Facial Age Simulation using Age-specific 3D Models and Recursive
Anastasios Maronidis and Andreas Lanitis
Department of Multimedia and Graphic Arts, Cyprus University of Technology, P.O. Box 50329, 3036 Lemessos, Cyprus
Keywords: Age Simulation, Age Specific Statistical Models, Recursive PCA, Anthropometric Measurements.
Abstract: Facial age simulation is a topic that has been gaining increasing interest in computer vision. In this paper, a
novel age simulation method that utilizes age-specific shape and texture models is proposed. During the
process of generating age-specific shape models, 3D face measurements acquired from real human faces are
used in order to tune a generic 3D face shape model to represent face shapes belonging to certain age
groups. A number of diagnostic studies have been conducted in order to validate the compatibility of the
tuned shape models with the corresponding age groups. The shape age-simulation process utilizes age-
specific shape models that incorporate age-related constraints during a 3D shape reconstruction phase. Age
simulation is completed by predicting the texture at the target age based on a recursive PCA method that
aims to superimpose age-related texture modifications in a way that preserves identity-related characteristics
of the subject in the source image. Preliminary results indicate the potential of the proposed method.
Age simulation can prove an important task in a
broad range of applications such as the prediction of
facial appearance of missing persons, automated
update of records, face recognition robust to aging
variation, entertainment applications and
cosmetology. Simulating facial aging is a tough
problem due to the diversity of aging variation for
different subjects and the dependence of the aging
process on external factors related to a person’s
Many studies related to face age progression
have shown that different mechanisms are
responsible for the aging of shape and texture.
Particularly, in formative years a face is
predominantly subjected to shape transformations,
while in adulthood the main changes are expressed
as texture transformations (Fu et al., 2010).
The contribution of this work is an integrated
system, which given a person’s face that belongs to
a certain age group, it predicts its shape and texture
in a target age group. Despite the fact that in the past
age progression techniques that combine shape and
texture manipulations were reported (Du et al.,
2012), (Lanitis et al., 2002), (Park et al., 2008) in
our method, shape and texture information is treated
separately through the use of age specific 3D shape
and texture models. Using 3D instead of 2D models
enables the application of the proposed method on
faces with different orientations.
During the training phase a set of anthropometric
face measurements (Farkas, 1994) in conjunction
with a generic 3D face Point Distribution Model
(PDM) (Cootes et al., 1995) are used in order to
generate 3D PDM’s specific for each age group. The
method for generating age-specific shape models is
based on our previous work (Lanitis et al., 2012)
where a set of stylistic rules are used for tuning a
generic 3D shape model to a certain design style. In
the case of texture, age-specific models are trained
using texture samples extracted from faces
belonging to different age groups.
During the age simulation phase the age-
transformed shape of the target face is obtained by
3D reconstructing the raw face using a 3D shape
model specific to the target age group. The use of an
age-group specific PDM ensures that during the 3D
reconstruction phase age-specific constraints are
enforced so that the resulting shape possesses
characteristics compatible with the target age group.
The texture of the resulting 3D face is segmented
into two equal parts with respect to the vertical axis
of face symmetry. Keeping the one out of the two
halves intact and considering the second half
occluded, the 3D target face is predicted by utilizing
Maronidis A. and Lanitis A..
Facial Age Simulation using Age-specific 3D Models and Recursive PCA.
DOI: 10.5220/0004290606630668
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2013), pages 663-668
ISBN: 978-989-8565-47-1
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
the recursive PCA technique (Wang et al., 2007),
(Park et al., 2003) in conjunction with the target age
group texture model. Finally, the resulting 3D
instance is back projected to 2D obtaining the target
face image. By keeping intact half of a face ensures
that the id information is maintained while the use of
an age group specific texture model ensures that age
information about the target age group is embedded
to the raw face. A block diagram of the proposed
methodology is shown in Fig. 1.
Figure 1: Diagram of the proposed methodology.
The remainder of the paper is organised as
follows: In Section 2, a brief literature review is
presented. In Section 3, the generation of age
specific shape models is described. The proposed
methodology along with some preliminary results is
presented in Section 4. Conclusions are drawn in
Section 5.
The process of generating age-specific shape models
is based on facial anthropometric measurements. In
(Zhuang et al., 2005) a database of anthropometric
information collected from a sample of the
American population that could be used for
respirator design is presented. Anthropometric
instruments like spreading callipers and steel
measuring tape have been utilized during the data
acquisition process. The data are categorized
according to the two genders and four ethnic groups.
