Automatic Text Localisation in Scanned Comic Books
Christophe Rigaud
, Dimosthenis Karatzas
, Joost Van de Weijer
, Jean-Christophe Burie
and Jean-Marc Ogier
Laboratory L3i, University of La Rochelle, Avenue Michel Cr
epeau 17042 La Rochelle, France
Computer Vision Center, Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona, E-08193 Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain
Text Localization, Comics, Text/Graphic Separation, Complex Background, Unstructured Document.
Comic books constitute an important cultural heritage asset in many countries. Digitization combined with
subsequent document understanding enable direct content-based search as opposed to metadata only search
(e.g. album title or author name). Few studies have been done in this direction. In this work we detail a novel
approach for the automatic text localization in scanned comics book pages, an essential step towards a fully
automatic comics book understanding. We focus on speech text as it is semantically important and represents
the majority of the text present in comics. The approach is compared with existing methods of text localization
found in the literature and results are presented.
Comic books constitute an important cultural heritage
asset in many countries. In this work we detail a novel
method for the automatic text localization in scanned
comic books written in Latin script, an essential step
towards an automatic comics understanding.
The focus of this work is not to recognize the text
but to localize it and separate it from the graphical
content. In comics, as in many other unstructured
documents, text recognition depends on text localiza-
tion. The text may be everywhere within the drawing
area which produces a lot of noise and false detections
if we submit it directly to an OCR process. Moreover,
text in comics presents a lot of variations (e.g. stroke,
orientation, colour, size) that can cause many issues at
both the localization and recognition processes. Text
localization provides text-only images to a recogni-
tion system to improve recognition accuracy and re-
duce computing time. Moreover, text localization is
also important because it is related to many parts of
the comics content (e.g. speech balloon, characters
and panels) and defines the reading order (Tsopze
et al., 2012). Detecting these parts and establishing
their relationship is crucial towards complete comics
understanding. In addition, text localization in comics
opens up several interesting applications such as im-
age compression (Su et al., 2011), OCR training and
also translation, speech synthesis and retargeting to
different mobile reading devices (Matsui et al., 2011).
Text localization in real scenes and video frames
is an active research topic (Jung et al., 2004). How-
ever, applying existing text detection methods to
comics would fail because the nature of comic docu-
ments is different. Comics being unstructured graph-
ical documents, combine the difficulties of both do-
mains, making the task of text localization especially
challenging. On one hand, they differ from classi-
cal documents in that they comprise complex back-
grounds of a graphical nature. Furthermore, they be-
long to the class of non-structured documents mean-
ing there is no regular structure present for the pre-
diction of text locations and no layout method ap-
plicable. Text localization in complex images has
been previously studied in scene images (Weinman
et al., 2009; Epshtein et al., 2010; Neumann and
Matas, 2012) and (Wang and Belongie, 2010; Meng
and Song, 2012), video sequences (Kim and Kim,
2009; Shivakumara et al., 2009) and digital-born im-
ages (Web and email) (Karatzas and Antonacopou-
los, 2007). Text localization in unstructured docu-
ments has been studied in teaching boards (Oliveira
and Lins, 2010) for example. However, text local-
ization in documents which are both unstructured and
have complex background has received relatively lit-
tle attention (Clavelli and Karatzas, 2009).
To solve the particular problems which are pro-
voked by the combination of complex background
and unstructured documents, we propose a new text
localization method. We improve the initial segmen-
Rigaud C., Karatzas D., Weijer J., Burie J. and Ogier J..
Automatic Text Localisation in Scanned Comic Books.
DOI: 10.5220/0004301308140819
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2013), pages 814-819
ISBN: 978-989-8565-47-1
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
tation step to cope with complex backgrounds. Fur-
thermore, we adapt the line extraction method to cope
with unstructured documents. To evaluate our method
we propose a new benchmark dataset for text local-
ization in comic documents which will be made pub-
licly available in few months. In our results we show
that our method outperforms existing text localiza-
tion methods applied on comics. Moreover, we be-
lieve that the proposed method generalizes to other
unstructured images with complex backgrounds such
as maps, posters and signboard images.
Section 2 presents an overview of text detection
from comics. Sections 3 and 4 present the proposed
method. Finally, sections 5 and 6 shows some experi-
ments and conclude this paper.
