On Reducing the Number of Visual Words in the Bag-of-Features
Giuseppe Amato, Fabrizio Falchi and Claudio Gennaro
Institute of Information Science and Technologies, CNR, via Moruzzi, 1, Pisa, Italy
Bag of Features, Bag of Words, Local Features, Content based Image Retrieval, Landmark Recognition.
A new class of applications based on visual search engines are emerging, especially on smart-phones that
have evolved into powerful tools for processing images and videos. The state-of-the-art algorithms for large
visual content recognition and content based similarity search today use the “Bag of Features” (BoF) or “Bag
of Words” (BoW) approach. The idea, borrowed from text retrieval, enables the use of inverted files. A very
well known issue with this approach is that the query images, as well as the stored data, are described with
thousands of words. This poses obvious efficiency problems when using inverted files to perform efficient
image matching. In this paper, we propose and compare various techniques to reduce the number of words de-
scribing an image to improve efficiency and we study the effects of this reduction on effectiveness in landmark
recognition and retrieval scenarios. We show that very relevant improvement in performance are achievable
still preserving the advantages of the BoF base approach.
The use of local features, as for instance SIFT (Lowe,
2004), has obtained an increasing appreciation during
the last decade, for its good performance in tasks like
image matching, object recognition, landmark recog-
nition, and image classification. Briefly, with these
techniques an image visual content is described by
identifying a set of (interest) points and by describing
the region around them with histograms (the local fea-
ture), as for instance histograms of brightness gradi-
ents. The image match task is executed by first match-
ing the local features, and then by checking if there is
some (geometric) consistency between matched pairs
of interest point, to decide if images, or objects in im-
ages, match as well.
The total number of local features extracted from
an image depends on various setting of the feature
extraction tools. However, typically it is of the or-
der of some thousands. As a consequence, match-
ing an image against a database of images becomes
a very challenging task from the efficiency point of
view. For instance, if the database contains one mil-
lion images and on average every image has one thou-
sand local features, matching a query image against
this database requires matching 1,000 different local
features, extracted from the query, against one billion
local features, extracted from the database.
In order to mitigate this problem, some years ago
the Bag of Feature approach (BoF) was proposed
in (Sivic and Zisserman, 2003). The BoF approach
quantizes local features extracted from images rep-
resenting them with the closest local feature chosen
from a fixed visual vocabulary of local features (vi-
sual words). In this way, images are no longer repre-
sented by a set of identifiers of visual words from the
visual vocabulary that is used to replace the original
local features. Matching of images represented with
the BoF approach is performed with traditional text
retrieval techniques and by verifying their (geomet-
ric) consistency. This process can be executed more
efficiently, than linearly scanning the entire database,
by using inverted files (Salton and McGill, 1986) and
search algorithms on inverted files.
However, even if inverted files offer a significant
improvement of efficiency, with respect to a trivial se-
quential scan search algorithm, in many cases, effi-
ciency is not yet satisfactory. A query image is asso-
ciated with thousands of visual words. Therefore, the
search algorithm on inverted file has to access thou-
sands of different posting lists of the inverted file. As
mentioned in (Zhang et al., 2009), ”a fundamental dif-
ference between an image query (e.g. 1500 visual
terms) and a text query (e.g. 3 terms) is largely ig-
nored in existing index design. This difference makes
the inverted list inappropriate to index images”. From
Amato G., Falchi F. and Gennaro C..
On Reducing the Number of Visual Words in the Bag-of-Features Representation.
DOI: 10.5220/0004290506570662
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2013), pages 657-662
ISBN: 978-989-8565-47-1
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
the very beginning (Sivic and Zisserman, 2003) some
words reduction techniques were used (e.g. remov-
ing 10% of the more frequent images). However, as
far as we know, no experiments have been reported
on the impact of the reduction on both efficiency and
To improve efficiency, many different approaches
have been considered including GIST descriptos
(Douze et al., 2009), Fisher Kernel (Zhang et al.,
2009) and Vector of Locally Aggregated Descriptors
egou et al., 2010). However, their usage
does not allow the use of traditional text search en-
gine which has actually been another benefit of the
BoF approach.
In order to mitigate the above problems, this pa-
per proposes, discusses, and evaluates some meth-
ods to reduce the number of visual words assigned
to images. We will see that it is possible to signifi-
cantly reduce their number with a very minor degra-
dation of the accuracy, and with a significant effi-
ciency improvement. Specifically, we propose and
discuss methods based on the use of the scale of the
local features that can be applied before the visual
words have been assigned and also methods based on
statistics of the usage of visual words in images (using
the term frequency tf ), across the database (relying
on the inverse document frequency (idf ), and on the
tf*idf combination (Salton and McGill, 1986)). We
also perform experiments using random reduction as
a baseline. The tf*idf approach was also presented
in (Thomee et al., 2010) using the SURF descriptor.