A similar work is reported in (Goldstein, 1936),
where an attempt to observe the facial growth over a
sample of the American population has also been
made. The main difference between the two above
works is that the former investigates the face
progress over the age groups of 18-30, 30-45, 45-66
years old, while the latter over the age groups of 2.5-
3.5, 4.5-5.5, 6.5-7.5, 8.5-9.5, 10.5-11.5, 12.5-13.5,
14.5-15.5, 16.5-17.5, 18.5-19.5, 20.5-21.5 and 60-
106 years old.
The last few years a considerable number of
researchers described work related to age
progression. Ramanathan et al (Ramanathan et al.,
2009), and Fu et al (Fu et al., 2010) provide
comprehensive survey papers related to facial aging.
Ramanathan et al. (Ramanathan et al., 2006)
propose a computational model that characterizes
facial aging effects observed during formative years
(0–18 years). They highlight the importance of
incorporating age-based anthropometric face
measurements in developing an age progression
model. Subsequently, they propose a facial growth
model that adopts the ‘revised’ cardioidal strain
transformation model that fuses age-based
anthropometric measurements (e.g., landmarks and
proportions) extracted across different facial
features. Our approach is related to (Ramanathan et
al., 2006) since we also utilize anthropometric
measurements for the shape age simulation process.
However, we use a 3D approach, while
(Ramanathan et al., 2006) work in 2D. Another main
difference is that (Ramanathan et al., 2006) deals
only with shape, while we also deal with texture.
Park et al. (Park et al., 2008) propose a 3D facial
aging simulation technique for age invariant face
recognition. Τhe aging patterns of the shape and the
texture are learnt based on PCA coefficients. A
simplified version of Blanz and Vetter (Blanz et al.,
1999) 3D morphable model is used to model the
aging variations from a set of 2D face images. (Park
et al., 2008) use a generic 3D shape model for
reconstructing the faces of a 2D face aging database.
In contrast, we develop and use age-specific 3D
shape models by using anthropometric
In this section we describe the process of generating
age-specific 3D shape models.
3.1 Methodology
Based on studies on face anthropometry (Zhuang et
al., 2005), (Goldstein, 1936), we have quantized the
age range into the following 7 age groups: 2-6, 6-10,
10-14, 14-18, 18-30, 30-45 and 45-66 years old. The
age sampling adopted is dense in formative years
and sparse in adulthood entailing an efficient
representation of shape changes during age
progression (Fu et al., 2010). A set of six 3D (see
Fig. 2) measurements along with the corresponding
values that have been measured on real-world
human faces of diverse ages have been acquired
from (Zhuang et al., 2005) and (Goldstein, 1936).
Based on the measurements, each of the seven age
groups is represented by a 6-dimensional feature
vector, where each element contains the mean value
of the corresponding measurement among the
overall population of that age group. Given an
arbitrary synthetic 3D face shape instance it is
possible to use the vertex coordinates for measuring
the values of the six measurements in question and
subsequently estimate the distance of the face
instance from each of the seven age groups.
Figure 2: The 6 anthropometric head measurements. From
left to right: Bigonial Width, Bizygomatic Breadth, Head
Breadth, Menton-Sellion, Minimum Frontal and Nose
With the help of a generic 3D PDM trained with
laser scanned 3D faces (Blanz et al., 1999), using an
exhaustive grid search over the PDM parameters, we
generate synthetic face instances. For each of these
instances, we estimate the values of the six
anthropometric measurements so that a 6-
dimensional feature vector representing the face
instance is created. The Euclidean distance of this
feature vector from each one of the seven age group
mean vectors is then calculated and used as the
discrepancy measure. The face instance is finally
assigned to the nearest age group since it mostly
complies with this group.
Having obtained a set of 60 compliant samples
for each age group, we train a corresponding 3D
PDM. These PDM’s convey statistical information
relevant to the faces of that age, with respect to their
shape. Therefore, reconstructing a 2D face using an
age specific PDM has the advantage that the
resulting face should contain shape information of
both the id and the age group.
3.2 Diagnostic Tests
A series of diagnostic tests has been conducted in
order to verify the compatibility of the generated 3D
PDM’s to the corresponding age groups. Tests have
been carried out using synthetic and real samples.
