An Accurate Hand Segmentation Approach using a Structure based
Shape Localization Technique
Jose M. Saavedra
, Benjamin Bustos
and Violeta Chang
University of Chile, Department of Computer Science, Santiago, Chile
ORAND S.A., Santiago, Chile
Hand Segmentation, Hand Localization, Color based Segmentation, Local Descriptors.
Hand segmentation is an important stage for a variety of applications such as gesture recognition and biomet-
rics. The accuracy of the hand segmentation process becomes more critical in applications that are based on
hand measurements as in the case of biometrics. In this paper, we present a very accurate hand segmentation
technique, relying on both hand localization and color information. First, our proposal locates a hand on an
input image, the hand location is then used to extract a training region which will play a critical role for seg-
menting the whole hand in an accurate way. We use a structure-based method (STELA), originally proposed
for 3D model retrieval, for the hand localization stage. STELA exploits not only locality but also structural
information of the hand image and does not require a large image collection for training. Second, our proposal
separates the hand region from the background using the color information captured from the training region.
In this way, the segmentation depends only on the user skin color. This segmentation approach allows us to
handle a variety of skin colors and illumination conditions. In addition, our proposal is characterized by being
fully automatic, where a user calibration stage is not required. Our results show a 100% in the hand localiza-
tion process under different kinds of images and a very accurate hand segmentation achieving over 90% of
correct segmentation at the expense of having only 5% for false positives..
Hand segmentation has become very important for
many applications such as those related to vision-
based virtual reality (Yuan et al., 2008), gesture
recognition (Wachs et al., 2011), and biometric recog-
nition (Huang et al., 2008; Y
uk et al., 2006). Fur-
thermore, the hand segmentation step turns more crit-
ical in cases where a depth analysis of the hand is
required. This kind of analysis could imply getting
some measures from the hand image. For instance, in
the case of hand biometrics getting reliable hand mea-
surements is essential. Commonly, hand-based bio-
metrics require a special device to capture the hand
properties limiting its usability. This problem could
be solved if we could get hand measurements directly
from a digital cam. Of course, this would require
an accurate segmentation stage. Yoruk et al. (Y
et al., 2006) proposed a method to carry out this pro-
cess. However, in their work, they consider that the
image background is dark and homogenous leading
to a trivial segmentation stage.
Commonly, hand segmentation is carried out by
skin color based techniques (Jones and Rehg, 2002;
Lew et al., 2002). These techniques build a generic
model (e.g. a statistical model) from a large collec-
tion of training skin images. The model will decide
whether a pixel in the image is actually a hand point
or not. An important study on this kind of model
proposed by Jones et al. (Jones and Rehg, 2002) is
based on a Gaussian mixture model. A critical draw-
back of a skin color based technique is its low perfor-
mance under illumination variations. Moreover, this
kind of technique performs poorly in presence of skin
color-like regions. Figure 1 shows a segmentation re-
sult using the statistical model proposed by Jones et
al. (Jones and Rehg, 2002) for skin segmentation.
Instead of using a generic color model one could
use a model dependent on the user skin color leading
to an adaptive approach. The adaptive term arises due
to the fact that the color model will be adapted to the
user skin color. This approach allows us not only to
tackle the diversity of skin color but also to handle
diverse illumination conditions.
In the adaptive segmentation approach, a hand
portion called the training region needs to be previ-
Saavedra J., Bustos B. and Chang V..
An Accurate Hand Segmentation Approach using a Structure based Shape Localization Technique.
DOI: 10.5220/0004288703210326
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2013), pages 321-326
ISBN: 978-989-8565-47-1
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: A low accurate segmentation result using a skin
color based approach (Jones and Rehg, 2002). The white
pixel on the right binary are the pixels detected as hand
ously marked on an input image. The pixels inside
the marked region are used to build a color model
that will be used to segment the rest of the hand by
means of color similarity. Following this idea, Yuan
et al. (Yuan et al., 2008) proposed an algorithm that
makes up color clusters using a training region and
then labels the clusters as hand or background de-
pending on the size of each cluster. Finally, the image
points are classified depending on what cluster they
belong to. The problem with this algorithm is that it
requires the user to mark the training region manually,
an undesired task in automatic environments.
To get a training region automatically, we could
locate the hand on the input image. Using this loca-
tion we could mark an appropriate hand region, com-
monly using the location coordinates as the center of
such a region.
