Audio/Visual Recurrences and Decision Trees for Unsupervised TV
Program Structuring
Alina Elma Abduraman
, Sid-Ahmed Berrani
and Bernard Merialdo
Orange Labs, France Telecom R&D, 35510 Cesson-S´evign´e, France
Multimedia Communications Dept., Eurecom, 06904 Sophia Antipolis, France
Program Structuring, Non-linear Browsing, Audio/Visual Recurrence Detection, Decision Tree Classification.
This paper addresses the problem of unsupervised TV program structuring. Program structuring allows direct
and non linear access to the desired parts of a program. Our work addresses the structuring of programs like
news, entertainment, shows, magazines... It is based on the detection of audio and visual recurrences. It
proposes an effective classification and selection system, based on decision trees, that allows the detection of
“separators” among these recurrences. Separators are short audio/visual sequences that delimit the different
parts of a program. The decision trees are built based on attributes issued from techniques like applause
detection, scenes segmentation, face/speaker detection and clustering. The approach has been evaluated on a
112 hours dataset corresponding to 169 episodes of TV programs.
TV programs have an underlying structure that is lost
when these are broadcasted. The linear mode is the
only available reading mode when viewing programs
recorded using a Personal Video Recorder or through
a TV-on-Demandservice. The fast-forward/backward
functions are the only available tools for browsing. In
this context, program structuring becomes important
in order to provide users with novel and useful brows-
ing features. The idea is to recover the original struc-
ture of the program by finding the start time of each
part composing it. In addition to advanced browsing
features, TV program structuring can also be used for
summarization,indexing andquerying, archiving,etc.
Our approach relies on “separators”, which are
short audio/visual sequences that delimit the different
parts of a program. They are recurrent, as they gener-
ally repeat within or between different episodes of a
program. The idea is to detect these separators among
all the recurrences that are present in a program and
use them to delimit the different parts of the program.
In our previous works we have proposed different ap-
proaches for the detection of recurrences. In this pa-
per we advance an effective classification and selec-
tion system, based on decision trees, that allows us to
detect as many “separators” as possible among these
recurrences. The attributes used for the construction
of decision trees are issued from techniques like ap-
plause detection, scenes segmentation, face/speaker
detection and clustering.
We continue to focus on “recurrent” programs
which are composed of several “episodes” that are pe-
riodically broadcasted. We explain our choice for this
type of programs by their applicative interest and by
their important properties that make the task feasible
(meaning they generally have a clear structure with
well defined main parts delimited by separators).
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 presents existing techniques for program struc-
turing. Section 3 presents the proposed approach.
Section 4 evaluates the proposed approach. Section 5
concludes the paper.
TV programs structuring can be classified into two
categories: specific and generic.
The specific approaches try to structure programs
in a supervised manner using prior knowledge of the
domain in order to extract relevant data and construct
a structured model of the analyzed video. Within this
category there are most of the sport program struc-
turing techniques. The rules of the game provide
prior knowledge that is used to provide constraints on
the appearance of events or the succession of those
Abduraman A., Berrani S. and Merialdo B..
Audio/Visual Recurrences and Decision Trees for Unsupervised TV Program Structuring.
DOI: 10.5220/0004300307010708
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2013), pages 701-708
ISBN: 978-989-8565-47-1
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
events. In a first step the video is segmented into
narrative segments like play and break making use
of production rules and different outputs of camera
views (Tjondronegoro and Chen, 2010) or based on
predefined models (Xie et al., 2004). Then high-
lights/events are detected based on object tracking
(player/ball tracking, detection of goal mouth, cen-
ter line) and/or specific sounds identification (exciting
speech, applause, hitting ball).
News programs structuring techniques also
rely on specific approaches. Most news videos exhibit
a similar and well defined structure. This structure is
used to segment the program and to classify its dif-
ferent parts into anchor person shots, report, weather
forecast, interview... Template matching techniques
but also face detection, statistical approaches, HMMs
or SVMs are often employed ( (Misra et al., 2010;
Eickeler et al., 2001)). Once the shots are clas-
sified, a more challenging task is to segment the
broadcast into coherent stories. To do so, temporal
models, predefined rules, Finite State Automatons or
HMMs (Chaisorn et al., 2003) are used.
