Using Skin Segmentation to Improve Similar Product
Recommendations in Online Clothing Stores
Noran Hasan, Ahmed Hamouda, Tamer Deif , Motaz El-Sabban and Ramy Shahin
Microsoft Research Advanced Technology Labls in Cairo, 306 Cornish El Maadi, Basatin District, Cairo, Egypt
Keywords: Skin Segmentation, Image Matching and Retrieval.
Abstract: Image matching and retrieval in the domain of clothing, as used in online shopping for recommending
similar products, is often distracted by the existence of a mannequin/model wearing the product. The
existence of a model adds clutter to both the shape and color features of the product. In this paper, we
propose a novel image pre-processing pipeline that minimizes skin and background segments generated
from generic GraphCut segmentation. Experiments judged by human subjects show very promising gains of
around 23% in retrieval precision of the top 25 similar products compared to the baseline system.
Online shopping allows consumers to browse and
purchase products online. Online stores often rely on
images, some textual descriptions, and sometimes
videos, to represent and showcase products. To help
consumers find products that better match their
needs, or merely to expose to them other options,
online stores try to recommend to consumers
products that are similar to the ones they are
Recommending similar products requires a
metric that would capture product similarity. For
some products, such as clothing, how the product
looks is an integral factor in the consumer’s decision
to purchase, therefore the visual similarity between
products is an important dimension of product
similarity. It is reasonable to assume that consumers
would be interested in clothing items that are similar
in form and/or color to the items they are browsing.
That is in contrast to other products, such as books,
where the visual similarity of products is
There are a number of challenges in image
retrieval such as complex backgrounds, viewpoint
variation, etc. A challenge in the domain of clothing
that we focus on in this paper is that the items are
sometimes worn by a model in the product’s image.
Therefore, the visual representation of the product,
including shape and color, would be cluttered by the
model’s shape and skin color. Consequently, the
recommended products will be affected by whether
or not these products are worn by a model in their
There is little work done on retrieval of clothing
images. Recently, Grana et al, 2012, have presented
a color-based technique for fashion-retrieval. They
have a pre-processing step to remove skin or
mannequin parts but they do not provide details of
their skin removal technique or an analysis of the
effect of skin removal on retrieval. Our contributions
Proposing a novel skin region removal pipeline
tailored to enhancing visual product search quality
conducting experiments and reporting very
promising evaluation results on a large image dataset
of 1 million product images from a commercial
search engine
To motivate the work in this paper, we illustrate
in Table 1 how the top results of image matching are
different for the exact same product with and
without a human model. With a model, most of the
results returned also include a model. When the
model was manually removed from the image, the
results returned were mostly images that do not
contain a model. This supports the assumption that
the existence/absence of a model influnces the image
matching system’s decision that should ultimately
measure similarity based on the products’ visual
features independent of a possibly existing model.
In this paper, we present a technique that
uses skin detection to identify body parts and
Hasan N., Hamouda A., Deif T., El-Sabban M. and Shahin R..
Using Skin Segmentation to Improve Similar Product Recommendations in Online Clothing Stores.
DOI: 10.5220/0004299906930700
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2013), pages 693-700
ISBN: 978-989-8565-47-1
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Table 1: Bias of results to existence/absence of a model.
With a model Without a model
Query Image
Top Results
automatically remove those before the visual
descriptors are extracted.
In Section 2, we refer to some related work in the
fields of image retreival, image indexing, fashion
retrieval, and skin detection. In Section 3, we
describe the system into which we apply skin
removal and in Section 4, we describe our skin
removal technique. In Section 5, we present our
judging methodology and results. Finally in Section
6, we conclude the paper and discuss future work.
Although there is a lot of work being done on image
retrieval in general, there is little work done on the
specific domain of clothing retrieval. Recently,
Grana et al, 2012, presented their work on fashion
retrieval based solely on color using a color bag of
words signature. They describe garments by a single
dominant color and therefore focus only on images
with a unique color classification. Arguing that
uniform color space division and color space
clustering don’t reflect fashion color jargon, they use
color classes that label garments in their training set
to split the color space in a way that minimizes error
between these color classes. They use automatic pre-
processing to remove skin and mannequin parts and
then use GrabCut (Rother et al., 2004) to remove
clothing items that are not the main garment
depicted in an image. However, they don’t provide a
description of their skin removal approach in this
pre-processing step and its impact on retrieval.
