Measuring Bitumen Coverage of Stones
using a Turntable and Specular Reflections
Hanna K
, Anders Heyden
and Per Lindh
Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
Peab, Peab Sverige, Helsingborg, Sweden
Segmentation, Classification.
The durability of a road is among other factors dependent on the affinity between stones in the top layer and
bitumen that holds the stones together. Poor adherence will cause stones to detach from the surface of the
road more easily. The rolling bottle method is the standard way to determine the affinity between stones and
bitumen. In this test a number of stones covered in bitumen are put in a rolling bottle filled with water. After
rolling a number of hours the bitumen coverage are estimated by visually investigating the stones. This paper
describes a method for automatic estimation of the degree of bitumen coverage using image analysis instead
of manual inspection. The proposed method is based on the observation that bitumen reflects light much better
than raw stones. In this paper we propose a method based on the reflections to estimate the degree of bitumen
coverage. The stones are put on a turntable which is illuminated and a camera is placed straight above the
stones. Turning the table will illuminate different sides of the stones and cause reflections on different part of
the images. The results are compared to manual inspection and are well in agreement with these.
When building roads one wants them to be as lasting
as possible to avoid expensive repairs. Usually the
surface of the road consists of a mixture of stones of
different sizes and a petroleum-based material called
bitumen. To avoid that stones get loose from the pave-
ment the affinity between the stones and bitumen has
to be as good as possible. The affinity is measured by
the rolling bottle method. The goal with this paper is
to improve the manual analysis in this method using
digital image analysis techniques.
1.1 Rolling Bottle Method
The rolling bottle method is a method to investigate
the affinity between stones and bitumen. The stones
are first mixed with bitumen so that they are com-
pletely covered in bitumen. After they have been
stored for a few days the stones covered in bitumen
are put in a glass bottle filled with distilled water.
The glass bottles are then put on a bottle rolling
machine, see Figure 1. On this machine the bottles
are rolling for a couple of hours so that some of the
bitumen gets teared off from the stones. After rolling
a few hours the bottle is removed from the machine to
Figure 1: A bottle rolling machine.
estimate the degree of bitumen coverage. The stones
are put on a piece of silicon coated paper and two ex-
perienced laboratory assistants are visually observing
the stones in order to estimate the degree of bitumen
A problem with current state of the art is that it
is not objective, two different labs can get different
result since the degree of bitumen coverage is esti-
mated by different laboratory assistants in different
labs. It is also very hard to make a correct estimation
and the accuracy of the estimations are not sufficient.
The purpose of this project is to improve the estima-
tion by taking photographs of the rolled stones and
then use digital image analysis techniques to analyze
the stones. This would make the method more objec-
tive since the same computer program can be used in
different labs.
Källén H., Heyden A. and Lindh P..
Measuring Bitumen Coverage of Stones using a Turntable and Specular Reflections.
DOI: 10.5220/0004291103330337
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2013), pages 333-337
ISBN: 978-989-8565-47-1
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
1.2 Previous Work
In (Merusi et al., 2010), an algorithm for trying to es-
timate the degree of bitumen coverage by using image
analysis has been developed. In the proposed method,
a cyan-colored background for easy segmentation of
the background has been used. To avoid sparkles
and reflections in the image a cyan-colored truncated
cone, with the camera in one of the bases, is used. To
classify pixels either as stones or bitumen, a princi-
pal component analysis was implemented. Using the
first component the images were thresholded and pix-
els below the threshold were classified as bitumen.
A more advanced method for estimating the de-
gree of bitumen coverage was suggested by (Well-
ner et al., 2011). To avoid reflections in the bitu-
men surface, the stones are put in a crystallization
dish where they were covered with distilled water. A
plastic cylinder were put around the aggregates and
illuminated from outside to ensure diffuse lightening
to prevent shadows to occur. A probability based seg-
mentation method was used for segmenting the im-
ages. To train parameters in the classifier, reference
images on the background, the raw aggregates and ag-
gregates completely covered in bitumen were used.
Both these methods rely on a difference in appear-
ance between the aggregates and bitumen. In this pa-
per we focus on the more difficult problem when the
color of the stones are very similar to the color of bi-
Concerning segmentation there is a vast literature
describing several different segmentation methods.
The first methods were based on thresholding and re-
gion growing techniques. Also methods from math-
ematical morphology were frequently used (opening,
closing, etc.) in order to smoothen out the contours.
The starting point of modern segmentation methods,
based on variational formulations, was the introduc-
tion of active contours, so called snakes, see (Kass
et al., 1987).
A development of active contours to more general
level-sets was done by Osher and Sethian in (Osher
and Sethian, 1988) and (Osher and Fedkiw, 2003).
The main advantage of the level-set representation
is the flexibility to change topology and improved
numerical methods. A faster version of level-sets,
so called fast marching, was presented in (Sethian,
Another approach to segmentation based on vari-
ational methods is the so called area based methods.
The pioneering work, the Chan-Vese method, is based
on the Mumford-Shah functional, see (Chan and Vese,
2001). Yet, the main drawback of those methods is
the existence of local minima due to non-convexity of
the energy functionals. Minimizing those functionals
by gradient descent methods makes the initialization
critical. A number of methods have been proposed
to find global minima such as (Appleton and Talbot,
2006; Chan et al., 2006).
