prescribing an explicit link between model
formulation and the enterprise business model. It
also formally preserves these relationships for
tracing purposes all along the development life
cycle. By ensuring a well-defined link between the
business model and the solved DP, more reliable and
usable Decision Support Systems can be obtained.
This is possible because the link obligates to
consider the context of the decision which is
composed by people, resources, data sources,
workflows, goals, business rules, etc. The risk of not
making this explicit link is that even a good solution
for the DP fails at its insertion in the business.
In current practice, the model formulation is
generally biased by the modeling and solution
paradigm chosen for the formulation (e.g.
mathematical programming models). The adoption
of a particular paradigm normally forces to make
some strong hypothesis about the DP (e.g. avoiding
nonlinear constraints, hypothesis on unknown but
required probability distributions, among others). As
a result, a premature abstraction of the DP normally
takes place with the risk that the models obtained do
not represent correctly the actual problem by
accepting limitations or formulating assumptions
without enough business information. In the
proposed methodology, the identification and
specification of the DPs are conducted
independently from a solution or formulation
paradigm using a general meta-model.
Sometimes the lack of a unified data sources and
models results in the introduction of concepts and
entities for the DP formulation and solution without
connection to the business process, where messages
are exchanged between participants and software
systems that might not have a close and easily to
capture relationship with DP concepts and entities.
As a consequence a misalignment between the
required data to solve the DP and the existent data
exchanged in messages in the business processes
arises, causing implementation and integration
problems both at the syntactic and semantic level.
The methodology proposes that once a solution
paradigm is finally adopted, its formulation relies
always on combining existent elements in the
reference model, avoiding the aforementioned
This work is partially supported by Consejo
Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas
(CONICET) and Agencia Nacional de Promoción
Científica y Técnica (ANPCyT).
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