Skin detection has been approached by
researchers with different methodologies including
explicit color space thresholding and histogram
models with naïve Bayes classifiers which we
discuss later (Kakumanu et al., 2007). However, we
noticed that the precision of most of the proposed
techniques is not high. That is mainly because those
techniques depend on analysing the images in the
visible color spectrum without any attention to the
context. This is not optimal because many factors
(like illumination, camera characteristics, shadows,
makeup, etc…) affect the skin color significantly. A
workaround is to move the problem to the non-
visible color spectrum (Infra-red range), in which
the skin color seems to be more consistent across
different conditions. However, the equipment
needed is more expensive and usually not available
in consumer devices.
We integrate our skin removal component in an
existing clothing retrieval system (running on a
commercial search engine) which we briefly
describe in this section. Figure 3 shows a high-level
overview of the system. In the coming subsections,
we briefly describe the features extracted. In the
following section, we describe our skin removal
component and how it fits in this system.
The features generated for each image are
contours to capture shape, and a single RGB value
that captures the most dominant color. The image
indexing and retrieval system is based upon the
Edgel index by Cao et. Al, 2011.
3.1 Visual Representation
When a query image is submitted, a list of candidate
similar edges is retrieved from an inverted index
(Sivic and Zisserman, 2003). This list is ranked
based on a composite score of the edge similarity,
salient color similarity, and textual description
similarity. Our interest is in improving the edge
similarity score by removing unwanted edges and
therefore improving this metric’s semantic quality.
By removing such edges, we also potentially impact
the salient color extracted as motivated in figure 2.
3.1.1 Image Pre-processing
To reduce computation and storage costs while
preserving information, the image is first downsized
to a maximum dimension of 200 pixels (Cao et. Al,
2011). The downsized image is then segmented
using GraphCut (Felzenszwalb and Huttenlocher,
2004). The output is a segmented image where each
segment is colored by the mean color of its pixels
(see figure 1). It is then passed on to the salient color
extractor. It is also converted to grayscale and
passed on to the edge detection component.
3.1.2 Edge Detection
The grayscale segmented image is fed to a Canny
detector to find contours. Contours are broken up at
inflection points and very short edges are discarded.
These edges are then used to create an inverted-
index for the images. This inverted-index is used to
retrieve the most similar images in terms of shape.
The salient color is then used to rank the returned
3.1.3 Salient Color Extraction
When the image is segmented, the output image of
segmentation is colored by the mean color of the
pixels inside this segment. After edge detection, and
based on the assumption that the background is a
simple and homogeneous, the foreground bounding
box is determined by the minimum box that
encompasses all detected edges. Once this bounding
box is found, an RGB histogram is created for this
area of the segmented RGB image. The top color in
the histogram is considered the salient color. To
further avoid the background color, that is usually
white in this domain, if the top color is white, the
next color is considered the salient color.
3.2 Index Generation
An inverted-index based on edges is used for fast
retrieval of similar images. It is out of the scope of
this paper to delve into the details of this component,
but what we like to stress is the importance of the
edges and their direct impact on the quality of
similar images retrieved. Therefore, our work
explained in the next section attempts to remove
unwanted edges before they are fed to the index
generation component.
The purpose of our work is to eliminate from
products’ images edges that define the model’s body
rather than the product itself. Since edge detection is
performed on the segmented image as explained in
Section 3, we need to blend the skin segments with
background segments so that the edge detector
doesn’t detect these unwanted edges. Figure 3 shows
where our contribution is integrated to the system.
Figure 5 shows an overview of our skin removal
technique. Figure 4 shows an examples on how the
edges changed with skin removal.
In the following sub-sections, we explain why
we chose this point of integration, how we do the
skin to background blending, issues that we faced,
and how we handled them.
Figure 1: Stages leading to edge extraction. Top-left: The
input image. Top-right: The segmented image with each
segment colored by the average color of its pixels.
Bottom-left: Grayscale of segmented image. Bottom-right:
Edges detected by the Canny detector.
Figure 2: Two examples of salient colors extracted. The
example on the left shows an accurate salient color, and
the example on the right shows how the model’s skin
dominated the salient color, and a better salient color was
produced after skin removal.
