Figure 3: It shows a sample of image for each class of the testing set. In the first line, it shows the original images and
in the second line, it shows the rotated image. From left to right column, the classes are: BACKGROUND Google, Faces,
Faces Easy, Leopards and Motorbikes.
The proposed approach got 76.8% of accuracy against
43.2% of accuracy using the BoW + spatial pyramids.
Almost 78% better when compared to the traditional
In this work, we treat the rotation invariance in the
object categorization problem. The state-of-art meth-
ods used to deal the problem do not treat the pres-
ence of rotation objects in the scene. This property is
important for some kinds of objects and scenes. We
propose, for spatial quantization, a pyramid that uses
a collection of circular concentric areas and showed
to be more robust to rotation of objects in the scene.
When compared to the traditional spatial pyramids,
the results showed very promising results improving
the accuracy in almost 78% in a scenary of pres-
ence of rotation of objects. As future work, we are
planning to test some other parameters for the pro-
posed approach like a different number of levels for
the pyramid, different size of radius in each level of
the pyramid, different descriptors like SURF that is
reported to be more robust to rotation than SIFT and
PHOW and to test in a different and more challeng-
ing database. In a more realistic scenario, just some
objects were rotated while background remains un-
changed. Still, rotation can occur around different
points in 3D space.
We would like to thanks the reviewers for the valuable
contributions. The authors are partially supported by
CNPq, the Brazilian National Research Council.
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