(a) .1 ≤ µ−σ. (µ=.13,
(b) .1 ≤ µ−2σ. (µ=.17,
(c) .1 ≤ µ−3σ. (µ=.30,
Figure 5: The LI (minµ(L
(s) subject to .1≤L
) is modeled
with three values of a (from left to right: a=1, 2, and 3).
Table 1: Comparative of optimization approaches against
our statistical technique.
Method Tests/s Total time (min) Speed-Up
SIL 2083 4 -
LRR+ 59 141 35
LRR 8 1041 260
In this paper is presented a new methodology for
achieving LI for inverse lighting problems. Our ap-
proach is based on the use of µ and σ as statistical pa-
rameters for the lighting values. Using a low-rank for-
mulation, we demonstrate that µ and σ for L
can be
computed in O(n) and O(n + e
). This result allows
to perform thousands of global illumination evalua-
tion on a desktop PC, reducing drastically the over-
all optimization time required. We believe that this
technique could open a new avenue in the search for
optimal inverse lighting solutions. The results shown
could lead to the use of the method in more complex
scenes with more elaborated lighting intentions. Re-
lated to further development, more effort should be
focus on an automatic parametrization of the LI.
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Desarrollo de las Ciencias B
asicas (Uruguay) and
by grant TIN2010-20590-C02-02 from Ministerio de
Ciencia e Innovaci
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