Determination of Force Fields for Ode-based and Skeleton Driven
Character Animation
L. H. You
, X. S. Yang
, X. Jin
, E. Chaudhry
and Jian J. Zhang
National Centre for Computer Animation, Bournemouth University, Poole, U.K.
State Key Lab of CAD & CG, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
Keywords: Skeleton-driven Character Animation, Skin Deformations, Ordinary Differential Equations, Time-dependent
Varying Force Fields.
Abstract: In the existing work, character modelling and animation are two separate tasks. After a character model is
built, a lot of time and efforts are still required to animate the character model. Ordinary differential
equation-based surface modelling and animation using physically based deformable curves to define and
deform skin surfaces of 3D character models. With such a technique, character modelling and animation can
be integrated into a unified framework by introducing time-dependent varying force fields into ordinary
differential equations. This paper addresses the issue of determination of the force fields and proposes three
models, i. e. linear transformation model, interpolation model and extrapolation model, to obtain time-
dependent varying force fields. Some application examples are presented which demonstrates the force
fields obtained from the three models create believable skin deformations of character models.
Skin deformation plays a very important role in
realistic character animation. Various techniques of
animating skin deformation have been developed.
These techniques can be divided into three groups:
skeleton-driven, physics-based and data-driven ones.
Among various skeleton-driven techniques,
skeleton subspace deformation (SSD) is the most
popular and widely used one. It was investigated by
Thalmann et al., (1988), Lander, (1998; 1999),
Weber, (2000), Wang and Phillips, (2002), Mohr
and Gleicher, (2003), Yang et al., (2006) and Kavan
et al., (2005).
Physics-based techniques were investigated by a
lot of researchers such as Chen and Zeltzer, (1992),
Wilhelms and Van Gelder, (1997), Scheepers et al.,
(1997), Jane and Allen, (1997), Nedel and Thalmann,
(1998), Nedel and Thalmann, (2000), Aubel and
Thalmann, (2001), Capell et al., (2002), Maryann et
al., (2002), James and Pai, (2002), Larboulette and
Cani, (2004), Guo and Wong, (2005), Venkataraman
et al., (2005), Teran et al., (2005) and Capell et al.,
Data-driven techniques were proposed to
improve the skeleton subspace deformation by some
researchers such as Lewis et al. (2000), Allen et al.,
(2002), Mohr and Gleicher, (2003), Kurihara and
Miyata, (2004), Rhee et al., (2006), and Weber et al.,
In addition to the above approaches, curve-based
surface modeling has also been introduced. The
examples include Shen and Thalmann, (1994), Singh
and Fiume, (1998), Pyun et al., (2004), Hyun et al.,
(2005), Yoon and Kim, (2006), Nealen et al., (2007),
and Gal et al., (2009).
Although curve based surface deformations
become more active in recent years, how to
introduce the underlying physics into curve based
surface manipulation for more realistic deformations
remains an open problem.
Ordinary differential equation-based surface
modelling uses the same methodology as that of
beam bending and can be regarded as physics-based.
It integrates modelling and animation into a same
framework by introducing time-dependent varying
force fields.
Skin deformations of character models using
ODE curve-based surface modelling and animation
combine the strengths of skeleton-driven, physics-
based, and data-driven techniques together. It also
takes advantage of the high efficiency of curve-
based surface modelling.
Due to the importance of force fields in ODE-
based surface modelling and animation, this paper
You L., Yang X., Jin X., Chaudhry E. and Zhang J..
Determination of Force Fields for Ode-based and Skeleton Driven Character Animation .
DOI: 10.5220/0004297301150118
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications and International Conference on Information
Visualization Theory and Applications (GRAPP-2013), pages 115-118
ISBN: 978-989-8565-46-4
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
will address the issue how to determine the force
The determination of time-dependent varying force
fields is to change the force field at the rest pose to
those at required poses. In this section, we propose
three models: Linear transformation model,
interpolation model, and extrapolation model.
2.1 Linear Transformation Model
The linear transformation model uses the same
methodology as that of the skeletal subspace
deformation to transform a force field at the rest
pose to the required poses.
