its smaller dimension. Our future work includes giv-
ing the javelin a different color so that it can be easily
segmented and excluded the VH. We also aim to cor-
rect for the over/under estimated parts of the VH by
developing another adaptive KDE model for the fore-
ground in non stationary backgrounds and enhance
the proposed BGs model algorithm. Furthermore, to
achieve an accurate estimate and accurate tracking of
the center of mass using the vision alone, we aim in
our future work to align a scan of the body mass in-
formation known as DEXA (M. Rossi, 2012) with the
3D shape (mesh) of the athlete and use that to cal-
culate and use the shape with its registered mass to
determine more accurate center of mass. We will also
estimate the kinetics of the body and its different seg-
A low cost markerless system for the optimization of
athletes’ performance is proposed for outdoor envi-
ronments. The system utilizes multiple cameras to
capture the motion of an athlete from different view-
points and reconstruct their VH over a number of
frames. The center of the VH is used as an ap-
proximation of the center of the body mass, and es-
timated at each frame. A number of motion anal-
ysis parameters are finally calculated from the cen-
ter and compared with the ones obtained by an ad-
vanced and high cost marker-based system. Using
only eight cameras working at 25 frame per second
(de-interlaced) and no markers, the proposed marker-
less system achieved promising results compared to
the Vicon system which uses 24 opto-reflective cam-
eras and over 60 markers at 250fps (i.e. ten times
the frame rate of the markerless system). In addition
it is a user friendly and efficient system with respect
to setup and analysis time. Future work will be con-
sidered to improve the performance of the markerless
system, use body mass scans and full body joint kine-
matics to correct for the reported errors and provide
additional kinetic parameters for an improved analy-
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