test cases:
a) Case 1: Stochastic case considering 20 scenarios
of generation dispatch and spot price, obtained
from the studies with the hydrothermal Brazilian
system (considering the horizon from May 2011
to Dec 2015). The coal procurement decisions
for this case study was represented in a
deterministic way, i.e. supply decisions are the
same for all 20 scenarios;
b) Case 2: Case 1, but using a decision tree (instead
of a deterministic decision) to represent supply
procurement decisions.
c) Case 3: Case 2, but considering 200 scenarios
(instead of 20 scenarios) of generation dispatch
and spot price.
The main objective of the proposed studies is to
determine the coal amount to be procured in the long
term by the thermal plant. As mentioned before, the
long-term contracts have greater execution deadlines
(typically one year), but are associated to more
attractive prices than the short-term contracts. It
should be emphasized that the data used in the test
cases of this particular work, associated to thermal
plants, coal supply contracts, and others, have been
created in order to illustrate the optimization model
behavior and may be different from a real case data.
Thermal Plant Data
The model was applied in the procurement strategy
optimization of the Porto do Itaqui thermal plant,
located in the Northern region of the Brazilian
system, assuming the following basic data:
Installed capacity: 360 MW;
Efficiency (coal consumption): 4.84 × 10
MWh/kcal (or 2 066 kcal/kWh);
Coal storage capacity: 210 000 tons
(equivalent to approximately 70 days of the
thermal plant nominal power operation);
O&M cost: 7.5 US$/MWh;
Losses and self-consumption are neglected;
Operational cost: 61.2 US$/MWh.
For the coal resale price scenario, a constant value of
105 US$/ton (FOB-Colombia, i.e. no shipping cost
is considered for the buying market) was adopted.
In order to represent thermal dispatch and spot
price scenarios, the results obtained from the studies
with the hydrothermal Brazilian system (May 2011)
using the SDDP dispatch model (PSR, 2011a, PSR,
2011b) were used.
Candidate Contracts Data
In each one of the test cases, 30 candidate contracts
were considered, where 8 of them are long-term
contracts and the rest are short-term contracts.
Parameters associated to the long-term contracts:
Availability: 500 000 tons;
Procurement cost (FOB): 110 US$/ton;
Shipping cost: 20 US$/ton (Handymax ships);
Antecedence in procurement decision: up to 1
Time interval for boarding the procured amount:
3 months (travel time of 1 month).
The following figure illustrates the eight long-term
contracts, emphasizing the intervals that define their
procurement decision and shipping:
Figure 3: Long-term contract data.
The green blocks illustrate, for each candidate
contract, the period in which the procured coal can
be shipped from the origin port (in Colombia), being
the loading available for the thermal plants one
month after boarding (expedition time).
The red blocks illustrate the procurement
decision date of each contract. Note that all long-
term contracts for a specific year should be decided
up to October of the previous year.
Parameters associated to the short-term contracts:
Availability: 500 000 tons;
Procurement cost (FOB): 115 US$/ton;
Shipping cost: 20 US$/ton (Handymax ships);
Antecedence in procurement decision: 3 months:
Time interval for boarding the procured amount:
4 months (travel time of 1 month).
In the same way as the long-term contracts, Figure 4
illustrates the required antecedence for a short-term
contract. Note that, in this case, the antecedence is of
four months, because loading acceptance must be
informed one month in advance regarding long-term
contracts (due to an additional period of
Also, short-term contracts don’t require the
procurement decision to be taken too long in
advance (October of the previous year), which
makes them more attractive from the point of view
of the uncertainties of generation dispatch and spot
2010 2011 2012