An Efficient Approach to Object Recognition for Mobile Robots
M. Shuja Ahmed, Reza Saatchi and Fabio Caparrelli
Materials and Engineering Research Institute, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, U.K.
Object Recognition, SURF, Harris Features, Multi-robotics.
In robotics, the object recognition approaches developed so far have proved very valuable, but their high
memory and processing requirements make them suitable only for robots with high processing capability
or for offline processing. When it comes to small size robots, these approaches are not effective and light-
weight vision processing is adopted which causes a big drop in recognition performance. In this research,
a computationally expensive, but efficient appearance-based object recognition approach is considered and
tested on a small robotic platform which has limited memory and processing resources. Rather than processing
the high resolution images, all the times, to perform recognition, a novel idea of switching between high and
low resolutions, based on the “distance to object” is adopted. It is also shown that much of the computation
time can be saved by identifying the irrelevant information in the images and avoid processing them with
computationally expensive approaches. This helps to bridge the gap between the computationally expensive
approaches and embedded platform with limited processing resources.
Object recognition, when it comes to robotics, is con-
sidered an essential element since, in most robotic
applications, the robots are required to look for and
recognize the objects of interest in the environment
to achieve the given objectives. The use of vision
sensors in robotic applications has provided many
solutions for object recognition. Object recognition
is considered as one of the most challenging prob-
lems in computer vision. It presents several chal-
lenges such as, view point changes, intensity varia-
tions, occlusions and background clutter. Its use in
mobile robotics applications introduces an important
challenge given by the constraints for execution time
(i.e. computational complexity). In real world sce-
narios, robots are normally equipped with high pow-
ered processing systems which can fulfil the com-
putational demands of the object recognition algo-
rithms. For such robots the choices of object recogni-
tion techniques may be diverse and computationally
expensive object recognition techniques may be sim-
ply adopted with minor changes. But when it comes
to small robots with limited processing resources, the
task becomes challenging because the algorithm fails
to achieve real time performance.
In computer vision, many object recognition ap-
proaches have been introduced. The content based
approaches (i.e. using colour, texture and shape) and
geometric approaches (i.e. using affine or projective
transformations) are computationally less expensive,
but does not give good performance in varying light-
ing conditions. On the other hand, context based
and appearance based approaches (e.g. using SIFT,
SURF or PCA features) are computationally inten-
sive. These are less sensitive to the changes in scale,
rotation, skew and lighting conditions. In most of the
recent research (Lowe, 2004), appearance-based ap-
proaches are adopted. In (Nayerlaan and Goedeme,
2008), an appearance based approach, using SURF
(Speeded Up Robust Features) features, have adopted
to perform traffic sign recognition in an embedded
system environment. In the beginning, the system
was given training using SURF features, extracted
from the database of traffic sign images. In the
database, the number of images were large which re-
sulted in too many features. This reduced the speed
of feature matching process in the recognition stage.
To reduce the number of features, the feature space
clustering approach (Tuytelaars et al., 2008) can be
utilised. Feature space clustering is also called fea-
ture space quantization in some approaches (Asanza
and Wirnitzer, 2010) and it provides significant saving
in memory usage which makes the approach suitable
for the implementation on embedded systems. Some
researchers have used probabilistic models on the top
of SURF feature based approaches to perform robot
localisation and mapping (Cummins and Newman,
Ahmed M., Saatchi R. and Caparrelli F..
An Efficient Approach to Object Recognition for Mobile Robots.
DOI: 10.5220/0004314800600065
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Pervasive Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (PECCS-2013), pages 60-65
ISBN: 978-989-8565-43-3
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
2010). In comparison to this, in some approaches
(Chrysanthakopoulos and Shani, 2010), the authors
relied on Harris features to reduce the computational
time and used Partially Observable Markov Decision
Process (POMDP) probabilistic methods to track the
probability distribution of the robot’s where-about.