For the localization problem, the Viola and Jones
detector (Viola and Jones, 2002) may be used. The
problem with this approach is that it requires large
training image collection and it is time consuming for
the training. Because a hand is a simple object with
a well defined shape, an expensive training stage is
unnecessary. Moreover, the localization problem may
be carried out using a local structure-based approach
exploiting not only locality information but also the
structure of the hand shape.
Our contribution in this work is to present a very
accurate hand segmentation technique composed of
two main steps: (1) estimate the hand location on
an image, and (2) separate the hand region from the
background. For the localization stage, we use a lo-
cal structure-based approach exploiting both struc-
tural and locality information of a hand. Structural
information is related to the components forming a
hand and locality information is related to the spatial
relationship between these components. To this end,
we use the STELA (StrucTurE-based Local Aproach)
method proposed by Saavedra et al. (Saavedra et al.,
2011). For the segmentation stage we extend the idea
of Yuan et al. (Yuan et al., 2008) proposing strategies
to compute the underlying parameters. In this case,
we make up color clusters from a training region ob-
Figure 2: A example of hand segmentation using our ap-
proach. The blue contour defines the segmented region.
tained directly from the localization stage (a manual
localization is no longer required). For color repre-
sentation we use only the chromatic channels of the
L*a*b* color space as suggested by Yuan et al. (Yuan
et al., 2008). The segmentation stage ends with a
post-procesing phase to reduce imperfections caused
by noise. An example of our results is shown in Fig-
ure 2 where the segmentation is specified by a blue
The remaining part of this document is organized
as follows. Section 2 describes the local structure
based approach (STELA) which our proposed method
relies on. Section 3 describes in detail the hand seg-
mentation process. Section 4 presents the experimen-
tal evaluation, and finally, Section 5 discusses some
STELA is a structure-based approach proposed by
Saavedra et al. (Saavedra et al., 2011) for retrieving
3D models when the query is a line-based sketch. A
STELA descriptor is invariant to translation, scaling,
and rotation transformation. The main property of
this approach is that it is based not only on the struc-
tural information but also on the locality information
of an image.
For getting structural information, an image is
decomposed into simple shapes. This method uses
straight lines as primitive shapes which are named
keyshapes. For getting locality information, local de-
scriptors taking into account the spatial relationship
between keyshapes are used. An interesting property
of keyshapes is that these allow us to represent an ob-
ject in a higher semantic level.
STELA consists of the following steps: (1) get an
abstract image, (2) detect keyshapes, (3) compute lo-
cal descriptors, and (4) match local descriptors.
1. Abstract Image. The abstract image allows us to
reduce the effect of noise, keeping only relevant
edges. To this end, STELA applies the canny op-
Figure 3: A synthetic representation of the partitioning to
make up the STELA descriptor.
erator (Canny, 1986) over the image in order to
have an edge map representation. Then, to ap-
proximate strokes, the method uses the edgelink
operator (Kovesi, 2000) which returns a set of
edge lists.
2. Detecting Keyshapes. Detecting simple shapes
that compose a more complex object allows us
to take into account structural information in the
similarity measurement. STELA detects only
straight lines which form an object. Lines can
be detected easily and still maintain enough dis-
criminative information. These lines are re-
ferred as keyshapes following the same idea of
keypoints (Mikolajczyk and Schmid, 2004) even
though keyshapes are more representative in terms
of the object structure.
Finally, the center of each line is taken as the rep-
resentative point of each keyshape. In STELA,
each keyshape L is represented as a 5-tuple
), (x
),s,φ], where (x
) is
the start point, (x
) is the end point, (x
) is
the representative point, s is the line length, and φ
is the corresponding slope.
3. The Local Descriptor. A local descriptor is com-
puted over each keyshape. STELA uses an ori-
ented angular 8-partitioning descriptor. Figure 3
depicts a graphical representation of this descrip-
Having a keyshape L as reference, this descriptor
works as follows:
Create a vector h, containing 8 cells. Initially,
h(i) = 0, i = 1...8.
Let L be the reference keyshape represented as
L = [(x
]. (1)
Let f
: R
be a rotation function around
the point (x
) with rotation angle β = φ.
Let ( ˆx
, ˆy
) = f
) be the normalized ver-
sion of (x
For each keyshape Q 6= L represented by
), (x
), (x
Get ( ˆx
, ˆy
) = f
Determine the corresponding bin of ( ˆx
, ˆy
) on
the oriented partitioning scheme.
h(bin) = h(bin) + s
/MAX LEN, where
MAX LEN is the length of the abstract image
Finally, h(bin) =
, bin = 1 ...8.