4.1 Skin Detection
The majority of state-of-the-art techniques rely on
color for skin detection. Leading approaches either
use explicit color space thresholding or model skin
color within the color space. Therefore, we
investigated two skin detection techniques that
where suggested in the excellent survey by
Kakumanu et al, 2007; explicit thresholding in the
YCbCr color space, and histogram modelling with a
naïve Bayes classifier. In the first technique, the
image is converted into the YCbCr color space, and
then a threshold is used to classify skin vs. non-skin
pixels. The ranges we used were applied on the Cb
and Cr components (Cb=[77,127], and
Figure 3: Overview of the system after skin removal
As described in (Kakumanu et al, 2007) and (Jones
and Rehg, 2002), we developed a histogram model
with naïve Bayes classifiers. The idea is to
approximate the probability distributions of color for
skin pixels and for non-skin pixels. Training images
are first converted to the Lab color space and then a
3D bin model is built by clustering the pixels
according to their L, A, and B values into 64
clusters. The centroid of each cluster is chosen as its
representative. The next step is creating a histogram
model by counting the pixels that fall in each bin.
This was done by measuring the Euclidean distance
between each training pixel and the 64 clusters and
then assigning it to the closest cluster. Once the
model is ready, it is used to classify pixels in the test
images. For each pixel, the probabilities of it being
a skin vs. a non-skin pixel are compared and it is
classified accordingly.
To evaluate the different skin detection
techniques, we manually labelled 265 images,
trained the histogram model on 185 images and used
80 for evaluation. The dataset includes challenging
samples where the product color is similar to skin
colors (e.g. beige, brown). Figure 7 shows samples
of the data and how they were labelled.
To blend skin with the background, skin pixels
need to be identified. When skin classification is
done on the pixel-level on the original image before
segmentation, misses can lead to non-homogenous
areas (see middle of figure 6) that would result in
more unwanted edges being detected. However,
classifying all pixels in a segment collectively
ensures that no new unwanted edges are introduced
by skin removal (see right of figure 6).
Figure 4: Effect of skin removal on detected edges (colors
denote different contour segments). Top left: Input image.
Bottom left: Segmented colored image. Middle top:
Grayscale of segmented image. Middle bottom: Edges
detected without skin removal. Right top: Segmented
image after removing skin segments. Right bottom: Edges
detected after removing skin segments.
Figure 5: Overview of skin removal technique.
Moreover, segment-level classification is much
faster since all pixels in a segment only need a single
classification, rather than once for each pixel (or for
each possible RGB value in the image). Therefore,
we found that it makes more sense to perform skin
detection and removal on the segmented image
rather than the raw image.
Conversion to
Skin Removal
Edge Detection
Index Generation
Salient Color
Image Segmentation
Do the skin detected
ratio to foreground,
andtotal coloring
ratio to entire image
exceed thresholds?
Color skin, background
segments, skin segments and
thin segments white
Table 2: Comparison of explicit thresholding and training
our own histogram model for skin detection.
Trained Histogram Model,
threshold at:
0.5 1.5 2.5
Precision 24% 29% 39% 60%
Recall 99% 65% 36% 6%
Accuracy 79% 87% 92% 93%
76% 71% 61% 40%
Figure 6: Left: Input image. Middle: White areas show
per-pixel positive skin classifications. Right: White areas
show per-segment positive skin classifications.
Figure 7: Examples of images labelled for skin.
Figure 8: Blue areas mark segments classified as
4.2 Skin Segment Coloring
To prevent skin edges from being detected, we need
to blend skin segments with the background.
Intuitively, we considered coloring skin segments
with the same color as the closest background
segment. The measure of proximity can be done in a
number of ways. We tried using the distance
between segments’ centroid as the measure of
proximity but that sometimes resulted in that the
nearest segment selected is not adjacent to the skin
segment. Therefore, the segment edges are still
visible. Even when that problem doesn’t occur, the
background that appears homogenous may include
slightly different colors, and therefore when each
segment is colored by the color of its nearest
background segment, some edges are desirably lost
but other edges persist (see figure 9). Therefore,
even if the proximity measure ensures that the
segments are adjacent, the results would still be
4.2.1 Background Detection
Due to the nature of online clothing images, the vast
majority of images have simple backgrounds.