Text/graphic separation was studied for different ap-
plications as the analysis of newspaper images, ad-
ministrative documents, cheques and graphical docu-
ments such as maps and engineering drawings. There
is little work published on comics text/graphic separa-
tion and text localization. Bottom-up approaches use
connected component (CC) algorithms which depend
on a segmentation step. (Su et al., 2011) use Sliding
Concentric Windows as text/graphic separation then
use mathematical morphology and an SVM classifier
to classify text from non-text CC. As the morpholog-
ical operations are performed with a fixed mask size,
the method is orientation and resolution dependent.
(Rigaud et al., 2012) make use of “the median value
of the border page pixels” to binarize the image, ex-
tract CC and then classify them into “noise”, “text”
or “frame” (based on CC heights). This method as-
sumes that the page always contains text and that the
text background colour is similar to the paper back-
ground. A top-down approach starting with speech
balloon (white blob) detection following by mathe-
matical morphology operations to find lines of text is
proposed by (Arai and Tolle, 2011). This method re-
lies on balloon detection which is limited to closed
balloons in this case. Another top-down approach that
defines a sliding window of a character size to detect
letters is suggested by (Yamada et al., 2004).
The contributions of this paper come at different
levels. First, an adaptive comics page segmentation
method is presented. Second, a text/graphic separa-
tion algorithm is proposed based on the local contrast
ratio. Finally, a grouping method is proposed to create
In this section we propose several adaptations to the
standard text localization pipeline to overcome the
problems introduced by complex background.
3.1 Adaptive Segmentation
Segmentation is a crucial step in many text localiza-
tion methods. Comic speech text is made of strokes,
generally black on white, that we need to segment. A
perfect text segmentation would result to individual
characters represented by single connected compo-
nents. The complex background of comic documents
complicates this step. Typical thresholding methods
would fail to segment the text because text is drawn
with the same style of strokes as many other graphical
elements in the page.
Therefore, we propose an adaptive segmentation
method. For a single page we assume that the text
background brightness is similar around all the char-
acters of the same page. However, in our case, the op-
timal segmentation threshold differs for every single
page of comics depending on the background colour
of the text areas. The method is based on the obser-
vation that choosing the threshold too low, as well as
choosing the threshold too high leads to an excess of
connected components (CC), figure 1.
Figure 1: Segmentation at different threshold levels from
the lower top-left to the higher bottom-right (threshold = 50,
100, 150, 200). We observe that the number of CC increases
when the dark lines are cut and also when background start
to appear as salt and paper noise. Source: (Roudier, 2011).
This phenomenon is intrinsic to the nature of
comics, as due to the design process they contain tex-
tured areas and loosely connected strokes that give
rise to merged components at different thresholds.
This is intensified by the digitisation and image com-
pression process that adds further noise to the page.
Our method, Minimum Connected Components
Thresholding (MCCT), automatically finds the right
threshold by computing the number of CC for differ-
ent threshold levels in a range of values from th
to th
and selecting the one that produces the min-
imum number of CC (in a 8 bits graylevels image).
Then we find the first minimal number of CC. See ex-
ample on figure 2. Note, that the optimal threshold is
correctly predicted by MCCT as it corresponds to the
bottom-left image fig. 1.
100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230
Binarization thres holds
Nb of connected com ponents
Figure 2: Example of number of CC function of the seg-
mentation threshold. In this case, th
= 100, th
= 230
and our algorithm found 150 as optimal threshold threshold.
As an alternative segmentation method, we also
tried to extract text CC using the Maximally Stable
Extremal Region (MSER) algorithm (Matas et al.,
2002) nevertheless, this algorithm produces an excess
of false detections as in general a lot of the graphi-
cal elements are equally stable as the text. We also
try the well known Otsu (Otsu, 1979) algorithm (see
section 5).
3.2 Text/Graphics Separation
After the segmentation step, the CC may correspond
to graphics, single letters or a sequence of letters if
some letters are connected together (fig. 3). The ob-
jective of this section is to separate the last two cate-
gories from the first one. Note that the merged letters
will not affect our results (if they are part of the same
word) as we are aiming to text line localization.
Figure 3: Example of connection between letters. On the
left a word with only detached letters, on the right a word
detected as two pairs of attached letters because of the hand-
We propose a number of rules, applied sequen-
tially, to separate graphics from text. Due to the wide
variety of text usage in comic albums, the method
should be size, translation, rotation, scale and contrast
invariant. In addition, it should be robust to text-less
pages which may appear randomly within an album.