4. Matching. An image is treated as a set of de-
scriptors. This set captures the object shape. The
matching problem may be regarded as an instance
of the Bipartite Graph Matching. STELA re-
solves the assignment problem applying the Hun-
garian Method. The cost of matching two local
descriptors p and q could be thought of as the dis-
tance between p and q. In this way, the less sim-
ilar the descriptors are, the more expensive the
match becomes. As the STELA descriptor is a
probability distribution, it uses the χ
statistic test
as distance function.
For estimating the pose transformation, this
method uses the Hough Transform, where each
candidate match must vote just for three pa-
rameters (scale, translation in x-axis and y-axis).
The set of parameters with the highest score is
retained. This set of transformation parame-
ters characterizes the estimated pose. Only the
matches which agree with the estimated pose are
retained for the next process, the others are dis-
Finally, the dissimilarity between two images is
computed as the average cost of the matched de-
scriptors. The cost of the unmatched descriptors
is set to 1.
We divide our approach in two stages, the first one
corresponds to the hand localization, where STELA
is applied to estimate the location of the occurrence
of a hand. After this, we extract a training region
from the center of the located region and proceed to
segment the hand using the color information given
by the training region. Finally we carry out a post-
processing stage to make our result more robust to en-
vironment conditions like illumination or skin color-
Figure 4: Proposal framework.
Figure 5: Two examples of hand localization.
like regions near to the hand region. A framework of
our proposal is presented in Figure 4.
3.1 Hand Localization
Unlike the machine learning approach for detecting
objects, our approach only requires a simple hand pro-
totype. In our implementation we use a 80 × 80 hand
prototype image.
We use STELA to estimate the hand location in
an image. Since we are interested in detecting a hand
shape we could make STELA faster reducing the im-
age size. We resize the input image to a 100 × 120
image. To appropriately determine the location of a
hand, we apply the sliding window strategy. Each re-
gion inside a 80 × 80 window is compared with the
hand prototype by STELA. The center of the window
keeps the dissimilarity value between the windowed
region and the prototype.
Let d
i j
be the STELA dissimilarity value for each
pixel (i, j) in the resized input image. We define D as
a set of points where the dissimilarity value is close to
the minimum dissimilarity value (mdv). That is:
D = {(i, j) : d
i j
mdv 0.1,i = 1 ...100, j = 1 ...120},
Finally, the occurrence of a hand is located in the
centroid (i
, j
) of D only if the mdv T H
. This
means that if we have mdv > T H
the method will re-
port a hand not found message. In our experiments
we set T H
= 0.65. If a hand is located, the cen-
troid (i
, j
) needs to be rescaled to have the real lo-
cation. Two examples of hand localization are shown
in Figure 5 where we notice that the proposed method
works even when the hand undergoes rotation varia-
3.2 Hand Segmentation
After locating the hand, we extract a 150x100 region
where the upper left corner corresponds to the hand
location point (see Figure 4). A great number of pix-
els inside this region must correspond to the hand. We
will refer to this region as the training region.
We proceed to make up color clusters. In this way,
each pixel of the training region must fall within one
of the built clusters. We represent the image by the
L*a*b* color space. We only use the chromatic chan-
nels a and b similiar as the proposal of Yuan et
al. (Yuan et al., 2008). Though we have conducted
experiments using different color spaces, we got bet-
ter results using L*a*b*.
Each color cluster q needs to keep two values, the
first one corresponds to the number of pixels falling
inside it (N
), and the second one is a representa-
tive point of the cluster (this is not necessarily a real
pixel), expressed in terms of its corresponding a* b*
color information. We represent this point as [r
The representative pixel corresponds to the average of
the a* b* components of all pixels falling inside q.
We make up the clusters following this given al-
SoC =
0 (set of clusters)
N = 0 (number of clusters)
For each pixel p in the training region
Let [a,b] the corresponding a*b* color informa-
tion of p.
m = min
= argmin
If m < T H, update [r
] and increase N
by 1.
Otherwise, add a new cluster w to SoC using p,
increasing N by 1. In this case, [r
] = [a,b]
and N
= 1.
return SoC
In the previous algorithm T H = 0.01 and L
sponds to the Euclidean distance.
