We have introduced a new multi-objective optimiza-
tion problem derived from a real-world application:
the package server location problem. We have pro-
posed a first mathematical formulation of this multi-
objective optimization problem as well as a method
for the generation of realistic instances. In addition,
a small dedicated language allows virtually to define
any possible criteria combination.
Results for exact multi-objective solution ap-
proaches based on mixed integer linear programming
have been reported. First, a realistic use case has
shown the efficiency and flexibility of our approach
for quick prototyping of deployments with various
structural properties. Second, solving times are really
satisfactory for realistic problem’s sizes. Last, some
criteria combinations are “easier” to solve than others
to obtain solutions with similar characteristics.
In further work, we will compare different linear
programming solvers, and investigate approximations
of the pareto set.
The authors would like to thank Claude Michel, Mo-
hamed Rezgui (UNS CNRS), and Yvan Manon (Man-
driva). This work was supported by the Agence Na-
tionale de la Recherche (Aeolus project – ANR-2010-
SEGI-013-01). To end, we would like to thank the
anonymous referees for their remarks.
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