protocol which organize routing topology based on
nodes hop counts and battery power levels. For a
given node, neighbors are classified into three cate-
gories: parent, sibling and child node, on the basis
of their vicinity in hop count to the sink, respectively
one less, same, and one more than that of the send-
ing node. MH first tries to reach sink by path through
a parent node, which guarantee a min hop path. In
case of more than one parent, the protocol uses the
one with the highest energy level. If there is no parent
node available, the sender forwards data through the
sibling node with the highest energy level. MH uses
a local (parent or sibling) energy view of the sender
for next hop selection, and does not always reflect the
real energy distribution of node in the path. On con-
trary, (El-Semary and Azim, 2010) proposed the path
energy weight protocol that improve MH by using an
energy-weightedfunction, to indicate how balanced is
the energy among all nodes along a given path. This
path weight takes into account all nodes energy along
the path, although greatly disadvantaging lower en-
ergy nodes. In our approach only the lowest node
energy constrained the path. All previous protocols
improve the average energy consumption in the net-
work compared to a solely hop count-based protocol.
Their major difference is that, they use the later as
main criterion for next hop selection, node’s energy
level is usually used to break the tie. We do present
another scheme, namely one that favors node energy
on a routing standard for WSN, while using the rank
notion to avoid routing loops.
4.1 Environment Setup
Experiments were carried out using Cooja simulator
(Osterlind and Dunkels, 2006). Network topology is a
2D-grid of 20 sensors, the sink is located
at the upper left corner. Each sensor node acts in a
120m maximum transmission range with 140m inter-
ference range, and periodically sends data to the sink
using UDP as the transportlayer with a Tx/Rx success
ratio of 80%. The layer 2 medium access control is
ContikiMAC (Dunkels, 2011) that provides power ef-
ficiency by the node keeping their radios turned offfor
roughly 99% of the time. All nodes have full battery
charge at the beginningof the simulations, with an ini-
tial power level set to 880mAh. The hardware charac-
teristics for the simulation computer are 3.2Ghz Dual
Core Intel XEON processor board, with 8GiB Mem-
ory size, on Ubuntu 11.10 operating system.
4.2 Results
Simulations were performed for one month network
activities (corresponding to 13 real days on our sim-
ulation computer). We define the network lifetime
as the date on which the first node has completely
exhausted its battery (Dietrich and Dressler, 2009).
The energy aware RPL implementation was com-
pared against the ETX implementation. For both,
the sink collects data generated at various through-
put expressed as the number of application packets
per minute (pkts/min), each having 87 bytes of size.
Then, we evaluate energy depletion and packet deliv-
ery ratio for both scenarios, one at 1pkt/min, the other
at 6pkts/min.
4.2.1 Remaining Power Distribution
Energy aware routing aims to use nodes with higher
remaining power level, thus these nodes drain their
battery more quickly and further become less attrac-
tive to relay data. The network should be reorganized
to find more interesting nodes for routing and so on,
thereby a balancing on all nodes battery levels should
occur. This can be seen in figure 2 which presents
the proportion of nodes in the network with the cor-
responding percentage of remaining energy at the end
of the simulation. In figure 2a at 1pkt/min, 85% of
nodes have the power level between the range 54%
to 56%, whereas the ETX-based routing spread the
energy distribution unequally among the nodes. At
a higher rate (6pkts/min) in figure 2b, this observa-
tion is much more pronounced, since the traffic flow is
more important and nodes exhaust their battery much
faster. At the same time, in both illustrations the
ETX-based scheme presents much less-power nodes
(around 20%) than the energy aware scheme, the lat-
ter delaying the first nodes that will completely ex-
haust their battery and the possibility to create net-
work holes. This is an important point, because the
network integrity can be affected when some nodes
are stopped. We estimated by a linear regression when
first nodes drain completely their energy. Computa-
tions indicate a network lifetime of 35 days for ETX-
based RPL, while 40 days for energy aware scheme,
thus the increase in network lifetime is around 14%.
4.2.2 Transmission Accuracy
We also evaluated the accuracy of routing to collect
the application data. The table 1 highlights the to-
tal number of received packets at the sink for both
rates. ETX-based routing promotesroutes with higher
packets delivery ratio, while energy aware routing
don’t care on that. It is therefore not surprising that