Perceptual Comparison of Demosaicing Algorithms and In-camera
Demosaicing with JPEG Compression
Bartolomeo Montrucchio
Dipartimento di Automatica e Informatica, Politecnico di Torino, Duca degli Abruzzi 24, Torino, Italy
Demosaicing Algorithms, Perceptual Comparison, Color Filter Array (CFA).
Color image acquisition in digital cameras is often performed by using CCD or CMOS sensor chips with a
color filter array on the top of a single monochromatic sensor. In this paper, a perceptual comparison is per-
formed among three well known demosaicing algorithms plus in-camera demosaicing with lossy compression
JPEG, by means of subjective tests, that is with the help of human beings. The novelty of the approach is
that chosen algorithms have been selected as representative of those used in commercial raw image converters
used by professionals in graphics and that the test has been performed on a large number of people, achieving
results only partially similar to the results got by means of computed metrics. The results show that in the
greatest part of conditions and for non particularly expert users, the capability of the most advanced demosaic-
ing algorithms of producing an almost perfect reconstruction on the full-color image is not strictly required.
Only for selected categories of images it is possible to find a clear winner among the algorithms.
Full color images in digital cameras are often ob-
tained putting a Color Filter Array (CFA) in front of
a single monochromatic sensor. There exist at least
one solution able to avoid CFA, the Foveon X3 chip,
that works in a way similar to classical color films,
but the greatest majority of digital cameras still uses
CFA based sensors.
Reconstructed image can be subjected to several
artifacts, and different demosaicing algorithms try to
address this problem.
The basic idea of this paper is (as also suggested
in (Gunturk et al., 2005)) to verify if from the percep-
tual point of view is there a true difference among dif-
ferent demosaicing algorithms, characterized by dif-
ferent cpu time for the demosaicing and by differ-
ent levels of objective and subjective performance.
In the paper three different demosaicing algorithms
will be subjectively compared among themselves and
with the in-camera demosaiced and lossy compressed
JPEG produced by a semiprofessional high end Full
Frame Canon reflex 5D MarkII camera. The novelty
of the approach is based both on the use of an eas-
ily available and highly efficient implementation of
such demosaicing algorithms and on the wide num-
ber of the observers participating to the experiment
with respect to similar previous studies. Time and ef-
fort required to the final user to process and archive
the images with respect to the final subjective quality
(that is more interesting to the photographer) have in
fact to be considered in the design of the demosaicing
algorithm itself.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In
Section 2 a brief background on demosaicing algo-
rithms is presented. In Sections 3 and 4 the proposed
experiment is presented and the results are summa-
rized from a perceptual point of view. Finally in Sec-
tion 5 conclusions are presented.
Modern high end digital cameras are always able to
store in the memory card not only an already demo-
saiced image (usually with lossy compression (JPEG)
or Tiff format) but also the raw image directly taken
from the sensor. Raw images reflect the used CFA,
which is usually structured on Bayer’s idea. In par-
ticular in (Hao et al., 2011) a new method for de-
signing optimal color filter arrays is presented; re-
sults are very interesting, since it is possible to de-
sign specific CFAs. Many demosaicing algorithms
have been developed in the previous years (Gunturk
et al., 2005) and a number of new algorithms have
Montrucchio B..
Perceptual Comparison of Demosaicing Algorithms and In-camera Demosaicing with JPEG Compression.
DOI: 10.5220/0004297801300133
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2013), pages 130-133
ISBN: 978-989-8565-47-1
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
been presented recently. A basic algorithm can be
considered as based on bilinear interpolation of near
values for getting missing values; it can be seen e.g. in
(Sakamoto et al., 1998). Another common algorithm
is (Chang et al., 1999), in which a threshold-based
variable number of gradients is used. Gradients are
computed in eight directions instead then on a sin-
gle direction. AHD algorithm (Hirakawa and Parks,
2005) does the demosaicing trying to interpolate in
the direction with fewer color artifacts and addressing
aliasing with filterbank techniques; moreover interpo-
lation artifacts are reduced by means of nonlinear it-
erative procedure. An extensive survey can be found
in (Li et al., 2008); in this survey directions for future
research are outlined. Generally speaking, in order to
compare demosaicing algorithms objective and sub-
jective measures can be used. As reported in (Gunturk
et al., 2005) objective measures like mean square er-
ror (MSE), CIELAB and its spatial extensions (e.g S-
CIELAB), and the measure of the zipper effect as ”an
increase in color difference with respect to its most
similar neighbor”) are very accurate. Subjective mea-
sures are less frequently used. In (Rajeev Ramanath
et al., 2002) subjective tests are used to assess numeri-
cal measures. However, as reported in (Longere et al.,
2002), the use of objective metrics, even if very accu-
rate, can provide results different from the perceptual
ones. For these reasons in this paper a fully perceptual
approach is proposed.
