Figure 3: Results without shape priors.
Figure 4: Results with our Fourier based shape priors.
(a) DBSS (b) our method
Figure 5: Results by (DBSS) method (a) and by our method
we compare our method with another state-of-the-art
method which uses the distance-based shape statistics
(DBSS) (Charpiat et al., 2007) as shape priors.
Results presented in Table 2,clearly indicates that
our method is more accurate as compared to (DBSS).
In this paper, a new model with translation, scale, ro-
tation and starting point invariant shape priors for ex-
plicit active contour has been presented. Calculation
of shape based energy was entirely performed in the
descriptors space, i.e. there is no need to reconstruct
the prior shape during evolution of active contours,
which is a gain in terms of computation time. Visual
and numerical evaluations on both synthetic and real
images have shown that our method greatly improves
the segmentation results, even in presence of occlu-
sion and incomplete shapes. In the near future, we
Table 1: Segmentation results using Pratt criterion with and
without shape priors (SP).
Image k ζ
Without SP With SP
Arrow 0.03 1.5 28.09 82.86
Cross 0.05 2.5 20.64 85.03
Phone 0.03 1.5 16.09 46.85
Boletus1 0.03 1.5 10.08 12.40
Boletus2 0.02 1.2 13.69 15.96
Table 2: Comparison of segmentation results.
Image DBSS Our method
Non-occluded 23.53 29.00
Occluded 12.57 13.62
would also like to test our method on medical images
and video data. The implementation for the level set
method will be considered as well.
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