However, in their work the authors did not present
any comparison with other approaches. The effective-
ness of the approaches is measured on landmark re-
trieval and recognition tasks for which local features
and in particular the BoF approach is today consid-
ered the state-of-the-art. Experiments were conducted
on three dataset for testing both retrieval and recogni-
tion scenarios.
The goal of the BoF approach is to substitute each de-
scription of the region around an interest points (i.e.,
each local feature) of the images with visual words
obtained from a predefined vocabulary in order to
apply traditional text retrieval techniques to content-
based image retrieval.
The first step to describe images using visual
words is to select some visual words creating a vocab-
ulary. The visual vocabulary is typically built group-
ing local descriptors of the dataset using a clustering
algorithm such as k-means. The second step is to as-
sign each local feature of the image to the identifier of
the first nearest word in the vocabulary. At the end of
the process, each image is described as a set of visual
words. The retrieval phase is then performed using
text retrieval techniques considering a query image as
disjunctive text-query. Typically, the cosine similarity
measure in conjunction with a term weighting scheme
is adopted for evaluating the similarity between any
two images.
In this section we present five criteria for local fea-
tures and visual words reduction. Each proposed cri-
terion is based on the definition of a score that allows
us to assign each local feature or word, describing an
image, an estimate of its importance. Thus, local fea-
tures or words can be ordered and only the most im-
portant ones can be retained. The percentage of infor-
mation to discard is configurable through the defini-
tion of a score threshold, allowing trade-off between
efficiency and effectiveness.
The criteria we tested are:
random A very naive method to reduce the num-
ber of words assigned to an image is to randomly
remove a specific percentage of local features in
the image description. This method is used as a
baseline in our experiments.
scale Most of the local features defined in the
last years (e.g., SIFT and SURF) report the scale
at which the feature was extracted for each key-
point. The fact that extraction is not performed
at the original resolution is actually the main rea-
son for the scale invariant. Descriptions and in-
terest points detected at higher scale should be
also present at lower resolution versions of the
same images or of the same object. The intuition
is that the bigger the scale the higher the impor-
tance. This approach can be performed before the
words assignment phase increasing performance
also during the words assignment, since the cost
of assigning words to images is linear with the
number of local features. Please note that the
scale threshold is not defined a priori but it de-
pends on the number of local features actually ex-
tracted from the image.
tf During the BoF words assignment phase, each
local feature is substituted with the identifier of
the nearest word in the visual vocabulary. Thus,
after this step every image is described with a set
of visual words. Typically a word appears more
than once in an image description because dis-
tinct but similar local features in the original de-
scription were substituted by the very same visual
word. A possible approach for words reduction
is to remove the words having the lowest number
of occurrences. In this case we are ordering the
words with respect to their term frequency (tf ) in
the image. (Salton and McGill, 1986).
idf When words have been assigned to all the
images in the dataset, it is possible to evaluate
the inverse document frequency (idf ) (Salton and
McGill, 1986) of all the features in the vocabu-
lary. In Information Retrieval words with highest
idf are considered more important than the others
(Salton and McGill, 1986). Note that depending
on the relative idf values of the words describing
an image, the same word could be discarded for a
given image and retained in another.
tf*idf In information retrieval a very popular
strategy to assign relevance to words is the tf*idf
approach (Salton and McGill, 1986). This strat-
egy states that the relevance of a word in a docu-
ment is obtained by multiplying its tf in the given
document by its idf. We can use the same strategy
to order the visual words in an image and discard
first the words with smaller tf*idf.
The effectiveness of the approaches is measured on
both a image retrieval and a landmark recognition
tasks using two distinct datasets. Efficiency is also
tested on a larger professional dataset intended for
similarity search. In the following we describe the
recognition system, the performance measures, the
datasets and we discuss the experimental results ob-
The retrieval engine used in the experiments is
built as following:
1. For each image in the dataset the SIFT local
features are extracted for the identified regions
around interest points.
2. A vocabulary of words is selected among all the
local features using the k-means algorithm.
3. The Random or Scale reduction technique is per-
formed (if requested).
4. Each image is described following the BoF ap-
proach, i.e., with the ID of the nearest word in the
vocabulary to each local feature.
5. The tf, idf, or tf*idf reduction technique are per-
formed (if requested).