3.2.1 Age Group Discrepancies
Experiments using Synthetic Faces: Using the 3D
PDM that corresponds to the 2-6 yrs age group
trained above, we generate 1000 random 3D face
shape instances. For each synthetic face instance we
estimate the values of the six face measurements
(see Fig. 2) and calculate the discrepancy of the
synthetic sample from each age group. As stated in
section 3.1 the discrepancy is defined as the
Euclidean distance of the six measurements and the
mean values for each age group. The distributions of
the discrepancies of instances generated using the
3D PDM that corresponds to the 2-6 yrs age group
from each of the seven age groups are plotted in Fig.
3. Discrepancy is depicted in the x-axis. It is clear
that face instances that have been generated by the
2-6 yrs PDM have the lowest discrepancy from the
2-6 yrs age group.
Figure 3: Distribution of discrepancies of instances
generated by 2-6 yrs 3D PDM from the seven age groups
(seven curves).
Similar but less pronounced results were
obtained when the same test was repeated using the
3D PDM’s for different age groups. This finding
corroborates the claim that shape changes in human
face mainly take place during formative years. The
overall results show in a clear way that instances
generated by an age specific PDM mostly comply
with the corresponding age group.
Experiments using Real Faces: Using the FG-NET
(http://fgnet.rsunit.com) aging database, the faces of
a certain age group are 3D reconstructed by using
each of the seven age group specific 3D PDM’s.
Thus, seven types of 3D reconstruction of the faces
from the age group in question are obtained. 3D
reconstruction has been accomplished by utilizing a
method similar to the one proposed in (Blanz et al.,
2004). For each reconstruction type, the mean
discrepancy of the corresponding 3D reconstructed
faces from the age group in question has been
calculated. This process has been applied to all age
groups. The results for the age groups 2-6, 6-10, 10-
14 and 14-18 yrs old are illustrated in Fig. 4. The
corresponding bar diagrams for the remaining age
groups have been omitted because they are almost
identical to that of 14-18.
In almost all the cases, samples that belong to the
same age group as the age group specific PDM
return the lowest total discrepancy. This is another
way to ensure that the PDM’s that correspond to an
age group are indeed compatible with that age
group. The difference of the mean discrepancy
between the age group in question and the remaining
age groups is clearly more pronounced in the first
two diagrams. As the age progresses, the mean
discrepancies become more uniformly distributed.
This result emphasizes the increased intensity of
shape changes during the formative years.
Figure 4: Bar diagrams of mean discrepancies from the
age groups 2-6, 6-10, 10-14 and 14-18 of faces belonging
to these age groups reconstructed using different 3D
PDM’s. The 3D PDM that corresponds to the age group in
question is depicted with red.
3.2.2 Age Classification
Experiments using Synthetic Faces: Using the 6-
measurement representation of 100 random
instances generated by each of the seven age-group
specific PDM’s, we have conducted an age
classification experiment using five-fold cross
validation (CV). For classifying the samples, a
minimum Mahalanobis distance classifier has been
used. The average correct classification train and test
rates through the 5 CV steps are depicted in the first
row of Table 1. The 100% classification rates
obtained indicate that the six measurements offer a
reasonable representation for discriminating face
instances produced by different age-group specific
shape models.
Experiments using Real Samples: We have 3D
reconstructed the faces depicted in FG-NET dataset
employing a method similar to the one proposed in
(Blanz et al., 2004). For this purpose, we have used
both a generic 3D PDM and each of the age group
specific 3D PDM’s. Using again the six
measurements as feature representation we have
performed classification with respect to age. The
classification settings are the same as in the
experiment using synthetic faces. The results using
the generic and the Age Group Specific (AGS)
PDM’s are shown in the second and third rows of
Table 1, respectively.
Table 1: Results of age classification experiments.
Train Rate (%) Test Rate (%)
Synthetic faces 100.0 100.0
FGNET using generic PDM 69.2 52.7
FGNET using AGS PDM 100.0 99.7
Comparing these two rows it can be easily
observed that using age specific PDM’s returns
approximately double accuracy rate than using
generic PDM implying that unlike the generic 3D
PDM, age specific 3D PDM’s retain age-related
information during the 3D reconstruction process.
Despite the quite high accuracy rate obtained by
using age specific PDM’s, it must be stated that this
is just a diagnostic test assessing the specificity of
the generated models to each age group. The
aforementioned techniques cannot be treated as age
estimation results, since during the 3D
reconstruction process of FG-NET images we use
the a priori age information in selecting the
appropriate age group specific 3D PDM for each
face instance. Nevertheless, this test accentuates the
significance of age group specific 3D PDM’s in
representing real faces of different ages.