Taking advantage of that and to avoid more complex
background detection algorithms, such as GrabCut
(Rother et al, 2004), we devised a simple algorithm
to detect the background. Since, the image is already
segmented, we classify a segment as background if it
intersects with the image border. This approach has
demonstrated satisfactory results (see figure 8).
Consequently, we decided to color all the skin
and background segments by the same color.
However, this approach surfaced a problem with
thin segments that we discuss next.
Figure 9: The effect of coloring a skin segment by the
color of the nearest background segment in terms of
distance between segment centroids.
4.2.2 Thin segments
We noticed that in some images, there are thin
spurious segments that exist between skin and
background segments that have been missed by both
skin and background detectors. Although they are
initially not very visible, they become very visible
when the skin and background segments are colored
white (see figure 10). To classify a segment as thin
or not, we first need to identify its bounding box as
the minimum and maximum values it reaches in the
x and y dimensions. We then calculate the area of
the segment’s bounding box as well as the actual
area of the segment which is the count of pixels that
belong to this segment. We then define the area ratio
which aims to capture curved or diagonal thin
segments as:
We also calculate the segments’ elongation which
aims to capture thin, fairly straight thin segments
that are vertical or horizontal. We define it as the
ratio between the horizontal and vertical dimensions:
maximumwidth, height
minimumwidth, height
A segment is classified as thin if its elongation is
greater than 10 or its area ratio is less than 20%.
Figure 10: Left: Segmented colored image image. Middle:
After skin removal and without handling thin segments.
Right: After removing thin segments.
Figure 11: Two examples of products that are very similar
in color to skin. The red areas mark those erroneously
classified as skin.
4.3 False-positive Handling
Some products have a color that is very close to skin
color and are therefore erroneously classified as skin
(see Figure 11). To overcome this issue, we make
sure that skin removal is only performed if the
percentage of the foreground detected as skin is less
than a certain threshold. With some experimentation
we found that 70% is a reasonable threshold.
To combat cases of where background and thin
segments may have been falsely detected parts of the
garment, we also check that the total coloring does
not exceed 90% of the entire image. If this threshold
is exceeded, skin removal is skipped for that image.
5.1 Data Selection
To evaluate the effectiveness of our skin removal
approach in improving the visual relevance of the
retrieved product matches, three product categories
are selected: jackets, dresses and skirts. For each
category, a representative sample of twenty images
is selected to be used as queries, for which the
visually-similar matches from the same category are
retrieved. The query is issued against a database of
around 24,000 dresses, 49,500 jackets and 32,500
skirts. For each of the selected queries, the top 25
matches are retrieved. A total number of 1500 (3
categories * 20 queries * 25 matches) pairs are
judged as described later in the following section. To
select the best thresholds, skin coloring techniques,
etc., multiple experiments were run and their results
were evaluated. It is worth noting that the number of
pairs to be judged exceeded the total number above
because of evaluating multiple experiments. Each
experiment results in the generation of a new index
which potentially results in new matches per query.
5.2 Judging Process
In an effort to better simulate the consumer’s online
shopping experience, five human judges were asked
to judge the similarity between each product and its
corresponding top matches. All judges were
assigned exactly the same set of pairwise product-
matches from the three product categories
mentioned above. Each judge is presented with a
pairwise comparison between a product and a
visually-similar candidate match. The pairs are
presented in a random order from all categories. The
judge is asked to rate each pair, based on the visual
similarity, on a scale of 1 to 4 where: (1 = Very
Different, 2 = Somewhat Different, 3 = Somewhat
similar, 4 = Very Similar). Figure 12 illustrates the
description of each rating along with example pairs.
5.3 Evaluation Technique
The goal of the evaluation process is to measure the
amount of improvement achieved due to adopting
the skin removal approach in the index generation
process. As mentioned before, we have tried several
variations of our skin removal technique and for
each, a new index is generated. Once a new index is
ready, each of the selected twenty queries per
category is issued to get the top 25 matches. The
new pairs then go into the judging cycle. Each pair
gets five rates from the judges. We define the
Average Judging Rate (AJR) as the average of all
rates provided by the judges. It is worth noting that
each pair gets exactly a single rate per judge,
regardless of index that resulted in that rate.
