mented it, is rather global compared to point signa-
tures and line profiles and showed a relatively robust
performance. However, with suitable landmark local-
izations point signatures and line profiles outperform
curvature analyis. We used two approaches for auto-
mated landmark detection: Active Appearance Mod-
els and nose tip estimation by curvatures. The com-
bination of both lead to the best results. Line pro-
files showed weak contribution to the classification
process, if landmark positions are detected automat-
ically. Nevertheless, the results based on manually
defined regions are promising. Besides considera-
tions of making the line profiles more robust, a more
sophisticated approach for automated landmark de-
tection might be the most beneficial solution. Con-
strained AAMs (Cootes and Taylor, 2001) including
prior estimates of some shape point positions will
be investigated in order to improve the fitting of the
AAM. Curvature analysis and a-priori knowledge re-
lated to the anatomy of the face may be valuable for
the estimation of these prior positions.
We would like to thank the m&i Fachklinik Bad
Liebenstein (in particular Prof. Dr. med. Gustav
Pfeiffer, Eva Schillikowski) and Logop
adische Praxis
Irina Stangenberger, who supported our work by giv-
ing valuable insights into rehabilitation and speech-
language therapy requirements and praxis. This work
is partially funded by the TMBWK ProExzellenz ini-
tiative, Graduate School on Image Processing and Im-
age Interpretation.
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