Development and Implementation of an openEHR Archetype for
HIV/AIDS Diagnosis
Carla Esteves
, Nuno Rocha
, Emanuel Catumbela
, Tiago Silva-Costa
, Gustavo Bacelar-Silva
and Alberto Freitas
CIDES – Department of Health Information and Decision Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto,
Porto, Portugal
CINTESIS – Center for Research in Health Technologies and Information Systems, Porto, Portugal
Keywords: Archetypes Systems, Electronic Health Record, Health Informatics Standards, Health Information,
Abstract: One of the biggest challenges in maintaining Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems is the necessity to
keep clinical knowledge up-to-date with the scientific evidence. Recently the standard modeling based on
archetypes, proposed by the openEHR Foundation has proved effective in creating flexibly and semantically
interoperable medical records. This paper describes the process of specifying and modeling an archetype for
the diagnosis of HIV/AIDS in a hospital information system designated by SaveCare.
Healthcare needs a well-coordinated and
collaborative approach that is not fully achieved
with existing systems, as well as the traditional
models of development, due to the high complexity
of health data and the dynamism of clinical
knowledge, thus the need to develop Electronic
Health Records (EHR) Systems.(Garde et al., 2007).
The models of clinical information, including
different models and EHR variants (Electronic
Medical Records (EMR), Electronic Patient Record
(EPR), Clinical Patient Record (CPR)), do not
currently have a theoretical strong enough base to
ensure interoperability and computability (Beale and
Heard, 2007d). Given the difficulty of
communication between systems, several groups
organized themselves in order to standardize the
development of interoperable EHR, so that the
information could be securely transmitted and
properly interpreted between different information
systems. Significant contributions were made by
producing specifications as the openEHR.
A openEHR
The openEHR Foundation goal of the openEHR
standard is to enable semantic interoperability of
EHRs, allowing improved access to information on
health (Leslie, 2007). The technical specifications
openEHR define the design patterns, reference
model and archetypes, these being continually
evolving. This standard is becoming internationally
known as the most complete architecture standard
for information representation of an EHR (Kalra,
The architecture of openEHR is basically
founded on the ontological separation of the
technical level (information model) and the domain
level (clinical content model). The information
model is characterized by being stable, the content
of its basic elements remains unchanged during the
lifetime of the information system. On the other
hand, the domain level is susceptible to changes to
represent the evolving clinical knowledge, being
represented by archetypes. The separation in two
levels allows future modifications in information
systems, without requiring changes to the software
code since the construction of the information
system is based on the information model, resulting
in a greater interoperability (Beale and Heard,
2007a); (Leslie, 2007). In an information system
based on openEHR, IT professionals develop and
modify the information model, while health
professionals build and modify the clinical content
model / knowledge (Beale and Heard, 2007c).
Esteves C., Rocha N., Catumbela E., Silva-Costa T., Bacelar-Silva G. and Freitas A..
Development and Implementation of an openEHR Archetype for HIV/AIDS Diagnosis.
DOI: 10.5220/0004294403900393
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF-2013), pages 390-393
ISBN: 978-989-8565-37-2
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The openEHR model is object-oriented and
incorporates data types to represent very robust
healthcare information. These are described as a
formal and reusable model of a concept. Thus, if a
term is represented by a prototype this concept can
be reused in the various scenarios (Beale and Heard,
Different archetypes can be grouped into a
template. A template is typically used to define a
clinical record, or a form to be filled out, and can
determine the archetypes that will be used,
occurrences that must exist for each archetype, and
which elements within an archetype will be used,
among other definitions. From a template, it is
possible to infer an interface that allows creating a
data entry application that collects information from
the concepts and definitions contained in the various
archetypes (Beale and Heard, 2008).
B VCIntegrator
VCIntegrator is the latest version of a system that is
based on premises of a patient-centered EHR and
allows, in an automated manner, the integration of
various previously existing information systems
relevant clinical information. It allows adding
diversified medical records, as well as showing this
information in a centralized way to the health
professional. VCIntegrator allows quick access to
various clinical records without requiring the change
of application, thereby allowing a horizontal view of
the patient’s process in the hospital.
This framework is recently being modified to
work and integrate archetype based templates in its
forms, so the link between the clinic side of the
patient data collection may be closer to the technical
The department of Health Information and Decision
Sciences (CIDES) as been adopting the openEHR
reference model, so headed to a new paradigm
which will address the problem of lack of
standardization of health records and little
integration and interoperability between systems.
