Figure 7: Cloud Infrastructure After Reconfiguration.
configuration solution to the use case cloud.
The proposed modelling concepts provide means
for automated exploration and reasoning of the Cloud
resources landscape space. Hence, both reconfigura-
tions pictured in Figure 6 show possible solutions of
the problem discussed in the use case. However, we
can not answer which solution dominates the other,
or which solution will provide a faster alleviation of
the identified issues. Therefore, our next step towards
realizing our vision is the design of a heuristic to con-
trol the evolution of reconfigurations solution space
as Cloud objectives change, enforcing runtime con-
straints (e.g. time range of adaptation steps).
Cloud Computing promises infrastructure elasticity
at a low cost. However, modern datacenters are be-
coming increasingly complex. In this paper we are
concerned with the issue of resource management in
Clouds. Particularly, we suggest that a combination of
MDE and dynamic multi-objective optimization can
efficiently manage the resulting trade-offs between
the various possible Cloud optimisation goals.
As a first step towards realizing our vision we pre-
sented a meta-model to describe the Cloud Comput-
ing resources landscape with focus on the provider’s
perspective. The presented modelling approach com-
prises information regarding the provider’s optimisa-
tion objectives, Cloud physical and virtual infrastruc-
ture as well as points of dynamic infrastructure vari-
ability. The meta-model aims to serve as a basis to fa-
cilitate automated extraction of Cloud resources fea-
sible space, towards selecting optimal configurations.
As part of our on-going work, we intend to design
a heuristic to control the evolution of reconfiguration
space during replacement of problem objectives. We
also aim to formalise the possible reconfigurations
within the model as run-time model transformations
based on Cloud revenue and available adaptation ac-
tions. Further plans, include the use of Kevoree
perimental Cloud platform to validate our approach.
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