In another work (Ramos et al., 2010), SURF fea-
tures were further processed using Conditional Ran-
dom Fields (CRF) algorithm to discard those features
which do not show geometric consistency. In (Ri-
cardo and Pellegrino, 2010), a detailed comparison of
SIFT, PCA-SIFT and SURF feature based approaches
is presented and SURF was found to be the fastest to
compute features. Authors in (Juan and Gwun, 2009)
used K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN) approach for fea-
ture space clustering and Random Sample Consensus
(RANSAC) to get rid of outliers and showed that the
selection of methods to perform recognition mainly
depends on the target application. In (Krose et al.,
2001), linear image features extracted using Princi-
pal Component Analysis (PCA) were used for ob-
ject recognition. In PCA, the eigenvectors of the im-
age are computed and are used as an orthogonal ba-
sis for individual image representation. The motiva-
tion of using eigenvectors is that only few of them
are required for recognition, but this approach is very
sensitive to the effect of perceptual aliasing. In an-
other work, a fast gradient based feature extraction
approach was used (Dillmann et al., 2007) together
with PCA, to perform the recognition task. Similar
to the work done by (Nayerlaan and Goedeme, 2008)
and (Asanza and Wirnitzer, 2010), the feature space
was quantized using a k-means algorithm. The sys-
tem used for recognition was a 3GHz high powered
processing system which takes 350 milli-seconds on
an average to recognise the object. This seems a slow
performance considering the power of the processing
system. Another similar approach using SIFT fea-
ture based recognition is presented by (Siegwart et al.,
2010) where features were dynamically assigned dif-
ferent weights, according to the uncertainty associ-
ated with them and finally avoid using those features
which does not show good recognition results. It is
to be noted that, in most of the research where ap-
pearance based object recognition is employed, a high
performance system is used.
This study suggests some techniques following
which, the advantages of computationally expensive
algorithms can be enjoyed in small robotic systems
to achieve object recognition. This study presents
an optimised implementation of SURF features based
recognition approach which can show acceptable per-
formance on small robotic platforms without sacri-
ficing the recognition performance. We have used
a group of small robots and show that how multi-
ple robots look for 3D and 2D objects of interest in
an unknown controlled environment. For recogni-
tion purposes, all robots will be given a common vi-
sual vocabulary. To help achieve this task efficiently,
all robots will be sharing their knowledge with each
other. Through wireless communication medium, ev-
ery robot will be updating other team members about
the number of objects found. This way, other team
members will not search for the objects found by an-
other robot.
The aim of this study was to use the advantages of
computationally expensive appearance based recogni-
tion approaches and make them run efficiently using a
group of small robots. Based on the literature review,
the SURF features based approach was found to be
the fastest to compute and favourable for implemen-
tation on an embedded system. There are a number
of open source implementations of SURF feature ex-
traction and matching algorithms. OpenCV (Kaehler
and Bradski, 2008) is an open source computer vi-
sion library which provides a possible implementa-
tion of the SURF algorithm. Another implementation
is found in OpenSURF (Evans, 2009) library which
is a faster and a more optimized implementation of
SURF as compared to OpenCV. In this study, we de-
cided to use the OpenSURF library as a reference im-
plementation of SURF algorithm. To perform exper-
iments, a group of SRV robots were used which are
developed by Surveyor Corporation Inc. The SRV
robots used a 16/32-bit Blackfin BF537E processor
as on-board processing unit. For code execution on
the processor, an open source customised version of
linux operating system, called uClinux (micro con-
troller Linux), was used. The SURF algorithm pro-
vided by the OpenSURF library, was cross compiled
for the target Blackfin processor using GNU cross
compilation tool-chains on a Linux based develop-
ment platform. At the beginning, when the cross com-
piled SURF algorithm ran on Blackfin processor, it
took 33 seconds to process an image with 320x240
pixels resolution. There were two main reasons for
this slow processing speed. One was the expected
computationally expensive nature of the algorithm.