More generic techniques tend to make use of the
recurrence of certain audio/video sequences. In
this sense in (Jacobs, 2006), the video self-similarity
is exploited to identify anchor shots as frequent pat-
terns occurring in news and magazines. Audio recur-
rences are detected in radio broadcast streams in or-
der to identify the jingles that separate different top-
ics or to extract meaningful information. In (Mus-
cariello et al., 2009), a dynamic time wrapping tech-
nique is used to discover repeating words. The prin-
ciple is inspired from (Herley, 2006) where repeti-
tions in audio streams are detected by time correlat-
ing low-dimension audio representations. The video
repetitions are used to validate the audio ones. Audio
and video consistency of repeated segments is used
in (Ben and Gravier, 2011) where an event mining
technique is used to detect relevant events.
Within generic approaches, a lot of works has
developed on the use of scenes as structuring ele-
ments. They use clustering methods, scene transi-
tion graphs, cinematic rules, HMMs or SVM classi-
fiers (Sidiropoulos et al., 2010; Goela et al., 2007;
Zhai and Shah, 2006). However, the definition of
a scene is very ambiguous and depends on the sub-
jective human understanding of its meaning. Conse-
quently, these methods are difficult to evaluate.
For more details about the presented approaches,
readers may refer to (Kompatsiaris et al., 2011).
We focus in this work on structuring recurrent TV
programs. One of the main properties of these pro-
grams is their clear and steady structure. Moreover,
the different parts of a program are generally delim-
ited by short audio/visual sequences that we named
“separators”. In Figure 1, examples of separators are
illustrated. The horizontal lines represent the timeline
of different episodes of the same program. Boxes rep-
resent the separators that delimit the main parts of the
program. The three images are extracted from sepa-
rators of a French game show.
Figure 1: Example of separators.
The main idea of our approach is to automatically
detect these separators. The parts of each episode are
then identified using the separators boundaries: the
end of a separator is the start of a new part. There is
no need of any prior knowledge on the structure or on
the number of parts the program might have.
3.1 Overview of the System
The proposed approach analyzes, in a first step, a set
of episodes of a recurrent program in order to detect
the audio and visual recurrences separately. Among
these recurrences there are also the separators but not
all the recurrences are necessarily separators. Con-
sequently in a second step, a prior-filtering process is
applied. Furthermore, in a third step, all the remaining
recurrences are passed through a classification mod-
ule based on decision trees, that decides whether a
recurrence is a separator or not.
3.2 Visual Recurrence Detection
This algorithm extracts descriptors from the visual
content for the episodes that are going to be struc-
tured. It also proceeds with detecting the visual re-
currences using the technique described in (Berrani
et al., 2008). First, shot segmentation is performed.
For each shot, few keyframes are chosen. A two level
description of the frames is used. First, a DCT-based
64-bits Basic Visual Descriptor (BVD) is computed
for each frame. Its role is to match nearly identical
frames. It is used to precisely determine the bound-
aries of a recurrence. The second level focuses on
keyframes and computes for each a more robust de-
scriptor (KVD). It is a 30-dimensional descriptor and
it is also DCT-based. KVDs are clustered using a
micro-clustering technique in order to group together
the near-identical shots. The number of KVDs per
cluster corresponds to the number of times a sequence
is repeated. The clusters are then analyzed and the set
of recurrences is created.
3.3 Audio Recurrence Detection
To detect audio recurrences, a recurrence detection al-
gorithm is applied over the set of episodes to be struc-
tured. The algorithm is described in details in (Abdu-
raman et al., 2011b).
For each episode, a descriptor is computed us-
ing basic audio features that rely on the short time
spectrum variations. When searching for recurrences,
each of the episodes, in turn, becomes query while
the rest become references. The query and the ref-
erence are compared by computing an average Ham-
ming distance between their corresponding descrip-
tors. In order to detect the intra episode recurrences
as well, the query is also matched with itself. A match
is confirmed if the distance between the descriptors
falls below a pre-determined threshold. At the end
of the processing, the set of obtained matching seg-
ment pairs are analyzed and clustered. First, each pair
of segments instantiates a cluster. Second, each two
overlapping clusters are merged. Two clusters overlap
if a segment belongs simultaneously to both clusters.