This is still an early stage and SaveCare system
(System for AIDS Virtual Evaluation) aims to
become the first fully-implemented CIDES system
in openEHR, however, at this early stage, will only
set the standard variables of a model of diagnosis of
SaveCare is a system that is based on
assumptions of an EHR patient-centered and allows,
in an automated way, the integration of relevant
clinical information from various previously existing
information systems (clinical process, exams). The
system consists of an electronic medical record of
internal medicine, more specifically for patients with
HIV/AIDS. The idea of building the diagnosis of
HIV/AIDS archetype arose from the need to find a
collection standard model fitted to the data obtained
during the diagnosis of the condition and the lack of
an archetype that fulfilled this purpose.
This article describes the process used in the
specification and modeling of a HIV/AIDS
diagnosis archetype, adjusted to the hospital/clinic
reality of Portugal and Angola, to be integrated into
the module VCSaveCare in VCIntegrator framework
developed by CIDES, which will be used in both
The first activity was to search the database of the
openEHR Foundation, Clinical Knowledge Manager
(CKM), for the existing archetypes.
Thus, the Diagnosis archetype (openEHR-EHR-
EVALUATION.problem-diagnosis.v1) was used as
a starting point to design a new archetype to fulfill
our purpose. At this stage, we used open source tools
to edit archetypes and build a template: Ocean
Archetype Editor (Informatics, Latest Beta Release
2011a) and Ocean Template Designer (Informatics,
Latest Beta Release 2011b). With the support of
these tools, the archetype was translated and
specialized to reflect the Portuguese and Angolan
Once defined the archetype, a template was
created, in turn, exported to a file in CSV format,
and later was used in the openEHR VCIntegrator
compiler that transforms a openEHR template into a
Web form, automatically becoming available in the
clinical module VCSaveCare. The developed
prototype will be further subjected to CKM for
evaluation by experts. Also it was validated through
tests and the archetype was changed, instantiated
and validated accordingly. This cycle was repeated
until the template was considered appropriated.
The Evaluation archetype was designed specifically
for the collection of data related to the diagnosis of
HIV/AIDS. It is based on several data collection
systems already implemented in Portugal and will
serve to collect data worldwide. Table 1 briefly
describes the purpose of the "Diagnosing
Table 1: Archetype diagnosis HIV/AIDS purpose.
Archetype: HIV/AIDS Diagnosis
Concept name HIV/AIDS Diagnosis
A diagnosis defined by a medical doctor,
which collects data related to HIV/AIDS
infection including stage of disease and
diagnostic criteria.
Registration of medical diagnostics with
optional criteria of diagnosis and stage of
infection. Requires entry of coded diagnosis.
Used for recording any current or past.
diagnosis of HIV/AIDS.
The archetype was designed using Archetype
Designer® application and then imported to
Template Designer® application, where a template
was built based on past archetypes (Diagnosis;
Anatomical Location; Address) increased by other
clinical information. Figure 1 shows the created
The main differences between the existing
Diagnosis archetype and the Diagnosis HIV/AIDS
reside in the fact that the etiologic agents are
associated with several variables, such as TypeHIV,
transmission mode, data of transmission partner and
more detailed information in case of pregnancy. In
turn, the variable TypeHIV is a cluster to which
archetype has been defined TypeHIV.
This consists of detailed tests of detection of
infection, the serotype information, contagion
(vertical, sexual or blood), country of residence on
the likely contagion, the country of residence of the
first symptoms, age and diagnosis, the diagnosis
state (confirmed, suspect, unconfirmed) and clinical
description. The probable date , date of last negative
test, the date of the first positive test, the date of first
observation, the first date as asymptomatic carrier,
the probable year of infection and viral load.
The incorporation of the Diagnosis HIV/AIDS
archetype in SaveCare system based on openEHR
model proved to be adequate even though it still was
in a draft format.
The archetype and template editing tools, freely
distributed, eased and sped up the work. Thus, one
Figure 1: Mindmap diagnosis HIV/AIDS.
Figure 2: Arquetype template result.
of the biggest challenges is in the construction of the
Graphical Interface that better reflects the
applications needs from the defined templates.
As the understanding of openEHR ontology
increases, the faster is the process of defining
archetypes and templates.
The use of the archetypes in the construction of
systems is still in its early stages. We believe that
modelling through archetypes allows the
construction of EHR systems that meet the
comprehensive needs of solution to develop, while
ensuring interoperability between systems. It is also
necessary to improve the freely distributed tools so
that they could hide the complexity of the model
from health professionals, facilitating the
construction of new archetypes and templates,
enabling the sharing of records. Therefore the
number of available archetypes could significantly
grow enabling international cooperation and
influencing the clinical healthcare of patients.
The authors would like to thank to the Department
of Health Information and Decision Sciences
(CIDES) in the Faculty of Medicine, University of
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Towards semantic interoperability for electronic health
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