range investigated is in between 400 nm and 100
which covers a wide range of TN-RN distances for
water medium as reported in (Mahfuz et al., 2010b).
Finally, the effects of data rate on BER are shown in
Fig. 7 such that BER increases as f increases. This is
also due to the ISI caused by the temporal spreading
of the channel when the input symbol changes at a
higher rate. When f increases the symbol duration
decreases and as a result the receiver cannot cope up
with the input signal to decode the transmitted bits
correctly, and in addition, suffers from the ISI. The
effects of ISI become more severe when f increases
further giving rise to BER of ~6% at f=0.01 bits per
second (bps) to ~7% at f=1 bps when r and N are
kept fixed at 800 nm and 10 samples per symbol
1 2 4 8 10
No. of samples per bit (N)
Figure 5: Effects of number of samples per symbol (N) on
BER when r=800 nm and f=0.01 bps.
400 nm 1 um 10 um 100 um
r (nm)
Figure 6: Effects of communication range on BER when
N=10, f=0.01 bps.
0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.5 1
f (bps)
Figure 7: Effects of transmission data rate on BER when
r=800 nm and N=10.
In this paper we have developed and evaluated the
performance of sampling-based optimum receiver
architecture of CEMC system. The proposed receiver
model should be valid for any type of input signal
transmission with any modulation format, e.g. pulse
amplitude modulation (PAM) transmission, and can
also be extended to detect signals with multilevel (M-
ary) amplitude modulation in CEMC system.
Bionanomachines existing in the nature can sense the
concentration of molecules at their receptors, which
may help implement sampling-based receivers
through engineering of bionanomachines. Finally, the
results presented in this paper will surely help a
molecular communication engineer to evaluate the
performance of a CEMC system in greater details.
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