6. Each image of the test set is used as a query for
searching in the training set. The similarity mea-
sure adopted for comparing two images is the Co-
sine between the query vector and the image vec-
tors corresponding to the set of words assigned to
the images. The weight assigned to each word of
the vectors are calculated using tf*idf measure.
7. In case the system is requested to identify the con-
tent of the image, the landmark of the most similar
image in the dataset (which is labeled) is assigned
to the query image.
Typically, the result obtained with the tf*idf
weighting and cosine similarity measure using in-
verted index is reordered considering geometric
checks based on RANSAC (Random Sample Consen-
sus). However, in this paper we focus on optimiz-
ing the number of words to improve efficiency of the
search performed through the inverted files and thus
we do not leverage on geometric consistency checks,
which are typically performed on a preliminary set of
candidate results or by customized search indexes.
The quality of the retrieved images is typically
evaluated by means of precision and recall measures.
As in many other papers (Philbin et al., 2007; Jegou
et al., 2009; Perronnin et al., 2010; J
egou et al., 2012),
we combined this information by means of the mean
Average Precision (mAP), which represents the area
below the precision and recall curve.
For evaluating the effectiveness of the recogni-
tion, which is basically a classification task, we use
the micro-averaged accuracy and macro-averaged F
(i.e., the harmonic mean of precision and recall).
Macro-averaged scores are calculated by first evalu-
ating each measure for each category and then taking
the average of these values. Note that for a recog-
nition task (i.e., single label classification), micro-
averaged accuracy is defined as the number of docu-
ments correctly classified divided by the total number
of documents of the same label in the test set and it is
equivalent to the micro-averaged precision, recall and
For evaluating the performance of the various re-
duction techniques approaches, we make use of three
datasets. The first is the largely used Oxford Building
datasets that was presented in (Philbin et al., 2007)
and in many other papers. The dataset consists of
5,062 images of 55 buildings in Oxford. The ground
truth consists of 55 queries and related sets of results
divided in best, correct, ambiguous and not relevant.
The dataset is intended for evaluating the effective-
ness of a content based image retrieval systems that is
expected to put the images related to the very same
building at the top of the results list. In fact, the
measure of performance used for the evaluation is the
mean Average Precision (mAP). The authors of the
datasets also made available the words assigned to the
images using the BoF approach. The vocabulary used
has one million words.
We decided to use a second dataset to better eval-
uate the performance of a systems intended for rec-
ognizing the landmark in photos. In this scenario it
is not important to retrieve most of the related im-
ages in the dataset but to correctly classify the im-
age. The Pisa dataset consists of 1,227 photos of 12
landmarks located in Pisa (also used in (Amato and
Falchi, 2011) and (Amato et al., 2011)). The pho-
tos were crawled from Flickr. The dataset is divided
in a training set (Tr) consisting of 226 photos (20%
of the dataset) and a test set (Te) consisting of 921
photos (80% of the dataset). The size of the vocabu-
lary used for the experiments with the BoF approach
is 10k. In this context the performance measures used
are typically accuracy, precision, recall and micro and
macro-averaged F
Finally, a larger dataset of about 400k images from
the professional Alinari
archive was used for effi-
ciency evaluation. All the images were resized to have
a maximum between width and height equal to 500
pixels before the feature extraction process.
3.1 Evaluation
We first report the results obtained in a content based
image retrieval scenario using the Oxford Building
dataset using the ground truth given by the authors
(Philbin et al., 2007). In Figure 1 we report the
mAP obtained. On the x-axis we reported the aver-
age words per image obtained after after the reduc-
tion. Note that the x-axis is logarithmic. We first note
that all the reduction techniques significantly outper-
form naive random approach and that both the idf and
scale approaches are able to achieve very good mAP
results (about 0.5) while reducing the average number
of words per image from 3,200 to 800. Thus, just tak-
ing the 25% of the most relevant words, we achieve
the 80% of the effectiveness. The comparison be-
tween the idf and scale approaches reveals that scale
is preferable for reduction up to 500 words per image.
Please note that it is almost impossible to only slightly
reduce the number of words with the tf approach be-
cause there is a large number of words (about 75%)
per image that have just one occurrence. Using the tf
approach they have the same quality score and can be
only filtered as a whole.
While the average number of words is useful to
describe the length of the image description, it is actu-
ally the number of distinct words per image that have
more impact on the efficiency of searching using in-
verted index. Thus, in Figure 2, we report mAP with
respect to the average number of distinct words. In
this case the results obtained by tf*idf and tf are very
similar to the ones obtained by idf.