3.4 Prior Filtering Module
Not all of the audio and visual recurrences are separa-
tors. Sequences that are replayed or that are very simi-
lar might also appear in the recurrences. We call these
false alarms”. To remove them, a post-processing
step is used. First, a prior filter is used to remove
the recurrences having all their occurrences coming
from the same episode. In this way, the intra-episode
false alarms are filtered out. Second, to filter the inter-
episode false alarms, a study of the temporal density
of the occurrencesof the remainingrecurrences is per-
formed. The idea is to find areas with high concentra-
tions. These are likely to be times when a separator is
broadcasted. The isolated occurrences are likely to be
false alarms. For more details about this method the
reader may refer to (Abduraman et al., 2011a).
The temporal filter can only be applied to pro-
grams that have a temporal stability, like TV games.
For the case of news programs, where the number of
reports and their time lengths are different from one
episode to another, the temporal stability is not satis-
fied. Moreover, in the case of the audio modality, the
detected recurrences are often far too many and ran-
domly distributed. We decided thus to apply the tem-
poral filter only for the visual recurrences that come
from temporally stable programs.
3.5 Decision Trees Classification
The remaining recurrences are next passed through a
classification step based on decision trees. We have
chosen to work with decision trees as these are most
appropriate for our goal and the type of data we use.
Moreover, results can be easily analyzed and under-
stood. In the same time it is a powerful classification
tool. The idea is to build a model through a sequence
of questions made on a set of several input variables.
Each next question depends on the previous answer.
Once the model is build it can be used afterward to
predict the value of a target variable based on the in-
put variables. In our case, we will consider all the
variables as binary. We define the target variable as
the category to which the recurrence belongs to: 1 for
separator and 0 otherwise; and we call the input vari-
ables “attributes”.
3.5.1 Attributes Description
The first attribute, denoted A0, is computed from the
intersection of the audio and visual recurrences. It
equals 1 if for an analyzed visual recurrence there is a
corresponding audio recurrence and vice versa.
Applause Detection. The method used for the detec-
tion of applause, is part of an audio classification ap-
proach that allows the segmentationof an audio visual
content into speech, music, applause, silence, other.
It is based on the computation of low level features
that are used to discriminate between different types
of sound. The classifier is based on the Bayes theorem
and the features are modeled using Gaussian Mixture
Models as in (Scheirer and Slaney, 1997).
Three attributes are issued from this module:
A1 = 1 if applause exist in the analyzed recurrence
A2, A3 = 1 if applause exist in the right/left neigh-
borhood of the analyzed recurrence
Scene Segmentation. Wz used for the segmentation
of videos into scenes a hierarchical classification al-
gorithm that emphasize the similarities of shots that
are temporally close. The idea is to build a similarity
tree where each leaf represents a shot and each node
represents a possible scene. The similarity is com-
puted based on the colorimetric distribution.
The attribute issued from this module is:
A4 = 1 if there is a scene cut in the close neigh-
borhood of the analyzed recurrence
Face Detection and Clustering. The technique used
for face detection is based on the convolutional face
finder described in (Garcia and Delakis, 2004). It con-
sists of a pipeline of convolution and sub-sampling
modules that perform automatic features extraction
and classification. A micro-clustering technique is
used to cluster together the most similar faces, be-
longing to the same person.
Four attributes are computed:
A5 = 1 if there is a face in the analyzed recurrence
A6, A7 = 1 if the face in the right/left neighbor-
hood of the analyzed recurrence is the same as the
one inside the analyzed recurrence
A8 = 1 if the same face is in the right and left
neighboring of the analyzed recurrence
Speaker Diarization and Clustering. The algorithm
used for the speaker diarization and clustering is sim-
ilar to the one described in (Claude Barras and Gau-
vain, 2006) and proposes to index people indepen-
dently by the audio information. The audio signal
is first segmented into speech/non speech sequences.
Each speech sequence is then segmented into speaker
turn. The sequences corresponding to the same per-
son are then clustered together using a Bayesian In-
formation Criterion and Cross-likelihood Ratio.
Four attributes are computed:
A9 = 1 if a speaker is in the analyzed recurrence
A10, A11 = 1 if the speaker in the right/left neigh-
borhood of the analyzed recurrence is the same as
the one inside the analyzed recurrence
A12 = 1 if the same speaker is in the right and left
neighborhood of the analyzed recurrence
3.5.2 Training Phase
In order to build the decision tree, a set of n sam-
ples (recurrences) from the training data is used. Each
sample is described by the 13 binary attributes previ-
ously presented and by a target category that confirms
if the recurrence is a separator or not. The tree is built
by asking questions on attributes. The attribute se-
lected for questioning is chosen by a predefined cri-
terion. The tests on this attribute are used to split the
current training data set into subsets. The algorithm
is recursive and progressively splits the training data
set into smaller subsets as long as the subset is not
“pure”(all the samples belong to the same category)
or there is at least another attribute to test. The split
can be stopped beforehand by imposing a constraint
on the criterions parameters. In this case the node is
transformed into a leaf and assigned a category.