Given a face image that shows a subject at a certain
age, we attempt to predict the appearance of the
same person in a target age. Using the Target Age
Group Specific (TAGS) 3D PDM trained in the way
described in the previous section, we estimate firstly
the shape of the target face. We also train a TAGS
texture PCA model using samples belonging to the
target age group from the FG-NET aging database.
Using this model, we estimate the texture of the
target face using the method described in 4.2.
4.1 Shape
Given a raw face, we locate 68 landmarks, which
correspond to some predefined salient facial
features, (Lanitis et al., 2002). Using these
landmarks along with the trained TAGS 3D shape
model, we reconstruct the 3D version of the initial
2D face image. The resulted 3D face shape
approximates the corresponding face shape of the
given subject at the target age group, because the
age specific shape model contain statistical
information from that age group. This claim is
substantiated by the experimental results reported in
section 3.2.
4.2 Texture
For predicting the texture of a raw face at the target
age, we use a modified version of the recursive PCA
method (Park et al., 2003), (Wang et al., 2007).
Recursive PCA is a technique used extensively for
restoring partially damaged or occluded face images.
During the training phase, each sample from the FG-
NET aging database is 3D reconstructed using the
3D PDM that corresponds to the age group in which
the sample belongs to. Using the 3D reconstructed
samples, a Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
texture model for each age group is trained.
During age simulation, a raw face is 3D
reconstructed and divided into two equal segments
with respect to the vertical axis of face symmetry.
The one out of the two halves is used as the
reference part of the face, while the second half is
used as the control part. At each iteration, the whole
face is coded into TAGS texture model parameters
and back reconstructed in the face space. This code-
reconstruction scheme produces a new face. The
distance between the two faces is defined as the
summation of the absolute differences of the
intensities of the vertices that belong to the control
part of the two faces. If this value is minimized, the
process is completed and the simulated face is the
reconstructed one. Otherwise, the reference part of
the reconstructed face is replaced by the
corresponding part of the initial raw face and the
process is repeated.
The rationale behind this approach is to exploit
the statistical texture information about the target
age group contained in the texture model, as well as
to maintain information about the id through the use
of the original half. Therefore, it is expected that the
resulting face comprises a prediction of the actual
appearance of the id at the target age.
Indicative examples of both forward and reverse
age texture simulation are provided in Fig. 5. In Fig.
5 the leftmost picture is the raw face, the middle
picture comprises a mixture of the raw and the age-
transformed face and the rightmost picture consists
of the whole predicted face texture in the target age
group. In Fig. 5, by comparing the initial with the
reconstructed part it can be stated that the identity is
maintained in a high degree. Moreover, texture
characteristics pertaining to the target age group are
also embedded in the reconstructed part. Examples
of the application of the combined shape and texture
age simulation methodology in forward and reverse
age progression are provided in Fig. 6.
Figure 5: Facial texture simulation 5 to 45-66 yrs old (top)
and 50 to 2-6 yrs old (bottom).
In this work, an integrated technique for simulating
facial age progression has been proposed. The
major contribution of the proposed method is the
separate use of both shape and texture age specific
statistical models. The problem of incomplete
existing datasets inhibits the training of statistical
shape models that represent the several age groups.
For this purpose, anthropometric measurements have
been utilized for tuning a generic statistical shape
model into several age-specific ones. A
comprehensive diagnostic study of the proposed
technique has also been performed giving promising
results. Preliminary visual results obtained by using
the proposed method have been provided for visual
inspection in order to extract some intuitive findings.
The work is still in process. As part of our plans
for future work we plan to conduct further
diagnostic studies with respect to the use of the
recursive PCA method for age simulation. We also
plan to stage systematic performance evaluation
experiments for assessing the age progression results
using dedicated performance evaluation methods
(Lanitis, 2008). In addition an extended aging
dataset (Ricanek et al., 2006) will be employed so
that more representative age specific texture models
are utilized during the texture age simulation
Figure 6: Forward age progression from 3 to 10 yrs old (top row) and reverse age progression from 12 to 4 yrs old (bottom
row). From left to right the raw image, initial (red) and reconstructed (blue) landmarks overlaid on raw image, half
predicted image warped on raw image, total predicted image warped on raw image, total predicted image overlaid on raw
image (no warping), real face image at the target age, predicted image warped on target image, initial (red) and
reconstructed (blue) target image landmarks overlaid on target image are shown.
Part of the work presented was supported by the
Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation and the
European Union Structural Funds (project
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