After building the set of clusters SoC, we segment
a hand starting from the pixel corresponding to the
hand location point expanding the process to the rest
of the pixels using the breadth first search strategy
through the pixels detected as hand point. This strat-
egy avoids detecting objects that are far from the hand
region, minimizing the false positive points. The al-
gorithm determines what cluster a pixel p must be-
long to. An appropriate cluster q? for the pixel p must
satisfy two criteria:
1. The number of pixels in q? must be greater than
T H N. Clusters with few pixels may correspond
to the background.
2. Considering only clusters satisfying the first crite-
rion, the cluster q? corresponds to that with min-
imum distance (md) between p and each cluster
representative point. Here, the distance function
is the Euclidean distance.
If md > T H
the pixel is marked as background,
otherwise it is marked as a hand point.
In our implementation T H N is the median of the
cluster sizes. T H N = median(N
). In the
case of T H
we conduct a different strategy. The
main idea is that T H
has to be computed depending
on the distances between hand points from the train-
ing region. Therefore T H
is a distance that allows us
to discard the 10% of the training region points with
higher distance value whit respect to the cluster they
belong to.
3.3 Post-processing
After the segmentation stage we have a binary rep-
resentation where detected hand points are set to 1
and background points are set to 0. To have an accu-
rate segmentation we apply two post-processing op-
erations. First, the method discards a point detected
as hand point if the number of hand points in a local
region around the point is less than 50% of the local
region size. In this case, we use a 21x21 local region.
Second, the method applies morphological operations
to fill holes in the hand region (Soille, 1999).
In this section we show results of the automatic hand
segmentation using our proposal. To test our ap-
proach, we used a collection of 25 640 × 480 im-
ages containing a hand captured with different kinds
of illumination. In terms of pixels, our collection is
composed of 5,761,985 hand pixels (positive set) and
18,084,503 non-hand pixels (negative set). We com-
pare our result against a renowned skin color model,
specifically we use as baseline as proposed by Jones
et al. (Jones and Rehg, 2002).
A good tool to assess the performance of our seg-
mentation results is the ROC curve. In this way, we
have a mask indicating the hand region for each im-
age. ROC curve analysis takes into account the area
under the curve (AUC) as a quality measure. The
higher the AUC value is, the better the quality of our
method is. Furthermore ROC curves show us the cost
Figure 6: ROC curves comparing our method with the skin
color model proposed by Jones (Jones and Rehg, 2002).
The AUC value is indicated in the legend.
Table 1: Correct detection rate (CD) vs. false positive
rate for our method and the skin color model proposed by
Jones (Jones and Rehg, 2002).
CD FP (Our method) FP (Skin color model)
0.95 0.146 0.641
0.90 0.052 0.490
0.85 0.046 0.334
0.80 0.009 0.234
we have paid in terms of false positives when a high
correct detection is desired. The ROC curve compar-
ing our method with the skin color model is presented
in Figure 6.
Our method achieves an AUC value of 0.96 as
the skin color model only achieves 0.85. In addition
to the overall good performance of our method, it is
worth pointing out that our proposal achieves a cor-
rect detection rate over 90% at the expense of having
only 5% for false positives. The skin color model re-
sults in 49% of false positives to achieve a comparable
result. In Table 1 the relationship between false posi-
tive and correct detection is shown for both evaluated
Figure 7 shows how well our method segments
a hand in an image in comparison with the baseline
method. Additionally, six examples of hand segmen-
tation using our method are depicted in Figure 8.
Finally, we have to say that our method correctly
locates a hand for different images. In our experi-
ments we get 100% of correct localization. There-
fore, any application requiring a hand localization
step could take advantage of our proposal, hand track-
ing and hand biometrics are two potential applica-
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 7: Hand segmentation comparison. (a) Input image,
(b) target segmentation, (c) output using our method, and
(d) output using the skin color model.
Figure 8: Examples of hand segmentation using our pro-
posed approach.
We have presented a novel approach for the hand seg-
mentation task. Our method estimates the hand loca-
tion to capture a training hand region. Then, we pro-
pose an adaptive color model based on the image’s
skin color to segment the hand. This allows us to han-
dle illumination changes and diverse skin colors. We
compare our method with a skin color based model,
achieving notable improvement in the accurate seg-
mentation. One advantage of our method is that it
segments the hand in an accurate way without requir-
ing a lengthy time consumption for the training stage.
Additionally we have presented a novel approach
for hand localization which could be used in other ap-
plications like hand tracking for instance.
We would like to extend our proposal in order to
focus on the segmentation of other kinds of objects as
well as that within the context of hand biometrics.
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