100 1000
Avg Words per Image
Figure 1: Mean average precision of the various selection
criteria obtained on the Oxford Buildings 5k dataset.
100 1000
Avg Distinct Words per Image
Figure 2: Mean average precision of the various selection
criteria obtained on the Oxford Buildings 5k dataset.
A second set of experiments was conducted on a
landmark recognition task using the Pisa dataset (see
Section 3). For this dataset we used a smaller vocab-
ulary of 10k words and features were extracted from
a lower size images (maximum 512 pixels per side).
Figure 3 reports the accuracy obtained by the various
approaches. On the x-axis we reported the average
words per image obtained after the reduction. All the
approaches, as expected, significantly outperform the
random selection used as a baseline. The best results
are obtained by the idf approach. It is also interesting
to notice that the scale approach performs very well
for reduction up to 25%.
In Figure 4 we report the accuracy obtained with
respect to the average number of distinct words per
image by the various reduction approaches. The re-
sults significantly differ from the previous ones. In
particular, the tf*idf and tf approaches exhibit better
results. It is worth to say that while the tf*idf ap-
proach relies on information about the training set for
10 100 1000
Avg Words per Image
Figure 3: Accuracy of the various selection criteria with
respect to the average number of words per image on the
Pisa dataset.
10 100 1000
Avg Distinct Words per Image
Figure 4: Accuracy of the various selection criteria with
respect to the average number of distinct words per image
on the Pisa dataset.
evaluating the idf values, the tf approach performs
almost as better as tf*idf can be applied not consider-
ing the dataset but only the image for which the words
have to be reduced. The scale approach exhibits good
results for average number of distinct words down
to 300 (i.e., a 25% reduction). Note that the scale
technique can be applied before the words assignment
thus reducing not only the search cost but also the cost
for the words assignment.
The accuracy measure captures the overall effec-
tiveness of the algorithm with respect to the expected
distribution of query between the classes. In order
to also evaluate the effectiveness across the various
classes (e.g., landmarks) we use the macro-averaged
measure. Macro-averaged values are calculated by
first averaging the measures obtained for each cate-
gory. In Figure 5 we report the F
obtained by the
various approaches in terms of the average number
of distinct words per image. The most important dif-
10 100 1000
Avg Distinct Words per Image
Figure 5: Macro-averaged F
of the various selection crite-
ria with respect to the average number of distinct words per
image on the Pisa dataset.
ferences between these results and the one obtained
considering accuracy are related to the idf and Scale
approaches. While the scale approach reveals better
performances for small reduction even increasing the
overall efficacy, the idf results becomes worse than
both the tf and idf ones. The intuition is that idf re-
lies on information related to the dataset and thus is
influenced by the different number of training images
per class. On the other hand, the scale approach is in-
dependent from the dataset, given that it does not rely
on the words, thus not even on the vocabulary.
In Figure 6 we report the average query execution
time obtained on the 400k image dataset with respect
to the average distinct words. Results are shown for
reducing the visual words on query only and on query
and dataset. While results are shown for the tf*idf
approach, similar performance are achieved with the
other approaches. In fact, for efficiency, it is actually
important only the average number of distinct words.
The results reveal, as expected, that high efficiency
gains can be obtained reducing the number of distinct
visual words. Note that the x-axis is logarithmic.
In this work, we have investigated visual words re-
duction approaches in order to improve efficiency of
the BoF approach minimizing the lost in effective-
ness. The gain in efficiency was tested on a similarity
search scenario of about 400k images, while effec-
tiveness was tested on two smaller datasets intended
for content based image retrieval and landmark recog-
We proposed methods that can be applied before
the visual words have been assigned and also methods
10 100 1000
Average Seconds per Query
Avg Distinct Words per Image
Figure 6: Average search time with respect to the average
number of distinct words per image obtained reducing the
visual words on the query and on query and dataset.
based on statistics of the usage of visual words in im-
ages (tf ), across the database (idf ), and on the tf*idf
In the content based image retrieval scenario the
scale approach performed best and even better than
using all the words. However, for reduction over
an order of magnitude effectiveness significantly de-
crease. In the landmark recognition task, the most in-
teresting results were obtained considering the macro-
averaged F
effectiveness measure with respect to the
average number of distinct words per image. The
tf*idf obtained the best results, but it is interesting
to see that the tf approach, which does not rely on
dataset information, obtained very similar results. It
is worth to note that the recognition task is more ro-
bust than the retrieval to words reduction. Moreover,
for small local features reductions scale was the over-
all best.
We plan to define new approaches and compare
with the ones proposed in this work on larger dataset
in the near future.
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