From all the components extracted by the CC algo-
rithm, we use three filtering rules to select only the
ones corresponding to textual elements.
Rule 1: we compare the standard deviation of the
graylevels of each CC bounding boxes (see figure 4)
with the contrast ratio of the page to make a hight/low
local contrast CC separation. We assume a Gaussian
distribution but other distribution are under study. The
contrast ratio of the page is the absolute difference
between the minimum and the maximum graylevels
found on the page. In order to avoid artefacts pixel
values, we apply a median filtering as preprocessing.
Figure 4: Example of mean (µ) and standard deviation (σ)
values of two CC bounding boxes. For the letter N, µ,σ =
[167,84], for the eyebrow µ, σ = [110, 57].
Rule 2: we apply a topological filtering that con-
sists in removing all the CC that overlap with others
assuming that a letter CC can’t contain another CC
(similar to (Thotreingam Kasar et al., 2007)). In our
study we consider only the black on white CC. (see
figure 5).
Figure 5: On the left an example of black on white CC
bounding box (red rectangle) and the right a white on black.
Rule 3: we check that each letter l
is surrounded
by other letters l
[0,n]) which is intrinsic
to the design of text (grouping characters in words
and text lines). To do so, we check for similar
in height components in an area equal to the size
of the component’s bounding box extended to its
left/right/top/bottom directions (figure 6). For in-
stance, l
is similar in height to l
if abs(l
.height) < a l
.height (a =similarity offset).
Rule 4: we check all the CC bounding boxes pairs
that overlap more than b% each other. We remove the
biggest from each pairs.
The four rules exploit contrast, topology and text
structure to classify the CCs as being either graphics
or text.
Figure 6: Example of the letter validation method (rule 3).
The area of the bounding box of the letter A is extended
in four directions around the letter “A” to check if any other
letter (blue rectangles) overlaps with it. In this case, there
are two overlapping components (red dashed rectangles) at
the right and the bottom of the letter A”. The component is
thus accepted as a possible letter.
In this paper we consider the term unstructured doc-
uments to define documents in which text can be ar-
bitrarily placed and oriented within the page. In this
section we propose a method for text localization in
such documents.
The gap between letters (or attached letters) and
lines can vary significantly with the rotation. In fact,
handwriting generates many artefacts such as lack of
good alignment, mergers between letters and mergers
between text lines. We propose a method that han-
dles the two first aforementioned artefacts consider-
ing only the height of the CC.
We first look for the first letter of each text line. A
letter is considered first if it is positioned on the left,
on the same horizontal line and if there is no intersec-
tion found with any other letters at a distance equal to
the letter height. Then the other letters on the right
are added by checking their relative horizontal and
vertical positions. For this purpose, we defined two
conditions that are auto-adaptive to each letter (see
figure 7):
The horizontal inter-letter distance d should be
smaller than the maximal height of the letters
(d < Max(h1,h2));
The vertical alignment is considered as correct if
the horizontal position of the centre of the next let-
ter c2 passes trough the first letter (y
) >
c2.x and y
) > c2.x);
This is similar in principle to (Clavelli and
Karatzas, 2009) but adapted to take into account the
horizontal alignment of text lines. Our method does
not consider the letter width as we never know how
many letters correspond to the CC.
Figure 7: Letter horizontal and vertical positions variables
(on the left letter
, on the right letter
). The bounding
boxes are drawn in blue and the geometric centres (c1,c2)
in orange.
In this paper we have proposed a method for text lo-
calization in unstructured documents with complex
background. In these results we compare our results
to other text localization methods, which were either
designed for unstructured documents (Tombre et al.,
2002) or complex backgrounds (Neumann and Matas,
For the experiments, we applied a 3x3 median fil-
tering on the whole image in order to smooth pix-
els values and then the MCCT was performed with
a threshold computed from a range [th
] =
[100,230]. The range was defined from the experi-
ments as there is no enough information at lower or
higher segmentation levels. We ignored CC smaller
than 6 pixels because typically 6 pixels are needed to
make letters fully recognizable by subjects (Wright,
2002). The hight/low local contrast CC separation
(rule 1) was computed from a threshold of 50% based
on experiments. For the text grouping (rule 3), the
height similarity offset were defined at a = 1/2 as we
assume that uppercase letters are twice bigger than
lowercase letter. Finally, the maximum overlapping
percentage was fixed at 30% (rule 4) based on exper-
iments. Results are shown figure 8. In some cases
we couldn’t reach 100% recall because the proposed
method is not fitted for the graphical text (e.g. sound
effects, onomatopoeias, page title) and bright over
dark text which are in the ground truth with no dis-
tinction. A one-pass colour segmentation was also
experienced (see section 5.3).
