in confusing connecting lines as linking text does
while reducing the occlusion calculating time as
required by fading texts.
This primary strategy to choose annotation type
is dedicated to a general view. While for a single
object, the annotation method needs to be specified
accordingly. If annotations are placed on the space
of annotated objects, they are called internal
annotations. If not, they are external annotations
(Hagedorn et al., 2007). In general, for point
features, due to their limited space, external
annotations are preferred. For line features, both
external annotation and internal annotation can be
used. For small line features where the space is not
enough for embedding, external annotation is used.
When line features are big enough to contain
annotation, internal annotation is preferred. For
plane features and volume features, in most cases,
internal annotation is used. In real use-cases, things
are more complex.
The information displayed in a single frame is
limited, where an appropriate information density
needs to be defined. Dating back in 1970s, (Töpfer
and Pillewizer, 1966) set the primary guiding
principle for information density in 2D visualization:
Constraint Information Density, which requires the
number of objects per display unit should be
constant. Hence how to set a good information
density of our own case in 3D environment?
As (Ware, 2004) states that visualization is the
result how human beings perceive the world, hence
human perception factors such as colours, textures,
depths, lightness, brightness contrast and others,
play important roles in computer visualization. Here
how to take good advantage of human perception to
help users better find out the information they need?
Finally the evaluation of annotations is a difficult
problem too. How to define if an annotation result is
good or not? Using mathematic way to calculate
some factors such as occlusion ratio? Or should a
group of user test is needed?
In this paper, the problem of annotation in 3D
environment has been discussed. Challenges and
several potential solutions are proposed. Floating
text, linking text and fading text are tested. Unsolved
problems proposed in Section 5 will be tackled in
the future such as how to define the proper
information density. Then we will work to improve
readability and diversity of annotations. Besides
text, different kinds of annotation forms are
expected to express semantic information, such as
symbols or images. Then a formal evaluation with a
large number of user tests will be done. Finally we
will try to extend the applicability of our annotation
technique into other applications such as augmented
reality, 3D objects generalization and so on.
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