Implementation of Distributed Mosaic Formation and Object Detection
in Modular Robotic Systems
M. Shuja Ahmed, Reza Saatchi and Fabio Caparrelli
Materials and Engineering Research Institute, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, U.K.
Distributed Vision Processing, Modular Robotics, Object Detection, Image Mosaic.
In reconfigurable modular robotics, when robot modules joins to form a robotic organism, they create a dis-
tributed processing environment in a unified system. This research builds on the efficient use of these dis-
tributed processing resources and presents the manner these resources can be utilised to implement distributed
mosaic formation and object detection within the organism. The generation of mosaics provides surrounding
awareness to the organism and helps it to localise itself with reference to the objects in the mosaics. Whereas,
the detection of objects in the mosaic helps in identifying parts of the mosaic which needed processing.
In reconfigurable modular robotics, the robot mod-
ules physically join together to form different shapes
of organisms which are inspired from the nature (e.g.
snake, wheel shape and walking system) as described
in (Yim et al., 2007)(Zhang et al., 2003)(Fukuda and
Nakagawa, 1988). These systems are also described
as “Networked Robotics” in (Kumar et al., 2006), be-
cause the individual robot modules establish a com-
munication network between each other. The com-
munication network helps the robot modules to share
their knowledge. In the recent research (Kernbach
et al., 2009), a complicated modular robot is pre-
sented in which robot modules share their energy,
memory and computing resources in the organism.
An example of energy sharing, in terms of physical
pull, is described in (Tuci et al., 2006) where mul-
tiple robot modules drag heavy objects. The shar-
ing of the computing resources among robot mod-
ules introduces the concept of distributed computing
in robotics (Defago, 2001) (Brugali and Fayad, 2002).
For distributing computing, the presence of a reliable
communication medium is essential. The provision
of physical communication medium in the organism
facilitates the utilisation of distributed processing re-
sources within it. In modular robotics, as the indi-
vidual robot have limited memory and processing re-
sources, so the use of vision sensors is usually avoided
because of the computationally demanding nature of
the vision algorithms. But in the robotic organism, as
a reliable communication medium and rich process-
ing environment is generated, so this facilitates the
distributed implementation of vision algorithms.
In this research a distributed modular robotic sys-
tem is considered (Replicator, 2008)(Kernbach et al.,
2008). Using the high speed communication and
computational resources within the organism, the task
of distributed vision processing is performed. A sce-
nario is considered in which a multi-processor robot
(simulating the organism) is used. The master module
in the robot becomes responsible for the robot loco-
motion and recognition of landmarks. Whereas, the
two slave modules gather the surrounding informa-
tion of the landmark by collectively generating the
image mosaic, and then detecting the objects in the
mosaic. The locations of these detected objects in the
mosaic, with reference to the landmark, can be help-
ful if later on, a robot has to reach a specific object.
To achieve this, the robot can relates the object it ob-
serves with the objects present in the mosaics. On
finding a match, it obtain clues about which direction
to proceed to find the object.
To perform the distributed vision processing, a robotic
organism is required. For this purpose, a multi-
processor robot is developed which closely simulates
the robotic organism. In the multi-processor robot,
three Analog Devices Blackfin processors together
with evaluation board EVAL-BF5xx were used, as
Ahmed M., Saatchi R. and Caparrelli F..
Implementation of Distributed Mosaic Formation and Object Detection in Modular Robotic Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0004315301350138
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Pervasive Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (PECCS-2013), pages 135-138
ISBN: 978-989-8565-43-3
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: Allocation of tasks within the organism.
shown in Figure 1. For distributed processing, the
entire vision processing task was divided into three
sub-tasks, where each sub-task was assigned to an in-
dividual processing module as shown in Figure 1. The
master module performs the robot locomotion and
landmarks recognition. To recognise landmarks, the
master module was provided with the SURF features
of the landmarks. On recognising the landmark, the
master module rotated the robot, scanned the environ-
ment and passed the stream of images to slaves 1 and
2 robots. Slave 1 robot extract SURF features, com-
puted homographies and passed homographies infor-
mation to slave 2 robot. Slave 2 received the stream of
images from the master robot and the corresponding
homographies from slave 1. Using the homographies,
slave 2 robot stitched the images together to generate
mosaic and finally detected the presence of the objects
in the surrounding of the landmark.