The basic idea of the experiment is to compare Bilin-
ear(Sakamoto et al., 1998), VNG(Chang et al., 1999),
AHD(Hirakawa and Parks, 2005) and the in-camera
demosaiced JPEG (Canon reflex cameras’ JPEG),
from a perceptual point of view since, as explained
in Section 2, a perceptual comparison can be useful
for a better (and global) understanding of the behav-
ior of a demosaicing algorithm. These four differ-
ent algorithms have been chosen in order to select
a basic demosaicing algorithm (Bilinear), a medium
strength algorithm (VNG) and a high quality algo-
rithm (AHD), in comparison to the in-camera demo-
saiced and lossy compressed JPEG provided directly
by the camera (usually used when the highest quality
is not strictly required). In-camera demosaiced and
lossy compressed JPEG (at maximum quality) was
included in order to try to understand if developing
a raw image with advanced demosaicing algorithms
like those included in the software used by profes-
sionals for developing raw images (Dcraw (Coffin,
2011) was chosen because its code is probably used
as starting point for several very common softwares
and because its algorithms, even not the best of all,
are anyway very good) is really useful or not.
The images have been acquired by means of a
semiprofessional digital camera Canon 5D MarkII
(21 Megapixels, full frame 24x36), equipped with
professional high quality (even if non diffraction lim-
ited) Canon lenses.
Four test images (scenes) have been acquired.
In particular in this experiment were involved much
more people than in (Longere et al., 2002) (47 in-
stead of 10) and the test was much shorter (in the
other case one hour was required). Even with a short
test, many volunteers were not coherent when the test
was repeated changing the order of the algorithms in
the images (procedure not followed in (Longere et al.,
2002), so it is not possible to know how much their
volunteers were coherent).
Figure 1: ISO 12233 chart image. Enlarged details are for
AHD and in-camera JPEG.
Figure 2: Macro image. Enlarged details are for AHD and
in-camera JPEG.
Figure 3: Urban image. Enlarged details are for AHD and
in-camera JPEG.
The four images are reported in Fig.1, Fig.2,
Fig.3, and Fig.4 and represent a ISO 12233 test chart
(technical image, Canon EF 24-105 f4 L IS USM,
50mm, f4, 1/30s, tripod, manual focus with Live-
View), a macro-photo (Canon MP-E 65mm f2.8 1-
5x used at 3x, f5.6, 1/200s, flash, manual focus with
LiveView, the field in the cropped photo is about
3mmx2mm), a typical urban image (Canon 24-105
Figure 4: Human face image. Enlarged details are for AHD
and in-camera JPEG.
as before used at 24 mm, tripod, 1/200s, f8, man-
ual focus with LiveView) and a human face (Canon
24-105 as before used at 55mm, 1/50s f5.6, auto-
focus). The experimental setup is based on a high
quality 1900x1200 pixel monitor (17” MacBookPro
notebook computer) and the four algorithms (each im-
age being of 960x600 pixels) are presented together
(given a specific photo) in the same image in order to
give to the subject a direct way to compare results. As
in (Longere et al., 2002) the perceptual question was
which was the most pleasant and detailed image. In
this case also the least pleasant and detailed one was
requested. The time left to the subject for the image
was about 30 seconds.
The involved volunteers were 47, with a mean age
of 30 years, mainly males. The original raw and jpg
images have been cropped (without scaling) and ad-
justed in terms of levels, contrast and sharpening as
described in (Longere et al., 2002) in order to put all
algorithms on the same level of sharpness and col-
ors. All original raw images and test images are avail-
able as soon as an internal report more extended with
several more details
. Volunteers were also asked
to declare eyesight problems (color issues were not
present). Volunteers involved in eyesight problems
were about half of the total. Finally volunteers were
asked to assess their level in expertise in digital im-
age photography. Each volunteer was involved in only
one session, in which he/she was asked to give a pref-
erence on eight images, that is two slides for each
photo. In the second slide the order of the four al-
gorithms used to process the photo was changed in
order to verify if the volunteer is able to give again
the same preference. The test requested no more than
fifteen minutes for each person. It is important to note
that it was possible also to choose no difference.