A new development into discrete methods, based
on graph-theory, is the so called graph-cut meth-
ods, introduced by Boykov, Kolmogorov and others,
(Boykov and Kolmogorov, 2001; Boykov and Kol-
mogorov, 2004; Kolmogorov and Zabih, 2004). The
main advantage of these methods is that they can
guarantee that the solution reaches the global mini-
mum and they are usually very fast.
A problem when trying to take images of stones cov-
ered in bitumen is that we often get specular reflec-
tions in the bitumen. The idea in this paper is to in-
stead of trying to avoid the specular reflections we try
to use it for segmenting the images. For that reason
we want to take several images, typically 20-30, with
light from all possible directions. In practice it turns
up to be more practical to place stones on a turntable
which we turned a bit between images than to place a
high number of light sources around the scene.
Our system for analyzing the images then consists
of three parts. First we have to register the images
to each other. After registration we segment the fore-
ground, stones, from the background using all images.
Last, for the pixels classified as foreground we esti-
mate the degree of bitumen coverage by using a prob-
ability based classification method.
2.1 Experimental Setup
The setup used to take images can be seen in Figure 2.
In the setup we have one camera, one light source and
one turntable. The camera is placed straight above the
turntable and facing downwards, looking at the stones
from above. Beside the camera we have a light source
that illuminates the stones from one direction. By
turning the turntable we get light from many more di-
rections. To easier segment the stones from the back-
ground we use a blue background on the turntable.
Figure 3 shows some examples of images that we
get from our setup, these stones are completely cov-
ered in bitumen.
Figure 2: The experimental setup for taking the pictures.
The camera is looking straight down to the turntable, the
lamp gives light from one direction but turning the turntable
different sides of the stones will be illuminated.
Figure 3: Example of images, the original images before
2.2 Registration and Segmentation of
Stones from Background
To be able to use the images we have to register them
to each other. This is done by extracting some corre-
sponding key points in all images and compute a ho-
mography from all images to some reference image.
The homography is a 3 × 3 matrix H so that
λy = Hx, (1)
where H is the homography, λ a scaling factor, x is the
point in the reference image and y is the correspond-
ing point in the image that we want to transform, x
and y are given in homogeneous coordinates.
Then the images are transformed according to the
homography associated with the current image. Fig-
ure 4 shows the same images as Figure 3 after the
When the images are transformed we want to find
out which part of the image that is stone and which
part is background. Since the shadows are quite sharp
Figure 4: Example of images, the images after transforma-
Figure 5: The mean image used to segment foreground,
stones, from background.
in the images we take a mean image of all the im-
ages and use that for segmentation. The mean image
can be seen in Figure 5, now the shadows are much
smoother. The segmentation is done by thresholding
in the blue channel of the image. The threshold is
chosen manually, which is not crucial for the segmen-
tation result.
2.3 Estimation of the Degree of Bitumen
To estimate the degree of bitumen coverage we look
at the difference between the highest value for a pixel
through all images and the lowest value. If there are
any specular reflections in any of the images this dif-
ference will be high. The difference image for stones
completely covered in bitumen can be seen in Fig-
ure 6, as can be seen in the image we do not get re-
flections everywhere. We use some reference images
with stones covered in bitumen and the raw stones to
build histograms for the difference of the highest and
the lowest value. These histograms are then used to
find a probability function, that tells how likely a pixel
with a certain difference is to be bitumen and stone
respectively. The histograms are normalized so that
they sum up to 1. The probability that a pixel with
Figure 6: The difference image.
Figure 7: Histograms and probability functions for stone
material A and B.
intensity i is bitumen can be calculated by
(i) =
(i) + h
, (2)
where P
(i) is the probability that a pixel with inten-
sity i is bitumen, h
(i) is the value of the histogram for
bitumen pixels with intensity i and h
(i) is the is the
value of the histogram for stone pixels with intensity
Figure 7 shows the histograms and the probability
functions for two different stone materials. The blue
curves show the curves for bitumen and the red curves
show the curves for stone.
To estimate the degree of bitumen coverage for
stones that are partly covered in bitumen the differ-
ences for all pixels are computed. The image is also
segmented into foreground and background. For all
the foreground pixels, the probability that a pixel is
bitumen is calculated. Figure 8 shows an image of the
probabilities that pixels is bitumen, white means that
a pixels is very likely to be bitumen and black pixels
are very unlikely to be bitumen. Then the degree of
bitumen coverage is estimated by
dbc =
P(i is bitumen)
, (3)
Figure 8: Probability image for being bitumen, white indi-
cates high probability and black low.
where dbc is the degree of bitumen coverage,
P(i is bitumen) is the probability that pixel number i
is bitumen and N is the total number of pixels. Only
pixels that were classified as foreground are consid-
The method has been tested for two different stone
materials, one dark and one lighter. The results from
the image analysis have been compared with the vi-
sual investigation by experienced laboratory person-
nel. Table 1 shows the result for the two materials.
The results are close to the visual estimations by the
laboratory assistant, but the visual estimation could
also deviate from the true answer.
Table 1: The degree of bitumen coverage for the different
stone materials estimated both by the image analysis system
and by visual inspection.
degree of bitumen coverage
image analysis manual inspection
material A 46.8 % 50 %
material B 29.2 % 35 %
With this method we can automatically compute the
degree of bitumen coverage even for stone materials
with a darker color close to the color of bitumen. We
still have to work a bit on the lightening arrangement
to ensure to get more specular reflections in the im-
This work was founded by SBUF. We also want to
thank PEAB for supplying images and stone material.
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