Second, the lack of Floating Point Unit (FPU) on the
Blackfin processor and the extensive use of floating
point operation by the SURF algorithm. To reduce
the execution time of the SURF algorithm, code op-
timisation was performed. For further performance
improvement, image data elimination and use of mul-
tiple resolutions were also made. These are explained
in the following sub-sections.
2.1 Optimisation of SURF for the
Blackfin Processor
This section discusses the customisation of the SURF
algorithm for the target Blackfin processor based em-
bedded system. Processor specific code customisa-
tion requires a detailed study about the architecture of
the underlying embedded system. By exploring the
architectural features of the embedded system, the full
processor performance can be achieved through the
software. For example, in this study, Blackfin pro-
cessor is selected, and since this processor is a fixed
point processor it is recommended to avoid floating
point operation. The use of uClinux operating system
on the target Blackfin processor makes the customi-
sation more challenging as it allows 1.31 fixed point
operations only. This restriction requires that all the
data in the algorithm should be normalised at every
point in the program flow in order to guarantee that
data values lies within the range of -0.9 to +0.9. If
values exceed these limits then unexpected results can
The Blackfin code optimisation can be done in
three different phases which are usually followed in
the following order. These phases are Compiler op-
timization, System optimization and Assembly opti-
mization as detailed by (Katz et al., 2005). After per-
forming these optimisation steps, the improvements
achieved in the algorithm’s execution performance is
shown in Table 1. When no optimization was applied,
the program took 33sec to process a single image
frame. Compiler optimization (i.e. using fast-math
and mfast-fp floating point libraries for Blackfin pro-
cessor) brought the execution time to 12sec per frame.
For further reduction in the execution time, the detail
timing analysis for the different portions of the pro-
gram was done. The parts of the program which were
taking more time to execute, were identified. These
parts of the program were customised by exploiting
the fixed point architecture of the Blackfin processor.
Therefore, 1.31 fixed point operations were adopted
in the place of floating point operations. This helped
in reducing the time to 3 sec per frame. The main rea-
son for the significant reduction in time from 12sec to
3sec was the use of 1.31 fixed point operation libraries
which are optimised for Blackfin processor and fur-
ther customised in assembly language. After elimi-
nating the routing of redundant data or by optimizing
the data flow in the algorithm, the time was further re-
duced to 2.8sec per frame. Further reduction in time
can be achieved by using the lower resolution image.
As lower resolution image provides less details of the
object in the image, so SURF algorithm produce less
number of features and recognition performance also
drops. As shown in Table 1, the processor specific
optimisation is an essential step to achieve real time
performance as it significantly reduces the execution
time of the algorithm. However, further reduction in
the execution time is still required.
Table 1: Optimisation of SURF for the Blackfin Processor.
Optimisation Steps Execution Time (milli-sec)
No Optimisation 33000
-fast-math emulation 31100
mfast-fp emulation 12200
1.31 fixed point library 2995
Data flow management 2800
Low Resolution 750
2.2 Image Data Elimination and
Resolution Switching
In the second stage, regions in the image are identified
which are redundant and does not contribute in the
generation of SURF features. For example, smooth
image regions and texture less surfaces in the image
does not generate any reliable SURF features. So
by not processing these image regions, with compu-
tationally intensive SURF algorithm, can reduce the
image processing load by a large factor. To eliminate
these redundant image regions and identify the image
pixels which represent the presence of an object in
the image, many light weight feature extraction tech-
niques can be applied. The use of simple edge de-
tector (e.g., canny) can also be made to identify the
pixels, but they also detects edges caused by straight
lines. In this study, we have used Harris feature ex-
traction algorithm. The reason for using Harris al-
gorithm is that, Harris features detects corners in the
image which provides more reliable features.