We used three different criteria for the choice of
the attribute to be tested in the current node:
Purity Criterion. This criterion considers the num-
ber of samples classified in each leaf. The idea is to
choose the attribute that makes the immediate descen-
dant nodes as pure as possible. Let us consider A
, i
= 0,...12, one of the defined attributes and j = 0,1 the
values that attribute A
can take. Suppose that n
the number of samples of category c, c = 0,1, the pu-
rity function computed for each leaf is: p
= max
and the purity for A
is: P
Entropy Criterion. This second criteria follows the
same idea as the previous one, meaning to choose the
attribute that makes the descendant nodes as pure as
possible. The difference is that in this case, the purity
is treated as an entropy impurity function and the cho-
sen attribute will be the one that provides the smaller
impurity. Considering the same notation as for the
previous case, the purity function computed for each
leaf is:
, where n
and the purity for attribute A
is: P
Weighted Class (Error Minimization) Criterion.
This last criterion takes in consideration the problem
when the number of samples assigned to each of the
two categories is very different. Moreover, the first
criterion tried to obtain a good performance by max-
imizing the number of well classified samples (recur-
rences). In this case, we focus on obtaining a good
performance from the point of view of minimizing the
number of errors. We deal with two kinds of errors:
the FP (false positive) recurrences that were
wrongly classified as separators
the FN (false negative) recurrences that were
wrongly classified as non-separators
The cost of each type of error is weighted by a
parameter λ. The attribute that minimizes the cost of
the errors will be chosen.
In order to evaluate the proposed solutions we per-
formed experiments using real TV broadcasts. We
used a variety of TV programs, excluding non-
recurrent programs like movies and programs which
do not have a separator-based structure like TV series.
4.1 Datasets
The experimental dataset contains about 112 hours
of videos, corresponding to 169 episodes (with 1594
separators) of 11 TV programs, broadcasted on 4
French TV channels. 5 of the programs, are TV
games. The separators delimit different stages of the
game and they vary in number between 4 and 8. 6
others are TV magazines. Their separators delimit the
reports and the scenes where the anchor presents the
next topic. In number they vary from 5 up to 23. The
last program is a news program and it is similar to the
magazines. It is composed of a set of reports and an-
chor person scenes. The number of separators can go
from 20 up to 27. For all these programs the separa-
tors are repeated inter- or/and intra-episode.
The dataset has been divided in 2 groups: one con-
taining the games and the other one containing the
magazines and news programs. The objective was to
group programsdepending on their properties, and we
have noticed that magazines and news programs have
almost the same structure (set of reports and anchor
person scenes), different from that of the games.
For all of the episodes of these programs, we have
manually annotated the separators by indicating their
start time and end time.
4.2 Initial Analysis of Recurrences
The starting point of our study is the detection of
recurrences. The main assumption of our approach
is that separators are repeated and can be detected
as recurrences. After applying our recurrence detec-
tion technique on each episode following the meth-
ods described in Sections 3.2 and 3.3, we get a set
of 14,283 recurrences among which 14,130 are audio
recurrences and 1,002 are visual recurrences. In or-
der to compute the recurrences of an episode, we con-
sidered the 3 previously broadcasted episodes. Only
the recurrences obtained for the analyzed episode are
considered into the result set of recurrences.
For all our experiments, this dataset has been split
into 2 datasets. The first one is used for training while
the second one is used for evaluation (test).
We have first studied the recurrences in order to
validate our main assumption, that is separators can
be detected as recurrences. We have thus considered
the training dataset and we have evaluated the propor-
tion of recurrences that are separators. This is equiv-
alent to consider a naive classifier that assigns all the
recurrences to the class “separators”. Table 1 sum-
marizes the obtained precision, recall and F-Measure
for both program categories ”games” and ”magazines
and news”, and also for audio and visual recurrences.
Table 1: Analysis of audio/visual recurrences.
Audio rec. Visual rec.