A force field consists of sculpting forces at the
curve vertices. Therefore, we achieve the linear
transformation of a force field by considering a
sculpting force acting at a curve vertex
. The
sculpting force acting at the vertex at the rest pose
can be represented by
in the global coordinate
system. Here the subscript
is used to indicate the
rest pose.
First, we transform this sculpting force into the
local coordinate system of the jth bone. The
geometric transformation matrix from local to global
coordinate system for the jth bone at the rest pose
can be written as
Next, the bone is translated and rotated. The
sculpting force defined in the local coordinate
system of the jth bone is transformed back to the
global coordinate system at the new pose. And a
is applied to scale the sculpting force to
create realistic skin deformation. The geometric
operation transforming the sculpting force back to
the global coordinate system is described by the
where the subscripts
indicate the
geometric transformation from the jth transformed
bone to the global coordinate system.
If there are
bones whose movements have the
influences on the curve vertex
, the resultant
sculpting force at the curve vertex
should be
the sum of those caused by each of the bones which
can be written as
rmni j gj rj rmni
2.2 Interpolation Model
The interpolation model requires knowing the force
fields at the rest pose and the final pose. Then the
difference between the two force fields is found and
the linear interpolation operation is used to find the
force fields at the poses between the rest and final
Assuming that
is the force fields
at the rest post and final pose, respectively, we first
transform these two force fields to the pose
obtain the transformed force fields
Then, we determine the force field at the pose
using the following linear interpolation
mn mn mn
PP P
is the rotation angle from the rest post to
the final pose.
2.3 Extrapolation Model
The determination of the force field using the
extrapolation model is similar to that using the
interpolation model. Both models use the skin shape
at the rest pose. However, the extrapolation model
used the skin shape at the pose adjacent to the rest
pose. That is to say, we use the pose adjacent to the
rest pose to replace the final pose in the interpolation
model. Accordingly, equation (2) can be used to
determine the force fields at any poses beyond the
rest and adjacent poses by replacing the subscript
and superscript
with the subscript and superscript
which indicates the pose adjacent to the rest pose.
The three models proposed in above section were
used to determine the force fields of human fingers,
a horse front leg, and a horse rear leg. The obtained
force fields
were incorporated into the
following equation
12(1 )
Solving Eq. (3) subjected to the following
boundary constraints where
)(),( uvu
)(),( 1
)(),( 0
we obtain the mathematical expression of a surface
which is used to create skin deformations of these
3.1 Deforming Human Fingers with
Linear Transformation Model
The linear transformation model was used to
determine the force fields of human fingers whose
skin shape at the rest pose is shown in Figure 1a.
The obtained results were shown in b-d of Figure 1.
a b c d
Figure 1: Skin deformation of human fingers from the
linear transformation model.
3.2 Deforming a Horse Front Leg with
Interpolation Model
In this subsection, we used the interpolation model
to determine the force fields of a horse front leg at
any poses between the rest pose and final pose. The
skin shapes at the rest pose was indicated in Figure
2a and that at the final pose was presented in Figure
2e. The deformed skin shapes created were
demonstrated in Figures 2b, 2c, and 2d.
a b c d e
Figure 2: Skin deformation of a horse front leg from the
interpolation model.
3.3 Deforming a Horse Rear Leg with
Extrapolation Model
Finally, the extrapolation model was employed to
determine the force fields of a horse rear leg at the
poses beyond the two adjacent poses. The skin
shapes at the two adjacent poses were given in
Figures 3a and 3b. The deformed skin shapes created
were depicted in Figures 3c, 3d and 3e.
a b c d e
Figure 3: Skin deformation of a horse rear leg from the
extrapolation model.
How to determine time-dependent varying force
fields for ordinary differential equation-based
surface modelling and animation has been addressed
in this paper. We proposed three models to generate
time-dependent varying force fields. They are linear
transformation model, interpolation model, and
extrapolation model.
In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the
proposed three models, we present some examples
of skin deformations of character models. These
application examples indicate that the force fields
determined by the proposed three models create
believable skin shapes.
Our future work is to introduce time-dependent
varying force fields into dynamic ordinary
differential equations which involves a time variable
and considers dynamic effects of skin deformations.
This research is supported by the grant of UK Royal
Society International Joint Projects / NSFC 2010.
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