At the beginning, the whole image was divided
into two portions, the top and the bottom. The top por-
tion always lies outside the arena and is causing fea-
tures from the environment which is outside the arena
(see Figure 1). Therefore, the top portion was not con-
sidered for processing. Another way of avoiding the
outside environment was to use higher arena bound-
aries. The top portion, separated by the thick Blue
line, is shown in Figure 1a and 1b. The bottom por-
tion, lying under the thick Blue line, was further di-
vided into three portions that is middle, left and right
(middle, left and right portions shown are separated
by the thin blue line) and features extraction is per-
formed using the Harris algorithm. Extracted image
features are also shown in Figure 1a and 1b. The cen-
troids of the feature points were computed from the
middle, left and the right portions and the windowed
images were extracted. These windowed images con-
tain the objects in the image. These windowed images
are shown by the red boundary lines. Now SURF
features are computed for these extracted windowed
images. In these windowed images, while extracting
SURF features, again only those pixels were consid-
ered for processing which were also identified by the
Harris feature detection algorithm.
Figure 1: Image data reduction and resolution switching
(Ahmed et al., 2012a).
The SURF feature extraction and matching tech-
nique works in two stages: training stage and recog-
nition stage. In the training stage, the features of the
target object were extracted and kept in memory. In
the case of more target objects to be recognized, a
database containing the features, resulting from all the
target objects, was generated and kept in memory for
recognition purposes. In the case of 2D object recog-
nition, only a single object image was required dur-
ing training stage for extracting SURF features. If the
target object was a 3D object, then pose based fea-
ture extraction was performed. That is, the images
from different poses of the target object were taken
and SURF features were computed for all of these
images. During the recognition stage, features from
all these images were compared with the features ex-
tracted from the current view and the best match pro-
vides the information about the object and also the
direction from which the robot was heading towards
the object. This pose based recognition for 3D objects
increased the database size by a large factor but keep-
ing the resolution low during the training stage helped
in reducing the database size.
To make the recognition technique scale invari-
ant, the SURF algorithm generated the scale-space
image pyramid where the input image was iteratively
convolved with the Gaussian kernel and, at the same
time, the image was sub-sampled iteratively (this re-
duced the size of the image) (Evans, 2009). During
the training stage, if the image resolution was set to
320x240 pixels and the number of times the image
was sub-sampled was set to 4, then in the image pyra-
mid, the sequence in which the resolution was down
sampled was 320x240, 160x120, 80x60 and, finally,
40x30 pixels. As the target embedded system had a
limited memory and processing resources, the train-
ing was given in 320x240 pixels resolution so that
the resultant features database was smaller in size and
can be kept in the memory for recognition purposes.
With this resolution, if the object lied a bit far from
the robot then it was still recognized. But if it lied
further away, then recognition was not possible as it
appeared really small in the 320x240 pixels image. To
overcome the problem of recognizing the objects ly-
ing far from the robot, a multi-resolution analysis was
performed. The distance to the objects was measured
in 320x240pixels resolution. To measure the distance
to the objects, a segmentation based approach was
used as addressed in (Ahmed et al., 2012b), where
it was originally adopted to perform obstacle avoid-
ance. After measuring the distance, near lying ob-
jects were processed in lower resolution and for far
lying objects, their positions were determined in the
higher resolution image and windowed images were
extracted from the higher resolution image. This way,
the number of pixels, defining the far lying object, in-
creased and made the recognition possible. In other
words, to increase the recognition performance, the
objects detected in the image were processed in dif-
ferent resolutions depending upon their distance from
the robot. This concept is explained in Figure 1b.
The two objects on the left and right side are placed
closer to the robot vision system. The windowed im-
age is extracted from the lower resolution image(i.e.
320x240 pixels) for SURF features extraction and
matching purposes. The object in the center of the im-
age (i.e. another robot) is lying far from the robot so a
higher resolution analysis is performed and windowed
image is extracted from the high resolution image, as
shown on the right side of Figure 1b.
