ond division is detected by observing a variation in
v(t) ·(v
(t) + v
(t)) ·l
(t). (At this point, c
and c
are the two current second-generation cells.) To know
which of the cells divided, v
(t) and v
(t) are com-
pared. The third division is detected by observing
v(t) ·v
(t) ·l
(t), where c
is the second-generation
cell that remained to divide.
3.2 Results
Our cell-tracking and division-detection method suc-
cessfully applies to a total of 63 embryos. Of these, 24
were used for parameter fitting. That is, after the core
of the algorithm was implemented, we deployed it on
24 “training” cases, manually tuning the parameters
related with division detection in order to fit the data.
After this phase, the algorithm was applied to a “test”
set comprising 150 embryos. In this set, the method
correctly performed up to the first cell division in 91
cases (61%), up to the second cell division in 50 cases
(33%), and up to the third cell division (4-cell stage)
in 39 cases (26%).
In comparison to other works, the only method we
know of approaching a similar problem (Wong et al.,
2010) is reported to work (up to the 4-cell stage) for
14 embryos in a set of 100 (see p. 1117 of the men-
tioned reference). Apart from performance compar-
isons, we emphasize that features like the circle like-
lihood and the wavelet-based HT are more interesting
in theoretical terms, as they provide high level repre-
sentations of what happens in the (sequence of) im-
ages (as opposed to the “brute force” approach of a
particle filters tracker, for instance).
We introduced a circular HT implementation de-
signed as a pulling mechanism on a set of images con-
volved with Morlet-wavelets filters. As a byproduct
of the algorithm that computes the accumulator for
the circular HT of a particular radius, we compute the
(inverse) likelihood that an image contains a circle of
that radius.
Both the accumulator image and the circle like-
lihood are applied in a method for cell division on-
set detection and cell boundary tracking for the case
of mouse-embryos in the early stage of development
(from 1 to 4 cells). The method is in current use in a
biology lab, and outperforms previously reported re-
sults for a similar problem (see previous section).
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