hyperbolas, general power laws, hyperbolic
functions or even piecewise functions. We have
demonstrated the feasibility of our method through
several numerical simulations of paraxial optical
beams. Such optical beams can be considered as
advanced hybrids between nonaccelerating and
accelerating diffractionless waves and, for that
reason, can find extensive applications in optical
tweezing, testing and microfabrication. Moreover,
they can operate as curved photophoretic optical
traps, capable of guiding particles around
obstructions and exerting forces that are tunable in
This work was supported by the FP7-REGPOT-
2009-1 project
“Archimedes Center for Modeling,
Analysis and Computation
” (ACMAC) and by an
“ARISTEIA” Action of the “Operational
Programme Education and Lifelong Learning” that
is co-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) and
National Resources.
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