower due to the different goal, accurate calibration,
of our approach with respect to the goal, localization,
of previous work.
Figure 6 shows some examples of the calibra-
tions obtained, we divide the calibration accuracy in:
“high quality” (near pixel-perfect superimposition),
“medium quality” (small misalignments are present),
and “low quality” (severe misalignments with the 3D
models or completely wrong result). It has to be noted
that several of what we refer as “low quality” align-
ments could be accepted as correct by a typical local-
ization system where only the position of the camera
is important and not the orientation as well. Our goal
force us to be more selective to ensure a satisfying
navigation of the localized photographs. The thresh-
olds set in the current system implementation, relative
to the results here reported, allow for “high quality”
5.2 Result Evaluation
In order to evaluate the performance of the system, the
validation algorithm in particular, 568 input images
were retrieved from Flickr, in order to cover many
possible cases that the system must face. These im-
ages have been manually inspected before the tests,
in order to have an “a priori” knowledge of which
ones we expect to locate and which ones we expect
to refuse.
This classification is based only on the visual in-
spection; we consider “not localizable” images that
are either relative to part not covered by the 3D model,
in very poor lighting condition (i.e. night), or depict-
ing objects that are not strictly part of the scene (e.g. a
bicycle, a cup of coffee). See examples in Figure 7.
After this inspection, we expect to accept 319 (56%)
of the 568 images and to refuse the remaining 249.
Of these 568 images:
180 (31.7%) were rejected in the classification
12 (2.1%) were rejected in the reconstruction step
146 (25.7%) were rejected in the calibration step.
This means that 230 images (40.5%) were accepted
by calibration. Among these:
119 (21.0% of total, 51.7% of selected) failed the
Validation stage.
111 (19.5% of total, 48.3% of selected) were val-
The thresholds used for the validation are E
0.15 and E
The method proves to be very selective, since
38.7% of the images which were judged to be accept-
able were discarded during the first three stages. On
the other side, only 2 images (0.4% of the total) were
wrongly accepted. This is a key feature for a system
which does not need any human-based validation of
the results.
Moreover, the datasets which were used were not
ideal, both in terms of input data (covering of the sup-
port images, quality of 3D model) and type of envi-
ronment (Piazza della Signoria contains several stat-
ues, so that some images depict details which are hard
to match due to several occlusions).
We expect that the performance could be im-
proved using a more complete (in terms of coverage)
global support dataset.
5.3 Timing
Concerning the processing time of the different stages
of the system, the time to retrieve the local support
set is negligible, since the algorithm by Amato et al.
is designed to deal with millions of images, and the
global support set is usually composed by hundreds
of images. This makes the time to find the similar im-
ages practically instantaneous. The calibration stage,
as previously stated, is limited to 1 minute (ensuring
that a certain number of iterations is reached) in the
current implementation, but further optimization to
reduce this processing time can be achieved. Finally,
the validation stage is quite fast, in the order of tenths
of ms on a average-end PC.
5.4 Discussion
The main advantage of the proposed system is that
it is able to work in a completely automatic and un-
supervised way producing very high accurate camera
calibrations for urban context. This implies also a
very accurate localization. The selection of images
Figure 6: Calibration accuracy examples. (1st Row) High quality. (2nd Row) Medium quality. (3rd Row) Low quality.
(a) ETL (b) ETL (c) ETL (d) ETL (e) ETL
(f) ETL (g) ETR (h) ETR (i) ETR (j) ETR
(k) ETR (l) ETR (m) ETR (n) ETR
Figure 7: Examples of images that we expect to locate (ETL): (a) building; (b) statue; (c) partial fac¸ade; (d) small clutter;
(e) moderate clutter; (f) moderate reflexes. Examples of images that we expect to refuse (ETR): (g) night time; (h) against
the light; (i) uncovered area (visually similar to covered areas); (j) small detail of statue; (k) ambiguous detail containing
major reflection; (l) major clutter; (m) ambiguous detail; (n) panoramic montage. Note that the image (i), that is visually very
similar to a picture of “Piazza della Signoria” in Florence but it is the picture of another plaza, is correctly discarded by the
Figure 8: Results example. (Center Top) Input image immersed in 3D. (Center Bottom) 3D model view from C
. (Side
Columns) Superimpositions of details.
is very strict, in order to ensure the lowest possible
rate of false positives.
This also gives the possibility to the system to
“train” and increase the robustness, since the success-
fully calibrated images can be added to G in order
to increase the performance of the system itself dur-
ing its use. Moreover, a very high number of pre-
calibrated images could be used, due to the scalability
of the image retrieval algorithm employed.
The main limitation is related to the fact that the
validation step discards a calibration more frequently
for errors in B
than for errors in the Calibration
stage C
. More research in this direction could be of
great interest. Another limitation is that a 3D model
of the scene is needed. Nevertheless, current multi-
view stereo reconstruction techniques are probably
able to provide an accurate enough reconstruction of
the scene.
In this paper we proposed a novel localization algo-
rithm that allows for an accurate 2D/3D registration
of the input image in a large scale context, typically
an urban context.
An unsupervised validation algorithm of the lo-
calization obtained is also proposed. The algorithm
is composed of several stages that take advantage
of a large amount of information that can be ex-
tracted from 2D/3D data: 2D-2D feature correspon-
dences, sparse reconstructions, depth maps from de-
fined points of view.
The performance and the advantages/limitations
of the method are assessed and discussed. The sys-
tem proved to selective, but very accurate and robust.
Thus, all the calibrated images could be directly used
in a photo navigation system without the need of hu-
man validation. Figure 8 shows an example of an im-
age that was perfectly aligned to a complex 3D scene,
with objects of different sizes at different distances
w.r.t. the point of view.
A possible improvement regards optimizing the
system to reduce registration time. Another improve-
ment could be to extract further information from
the image to reduce false negatives. Furthermore,
the calibration could be further refined before vali-
dation. For example, refinement could be obtained
using feature matching (Stamos et al., 2008) or statis-
tical (Corsini et al., 2012) methods.
This paper has been supported by the Tuscany Region
(POR CREO FESR 2007-2013) in the framework of
the VISITO-Tuscany project and by the EU FP7 IN-
DIGO Innovative Training and Decision Support for
Emergency Operations project (grant no. 242341).
We would also thank Fabio Ganovelli for useful sug-
gestions and insights about this work.
Amato, G. and Falchi, F. (2010). kNN based image clas-
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