exchanged context information. Standardized login
credentials are also needed. Initial contributions pro-
pose an ”identity aggregator” to store these creden-
tials and transparently map the services to the proper
credentials (Beach et al., 2010). However, the ”iden-
tity aggregator” idea faces its own set of challenges
such as security threats, ad hoc communication, cen-
tralized versus distributed processing. Furthermore,
research studies are needed to determine the best dis-
tribution of the expected collection of data for satis-
fying optimal processing times and storage and I/O
For power conservation, some research contribu-
tions propose solutions such as balancing process-
ing and communication among the resource-rich and
resource-weak devices (Schuhmann et al., 2010). The
frequencyof context information update could also be
set based on its frequent change and urgency (Beach
et al., 2010), and trends to use renewable power
sources such as solar power and wind in charging the
SPSs (Cook and Das, 2012) could be used. More in-
novative energy harvesting techniques can be adopted
such as transforming the electromagnetic waves of
the surrounding objects or the negative human en-
ergy (NHE) into an electric form suitable for charging
wearable/mobile devices. On another front, inclusion
of NHE-detection sensors in mobile devices, coupled
with the user status extracted from OSN, can guide
both systems to adapt their themes/applications to the
currently detected negative user mood.
Distributed processing and Cloud computing are
among the promising venues that support SPS scal-
ability and compensate for resource deficiency in
resource-weak devices. Cloud computing also shows
potential in resolving the stress of massive real-time
processing. Besides, we believe that predicting con-
text offline can save time and reduce the stress of the
huge real-time processing.
Finally, for privacy preservation, users may set
context-aware privacy settings that change per loca-
tion, time, or user mood. In addition, secure zones
through which SPS can safely migrate their context
data could be researched.
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