2.1 Homographies Computation
While rotating the robot, the master module streamed
the QVGA (320x240 pixels) resolution images to
slave 1 module. Originally, the master module
grabbed VGA (640x480 pixels) resolution images,
but to reduce the load on the communication medium
and to reduce the SURF features extraction time on
slave 1 module, the images were sent to slave 1 in
QVGA format. After extracting the SURF features,
slave 1 robot performed matching of features ex-
tracted from two consecutive images. These matching
features were processed with RANSAC “RANdom
SAmple Consensus” algorithm to remove any outlier
features. The final matching features were then used
to extract homography between the two images. Slave
1 robot forwarded these homographies information to
the slave 2 where it was used to generate the image
2.2 Mosaic Formation
Slave 2 received VGA resolution images from mas-
ter module and homographies from slave 1 to stitch
the images together. To form a mosaic, slave 2 com-
puted the product of all the received homographies in
incremental fashion and at each step of the product,
the corresponding image was also re-projected on the
mosaic. An example image mosaic is shown in Fig-
ure 2a. As it is difficult to process this image mo-
saic with computationally expensive recognition ap-
proach. So it was decided to identify the parts of im-
age containing the objects and consider them for pro-
cessing. This makes the approach suitable for imple-
mentation on an embedded system. For objects de-
tection, first of all the segmentation of the complete
image was performed and the region resulting from
the ground and the boundary wall was isolated. In this
case, the ground region surface and the boundary wall
appears to be the same so they will appear in the same
segmented region as shown in Figure 2b. This image
is further processed and the number of image pixels
in each column of a mosaic, contributing to the object
presence are determined and the generated profile is
shown in Figure 2c. This profile is threshold and the
columns where the profile exceeds the threshold, sig-
nals the presence of an object. Finally in Figure 2d,
the pixels contributing to the object are filled with the
Blue colour.
Figure 2: (a) Image mosaic. (b) Ground elimination.(c) Pix-
els contributing to object presence. (d) Objects detected.
This section presents the experimental results. For
experimentation, the multi-processor robot was pro-
vided SURF features of the target landmarks, that is
the building images shown in Figure 3a. The SURF
features of the landmarks were kept in the memory of
master module as it was required to detect and recog-
nise these landmarks. Some other images of unknown
objects, shown in Figure 3b, were also used around
the landmarks. These unknown objects help in gener-
ating common features between two consecutive im-
ages, when the images are processed for producing
mosaics. The arena used for experimentation is also
shown in Figure 3c.
Figure 3: (a)Landmarks.(b)Unknown objects.(c)Test arena.
Figure 4: Trajectory made by the robot organism.
During the experiment, the trajectory followed by
the robot, when it searched for landmarks and gen-
erated mosaics, is shown in the Red colour in Fig-
ure 4. The starting and ending points of the trajectory
are also indicated. The locations in the arena where
mosaics were generated for landmarks 1, 2 and 3, are
shown in Green, Yellow and Blue colour, respectively.
The robotic organism first detected object 3 and gen-
erated the mosaic for it. After detecting object 3, nine
images were transferred by the master module to slave
1 and 2. The mosaic generated by slaves 1 and 2 for
object 3, is shown in Figure 5a. The number of pix-
els profile, contributing to detect the presence of ob-
ject in the mosaic, is shown in Figure 5b. This profile
was obtained when the mosaic in Figure 5a was seg-
mented and the ground region was removed from the
segmented image, as discussed in the Methodology
Section. Finally, after thresholding this pixels profile,
the number of objects were detected in the mosaic.
The detected objects are identified by the blue pixels
and are shown in Figure 5c.
Figure 5: (a) Object 3 mosaic. (b) Pixels contributing to
object existence. (c) Object detection in mosaic.
Similarly, the mosaics information generated for
target landmarks 1 and 2 is shown in Figures 6a and
6c, respectively. All the objects in the mosaic view
are properly detected and isolated from the ground
surface as shown in Figures 6b and 6d.
Figure 6: (a) Object 1 mosaic. (b) Objects detected in mo-
saic. (c) Object 2 mosaic. (d) Objects detected in mosaic.
It can be noticed that, the objects in the mosaic
appear very small which made it difficult recognizing
them. To solve this problem, in the beginning QVGA
(320x240 pixels) resolution was selected for solving
the homographies between the images using slave 1.
But for generating the mosaics, the VGA (640x480
pixels) resolution was used by slave 2. To make the
homographies information applicable to the VGA res-
olution, every element in the homography matrix was
required to scale up by a factor of 2. This way, all the
objects were presented with their detail information
in the mosaics.
In experiments, it was noticed that, if not enough
matching features are found between the consecutive
images, then erroneous stitching of the images can
occur. An example is shown in Figure 7a. In the
beginning, the images were stitched properly. The
problem occurred when the last two images shown in
Figures 7b and 7c were stitched. The information
contributed by these images is identified by the blue
arrow. When these two images are compared with
the mosaic, it can be noticed that they are stitched at
wrong points. The two correct corresponding points
where the image stitching should be performed, are
identified with red arrow. Although there is sufficient
overlap between these images, there are no objects in
this overlapping region. This causes reduced match-
ing features between these images and false homog-
raphy was computed.
Figure 7: (a) Erroneous Stitching in Mosaic. (b) Second
Last Image for Mosaic. (c) Last Image for Mosaic.
In this study, a distributed mosaic formation and ob-
ject detection approach in a multi-processor robot was
presented. The overall task was distributed among
three processing modules. This distributed implemen-
tation enables the master processing module to focus
on the robot locomotion task as it can process the
images at faster rate. At the same time, the master
module utilises the processing resources of the slave
robots to perform the computationally expensive task,
that is mosaic generation and object detection. During
the experiments, it was observed that, if small number
of objects are present on the location where a robot
tries to generate mosaics, then erroneous stitching of
the images is expected. The reason for this was the
lack of common features between the two consecu-
tive images. To overcome this problem, the use of a
compass in the robot can also be made.
Funded by EU-FP7 research project REPLICATOR.
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