For performance analysis, a test was planned in which
the task was to recognise three 2D objects (i.e., two
building images and one plain text “Replicator”) and
one 3D object (i.e., another robot) as shown in Fig-
ure 2. During the training stage, a single image was
used to extract SURF features of 2D object, whereas,
for 3D object, images from 16 different poses of the
robot were used. The objects’ features were provided
to each robot participating in the experiment. In the
current experiment, only two robots were used but the
process can also scale-up to larger number of robots
as long as each robot is provided the features of the
target objects. The two robots were programmed to
move randomly in the unknown structured environ-
ment and search for the objects of interest collectively.
To perform the collective operation, the robots also
shared information about the number of objects found
and which they were still looking for, over a wireless
network. When one robot found the object of inter-
est, it informed the other robot to remove this object
from the search list so that redundancy of searching
the same object by two robots could be avoided. The
placement of the objects of interest in the test arena
is shown in Figure 2. Apart from the target objects,
some unknown objects can be noticed in the arena
as shown in Figure 2. These objects will be treated
as obstacles because the features extracted from these
objects will not match with the features provided dur-
ing the training stage.
Figure 2: Position of robots and objects of interest before
the experiment was performed.
In this experiment, while collectively searching
for the objects, robot 1 found the 2D object 1, object 2
and 3D object 3. Robot 2 found 2D object 4. The po-
sitions of the robots, when they found the objects, are
shown in Figure 3. During this experiment, robot 1
missed the 3D object in the first attempt and success-
fully found it in the second attempt. The sequence of
robot 1 positions when it missed object 3, are shown
in Figure 4. In scene image(a), robot 1 detected ob-
ject 3. Then, it was required to get closer to object
3 to confirm its presence. In scene image(b), robot 1
got closer to object 3. Object 3 was detected on its
right side, so in scene image(c), robot 1 turned right.
After detecting the object in scene image(c), the robot
moved towards the object. But it moved a bit more in
the forward direction such that it left object 3 on its
left side undetected. Now, in scene image(d), only a
small portion of the 3D object was in its field of view
and it was not enough for recognition.
Similarly, robot 2 also missed object 1 after detec-
tion. This happens because of the interruption from
the robot 1. The sequence of robots 1 and 2 positions,
Figure 3: Position of the robots when they recognize the
object in the environment.
Figure 4: Sequence of robot 1 positions when it detected
and then missed object 3.
Figure 5: Sequence of robot 2 positions when it detected
and then missed object 1.
when robot 2 missed object 1, are shown in Figure 5.
In scene image(a), robot 2 detected object 1 while
robot 1 was also nearby. In scene image(b), robot 1
also detected object 1 on its right side. In scene im-
age(c), robot 1 corrected its orientation towards ob-
ject 1 and robot 2 moved towards object 1. In scene
image(d), robot 1 moved towards object 1 but it also
moved between robot 2 and object 1. Now in scene
image(d), it can be seen that robot 1 partially blocked
robot 2 field of view such that robot 2 could not see
object 1. Due to this robot 2 missed object 1 and then
it was found by robot 1.
It is observed that once the robot found the 2D
objects, then they hardly missed them while getting
closer to the objects. But in the case of 3D ob-
ject, sometimes the robot detects the object and then
missed it while getting closer to it. This happens be-
cause the recognition algorithm switches resolution
based on the distance to the object and if at some
point, the distance information is wrong then the robot
misses the object.
In this research, an implementation of the computa-
tionally expensive object recognition approach on a
small robotic platform is addressed. It is concluded
that information pre-processing and fully utilizing the
architectural features of the target platform can make
a big difference in the execution performance of the
algorithm. It is shown that, the algorithm perfor-
mance, to extract and match SURF features, improved
from 33 seconds to 750 milli-seconds. Further im-
provement in the performance can be achieved by
coding critical parts of the algorithm in assembly lan-
guage. It is noticed that, as the size of the visual
vocabulary grows, the recognition performance may
degrade. To overcome this, clustering of the feature
space would be required which will make the algo-
rithm suitable for embedded system implementation.
Funded by EU-FP7 research project REPLICATOR.
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