Games 0.0612 1 0.1154 0.8248 1 0.9040
Mag+News 0.4072 1 0.5787 0.7442 1 0.8533
Table 1 shows that for the TV games, among
the audio recurrences, only almost 6% are separators
while the rest of 94% should be filtered out as they
belong to the category “non-separators”. These cor-
respond to specific audio sequences that can be found
in TV games. An example is the sound of pushing a
certain button when a competitor wants to answer a
question, or the audio sequence that announces if the
answer was true or false.
On the contrary, for the visual recurrences, most
of the recurrences (82%) are separators and only 18%
are “non-separators”. This already gives a good ratio
precision recall measured by the F score up to 0.9.
For the case of magazines and news, we noticed
the same phenomenon even though the percentage
of separators among the audio recurrences is higher
(41%) than for the correspondent in TV games.
These differences between datasets and their cor-
respondent audio and visual recurrences, encouraged
us to continue the experiments considering separately
games and magazines+news, and also training and
performing classification separately for visual recur-
rences and audio ones.
4.3 Recurrence Classification
In this section, the objective is to evaluate the ability
of a classifier to distinguish if a recurrence in the test
dataset is a separator or not.
For the moment, there is no study that could relate
the type of errors to the end-user satisfaction. Con-
sequently, we cannot decide whether when browsing
inside a TV show, it is more annoying to have some
missing separators (related to false negative errors) or
to have to skip some recurrences that are not separa-
tors (related to false positives errors). Therefore, we
use for evaluation the precision and recall for each of
the two categories(P
, R
for non-separators and P
for separators). We also compute the classification
accuracy as a global measure that shows the propor-
tion of true results in the entire test dataset.
As already stated, a classifier has been trained for
each modality. TV games have also been separated
from magazines+news. The obtained results are sum-
marized in Tables 2 and 3.
Table 2: Evaluation of the classification results on au-
dio/visual recurrences - Games.
Games P
M1 0.9960 0.9701 0.9829 0.8848 0.5015 0.6401 0.9673
M2 0.9961 0.9700 0.9829 0.8889 0.4985 0.6388 0.9673
M3 0.9912 0.9761 0.9836 0.8095 0.6053 0.6927 0.9688
M1 0.2581 0.5714 0.3555 0.8832 0.9667 0.9231 0.8625
M2 0 0 0 0.8531 1 0.9207 0.8531
M3 0.6774 0.5385 0.6000 0.9419 0.9000 0.9204 0.8673
Table 3: Evaluation of the classification results on au-
dio/visual recurrences - Mag&News.
M1 0.8656 0.8054 0.8344 0.7139 0.6159 0.6613 0.7776
M2 0.9381 0.7781 0.8506 0.8172 0.5086 0.6270 0.7867
M3 0.9474 0.7709 0.8501 0.8333 0.4828 0.6114 0.7837
M1 0.2683 0.7333 0.3928 0.8750 0.9813 0.9251 0.8667
M2 0 0 0 0.8392 1 0.9126 0.8392
M3 0.1951 0.8889 0.32 0.8658 0.9953 0.9261 0.8667
The lines in the tables correspond to the results
obtained when using the trees trained with each of the
3 criteria described in Section 3.5.2: M1 for the purity
criterion, M2 for the entropy criterion and finally M3
for the error minimization criterion.
When comparing the different methods, in all of
the cases, we can notice that the performances regard-
ing the classification accuracy are very similar.
It is interesting to notice that for the case of visual
recurrences and for both games and magazines+news,
the classification step does not significantly improve
the results. The naive classifier that considers all the
recurrences as separators performs as good as the de-
cision tree-based classifiers. In particular, when try-
ing the entropy criteria the tree that is build assigns
the category “separator” to all the recurrences. This
means that for the case of visual recurrences, recur-
rences that are obtained after applying the filters are
good enoughand the classification step using decision
trees was unable to further improve the results.
As already explained, there is no study that could
relate the type of errors to the end-user satisfaction.
Nevertheless, in a browsing use-case, separators can
be used as anchors that allow users to skip a part and
go directly to the next one, or for instance, to go back
to the beginning of the current part. In this case, re-
call becomes more important than precision. Con-
sequently, for visual recurrences, the entropy criteria
should be preferred.
For the audio recurrences, in the case of games
the error minimization criterion returns the best recall
measure. This criterion allows equilibrating the im-
portance of samples in the 2 classes. It is particularly
important when the samples of the 2 classes in the
training dataset are unbalanced, which is the case of
audio recurrences. For the audio recurrences of mag-
azines and news programs the best recall measure for
the class of separators remains the entropy criterion.