In this Section the perceptual results will be pre-
sented, in order to show how data have been collected.
In Fig.5 are presented the results for ISO 12233 chart
image, in Fig.6 are presented the results for the macro
photo, in Fig.7 are presented the results for the ur-
ban photo, and finally in Fig.8 are presented the re-
sults for the human face photo. People who had eye-
sight problems (corrected) showed a result very sim-
ilar to the people without problems. For this reason
specific results will be omitted here. From the per-
ceptual results just reported, it appears that the best
(with objective metrics) algorithm, AHD, is not so
good from a perceptual point of view. In fact, even
if seeing accurately Fig.1, Fig.2, Fig.3 and Fig.4, it is
possible to say that AHD is normally better than the
other (probably with some doubt in ISO 12233 chart
image), results of the perceptual comparison say that
AHD is for sure better than the other only in the ur-
ban image. In fact in the chart image the best algo-
rithm appears to be JPEG, with a good consistency
(Fig.5) between slides 1 and 2; the reason is proba-
bly that JPEG, being in this case a demosaicing plus
a lossy algorithm, smooths high frequencies, reduc-
ing aliasing. Please note that volunteers have told that
even without colored aliasing they would have cho-
sen again JPEG, generally. In the macro image there
is a great confusion, because AHD wins only in slide
2, there is very few coherency between slide 1 and 2
and the people indicating that there is no differences
among the images are more than 10 (Fig.6). In the
urban image, as told before, AHD wins very clearly.
On 47 people, 40 are able to see the superiority of
AHD. The reason is probably that the aliasing and the
lack of details of the other algorithms make the com-
parison easy (Fig.7). For the human face image the
winner is again AHD (Fig.8), but it is not a clear win-
ner, because only around 50% of the people choose
AHD. The most interesting results are with the peo-
ple that were coherent between slide 1 and slide 2.
This double test, simply mixing the order of the im-
ages, has been able to find true expert people, or at
least people able to find a perceptual meaning in the
images. In macro and human face photos only half or
less of the volunteers were able to find again the best
image, while in the urban image AHD was also easy
to be found and in the ISO chart again volunteers did
not change their opinion (in this case choosing mainly
A perceptual comparison of three demosaicing algo-
rithms and in-camera integrated demosaicing (with
lossy compression) has been performed. The sub-
jective experiments have shown, involving 47 volun-
Jpeg Bilinear VNG AHD
Slide 1 Slide 2
Figure 5: Number of people who chose each algorithm
picking the most detailed image given ISO 12233 chart im-
age (slide 1 and slide 2).
No diff. Jpeg Bilinear VNG AHD
Slide 1 Slide 2
Figure 6: Number of people who chose each algorithm
picking the most detailed image given macro image (slide 1
and slide 2).
Jpeg Bilinear VNG AHD
Slide 1 Slide 2
Figure 7: Number of people who chose each algorithm
picking the most detailed image given urban image (slide
1 and slide 2).
No diff. Jpeg Bilinear VNG AHD
Slide 1 Slide 2
Figure 8: Number of people who chose each algorithm
picking the most detailed image given human face image
(slide 1 and slide 2).
teers, that the most powerful demosaicing algorithm
here considered, AHD, is seen as the clear winner
only in very selected cases. In-camera demosaiced
(and compressed) JPEG often offers good results, of
course uses less space on disk, does not require addi-
tional cpu time and for some kinds of images appears
even better to general digital image users (probably
for the reflex internal processing).
The main result is then that for the great major-
ity of applications, mainly consumer (in this paper
diffraction-limited images like those from telescope
or microscope have not been considered), in-camera
demosaiced and compressed (high quality) JPEG is
a very good choice in order to reduce time and ef-
fort required to produce and archive the final image.
This does not mean that a in-camera demosaiced with
lossy compression file contains more details or it is
better in an objective way; it means that for several
applications (usually consumer) it appears good (and
sometimes even better) in a subjective way, allowing
to reduce time and effort in developing raw files.
Many thanks are due to Luca Moglia for conducting
the experiments in his M.S. thesis work. Many thanks
also to everyone that participated in the experiments
and to Bruno Monastero for his important help in sta-
tistical analysis.
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