Following our selection criteria (section 3.4) that 3D
corners which locate on the intersection areas of
different planes will satisfy 2 or more planar
transformations – homographies, 3D corner matches
are found between different views (Figure 4).
As Figure 3 shows, our first plane decomposition
from feature grouping is rough as there are few
feature matches near object boundaries; also, lines
crossing the plane range but not in the plane will
adversely affect the plane range analysis, such as the
lines belonging to the ground floor or lines induced
from the shades. However, with the help of the 3D
corners, an improvement on segmentation is
attainable (Figure 5).
Figure 4: 3D corner matching results.
Figure 5: Plane decomposition results.
Table 1: The total number of good feature matches vs.
total matches on different data sets before and after plane
Data Set
Match no. of whole view
before plane extraction
(Positive / Total)
Match no. of one plane
after plane extraction
(Positive / Total)
After the rough plane decomposition, we ran ASIFT
again on the cropped plane pair. The number of the
feature matches is increased (Figure 8), the number
of matches on one single plane pair after plane
decomposition is close to the total match number for
the whole scene (Table 1).
We have proposed a framework for 3D corner
detection and matching which combines local
features (ASIFT features) and global geometric
information for plane decomposition and feature
grouping. With the information provided by detected
3D corner matches, the accuracy of the plane
segmentation and feature grouping can be improved.
At this stage, the 3D corner detection and matching
scheme is immature. Sometimes, potential 3D
corners will be eliminated due to one edge having a
low gradient, and the predicted 3D corner locations
obtained by affine homographies associated with
different planes are not precisely the same (meet at
the same location). A possible future work about the
3D corner detection and matching is to separate the
3-junction into several 2-junction, and analysis the
appearance of them and then combine with the self-
contained structure information.
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