The evaluation is done by means of precision
that is defined as:
 
where TP (True Positive) represents the number of
similar products retrieved by the system and got an
AJR between 2 and 4. FP (False Positive) represents
the number of similar products retrieved by the
system and got an AJR less than 2. The preferred
metric is precision because it captures the user
experience in terms of whether the retrieved results
are relevant or not. Recall, however, is not used
because it is unfeasible to comprehensively evaluate
all matches of each query against the entire database.
Using the evaluation scheme above, an initial
version of the system (without adopting any skin
removal method) is evaluated and considered the
baseline. Consequently, each skin removal
experiment conducted is evaluated and compared to
the baseline to measure the amount of improvement.
5.4 Results
Tables 3 and 4 show the top 5 and 25 matches,
respectively, for different skin coloring techniques.
We compare 3 different techniques:
Nearest Background Segment Color (NBSC):
Coloring skin segments by the color of its nearest
background segment where the proximity measure
is based on the distance between segment centroids
Dominant Background Color (DBC): Coloring
skin and background segments by the color of
largest background segment.
Single Color (SC): Color skin and background
segments by a single new color (white).
The results show that the best technique is Single
Color coloring where the average precision
increased from the baseline precision 0.56 to 0.64 on
the top 5 matches, and 0.43 to 0.53 on the top 25
matches. As discussed in section 4.3, coloring a
segment by its nearest background segment does not
remove all skin edges even if skin segments are
correctly classified. That is because backgrounds
that appear homogenous probably include multiple
similar shades, and therefore some edges will persist
(refer to figure 9). Dominant Background Color
performs comparable to Single Color in the top 5
matches but is worse in the top 25 matches. It is
possible that the dominant color negatively
influences the salient color, while white doesn’t
(refer to section 3.2).
To visually demonstrate the impact of skin
removal on retrieval, figure 13 shows an example of
the top 4 matches for a query dress image before and
after using our best skin removal technique using
Single Color coloring. Table 5 shows the AJRs for
both the baseline and post-skin-removal matches.
The precision for the top 4 matches is shown
calculated as explained in section 5.3 where an AJR
of 2 or more is considered a TP, and an AJR below 2
is considered a FP. In this particular example, the
precision went up from 0.25 to 0.75.
Table 3: Comparison of the precision of the top 5 matches
for different skin segment coloring techniques.
Dresses Jackets Skirts Average
Baseline 0.54 0.62 0.51 0.56
0.54 0.70 0.58 0.61
0.62 0.68 0.60 0.63
0.64 0.68 0.60 0.64
Table 4: Comparison of the precision of the top 25
matches for different skin segment coloring techniques.
Dresses Jackets Skirts Average
Baseline 0.37 0.52 0.39 0.43
0.44 0.57 0.48 0.49
0.38 0.38 0.59 0.45
0.50 0.58 0.51 0.53
Table 5: AJR for results in figure 13 and the precision for
the top 4 results.
Rank Baseline AJR After skin removal AJR
11.6 2
21.8 2
32 1.8
41.2 2.8
Precision 0.25 0.75
Figure 12: Left-to-right: An image of a query product, a
very different product (very different form and color), a
somewhat different product (different color and different
form, but both color and form are somewhat similar), a
somewhat similar product (either the form or color is
similar, and the other is different)., a very similar (similar
color and similar form).
Figure 13: Example top 4 matches before and after skin
removal. Top row: query image. Left column: baseline
results. Right column: results after skin removal.
We used skin removal to improve similar products
retrieval in the domain of clothing. We tried our
technique on 3 types of clothing; dresses, jackets and
skirts. The results show improvement in precision as
measured for up to the top 25 matches. Skin removal
helped remove unwanted edges and improve salient
color extraction, which in turn increased relevance.
Potential future work includes developing the
technique to handle more complex cases such as
complex backgrounds, multiple viewpoints of a
product in the same image, and multiple products
depicted in the same image, e.g. a top and skirt
where the skirt is the product of interest. It is
possible to leverage knowledge of the product
category to better choose representative edges and
better identify the region that has the color of
interest. Also, the product metadata, such as color
description, can be used to better localize the
product region in the image. In addition, a more
complex color descriptor can be devised to better
describe products that consist of multiple colors.
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