5.1 Dataset
The dataset used was composed of comics pages
sourced from European publisher which contain 1700
text lines in total. The pages were selected from 15 al-
bums belonging to different authors in order to be as
representative as possible. They are in different for-
mat (e.g. A4, A5, single strip) and resolution (e.g 100
- 300 DPI). The dataset and the ground truth will be
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Image ID
Recall (%)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Image ID
Recall (%)
Figure 8: This figure shows the maximum recall obtained
manually (MAX) and the adaptive segmentation (AUTO)
for a sample of images of the dataset. Image 10 contains
more than 60% of bright text over dark background which
is not detected by our algorithm.
made available in the pubic domain
5.2 Ground Truth
In order to evaluate our algorithm, we created a
ground truth information for all the dataset pages us-
ing a tool developed by the laboratory L3i. As we
consider text localization only, an easy way would be
to draw a rectangle (bounding box) around each para-
graph but the problem is that in comics, paragraph
level bounding boxes may overlap with a large non-
text part of the image (see figure 9). Hence we de-
cided to produce ground truth at line level which is
considerably better than paragraph level (although of
limited accuracy in the case of text height variations
and rotation). We intend to investigate word and letter
levels in a future work.
Figure 9: Ground truth bounding boxes (green rectangles)
at paragraph level (left part) and line level (right part).
Note that the ground truth was created for all
types of text with no distinction between sound ef-
fects (onomatopoeias), graphic text, speech text and
narrative text. As we focus on speech text in this pa-
per, we do not expect to reach 100% text detection for
some images.
5.3 Evaluation
As far as we know, there is no similar evaluation
scheme defined for comics in the literature, therefore
we employ a well known real scene text localization
method. We used (Wolf and Jolion, 2006) to evalu-
ate our results following the approach of the ICDAR
competition 2011 (Karatzas et al., 2011). We used
the area precision thresholds proposed in the original
publication: t
= 0.4 and we decreased the area re-
call threshold from t
= 0.8 to t
= 0.6 in order to be
more flexible with accent and punctuation miss detec-
tions (e.g.
E, ..., !, ?) that enlarge the bounding
boxes of line level ground truth. No splits and merges
penalizations were considered, as text detection at ei-
ther the word or text-line level is considered as cor-
rect. The table bellow shows a comparison with dif-
ferent segmentation and text/graphic separation meth-
ods from the literature.
Segment. Text/graphic sepa. R (%) P (%)
(Neumann and Matas, 2012) 12.56 30.19
Colour Proposed 15.69 6.92
Proposed (Tombre et al., 2002) 74.18 61.25
Otsu Proposed 75.14 64.14
Proposed Proposed 75.82 76.15
Figure 10: Recall (R) and precision (P) results for different
method combinations.
Because comics are really specific documents,
real-scene text detection (Neumann and Matas, 2012)
detect very few text lines. The best results we reached
with a method from literature is a text/graphic sepa-
ration method design for documents (Tombre et al.,
2002) based on our adaptive segmentation (MCCT).
The combination of the proposed adaptive seg-
mentation (MCCT) following by our text/graphic sep-
aration beats the best method tested from the literature
of 0.68% recall and 12.01% precision. The dataset
was proceeded in 5 minutes on a regular machine, al-
gorithms are available online
We have proposed and evaluated a new method to lo-
calize text lines in comics books. The proposed ap-
proach is composed by a minimum connected com-
ponents thresholding (MCCT) to segment text candi-
date connected components, a text/graphic separation
based on contrast ratio and text line detection. The
evaluation shows that more than 75.8% of the text
lines are detected with 76% precision. However, the
current method focuses on speech text, and further ef-
fort has to be made to detect other types of text such
as graphic text. Text localization was a first step to-
wards automatic comics book understanding, our fu-
ture work will build on text detection results to look
into speech balloon detection.
This work was supported by the European Doctor-
ate founds of the University of La Rochelle, Euro-
pean Regional Development Fund, the region Poitou-
Charentes (France), the General Council of Charente
Maritime (France), the town of La Rochelle (France)
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