4.4 Evaluation of the Whole Solution
In this section, we evaluate our solution that includes
the detection of recurrences and their classification.
The idea is to assess its performance in detecting sep-
arators. For this evaluation, we have used the test
dataset and the separators ground-truth. This groud-
truth is composed of all the separators manually anno-
tated on all the episodes composing the test dataset.
Precision, recall and F-measure have been used to
measure the performance of separator detection.
Table 4: Separator detection using only recurrences, with-
out any classification.
Audio Visual Audio
P R F1 P R F1 P R F1
Games 0.07 0.95 0.13 0.75 0.74 0.73 0.08 0.97 0.14
M&N 0.42 0.92 0.55 0.71 0.48 0.55 0.43 0.93 0.56
Table 4 shows the performance of separator de-
tection if we consider all the recurrences as separa-
tors, that is, no classification is performed. The low-
est precision corresponds to the audio recurrences in
the games dataset. Most of these recurrences are not
separators, but false alarms. Regarding the visual re-
currences, the precision is much higher meaning that
most of these are separators. The best recall corre-
sponds to the audio approach where a high number
of recurrences is found. The recall for the visual re-
currences is not as high due to the fact that the visual
recurrence detection algorithm that we proposed de-
tects only near-identical recurrences. Separators con-
taining the logo of the show superposed on natural
images of the set for example, can not be detected.
The last column in the table represents the union
of the results obtained for the audio and visual ap-
proaches separately. We added this column as it
can provide information about the contribution of
each approach but also about the overall performance
in detecting separators, when considering both ap-
proaches (audio and video).
To evaluate the recurrence detection and classi-
fication algorithm we applied on the detected recur-
rences, the classifiers that performed the best classifi-
Table 5: Separator detection after recurrence classification.
Audio Visual Audio
P R F1 P R F1 P R F1
Games 0.84 0.76 0.79 0.78 0.65 0.71 0.85 0.78 0.82
M&N 0.84 0.52 0.65 0.74 0.47 0.57 0.85 0.62 0.72
cation accuracy in the previous section and we evalu-
ated the results using the separators ground-truth. The
results are presented in Table 5.
The general tendency after classification is an im-
provementof precision at the cost of a decrease for the
recall. This means that recurrences that are not sep-
arators are filtered out but in the same time some of
the true separators too. This could be a consequence
of the noise induced by the different technologies that
we used when computing the attributes. Another rea-
son, equally important, could be the erroneous choice
of attributes that are not as relevant for our task as we
might have expected.
Nevertheless, if we take a close look in Table 5 for
the case of visual recurrences the classification does
not influence the results significantly. The most im-
portant changes appear for the case of audio recur-
rences. In this manner, when considering the games,
there is an important increase of the precision with
77% after classification, with a decrease in the recall
of 19%. However the F1 score that combines the pre-
cision and recall measures is superior with 66%. For
the magazines and news the variation of the precision
and recall is around 40%, with an increase of the F1
score of only 10%.
In this paper we proposed an approach for the detec-
tion and classification of audio and visual recurrences
based on decision trees. The idea was to compute the
performance of such system on the detection of ”sep-
arators”, that are at the root of an automatic recurrent
TV program structuring system.
Experiments showed that our main assumption,
that separators are repeated and could be detected as
recurrences is validated. When classifying these re-
currences, using decision trees trained with the 3 pro-
posed criteria, the performances regarding the classi-
fication accuracy are very similar. Moreover, for the
case of visual recurrences, these do not exceed signif-
icantly the naive classifier meaning that in this case a
classification step in not really necessary.
The evaluation of the whole solution, showed that
a lot of false alarms are filtered out (especially for au-
dio recurrences) but with them a part of the separators
too. This resulted in an increase of the precision but at
the cost of a decrease in the recall. However, globally,
the F-measure for the audio case is better after per-
forming the classification step. For the visual-based
approach, results are not significantly influenced.
In perspective, we intend to extend further the use
of decision trees by trying combinations of attributes
in the training stage. We would also like to consider
the use of another type of classifier, such as the SVMs.
This would allow us to compare the results and con-
clude if the actual results are more influenced by the
limitations of decision trees or by the attributes we
have defined.
Abduraman, A. E., Berrani, S.-A., and Merialdo, B.
(2011a). Audio recurrence contribution to a video-
based tv program structuring approach. In IEEE Int.
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